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Posts posted by baddo

  1. It is clear that some people should really be put into a court of law to explain what exactly have they been doing with the political power given to them. It's not for me, but for the American people. They are the ones who eventually suffer the most from what their leaders do, I think. USA is a great country and are they going to let a couple of "rule the whole World" ideologists ruin it all is a question which every American should ask themshelves.

    It doesn't take much to say that eventually a total disaster will come to the Americans if they don't start to restrain themshelves from sticking their nose into everything, and pretend like others are always "the bad guys".

    I'd rather not see such disasters, it's going to hurt so many people that it would better not go that far. I hope the American people can control their country well-enough to avoid a total disaster coming as a result of their foreign politics. With the foreign politics you have been doing after WW II and especially under GWB administration, you are in my opinion going towards a disaster and I hope for the sake of everyone that you can turn your boat before it's too late.

    I said "foreign politics after WW II" because for example you have been building the situation in the Middle East to what it is today for decades now, so it's not just what GWB and his administration have done.

    One thing which has crossed my mind. Why this nation goes into a war so eagerly? Is it partly because the big wars have always been far from their homes? It's different in Europe. The big wars were so close to our homes, or even right at them. Many families here can tell stories about how they had to leave their homes, and how they lost everything they had because someone stupid and crazy enough decided to start a war. For an American family a war can mean that they will send a son to fight, and might not see him again. That's what we have here too. But we've had here too the fact that the wars have been fought right here. Doesn't that make humans understand better what a war really is and do you want it. Is it really an appropriate tool to accomplish your political goals. Is the price acceptable.

  2. Quote[/b] ]I don't think it's possible to run commands at a period of 0.001 seconds

    Lol...It's possible to run an OFP/Arma script at 0 frames per second smile_o.gif

    How does a script go forward if speed of the game engine is zero frames per second?

    Graphics engine runs at zero FPS but scripting engine doesn't? Is that what you are saying? Isn't ArmA a single-threaded application, which would mean it would not be possible to run for example graphics at zero and scripting at some other rate at the same time.

    I have always been thinking about OFP/ArmA scripting that on each frame of the game engine, the scripts are put forward by some amount of code* Then in a single-threaded application this would mean that an FPS of zero means everything is stopped, including every single script that was running. In this it doesn't matter if you can make "multi-threaded" scripting, as it is actually all happening inside one operating system thread, which containts the whole game, as I have understood it to be in the case of OFP & ArmA. But then again I am not a game developer, especially not a game developer working at BIS, who would be best to shed light into these ponderings.

    Could you please explain what did you mean.

    * I recall some talk that in OFP about 100 lines of code could be the amount which is processed at one time but I'm not sure of this, I don't remember who said that or was it 100 or 1000 LOL... and was it that this amount would be processed per frame or was it just a 'blob' of code, and the game would try to execute as many of these 'blobs' per frame as possible. Anyway, the faster the game is running the more relative time you can give for executing scripts is not a bad guess I think, as then the game wouldn't slow down too much. This means in my understanding that the FPS really can affect game logic too, not just visual experience. So a computer which can't run the game at high FPS could have 'even more stupid AI' than on faster computers.

  3. Uhuhuhuh, Bush says Nelson Mandela is dead?

    What is he on?

    I think he might have a... how do you say in English... a speaking/thinking disability of some sort, which makes him unable to construct sentences the way he actually means them.

    I've seen it happen with some other people (educated people) and maybe GWB has the same problem too.

    Either that, or something else...

  4. Could open-source type projects be considered to avoid your need of even discussing encrypting missions.

    1) One mastermind starts a mission project, with a website and project administration tools in place, including source code repository, subversion or the like.

    2) The masterind makes a design document and an initial version of a (potentially good) mission.

    3) Attaches a license to the work, which essentially makes it open-source and excludes commercial usage.

    4) Puts it to the source code repository.

    5) Other people who like the mission and would like to see improvements done to it will join the project.

    6) The community then contributes improvements to the mission source code repository. Changes must be approved by the mastermind before they are merged into the main development branch.

    Could this kind of setting work for the experienced mission makers who'd like to be more in control of their missions and derivates?

    Wouldn't you get the glory you need if you'd set up an open-source mission project and take the leading position? * The main point is, you could let other people join the development process but still hold the last word what goes into the mission and what doesn't.

    Obvious drawbacks are, this requires lots of work to set up initially, and lots of motivation from the individuals to keep people (not least themselfs) interested in the project.

    * You would get s*it too but that's a fact of life and can't be avoided, especially in leading positions you will always face opposition and complaints.

  5. - File a complaint to the person who distributed a work which is based on your work and didn't ask you permission to do so or even did not credit you at all.

    - If complaint doesn't give good results then make your complaint in public.

    - Then leave it at that.

    Also, you could have one central place for all your missions, in which you state that these missions were made by you, and these are the people you give credit to, if any. Then give a signature of the files and say any file which doesn't have the same signature is not your work and should not be trusted as being the same quality or even to work at all. Maybe many people won't ever read it but at least you said exactly what is yours and that the rest is not.

  6. 'Perfect' we will never reach in life, don't use such arguments please smile_o.gif whoever claims to have reached it is either lying or doesn't understand.

    ArmA works well now on WinXP 32-bit. Some betapatch crashed on my computer but the latest official version doesn't crash. Most complaints I have and see here are gameplay and realism level related.

    By the way in addition to better compatibility and official support, you get also better performance when running it on WinXP 32-bit compared to running it on Vista.

    You should also take into notice that there are lots of problems with new hardware like 64-bit systems, and graphics cards, plus add Vista on top of that and you got a nightmare for technical support.

    There has to be made a distinction of what support can be expected from developer/publisher and what not. Problems caused by hardware manufacturers and operating system manufacturers are not problems which you should get angry of towards developer/publisher of a game.

  7. Let's start by doing a simple Google search for "ctaud2k.sys".

    What do we get.

    "Creative WDM Audio Device Driver"

    Based on this very quick search & read a couple of words, I will say that your problem is likely related to your soundcard or to its driver.

    What could you try to fix it.

    - Try another version of the soundcard driver, for example the latest available or some other version if that doesn't work.

    - Remove the soundcard from your computer and see if this problem goes away. Then you know for sure the problem is related to your soundcard.

    - If you have an integrated sound chip on your motherboard, then use that if you can't get the soundcard to work with this game with any driver version.

  8. This should be easy for the game developers to implement. They are (supposedly) controlling a game loop in which they make a decision how fast the game can run. They can slow it down to a FPS number they want. For example, the server is running at maximum 50 FPS, if I recall correctly.

    Another question is, would that kind of option be really worthwhile to implement into the ArmA settings?

    I agree on your point that stable frame rate is better than unstable frame rate and in my opinion game developers should think more about this.

  9. SeppSchrot I will have to disagree with you, I don't think open-sourcing Operation Flashpoint would make BIS obsolete.

    - OFP's source code is very old, you are not even nearly going to beat BIS by getting it.

    - Mod groups are unlikely to be able to modify OFP's source code so that it is anywhere near the same level where BIS is today. They would be already years behind in development. BIS sets the benchmarks and if you copy their old products you are for certainty staying far, far behind as long as you do that.

    - Also take into notice that the code would of course have a license attached to it which would prevent commercial usage. Sure some people who are seriously developing commercial games could take a look at how BIS did OFP and "re-write" something as to make it their "own" code. But as I said you are far behind.

    - Even though I use many open-source products and like them, I will have to say that an open-source developer group will not, in my honest opinion, be able to make a new product out of OFP's source code which would make BIS obsolete or even challenge them. If you have used desktop Linux for some years, you could have some ideas why I think like this. Open-source projects have their positives, but for certainty have their negatives too. Producing a competing product for the products which BIS is making today is going to be very, very hard even if you have OFP's source code. Try to organise together a group of people who could do that... we'll see how it goes.

    What I am saying is, BIS will not lose because of open-sourcing OFP:R. If they lose it's because of something else  rofl.gif

  10. in this case Windows vs Linux match up quite equally smile_o.gif

    I would not say so.

    From a practical point-of-view,

    Windows XP gave me Blue Screen of Death and was useless until I re-installed operating system components, which took quite a long time to do.

    Linux booted up nicely, and was very useful as I had an operating system which worked.

    And I am not one of the people who says Linux is better than Windows. Both have their positives and negatives and I use them both regularly. I am actually considering a console for playing games as I have become somewhat tired of being a system administrator and a computer mechanic to be able to play PC games. Can be useful skills sometimes but should not be needed when the goal is to have fun playing a game.

    Anyways, CrashDome got his problem fixed and that is good smile_o.gif

  11. I have to say I don't see how BIS could make a Linux client so that it would make business sense.

    Some reasons:

    - DirectX is what BIS uses for their games and it is not supported by Linux. I know some incomplete wrapper libraries exist but they are not a real solution in my opinion. Show me how you get ArmA client working on Linux until you promote those wrapper libraries and how much time it took to make it work... and tell also what kind of performance you get compared to running it on Windows, and if there are any new problems during gameplay.

    - Fragmentation of open-source community and (seemingly) fast development create problems for Linux desktops. Not stable and uniform enough a platform and I see this is not changing anytime soon as it is open-source. This can lead to incompatibility problems even harder to solve than on Windows.

    - Graphic card manufacturers are said to concentrate their efforts into ensuring good DirectX performance, leaving OpenGL not as good. This must be a business decision for them and not emotional. Why would BIS use OpenGL instead of Direct3D (and probably something else should be changed to portable components too) if they know that Direct3D gives better performance (?) and a significant majority of the potential customers are Windows-users?

    - Not enough people who are interested in buying Linux games from BIS. The few copies BIS would sell would not make up for the development costs. Yes I am guessing, but it is a good guess I think tounge2.gif just do a poll among all your friends and you can make the same conclusion.

    Hehehe, one idea... why not open-source Operation Flashpoint: Resistance?

  12. It's definitely worth to try!

    Get a Game Of The Year edition.

    There hasn't been many games that I have tried, which really made me enthusiastic about it. First game in that category was The Secret Of The Monkey Island I and another one was Operation Flashpoint.

    Many missions of the Cold War Crisis campaign in OFP could easily take many many hours to complete from me, as I purely enjoyed what I was doing, and often didn't have any rush to go forward, but just observed the enemy from the bushes and planned how I will drop every single one of them, one by one shooting to the left, or to the right, eye.

    There hasn't been many games which get into this category. Call me picky or whatever you want, I don't care smile_o.gif

  13. Did you try "repair Windows installation" option?

    You can get problems if you change motherboard. This is to me no surprise smile_o.gif

    I once did it and the only way I managed to get XP working again was to run the repair installation from the XP installation CD, otherwise it was the Blue Screen of Death at startup (Linux by the way, started up fine even though it dropped hard disk drives to run at a slower speed mode, but that was easy to fix I recall with hdparm).

    I think the "repair installation" basically recognized the hardware again for Windows from scratch and made it to work again.

    I remember reading some time ago that the BSOD problem I got could have been avoided by removing some drivers (don't ask me which, I forgot, probably chipset drivers at least) before installing the new motherboard, and then later you would install whatever new drivers are needed.

    It's a somewhat different situation in your case, but the "repair installation" is one thing you can try as it should, to my understanding, recognize all of the hardware again for you.

    By the way this is even more proof that console gaming is not that bad a thing to consider tounge2.gif  Entertainment products should Just Work and the older I get the more I think that the PC platform brings more pain than entertainment.

  14. Too bad, I was thinking he was trying to make a comeback to rallying.


    He got a nickname "Kilin-Kalin-Colin" in Finland for his driving style. Always making his best to destroy the cars he was driving! He used to chop down a couple of trees while participating in Rally of the Thousand Lakes. Entertaining spectators but dangerous for himself.

  15. You will have to use nearestObject. Find the correct type of building with nearestObject. You could for example place an object of type 'gamelogic' on top of the building and give the location of the gamelogic as a parameter to the nearestObject function.

    So the gamelogic object would be there only to mark the location where the 'nearestObject' search starts from. When you place the gamelogic on top of the building then that has to be the closest one of that type of objects.

    You need to know the classname of the building to be able to do this.

    After you find that building with nearestObject then you just drop a bomb onto the building.

    And then there is the function nearestBuilding of course. I remember that in Operation Flashpoint I could not get nearestBuilding to detect any building which didn't have pre-determined positions in them (the positions you can order an AI to walk into). That problem may still exist in Arma but I have not tested if it does. Be aware it could be a problem. If you face that problem then use nearestObject.

    Or you could even just drop a bomb into the location of the gamelogic. If you place the gamelogic in the mission editor into the right spot then it should be enough to get its position and send the bomb into that spot. This is obviously better than what I at first suggested. But if you have a reason to get directly at the building then use nearestBuilding/nearestObject.

  16. Of course "windfarms" pollute too... You forgot the designing, manufacturing, installation and maintenance.

    I would personally start to look for other means than wind turbines, they are not even nearly as effective enough to be suitable for large-scale energy production compared to for example nuclear power. The problem is that on some spots on the world they might work but on a whole lot more places they do not work effectively (you need the wind and sometimes it's just not available).

    Positives / negatives as I see them (no sources to give to prove my claims, just based on what I've learnt from various sources and how have I interpreted the information):

    Wind turbines

    + low pollution while on duty

    + low-risk solution to energy production (except when there is no wind)

    - need too many of them to create enough energy ---> expensive!

    - Isn't feasible in many places! Is good only when you have enough wind available. Coasts in Finland for example, but not in inland. And hey we are not going to clutter our whole coastline with wind turbines!

    Solar panels

    + low pollution while on duty

    + low-risk solution to energy production (except when there is no sunshine)

    - need too many of them to create enough energy ---> expensive!

    - Sun doesn't shine enough in Finland during a year to make this usable in large scale! Basically not good at all for our energy production, just visit us in Winter and see how much light we get from the sun. I'm sure Finland is not alone with this problem when it comes to solar panels.

    Nuclear power

    + Low pollution while on duty. Yes I do think like this. There is the radioactive nuclear waste but we can control that very well compared to for example the combustion gases coming out of burning charcoal and fuels like gasoline and diesel. We can put nuclear waste into a small container and put it into a safe location. We can't do that to combustion gases as far as I know, and those end up in the nature's lungs and eventually make it very sick, as has been proven.

    + Cheap energy production! Yes it's cheap, compare the cost of building a new nuclear power plant and the costs of building wind turbines/solar panels/whatever which provide as much energy as the nuclear power plant. In Finland it was determined that we simply couldn't afford other means and went for building a new nuclear power plant, and even more might follow as we are trying to drastically reduce our need to import energy from Russian nuclear power plants, and from Scandinavian, water only? unreliable power plants.

    - Nuclear waste storage problem. In Finland we have very very solid rock underneath us, thus providing a good place to store nuclear waste. But not everywhere it is like here.

    - People need to actually know what they are doing in nuclear power plants, or disaster might follow. I trust my fellow countrymen enough for the job, but I don't trust some other nations not even nearly as much.

    The fossile fuels that are burned deserve a mention that I hope we can stop using them as soon as possible. Everything that gets burned and creates combustion gases into the sky are bad. It is an unfortunate thing that it is not likely that combustion gases would reduce in the near future, as some countries (China as one example) are developing fast and need to burn even more fossile fuels for their growing energy production needs.

    I would research more how the oceans can be used. There are already working power plants which transform the kinetic energy of the oceans into electric energy. This is interesting and should be looked more into. But I am afraid this can't compete with nuclear power plants either, as there is the problem that you would likely need a lot of them to produce as much energy as a single nuclear power plant can produce, like is the case with wind turbines/solar panels.

  17. thumbs-up.gif for getting rid of post count. Post count only creates bad behaviour, as has been witnessed many many times. I have yet to see any good behaviour resulting from post counts being visible to forum users. Actually the (visible) post count could have been disabled already a long time ago, but it's good if they do it now with new forum software.

    Heheheh, well signatures can be left out too, I mean why code it into the new forum software when you can just forget about it?

    Alright lets not start a war over signatures tounge2.gif just make it possible to disable them from user control panel, if you decide to include signatures in the new forum software, and I'll be happy.

    I welcome the new website and new forum. It's about time BIS does something about it.

  18. There are some problems with this.

    - Is BIS willing to put up such a database and maintain it,

    - and for how long? When BIS decides to close their server then no multiplayer, never again for anyone?

    - Such a system must not require me to have internet connection for single player. That would be one of the most offending things a game developer can do for me.

    - Is keeping such a system in the business plan of BIS? To me it looks like it doesn't belong into "game development". In other words, would it be wise at all to expect BIS to run such a database server for all worldwide players.

