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Everything posted by baddo

  1. Hi, please check if function groupInVehicle can help you. I have a feeling that this problem could also be solved just with waypoints and triggers but I can't launch OFP now to test anything. I'll copy & paste the function here in case OFPEC has disasters: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ****************************************************************************************** // groupInVehicle.sqf // There are two possible ways how to use this function: // #1: You pass only group to the function. In this case, the function returns true if all // group members are in any vehicle, false if at least 1 member is not in any vehicle. // Â Â The vehicle isn't necessarily the same vehicle for all. // #2: You pass group and vehicle to the function. In this case, all group members // need to be in the vehicle passed to the function for true to be returned, // otherwise the function returns false. // USAGE: // init: groupInVehicle = preprocessFile "groupInVehicle.sqf" // calling #1: [<group>] call groupInVehicle // calling #2: [<group>, <vehicle>] call groupInVehicle // returns: <boolean> // example #1: // if ( [grpWest1] call groupInVehicle ) then { hint "All are in vehicles!" } // example #2: // if ( [grpWest1, truck] call groupInVehicle ) then { hint "All are in truck!" } // Credits: bardosy, bedges, THobson (inspired by their forum posts) // Baddo 2005 // You can contact me through www.ofpec.com // ****************************************************************************************** private "_grpInVehicle"; _grpInVehicle = true; if ( count _this > 1 ) then { if ( {vehicle _x != _this select 1} count units (_this select 0) > 0 Â ) then { _grpInVehicle = false; }; } else { if ( {_x == vehicle _x} count units (_this select 0) > 0 ) then { _grpInVehicle = false; }; }; _grpInVehicle Baddo.
  2. Sorry but here is something I don't really understand - if a soundcard can play only x number of sounds simultaneously, like x = 16, then how does a multi-core processor change that? The sounds must still go through the soundcard which has the limitation right?
  3. baddo

    A question.

    Well not much info about coding side itself other than DirectPlay sucked but still, very interesting article thank you for the link. Must've been quite an enormous relief to at last get OFP out of the door!
  4. I do remember testing the nearestBuilding command a good time ago and what I remember for sure was that it didn't detect many buildings at all. The buildings which were not detected in that test were buildings which didn't have the indexed positions (the ones you can access with buildingPos). In comparison, all buildings in that test which had indexed positions were detected by nearestBuilding. Based on this information, using nearestBuilding to check if an ammo crate is near a building will fail very often because the building is simply not detected at all by nearestBuilding.
  5. baddo

    A question.

    Ifc22.dll and ijl15.dll are apparently libraries made by others in OFP:R. Is3dfx.dll I cannot say when looking at it... googling doesn't help much either.
  6. baddo

    A question.

    There is code in OFP:R developed by other companies than BIS. I'm not talking about a 3D engine or about a physics engine, I'm saying there is libraries used which form important parts of the product and which are not necessarily mentioned anywhere in documentation. Many libraries only require that you must not claim the code was written by you (no need to mention in documentation of your product). About 3D engine and physics engine for example, I think it cannot be said for sure based on the interviews and what is written into these forums if those engines were actually written from scratch by BIS or did they use something made by others as a basis. That's what I meant when I questioned what KyleSarnik said. You must go directly to the programmers and ask them what did they use to know for sure. Stop here this is offtopic
  7. Hi, If I recall correctly what I tested a good time ago, nearestBuilding only returns buildings which have indexed positions in them. So I think it's not good to count on it in this case. Edit: Hmm I fail to understand what you were trying to achieve with the nearestBuilding command in your script? Baddo.
  8. baddo

    A question.

    It would absolutely rock if the buildings could literally be shot into little pieces but that would have to be very hard on the computer to make it look good and to maintain decent performance. On a small scale no problem but on ArmA's scale it will cause problems no doubt about that. Technically possible but practically I guess we are still some good distance away from seeing such things in games like ArmA. You must have talked directly to BIS developers to get that information. Edit: To clarify what I mean, for sure not all of the code used was developed by BIS. Framework might be their product but how about subsections, how can you tell?
  9. baddo


    Hi, in ArmA demo the BRDM's can quite easily be taken out by shooting at them with machine guns, especially if you put your whole team fire at the same BRDM at the same time. So it is OK for AI controlled soldiers to shoot at them. I bet the same goes for the full version as well. No need for AT weapons. A BRDM is only lightly armoured vehicle. If you do not want AI soldiers start attacking, then you must utilize "Hold fire" command and give them targets as you wish. Baddo.
  10. baddo

    What DO you like in ArmA?

    Weapon sounds in the demo sound very good in my opinion. Definitely an improvement over Operation Flashpoint. Sounds have a major part in creating the right atmosphere in this type of game.
  11. "My Documents" as a default is exactly the right choice, should've been already in OFP that way. All user-specific data should go there unless you want to change it to something else. It's about folder permissions and about multiple users sharing the same computer.
  12. baddo

    Ask a mod

    A proposal concerning custom titles, publicly visible post count and the "group" level. Get rid of them completely. Implement a rating system where registered users can give either positive or negative points to other users depending on how they see fit. The points should be given per-post and with a limit of one vote from one user towards each post by other users. Then you only receive a "higher status" in the forums from how others rated your actions in the forums, not by the quantity of posts you made and not by arbitrarily chosen custom titles. The publicly visible "group" level could be left for moderators and BIS staff, their "moderator" or "BIS staff" status must be shown, in addition to their rating. Do this if you want to raise the quality of your forums. Additionally, delete the "Joined date" field so that it is only in the profile view.
  13. baddo

    Dual Core User try the following

    If a game has a configuration file easily editable by users is not dependant on the used graphics implementation, I really wonder why people start to compare OpenGL to Direct3D based on if a game has a configuration file or not...? It really is upto the programmers of the game how do they choose to do it. Please stop that kind of talk it's just silly
  14. baddo

    Will my specs be enough to play ArmA?

    Hi, I've been playing ArmA demo on a 1.4 GHz processor, 768 MB RAM, Nvidia 6600 GT 128 MB VRAM graphics card on 4xAGP bus and the demo actually is playable. It really is about what you expect to get in terms of visual quality. I am satisfied with even lower graphics detail if I can play it somehow - I am not one of those who absolutely must have a new computer every two years. It's not a money issue here, I could fill the house with new computers but what is the point, do you really want to use your money into computers? I don't and hey I consider myself a computer freak of some kind. I am sure you have better uses for your money too. An old computer will, at least according to my experiences with the demo, be able to run ArmA if you accept low graphics quality. The loading times are not what I consider long. Baddo.
  15. baddo

    China destroys satellite with ballistic missile

    yes that made me laugh, too! It's clear that it is a bit provocatice to shoot down a satellite even if it is your own. They, by doing that, demonstrated their ability to do such thing, which naturally scares the hell out of some people, it seems that mostly in the USA. I am not worried at all but hey I don't have satellites in the orbit or do I? This is a very big problem, kind of an endless loop. Some country builds up army, calling it self-defence. Others get scared "they can use all those weapons against us!" then they go and build up their armies too, and call it self-defence. I honestly believe that the USA could put a stop to this kind of behaviour if they wanted to do it. But they don't want it because they are just too scared of being attacked. Might be a self-ignited threat they are defending themselfs from.
  16. baddo

    Dual Core User try the following

    Hi, this single-threaded discussion is quite interesting, lots of heated emotions, scheduling of tasks, factual and infactual information. Just what we need on a cold Saturday evening of January. What we have, based on what BIS developer has said and what we know otherwise: 1) Armed Assault is a single-threaded application. 2) A single-threaded application can only run on a single core of a processor at any one time. It cannot suddenly split in half to utilize more processor cores if it was not designed to do so. 3) Operating systems which support multi-core processors can and will distribute processes/threads between cores to balance load. This is where we get the biggest benefit (other than better processor architecture design) from using a multi-core processor with Armed Assault, even when we know 1) is true. 4) Armed Assault has nothing to do with other processes/threads being made to run on other cores by the operating system. 5) Multi-threaded programming is much much more complicated than single-threaded programming. If in doubt, take a look at a book about the subject. You can, for example, create a multi-threaded application which runs slower than the similar application as a single-threaded application on a multi-core processor by just not doing a good enough job. 6) From previous point it is a natural consequence that turning a single-threaded application into a multi-threaded application just doesn't happen automagically. Expecting Armed Assault turning into a multi-threaded application through patches is not a realistic expectation. As paying customers we have, of course, the right to demand support for modern hardware like multi-core processors from Bohemia Interactive Studio products. I have absolutely no doubt that Bohemia Interactive Studio developers wouldn't be developing multi-threaded solutions for their game engine, that's the only way they can keep up with the development of hardware and customer expectations. What comes to my mind as a first thing to put into another thread would be a resource manager. All resource file loading could be done on other core than where the main application is running on. But that is upto the people at Bohemia Interactive Studio if they will make such things happen in a patch for Armed Assault or in a next game title. Thanks for reading, Baddo.
  17. baddo

    Why not have this?...

    Hi sluggCDN, I understand what you are after and I support you. Most of the responses you have received in this thread this far have been exactly what you can expect on these forums, unfortunately. Talking about what features the mods already included for the ancient OFP is a totally worthless and counter-productive reply to what sluggCDN has proposed. Talking about your eyes bleeding, go see a doctor please, we are not interested. Talking about addon makers adding the proposed features into the game is... well are you serious? Think about it. You buy a game, not a game engine stripped to the bones right? For me it's not an option to wait for hobbyists to add features and content into a game. Features and content must be in the game when I buy it. If something gets added after paying, then good, but I am not expecting, or even worse, demanding it. I had a longer reply but Mandrake5 basically said in a nicer form what I had to say so I'll leave most of my ranting out. Happy weekend everyone, don't be so crumpy and blunt we love the same games don't we? Cheers all, Baddo.
  18. Jack-UK I have to disagree with you, AI soldiers are very capable of turning a battle into your favour. It just takes a bit more time and patience to give them the necessary orders. You can't see much compared to what the whole team sees when you move in formation. Maybe even give some team members specific directions to watch. Talking about firepower. How are you going to take for example a BRDM out if you don't have an AT weapon and you are on your own? With an AI team you can achieve it relatively easily, just order machine gun fire against the BRDM and that's it. Works well in the demo coop mission. I'm not going to attack the city without my faithful AI team members giving support. AI soldiers are very effective killing machines when you use them right. I have always, since the first multiplayer sessions I played in OFP, wondered why people are so eager to get rid of AI team members.
  19. Yes I completed the mission once without any casualties but that took quite many attempts and plenty of time to move carefully enough in the city. Several members of my team got injuries during that attempt, a medic tent in the city helped tremendeously (you noticed that didn't you?). But everyone was alive when the mission ended. It takes a lot of time and patience to go through it like that. Baddo
  20. Hi At start I lost all my squad most of the time when trying to approach the city or enter it. Then I started to look for tactics which enabled my team to do a better job. I started making attacks from certain good spots in the terrain, even something like 300-400 meters away from the enemy, whole team in prone position in line formation. To my surprise the AI team members could take down enemies from that distance relatively easily. After doing a hit with this tactic, I "evacuated" the whole team into a safer spot to avoid too many casualties when the enemy comes after us. Then another similar strike from some other spot. That way you can avoid casualties and take most of the enemies out. When you go into the city then it gets harder to keep the AI's alive. One tactic inside the city is to use a hummer. Put an AI into gunner position and drive the vehicle through the city in a rapid pace, you can get good results doing that (if not hit by the BRDM or rockets) because the AI gunner is quite good in spotting targets. Maybe not what you would do in a real battle but it works in OFP/ArmA so why not. The BRDM's give up quite easily if you get your machine gunners fire at it together. Heavy machine guns are what I give my team, they are much better than the M4's in this mission I think. When inside the city I found the pistol to be a quite effective weapon, I think it's more usable than in OFP. If you want to adjust the difficulty level you can open up your ArmA profile file in Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmADemo\armausername.ArmAProfile and find the difficulty values <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Difficulties class regular/veteran skillFriendly=0.850000; skillEnemy=0.850000; precisionFriendly=0.850000; precisionEnemy=0.850000; Adjust skillEnemy and precisionEnemy to a lower value to make the enemy not as tough opponent. Of course you can also raise skillFriendly and precisionFriendly to make your team mates better. Cheers, Baddo.
  21. baddo

    The Demo Co-Op Whats your casualty rate?

    Hi At start I lost all my squad most of the time when trying to approach the city or enter it. Then I started to look for tactics which enabled my team to do a better job. I started making attacks from certain good spots in the terrain, even something like 300-400 meters away from the enemy, whole team in prone position in line formation. To my surprise the AI team members could take down enemies from that distance relatively easily. After doing a hit with this tactic, I "evacuated" the whole team into a safer spot to avoid too many casualties when the enemy comes after us. Then another similar strike from some other spot. That way you can avoid casualties and take most of the enemies out. When you go into the city then it gets harder to keep the AI's alive. One tactic inside the city is to use a hummer. Put an AI into gunner position and drive the vehicle through the city in a rapid pace, you can get good results doing that (if not hit by the BRDM or rockets) because the AI gunner is quite good in spotting targets. Maybe not what you would do in a real battle but it works in OFP/ArmA so why not. The BRDM's give up quite easily if you get your machine gunners fire at it together. Heavy machine guns are what I give my team, they are much better than the M4's in this mission I think. When inside the city I found the pistol to be a quite effective weapon, I think it's more usable than in OFP. If you want to adjust the difficulty level you can open up your ArmA profile file in Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmADemo\armausername.ArmAProfile and find the difficulty values <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Difficulties class regular/veteran skillFriendly=0.850000; skillEnemy=0.850000; precisionFriendly=0.850000; precisionEnemy=0.850000; Adjust skillEnemy and precisionEnemy to a lower value to make the enemy not as tough opponent. Of course you can also raise skillFriendly and precisionFriendly to make your team mates better. Cheers, Baddo.
  22. Basicly it should be a logic something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if ( (getPos airplane) select 2 > 500 ) then { hint "mystuff" } getPos returns a position array [x,z,y] where y is height above the ground (left-handed Cartesian coordinate system in mdsn.com). You can use the select command to choose that from the array and compare that value then to whatever you want, in this example 500 meters. Into a trigger you could translate it as: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Condition: (getPos airplane) select 2 > 500 On Activation: hint "mystuff" Baddo
  23. baddo

    Real life photography/photo editing

    @BEAT!! That pic of the car wreck must be from Tampere just yesterday drove by two times. What is the make&model of that car? Nice pic. Nice pics, everyone else too.
  24. baddo

    Tactics guides?

    Hi, I don't know if you or your clan members understand Finnish but there are some relatively good guides written in Finnish at LDD Kyllikki website. If that wasn't helpful then there is an old infantry tactics guide in English somewhere... couldn't find it from ofpec.com now but I guess that's the place I got it from. Edit: Found a guide Operation flashpoint multiplayer tactics written for Operation Flashpoint. Same information applies roughly to Armed Assault, some comments might be a bit inaccurate even for Operation Flashpoint but it is a good read. Baddo