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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    1.14 The Last Patch For Arma1?

    My bet is that even BIS does not know if this was the last patch for ArmA. I do hope it was. You have to consider also that not even nearly all bugs are worthy of a patch in their own right. For example if some weapon does not have a muzzle flash, that is not enough to warrant a patch. The Return On Investment will not be enough. Keep in mind that whenever BIS releases a patch, loads of money was spent to make it actually happen. Although I am certainly not an apologist for BIS, some common sense can and should be applied when you start to look at what kind of bugs or features should be fixed or changed.
  2. baddo

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I finished the last mission of the campaign using this 1.14 patch. I have also played other single player missions. I have also done some work in the mission editor and playtested my creations. I have not encountered a single problem yet. No performance problems compared to what I have had before (my computer is well below ArmA minimum requirements). So far the patch seems to work fine on my computer. There are things I don't like in ArmA but at this time I can't point anything particular to be the fault of the 1.14 patch. No crashes at all. I admit that the amount I have used this patch isn't much considering many other people play it extensively, probably almost every day which I don't do. But as I said so far no problems caused by the 1.14 patch. If anything, it might have had a positive impact on the performance but I can't be 100 % sure of that now.
  3. baddo

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thank you all who contributed to this work.
  4. baddo


    Isn't that exactly what happened to the Finnish NHL player in Montreal  I'll hopefully be studying French soon, I certainly have nothing against it and would like to speak it fluently. Sounds like an interesting place to play, I might just try and hop in too! Edit: OK they had a private game when you were kicked. Maybe there was a slight problem with telling about that to you. A server password could also help (and tell about it in English too). Seems like everything is OK.
  5. baddo


    Don't you know that the French require you to speak at least a little bit of French or they will be pissed off eventually. I remember how a Finnish ice hockey player in Quebec, Canada (Saku Koivu in Montreal Canadiens) was practically forced to speak French in interviews by angry audience and press. They were pissed off because he used English in interviews... in Canada... it seems that English is official language in Canada but that is not apparently enough in Quebec. Maybe I will start to support Independent Quebec movement, maybe it's better after all. If something is rude to do to a foreign athlete then that is. "Now you WILL speak our language or we WILL hate you!" eh... ummm?! Â Did you have anything else? I don't see a long life for this thread if you don't add something reasonable Edit: Is this their website: http://ffpiu.teamconvention.com/ They have an "English" section in their forum: http://ffpiu.teamconvention.com/the-english-corner-f58/ I don't know if that helps you but maybe.
  6. baddo

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I don't know but I can believe that ArmA is coded so that sometimes, if not often, the AI ignores collisions with buildings and other objects of that sort when searching for paths. I think they can even make them ignore collisions with each other as long as player is not seeing it. As long as you don't see it it most often does not matter one bit. It is such an easy way to increase performance: don't do it! Why would BIS not use that kind of optimization trick would be a better question. So I can even place a bet that they do it based on some conditions. Another question is that why are you able to see it. Maybe an optimization is done a bit too eagerly. Or then there is the possibility that it is broken. But my point of this post is that it sounds very plausible that there is some sort of "ignore collisions with these types of objects with these conditions" in place somewhere in the game. I would be surprised if there isn't.
  7. baddo

    1.14 The Last Patch For Arma1?

    I hope so What we need is not another patch, we need a stable product. My ArmA playing was on hold until we get to a point that the patching situation stabilizes. Now it looks like it has done so. Let's see... maybe I'll play ArmA more now. I already finished the campaign after getting the 1.14 patch was in the last mission I noticed.
  8. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Well my brother claimed that I should not have to need to re-install Windows XP after changing the motherboard. I think he had changed a motherboard without having to re-install the operating system. I also read about it (afterwards) from several websites that it's very possible as long as (some) motherboard drivers are un-installed before the motherboard change. This concerns Windows XP. I didn't do anything to Windows XP before the change and the system became unusable as I told, BSOD. The make of the motherboard changed from Asus A7V133 to ECS K7S5A. I have Linux on the same computer so it wasn't a disaster, I could still access the Windows hard disk drive system partition easily and backup what I wanted. I think this is one of those things which might work or doesn't work, depending on what exactly you have as the hardware. And now we have Windows Vista to add into the mix. The poster to whom I replied did not tell what Windows version he has. But the "uninstall drivers first" advice sounds plausible no matter the hardware. It used to work at one point, then it got more stringent. In theory, you can ring Microsoft and play dumb, telling them that you're trying to reinstall on your copy on the PC it came with, and it wont work. They can give you a special activation code for it. Ive read of people doing this with Vista. After all, it is your copy of XP, youre not stealing it if you only use it on one PC Maybe they have tightened their conditions but I can't know about that now. My copy of Windows XP is from 2001.
  9. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    That can't be true, at least wasn't for me. My OEM Windows XP activated fine after changing the motherboard and re-installing of the operating system (I had to re-install it, because I didn't know that I should have had to uninstall old motherboard drivers before the change).
  10. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I have understood that there are some drivers which should be first uninstalled, then you would change the motherboard, and install its new drivers and things should work. I did a motherboard change for a Windows XP computer and didn't uninstall old motherboard drivers first. Result was the Blue Screen of Death on startup. I then had to re-install as I found no way to get the system up again. Linux on the same computer did not act weirdly, it dropped hard disk drives to low speed mode for safety but that I could fix without re-installation of the whole operating system. It is not sure at all that you only need to reactivate Windows. I can imagine that could be the case if the two motherboards have the same BIOS or close the same. If it's not, like in my case, things are quite certainly more difficult. You should search the web for information about the "uninstall motherboard drivers", I'm sure there are some websites which give instructions about what and how it should be done.
  11. I think you should be installing patch 1.14 now.
  12. baddo

    1.12 to 1.14

    I had the 1.12 beta folder in place when I installed the 1.14 patch. No problems. I later deleted all beta stuff. There's always the full re-install route you can take if you can't get it to work it doesn't take much time actually.
  13. baddo

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Thanks for the patch Bohemia Interactive Studio. I played a short test mission and didn't notice any problems yet. Although it needs further investigation until I can give the
  14. baddo

    U.S. Army practicing by playing.

    The USA spends ridiculous amounts of money into its military. The amount could be brought down a couple of notches if you would train more using VBS2 and not run around in some desert all year long wasting tremendous amounts of fuel and other expensive supplies while doing it. The military vehicles are far from being economical, and infantry uses vehicles too we all know that. I think people are not taking into consideration enough here that the "real" training is many magnitudes more expensive compared to just setting up some computer simulations. Maybe a lot of that money could be spend on something else than a military. You should be asking "Money well spent?" when you do your real training. I know I did that while I was in our military. I was pissed off about a lot of things, and the most when I realized how inefficient/expensive some things are in our military to have and to operate, and how little people paid attention to the fact that a lot of things there could be improved a lot with relatively little effort. I paid my share of the taxes and would like to see it wisely spent also in the military. Why would it be different for the people of the USA.
  15. baddo

    EZ forrest idea

    Is clutter included in collision checking?
  16. It's utopia that The Community provides you with top-notch addons if only BIS could give them tools... tools that are easy to learn... Â It's a Game I purchased, and a game usually includes something worth of playing. Â I expect to see content worth of playing in ArmA 2 too, off-the-shelf! If people want to be game content designers and creators then they can do that; but don't expect that you get a good product if you rely on The Community to create the top-notch content. Don't you see all those many addon projects dying? Never releasing anything (but posting lots of screenshots of great addons)? Didn't you notice that? Did you also not notice that most of the community-created addons can not be used together, if not for the fact that the visual quality varies greatly and makes addons look very out-of-place once placed in-game alongside other content, but also for the fact that configurations vary too greatly, making playing with addon A against addon B useless effort, as the creator of addon A and the creator of addon B had zero co-operation and as a result the addons are incompatible, making for a very unbalanced gameplay? This might sound negative but is needed to bring you closer down to the Earth from "The Community creates top-notch addons (most often it doesn't) and why doesn't BIS leave making top-notch addons to The Community"-clouds you are at In no way are my words disrespective to the many great addon projects which have actually released addons. It is just recognition that most addon projects either post screenshots or die without ever showing anything, even screenshots. And the projects that actually release addons, usually don't co-operate at all, which would be required if we want to use the addons together in the game without noticing greatly varying difference in quality and configuration values. That isn't fixed by "BIS releasing tools that are easy to learn".
  17. baddo

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    Once again someone is here spreading an utopistic ideology, which: - Didn't work in USSR, well where is the country now. The USSR was basically a giant war machine which failed economically in a big way into its own impossibility. Started by the socialist revolution, destroyed a lot of basic rights of people along the way in a totalitaristic way while using socialism/communism/"worker owns, rules" bullshit as a mask to fool people, and then collapsed in a big way. Some people like to be romantical about USSR; "Things were better back then. USSR was great, equal or even bigger superpower than the USA, but since then things have gone downhill!" etc. romanticization which has nothing to do with wanting the socialism(/communism) back, it is all to do with wanting totalitarism and a giant war machine back, and I think that has nothing to do with socialism(/communism) being "succesful" as someone here tries to claim. - Didn't work in Cuba. It seems that the new "democratically elected president" is changing things now to be a little bit more sane, but Cuba is still very far from what can be called an example of how "working class" rules, owns, etc. succesfully. It's a failier and not admitting this is sticking your head into the sand and nothing else. What kind of place Cuba would be today if no socialist revolution ever took place? Think about it! My bet is that Cuba would be much richer, its people would have things much better as they would have been able to freely use their innovativeness and creativeness to create new businesses and to bring more wealth into their country. But it was suppressed by Castro and his friends. And someone still thanks him? - Didn't work in China, as you said, they are not using it, in fact they are using capitalism, because they noticed that it is better for the development of their country. Now, why in the hell would they change away from a working economy model which brings them loads of cash, practically forced the U.S. to take huge loans from them (= more political power to China), etc... China is today's economical winner but they can destroy their success by moving away from capitalism and into "true" communism. Let's see if they do that. No they won't, they are not so stupid. Businesses owned and run by a state are normally less efficient than privately-owned businesses. This isn't hard to see if you actually look around instead of sticking your head into the sand. This isn't just hear-say or something I read from a blog - it is what I have seen, experienced first-hand. It does not need to be written in Wikipedia or some blog for it to be true. When states decide to "nationalize" private property, such as succesful businesses, they are in fact making sure that the businesses eventually become inefficient monsters in which decisions are more political in nature instead of being rational and following the "spirit of the time", keeping at the leading edge of their field by actively and enthusiastically pursuing better ways to do things, instead of just thinking "I've got this safe job, I will never be fired if I keep on doing it like I always have, and I hope things stay this way". There is a significant lack of drive among workers in such workplaces, one only needs to have eyes open to see it. By the way this is what someone who visited a factory in the USSR in the 1980's told: workers didn't really work; they came to work but they had no real reason to be effective in their job. They were breaking the machines in the factory so that they could not do anything, and they had no worries of getting fired even though they destroyed machinery (and should've made to pay instead of getting a salary, and obviously should've been fired immediately). I think I have stated it before, but I can say it once again here, the ideology someone here seems to be very much in love with, is against the nature of human beings. It is irrational to try and change normal ways how human beings behave. The farther you get from the normal ways a human being behaves, the more likely you will fail. I'm talking about basic emotions of human beings, what drives people, what makes them do things instead of just waiting for things to happen, what keeps people pushing forward, what keeps them pushing the human race forward in all areas imaginable. The ideology advertized by the topic starter is against basic human nature. Thus, it will always fail.
  18. baddo

    U.S. Army practicing by playing.

    Why wouldn't ArmA be allowed?
  19. I think the only way you find out what suits your purpose is to test it. You can create triggers on demand. You can delete triggers after they have become useless. Of course your target will be to have the minimal possible number of triggers. Obvious it should be, but it not always seem to be the case. People often have triggers in their missions which are not really needed, I have noticed.
  20. baddo

    Ex-mil players?

    Yes you're right. Ex-mil have a proffesional career behind them. Yes we are reservists, very true. If you want to go down that route, then let's take a closer look at what a reservist is... Reservists belong to a military. There is no way around the fact that the Finnish reservists are tied to a military by law. I have not in any way "resigned" from the Finnish Defence Forces, which indeed is a military organization. I am still part of it. I have to be, so says the law here. By this definition I am not ex-military, I am currently a member of a military. Technically (our law), I will some day become "ex-mil" but there are many more years to come before that happens. By this definition the reservists are not "ex-" so indeed we shouldn't be in this thread... It's a line in water, how you like to call us. A fact is that when the FDF talks about what they are consisted of, they include me in their organization.
  21. baddo

    How to reverse left/right stereo?

    Is it possible for you to just switch the speaker wires. Would that solve your problem.
  22. baddo

    Ex-mil players?

    Enemy soldiers called me and others in my group "sissi" when we were on a recon training operation. It did sound good I admit that. Made me smile. The other side had difficulties against us and we beat them soundly, so maybe they liked to think we were some kind of special to make themselves look not so bad when they were losing to us. But I wasn't a "sissi" officially. I was an Armoured Jaeger. Most of the other guys in my group were Armoured Jaegers too, none were actual Sissi's. But the other side liked to say that we were Sissi's. That is I think because what we did in the reconnaissance training operation was Sissi-like, hiding very well from the enemy and operating pretty much on their face them not knowing we were there. They tried to find our camps many times but were unable to, we hid so well our stuff and even vehicles (or they sucked in following our foot- and tirepaths, this was during the start of the Winter so they should've been able to find us I think). This was the most interesting and exciting military excercise I've been to, by the way. I didn't really sleep during it but it was well worth it. A comment to if Finnish conscripts are "ex-mil". It is a tricky question, because we are tied to the military for almost the whole life after the initial training. In that sense we are not "ex-" but we are not "active" either. We are tied to the military by law though, and when the call comes, we go. But there is of course a distinction to the kind of people who have actually taken part on a real military conflict. I do not want to become such a person. I understand why people get proud of being "ex-mil" in the sense that they have taken part on a real military operation, but I'd like to be able to avoid that completely. Some people don't feel like this, but it's everyone's choice really. I'll go to help the FDF surely if a need arises and I am called in, but I'm not going to enlist voluntarily into other militaries, like the U.S. or the French Foreign Legion which would be possible but surely not what I choose to do in my life.
  23. baddo

    International Politics Thread

    You are thinking that soviet union was a true communist state, which it was not. Im not trying to take anyones side here but you will need to apprehend the facts, before making statements like these. I am thinking like that? Please do not assume anything about me. Continuing my previous post. From topic: Do the Bis Team hate Russia? Good list - I would add Fairy Tale Adventure: not only no - it is quite the opposite  - all the good "guys and gals" in there are Russian.  and there are basically no enemies in there other than "your own pride is your enemy", which is the moral of the game.  This game shows clearly there are things about Russia we love. The whole game is based on a Russian fairy tale which is very popular in our country. We really are bashing "commies", and we have quite strong and rational reasons for that. We are bashing commies no matter what country them come from, and while Russia was a prominent communist country, I do not think bashing communism means being evil to Russia, as while Russia bears a lot of responsibility for spreading and enforcing communism in our area, it probably paid the biggest price for the communism from all countries. These kinds of witness statements pop up here and there all the time. It is really nitpicking if you start to argue "no true communist state has ever existed".  I remember Spokesperson him-/herself saying that USSR was trying to reach the "true" communism. While on their way there, they did an unbelievable amount of damage not only to their own country, but to many other countries too. I admit I have been lucky not to be born in one of those countries, it was a close call. To me it is disgusting how people start to romanticize communism. To me it is disgusting that some people here in Finland want me to be sorry for the fact that my great grandparents were among those who choked the red (socialist) rebels in 1918. I'm never going to apologize that to anyone. There is an overwhelming amount of heavy evidence around the world to support the stance my great grandparents took. They did the right thing, they can rest in peace. Nitpicking about the word "communism" means to me that you need to start using straw man arguments. When the battle seems lost, you start to come up with nitpicking on meaningless things and not actually responding to what the other side is saying.
  24. baddo

    International Politics Thread

    Another witness statement opposing communism/<insert here whatever you like to call it, spokesperson> came from Bohemia Interactive Studio. It was a rather popular statement. People bought it a lot and made them Španěl boys become true capitalists! Having slaves etc. should we report them to the Human Rights Watch.
  25. baddo

    International Politics Thread

    Interesting comment made in the PROJECT'85 TOPIC: It's yet another witness statement practically saying that the communists/socialists/<whatever spokesperson wants to call them> messed up yet another country.