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Posts posted by baddo

  1. I gotta say the idea of including addons into mission PBO's has crossed my mind too, some years ago, but I rejected this idea quite soon. Because people are going to misuse that kind of feature by putting too big addons inside mission PBO's. For very small addons it would be okay to do but for most addons not.

    In case of script addons (the small addons mentioned in previous paragraph), a solution to avoid the need for addons is to just put the scripts into your mission PBO instead of making an addon out of it.

  2. You generalize a whole post from a single sentence

    I did not do that. But someone here did.

    You are actually telling me what did I think about MadDogX's post.

    Continuing this discussion is obviously totally worthless. It has been totally worthless from the very moment when you initially commented my words by taking that one sentence from my post and totally ignoring the rest.


  3. What?...

    He was obviously talking about having a complicated ragdoll simulation for every soldier on a complex mission in ArmA.  The post really isn't that difficult to understand.  Obviously it's possible to have every soldier have a ragdoll simulation in america's army, because every soldier does have one.  Moreover, later in his post he goes on to suggest ways to cheat it or to get around the cpu load.  There must either be some kind of severe problem with english reading comprehension here or you're constructing a weak strawman argument for the sheer joy of debunking it.  Either way, the specifics of his post are clear, and they are not what you are arguing against.

    Why do you discuss me and not the topic? I certainly don't like the way you talk to me.

    I pointed out that saying "impossible" in the topic that has been discussed here recently, is exaggaration and generalization, and I truly believe it is. The rest of his post makes sense. If you read my post you should notice that I wasn't arguying against his points, except the "impossible" part of his post. If you read my posts again, you will notice I also discussed the problems he mentioned and how to possibly prevent the problems from being actual problems for gameplay.

    I suggest you go to a boxing gym and start to throw your insults around there and not here. I'm not interested to fight with you.

    I'm not fighting, man.  Nor did I insult you.  I'm maintaining that you latched on to a part of his post and aren't understanding the gestalt of it.  He said very clearly under what conditions it was impossible, and under what conditions it may be possible.  I don't believe you are fully comprehending the post, and I will leave it at that.

    I don't know why you keep insisting that.

    You came into this discussion only to tell me that I have misunderstood MadDogX, post. That is your input to the topic at hand.

    You have ignored everything else I have said about the topic than my comment about "impossible". Why you do that is hard to explain, what I can think of is that you are here to have a fight and not to discuss the topic. Why else would you ignore ~99.9 % of what I have said.

    You are simply put wrong about what you are saying. You can stop repeating it now.

    Edit: I have to add that maybe you have something to say relating to the topic? Riding on "I think you have not comprehended" doesn't in my opinion make a good discussion. Especially when that is the only thing you can say. So please, do keep discussing on this topic but if all you can tell us is that I haven't comprehended something, then you should stay out of this topic.

  4. What?...

    He was obviously talking about having a complicated ragdoll simulation for every soldier on a complex mission in ArmA.  The post really isn't that difficult to understand.  Obviously it's possible to have every soldier have a ragdoll simulation in america's army, because every soldier does have one.  Moreover, later in his post he goes on to suggest ways to cheat it or to get around the cpu load.  There must either be some kind of severe problem with english reading comprehension here or you're constructing a weak strawman argument for the sheer joy of debunking it.  Either way, the specifics of his post are clear, and they are not what you are arguing against.

    Why do you discuss me and not the topic? I certainly don't like the way you talk to me.

    I pointed out that saying "impossible" in the topic that has been discussed here recently, is exaggaration and generalization, and I truly believe it is. The rest of his post makes sense. If you read my post you should notice that I wasn't arguying against his points, except the "impossible" part of his post. If you read my posts again, you will notice I also discussed the problems he mentioned and how to possibly prevent the problems from being actual problems for gameplay.

    I suggest you go to a boxing gym and start to throw your insults around there and not here. I'm not interested to fight with you.

  5. I gotta say your writing style isn't close to clear. Might be a reason why you are not getting many replies.

    Usually you put your SQS files which you are going to use in a mission you are creating, into your specific mission directory, or to its subdirectory. This doesn't always have to be the case but for you this is enough to know now, I think.

    An example directory:


    Baddo is my username in OFP. The ChickenGuidedMissiles directory was created when I saved a mission in OFP's mission editor with that name. If I want to use script files in that mission, I will put the script files into that directory or into its subdirectories. The .Intro part in the directory name refers to the 'Desert Island', which is called 'Intro' by the game.

    When I want to start a script file called script.sqs which I have placed into that directory, and which doesn't take any arguments, I will execute this line of code from some place (initialization field of an object placed into the map, Trigger, Waypoint, or another script):

    [] exec "script.sqs"

    Does this help you enough to get going?

    Are you aware of the website http://www.ofpec.com/ ? If you have not been there and read everything they have about OFP mission editing, then I suggest you read everything they have about OFP mission editing smile_o.gif

    Also there is http://community.bistudio.com/ which you should also wade through.

    You should spend a lot of time reading information from these two sources. Read everything mission editing -related.

    Good luck!

  6. Implementing a ragdoll effect for all soldiers in a game is simply not possible.

    Well I think you exaggerate and generalize with that statement at least a bit don't you smile_o.gif

    Never say never.

    What I actually want is not necessarily ragdoll physics. What I want is to get rid of the very ugly-looking "look I'm dead and 80 % of my body is up in the air!" poses the dead units have in ArmA. I don't care what technology is used to improve it. I see ragdoll physics as a possible tool to solve this problem, and I think it could be made to work like I said, only have ragdoll enabled at the very end of a unit's movement. You could even do it so that not all units would get it, but only the ones the player is going to see very soon. If a player never goes into an area where there are dead soldiers, then ragdoll death would not need to be enabled for those soldiers.

    I don't think he's exaggerating.  Then he goes on to give a possible method for decreasing load...  and then you go on to take the first sentence of his post and go on about how he's generalizing...

    At best you come off like you didn't read his post at all.



    Oh yes he was exaggerating. He said "Implementing a ragdoll effect for all soldiers in a game is simply not possible." So in what kind of game? See my point? He was generalizing and exaggerating his point quite a lot.

    My point, why do people jump here and say "simply not possible" if they didn't try it by themselves? Did they try it? I don't know. But being overly pessimistic is surely not a way how technologies improve.

    What he's describing is what I was talking about too, partly. The ragdoll effect wouldn't have to happen everywhere everytime. What the player sees is what matters. Multiplayer? You will have to leave unsynched other things too. Also, what I was explaining earlier about when the ragdoll physics would take over. It would be at the very last stage of a soldier's dying. It could be after the current ArmA death animation has played to the end. Now, the soldier's position in the gameworld would be fixed to this position (except the height maybe). Then only the soldier's limbs would be moved with the help of a little bit of ragdoll simulation to make it look like the soldier actually rests on the terrain and not in the air. You would not have to synchronize this in multiplayer. What difference to the gameplay would it make if a soldier has its left hand under his right armpit or in his crotch. But for the individual player, this would make things better, as the dead soldiers would look to be lying on the ground more naturally than they currently do in ArmA.

    Anyways, thumbs-up.gif for letting me know that I didn't read someone else's post.

  7. Well maybe I took IceBreakr's first post a little bit too literally, but I was really curious if he is actually able to point to a specific army which would have no blacks.

    And it seems he indeed can  wink_o.gif

    About Chinese army: well I didn't check if they have black people. Did you.

    Sergei_Q's comment about the FDF is spot on. There are black people but the occurrence, at least where I served, was very low. So it would be wrong if in Arma an FDF group would have for example every 6th soldier black, that wouldn't be depicticting reality.

    My comments in this thread are not for or against anything, I was only curious about what armies are in question.

    Please everyone, keep the 'racist' accusations out of this thread. I'm sure that kind of thing was not IceBreakr's intention, and it wasn't my intention either when I asked him about it.

  8. Well tell me about it. My knowledge of the World runs out. I am unable to say if there is an army somewhere which doesn't have any black people.

    I know for sure my army has them, and they have to be in it if they are not Jehova's Witnesses (weird rule, I don't like it), and if they don't have medical problems which prevent going to army, or if they didn't choose Civil Alternative Service (not popular here) or else they go to jail or they escape from the country.

    So, my army definitely has black people but what armies don't have is the question.

  9. There are some armies in the World in which there are no black people?

    I am curious to hear what armies would those be.

    Sorry, not helping you really, but I couldn't prevent myself from asking this

    Hmmm... AB or KKK armies? I'm quite sure you are not modelling those, but those kinds of things could fit what you are explaining.

    I'm sorry, if you do not want to reply then my apologies and just keep on working on your armies! I'm just curious where those kinds of armies might be.

  10. Implementing a ragdoll effect for all soldiers in a game is simply not possible.

    Well I think you exaggerate and generalize with that statement at least a bit don't you smile_o.gif

    Never say never.

    What I actually want is not necessarily ragdoll physics. What I want is to get rid of the very ugly-looking "look I'm dead and 80 % of my body is up in the air!" poses the dead units have in ArmA. I don't care what technology is used to improve it. I see ragdoll physics as a possible tool to solve this problem, and I think it could be made to work like I said, only have ragdoll enabled at the very end of a unit's movement. You could even do it so that not all units would get it, but only the ones the player is going to see very soon. If a player never goes into an area where there are dead soldiers, then ragdoll death would not need to be enabled for those soldiers.

  11. I don't comment on anything else but the "can contents of the crate be local".

    You can fake the contents of the ammo box. Do not have anything created initially, but only after a player has requested weapons, and has been given the appropriate choices, you can start then creating only the weapon the player selects (from his limited selection).

    Could require a custom dialog. OR detection of which player is close to the crate, and then quickly modify the contents of the crate before the player gets close-enough to look into it.

    You can include into that a system in which the server keeps book what weapons & ammo have been given away, if you want to have a limited, fixed number of certain weapons and ammo. Or if you want to live your life simple, just forget about this and give the players as many weapons (of the types accepted to them) as they want.

    Edit: and what does createVehicleLocal do to your problem? Help or not? But the weapons can't be local I think: other players must see your weapon so it can't be local. But yeah, maybe the crate can be local? But are the weapons inside it then local or global? If a weapon inside a local crate is taken out of the crate, will it become global if it was originally local? I never used createVehicleLocal so this is speculation.

  12. Is this a mission editing question? You say you need help so maybe it is.

    But anyways, haven't you considered how nice it is when you are the enemy of the flanking soldier, and when you get surprised by him? I find it very nice. One of the first things I noticed in the ArmA demo was that, to my feeling, the AI was more capable of surprising me regarding the direction they approached my position.

    A couple of times while playing the demo I was thinking that I am well aware where all the enemy AI soldiers are, but I was wrong. And I liked being wrong!

    This coin has two sides too.

  13. So, if I made a mission and published it, I would use binaries for optimization reasons? And since it is "secret", no others can view my code?

    Sorry, but that does NOT benefit the open community that exists today. De'pbo'ing a mission is the first thing I do when downloading it, looking for ideas and solutions.

    And then there would be "hacks" around to defeat this encryption or whatever method was used. Maybe only elite guys would be able to use. No, I'd rather have on-the-fly compiling ONLY. Precompiled files should not be possible to use. XML<->Binary converting is also a bad idea since something is bound to get lost in the process. Gives the greatest openness.

    Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more strongly when it comes to "secrecy".

    Did you skip certain parts of my post? Because you missed something very important, I think.

    Didn't I speak about a tool to convert between binary and XML? I think I did, IF XML is going to be used THEN it would be better to optimize it into binary format for release. There is a significant performance penalty when reading XML instead of binary. My argumentation was an effort to combat that performance penalty, not to prevent you from looking at data files.

    When I said "secret" I meant that it would not be necessary for other people than BIS to deal with the binary file formats. Because we would have a program to convert between XML and binary formats. It would still be possible to read the binary files too, just like many people have done this far with the many binary data file formats of OFP and ArmA.

    Encryption? What are you talking about? To my knowledge there is no encryption of game data in the data files of OFP/ArmA, and I think there won't be in ArmA 2 either. Compression exists but that is certainly not comparable to encryption.

    Also, I think you are totally wrong in the "something is bound to get lost in the process" part. Nothing would be lost because the XML converter tool would know the file formats. If it didn't know the file formats, then your argument would be valid. Think about this for a second time please.

    I think the word "secret" might have fooled you a little bit, so I'll forgive you for misunderstanding my post.

    Also, XML would not be used for scripts. That makes no sense. But for storing data. That is a significant difference.

    Don't worry, nothing that has been suggested of XML or XML<-->binary converter here is going to prevent you from looking at data or from learning.

  14. The western democracies didn't rise by thanks of some other countries intervening with their affairs.

    I say live and let live, eventually they (whatever countries we consider undemocratic) will grow up and maybe find a solution that surpasses our "democracy".


    Espectro, so you think it's obvious... well there are apparently a lot of people in the World who do not agree with jaakko's and my opinion about this.

    I've said that if democracy is that good, then it spreads by itself and does not need to be enforced with violence. Some people like to go around the World and attempt to make other countries 'democratic' no matter what it costs. That kind of behaviour generally in life is arrogant and insulting. But it's practiced and supported by so many, that it certainly is not at all obvious that they agree with what jaakko and I think about it.

    Please do notice that this is not a comment about democracy being good or bad.

  15. Hello Cobra5000

    I don't know if you know this already, but http://www.ofpec.com/ is a very good OFP mission editing website. For example, it is possible to get your mission rigorously beta tested in their forums. Have a look around at OFPEC! If you make your missions OFPEC-proof, then the quality of your missions will surely go up.

    And, on your question about OFP2: you do realize this forum is wrong place for discussing that game? It's not made by BIS. Why would BIS have a mission editing competition for a game not made by them? You should ask that question in the CodeMasters forum I think.

    I will take a look at your mission also.

    Best Regards,


  16. That's the sense I get, NoRailGunner.  D.A. likes the look of gas masks and therefor he thinks they should be in ArmA2- which is his right, you know.  If he likes gas masks and thinks they're sweet and wants them in ArmA 2, and wants to discuss that in these forums, then we can discuss it.

    Baddo, gasmasks are realistic, but so is taking a dump in the woods, getting branches in the face, slipping on a wet log and breaking your tail bone.  Many of those are more prominent parts of military life than using your gas mask.  Also, like using the gas mask, the only reason why any of them should be included is if they contribute meaningfully to the way the game plays.  So far (off of the top of my head) arguments for the gas mask have included that they look cool, that poison gas is a reality in warfare... and I'm sure there have been some other good ones.  How would they contribute to the game, though?  You put on the gas mask to narrow your field of view and perhaps fog it up a bit or you die if you don't wear it.  Perhaps I'm a bit uncreative but I think it's not something the devs would worry about because it seems like it wouldn't enhance a general warfare game.  Now, if you were the member of an HRU, that would make a meaningful contribution to the game.  Being that you're a member of Marine Force Recon (IIRC) in ArmA 2, that could be a possibility that you'll be KIDDING and FISHING and bang and clearing, zap strapping tangos and hosties, but somehow doubt it very much given the way I surmise the AI will be set up.  In sum, I think in order to make gas masks interesting, I think a lot more than just gas masks would have to be put into the game.

    I knew someone comes up with what else is realistic. Great job soldier!

    Not having a gasmask in ArmA 2 will leave out lots of possibilities for scenarios.

    My arguments have nothing to do with a gasmask being sweet, nice, cool, etc. I'm looking at the functionality of a gasmask, really. And at what interesting scenarios it could make possible to create, even to the official campaign of ArmA 2.

    Have the campaign designers of ArmA 2 considered having biological/chemical weapon attack at some point of their campaign? Could make for a very interesting campaign, to have part of it fought in NBC equipment. You could simulate what the US military has been fearing to happen in the Gulf War and in the Operation Iraqi Freedom. Make their fears come real in your game.

  17. I only needed a quick look at your photos and I was thinking "Does this guy work as a Automotive/Mechanical Design Engineer?" I was thinking maybe you took models from your workplace smile_o.gif

    If you didn't, then take it as a compliment, you have done quite detailed work. Looks like taken from a CAD program.

    Take it as a compliment no matter what! I like what I see (I'm used to seeing the CAD screen and mechanical designs).

    Damn I even think you have realistic radius in some steelplate corners and in some hollow tubes in your model!

    Hehe, I just can't help it but looks so much like CAD models to me!


  18. Well there will be some way to release toxic gas somewhere, so there will also be a way to detect where it has been released.

    If you have a moving cloud (as you should) then tracking where most of that cloud is won't be a problem I'm saying. You can have many ways to do that.

    For Operation Flashpoint such thing was done many years ago. A toxic cloud, if you enter it, you die. If you stay out of it, you survive. I don't know how it was done in that particular case I tested in action, but it worked I can tell you that.

  19. radical.ghost, I wasn't combating anything you have said.

    HogRoot, I was combating your idea that players being able to adjust their viewdistance in multiplayer is not a problem. It is clearly a problem, that is indisputable. Your talk about hardware isn't relevant.

    Edit: I think BIS should make setViewDistance only effective when run from the server. Individual viewdistances could be set, for example for pilots, but the command should come from the server and not from the client. It would be up to the mission designers so you could still have what you want.

  20. Yes, yes... many more important things...

    ...you did notice I was among those who suggested it is easy to add a gasmask to the game?

    But calling it ridiculous to ask for a gasmask based on facts that it's what soldiers are trained to use, and that it has been in real battle use in recent years... even by the military which is presented in ArmA 1 and will be presented in ArmA 2... I'm sorry I have to disagree with that being ridiculous. A gasmask is standard battle equipment of the army which you will play on ArmA 2.

  21. Well the militaries around the World train their soldiers to use gasmasks! I carried a gasmask with me on every battle exercise I was in.

    And the gasmasks get used too. I even saw it on (I think unedited) video material from Operation Iraqi Freedom how the Yankee soldiers had their gasmasks on on many occasions. And you know what? The enemy side was a nation!

    Do you think the US military doesn't have chemical or biological weapons which could be used against enemy troops in battlefield combat? I certainly do not believe that they wouldn't have such weapons.

    Also I would like to see factual evidence for your argument that terrorists use chem and bio weapons more than nations do... exactly where have such weapons been used and when, by terrorists. Well sarin gas in Japan, I remember that, but where else?
