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Posts posted by baddo

  1. ***snip*** I decided to make my post short as I am not eager to get into a fight over the things I was going to write. I will just give you the last sentences of my post:

    I call it insanity. Just as Hitler was insane, so was Stalin.

  2. What I saw happening was that some people made an alphabetic list of ArmA objects and put it on a website, and as I understood, their intention was to publish every model from ArmA on the website on that alphabetic list in MLOD format.

    I'm sure all of you people see a problem with that...

    ...it certainly wasn't a surprise to me when I saw that it had been stopped by BIS.

  3. It was a simple task for you to go to the Wiki (Biki) and read about the functions I told you about... not hard.

    Sounds like you got it working after all.

    We require you to do some of the work by yourself, you know smile_o.gif at least read the references we are pointing you at. Especially when you ask very basic questions.

    One thing you could certainly do is to take one or two evenings and read through every scripting function in the Biki. It could help you a lot. Don't care if you understand everything or not, the point is for you to have at least some idea what kind of functions there are.

  4. Or simply introduce a new waypoint type "forced"  that sends the AI exactly from one point to another without any AI calculations.

    This means reading out the angle dependancy between first forced waypoint and original position of AI. Detect the heading of AI, force the heading to match the vector to forced waypoint, use speed setting from waypoint and temporarely disable pathfinding routines by forcing the AI to follow an exact path that is calculated between two "forced" waypoints.

    This would even make it possible to move AI on rooftops, balconies, in hallways, etc. Those things are blocked righ now because of the pathfinding routines.

    I guess it would be the easiest solution for now.

    Sounds like a setPos loop to me smile_o.gif

  5. Hey, thanks!

    I made some research around this very same topic maybe 4 years ago. You want to know what I found back then? I found a program which takes a contour map image and creates a heightmap out of it! It of course required manual input like setting some parameters, so it was not an automatic conversion certainly.

    I found it after I had been thinking how I could best get my local area modelled into the game. I couldn't find appropriate satellite data for my area so I started looking at generating a terrain from an old-style map. And eventually I found that program, and I have a feeling that there were even more than one program which could be used to convert a contour image into a heightfield.

    I stopped doing that kind of research and haven't touched the subject for a long time. I have no idea if I have that program still somewhere, or any other stuff I collected back then.  But it should be found with search engines if someone wants to find it, I think.

    Best Regards,


  6. Right i've done the searches, i've spent months looking for the most basic inits

    such as the command to have a soldier in a car as driver or gunner, can't find it ANYWHERE on the net, checked the wiki, info overload, didn't see what i wanted.

    Anyway if anyone can just give me the basic line eg This getin Driver, or something, i have the basic grasp but not the correct one.

    Or direct me to a thread i may have overlooked, cheers.

    Sounds pretty impossible that you have checked the Wiki.

    You will want to look for



    from http://community.bistudio.com/

    Also be aware of


  7. Okay. Thanks for the info about the pictures.

    It's looking good this far.

    What I'm wondering if the PC & Xbox360 versions are released at the same time. I hope they are. It would make it possible to see what kind of demand there really is for a Xbox360 version versus the PC version. Otherwise we are just going to buy the version which comes out first (PC I guess) and most people will then ignore the other version.

    Edit: Me thinks, for BIS' customer support & troubleshooting department it could be better to publish the Xbox360 version first... it could reduce the relative number of PC users and thus would reduce the overall need to troubleshoot problems with hardware & software not created by BIS.

  8. My mistake about BMP-1 , I only installed and played ARMA for a few minutes before I had to uninstall it.

    ...only a few minutes before you had to uninstall it?  crazy_o.gif

    ...well... why don't you install it again? Would be easier for you to get your screenshots.

    Or is there some problem which prevents you from installing ArmA again? There is a troubleshooting board in this forum if you have trouble with the game.

  9. Snow indeed reflects light in real nature (much more than the materials you usually have around you on the ground). It can happen so that your eyes start hurting and your vision will suffer if you are surrounded by lots of snow and the sun is shining from a clear sky.

    I don't know if that is an intended effect or an accident in that virtual island, though. And doesn't look natural to me.

  10. So prefixing a variable with _ makes it local? does having a variable defined within a {} block make any difference in scope?

    Yes, the underscore _ does make a variable "local" in this scripting language.

    Yes, defining a local variable inside a scope formed by curled braces {} makes a difference. The variable is only visible inside that scope. My opinion is that when you write scripts, you should define your variables in the innermost scope it is used in. Opposite to this would be to have all variables global.

    The "scoping" and the function private make it possible that you can have in one script two or more different variables having exactly the same name - if they are not in the same scope. Do not abuse this feature though, as it reduces the readability of your script.

    Familiarize yourself with OFPEC tags. You should get one for yourself if you get more into OFP/ArmA mission or addon making. It should be used for all global identifiers. It is a way to avoid naming clashes.

  11. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    if (alive player) then {_number = 0};

    if (_number == 0) then {hint "Zero"};   //ERROR IN ARMA1 ALSO

    IN ARMA2:  single I want to know if the functions return null values


    The logic of that code is wrong and there is no reason to change it to be right in ArmA 2. It is right that it doesn't work.

    Familiarize yourself with the programming concept "scope".

  12. DIDN'T WORK:

    Becouse the variable has to be initialized BEVORE then {};

    if (alive player) then {_number = 0};

    if (number == 0) then {hint "Zero"};

    (thanks to respond)

    that does not work either in arma1.

    There is a typo isn't there.

    And it is intentionally done wrong (not the typo but the logic) to show you what doesn't work.

  13. Well in that case Microsoft should take the webpage which I linked to down, as they clearly talk there about bringing more and more old Xbox games to Xbox 360, and not just hit games.

    Don't you now, that Microsoft is a big liar?


    You need to come up with evidence if you make that kind of accusations.

  14. Spokesperson is telling us how we think and why do we do so.

    Just recently I faced a similar situation here on this very same forum. Thoughts were put into my mind by a mysterious person and then I was told by that person that this is what you think. Even when I argued against it multiple times (which I have since regretted as it was a total waste of time).

    I arrived at a conclusion that it is totally worthless to argue with these kinds of people. They are telling you what you think and then go on and rant about it as long as you care to reply to them.

  15. I wouldn't expect that your old computer would run ArmA 2 as well as it runs ArmA 1. It can do it but it would not be wise to expect it in my opinion.

    Sure, ArmA2 will be optimized as much the programmers and artists possibly can do with the resources and time they have available.

    But the news tells me that there will be for example better Artificial Intelligence in ArmA 2. Somehow this doesn't sound like it would reduce CPU load.

    What I expect from BIS this time around is that they do more testing on different hardware configurations before publishing the game (or even demo).

    It could also be good if they would make it more clear to users what they can expect with certain type of hardware. Shoot down peoples' unrealistically high hopes before they get to play the game (or even demo).

    I have had no problem with the performance of ArmA 1 as I still don't have a computer which fulfills the minimum hardware requirement for it. I can tell how it runs but I can't file a complaint to BIS about it.

  16. One problem is incompatible "total conversion mods" (don't take this term literally) such as possibly upcoming FDF Mod for Arma and Bundeswehr Mod, and maybe others. I don't know if they will be compatible, but how big chances there are for that if both are going to do their own main configuration files.

    That's definitely a problem if those kinds of mods can't be used together. I just names two examples, but I'm sure you can bring up other examples which you would like to be able to play together.

  17. Isn't there anyone we can contact to get them to put Flashpoint on the 360?

    I mean they update the list of what you can play from orginial xbox all the time. Couldn't we try Microsoft Xbox team?

    There is some e-mail address into which you can send your wish.

    I did that some foggy time ago. We should get every visitor of this forum to send one e-mail and maybe that could have some effect smile_o.gif




    Quote[/b] ]Q: How do I give my feedback to the team?

    A: E-mail backcomp@microsoft.com We read every e-mail sent to this address. Your feedback makes a difference! We value your feedback and use it to help us identify issues and prioritize our next round of titles. We're sorry that we aren't able to reply to everyone directly.


    Q: What games will the next update support?

    A: With every release, we update the list of currently supported games. We've heard your feedback in the forums and in e-mail , and we have a good idea of what's most important to the majority of you. However, some games are harder to make backward compatible than other games. If your favorite game isn't working, chances are, it's just taking longer. We won't know exactly which games will be added to the list until we complete the final test pass.

    Q: Are you working on <my favorite game>?

    A: Yes. We continue to work both on adding new games to the list and improving the compatibility of games already on the list.

    Q: Why did you include some games on the list that clearly weren't as popular as <my favorite game>?

    A: Todd Holmdahl answers this: "As we focused on the top sellers, we discovered that many other games worked due to similarities in their technology. As an added benefit, games that share engines and technology have been in some cases easier to certify for backward compatibility and have made the launch lineup as a result."


    Q: Why aren't newer games working?

    A: Many of the games that have come out recently are more technically demanding than older titles, so they are taking longer. Our goal of updating every title hasn't changed, and we'll continue to prioritize our work based on your feedback.

    Now, everyone send an e-mail to backcomp@microsoft.com ! Ask them to make Operation Flashpoint: Elite playable on XBox 360!

    It would also be a nice gesture from Bohemia Interactive Studio to contact Microsoft too. Maybe you already did that, but maybe do it again now  tounge2.gif  it's only one e-mail you need to send (and a big wheel gets rolling at Microsoft).

  18. Hey!

    The idea is good.

    One thing I recommend for you to reconsider: the green text on black background makes my eyes bleed. I bet it's not just me who would like some other colour combination. I don't know if the font choice is adding to the problem, but it's possible.

    I'm viewing with Opera 9.25, zooming set to 100 %, 1024x768 resolution.

    Anyways, nice idea and I hope you keep it up!

    Best Regards,

