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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    I don't know about the full version but the demo 1.03.5116 is definitely very playable for me, I have enjoyed playing the coop mission. Some annoyances and bugs encountered, yes but not often enough to disturb me. Could be better but definitely not unplayable. And I run it on a very low-spec system.
  2. baddo

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    Is it not politically correct to talk about an armed assault when there are American troops involved in the game, as the main playable side? First thing which came to my mind is that the name had to be softened so no one will get the impression that the American troops in the game are committing an assault but an "operation" instead. I don't know. But that's one possibility.
  3. baddo

    buidingpos in wiki

    I can say the format <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit move (_building buildingPos _i); definitely works in a script in OFP 1.96. My memory tells me that I didn't get the format <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldier setPos (buildingPos [house1, 2]) working at the time when I was playing with these.
  4. Hi If Game2 is going to have some role-playing-game aspects, then would it not improve the experience if players could give the game their body dimensions like distances between skeleton joints, and how large stomach etc. they have? The character 3D model would then adjust accordingly to approximate the real shape of the player. This combined into skin textures (head, hands etc.) provided by the player could really make the game feel much more realistic, as the in-game characters would not be copies from each other but would look like individuals, just like in reality. One more possibility would be to allow players to give the game their "fitness" values in some form, to allow the in-game characters to be closer to the real physical abilities of the players. This could very well lead to many players cheating by giving super values so it might not be a good idea for gameplay. The problem I see with all this is how you prevent players from giving super values, i.e. making their character represent not what they are in reality but instead aim towards a super soldier. Could need some kind of validation procedure like registered players would give their info on some official location, needing to show up themselfs for measurement. Could get difficult to prevent people from cheating their dimensions and physical properties otherwise. A way around the cheating possibility could be to not have an effect on gameplay itself (physical ability), just on the visual representation of the in-game characters. That could be enough. Baddo
  5. baddo

    Physics Chip !!

    Do you want your video card to do physics calculations or perhaps do graphics processing? It might be the way to go if there must be additional physics processor, but it shouldn't take anything away from graphics detail and performance imho. If you put physics calculations into a graphics card then it's not only the processing power, it's also about how much data will need to be transferred. I'd rather use a graphics card only for graphics, to the full extent. Multi-core processors, yes yes. Very good thing but difficult to develop programs utilizing them properly. Easier to use AGEIA PhysX multithreaded physics engine, and if you want, go even further and install their accelerator card. AGEIA will have a hard time getting developers to utilize their PhysX accelerator card (that's why the SDK is now free for everyone). One important thing to notice is that the AGEIA PhysX Software Development Kit does not mean you need to use the accelerator card. So developers are free to ignore the accelerator card and just use the physics engine like before. Or they can require the card but that wouldn't be wise. Physics calculations in games are not very advanced. There is so much more that can be done in games. There is much room for improvement, and AGEIA is trying to help developers do that with their SDK and card. I wouldn't write them off just yet.
  6. baddo

    process of 3d modeling for OFP+ArmA

    That is just Great. But I see a big controversy in what you are saying. If you know many tools then you must also know that many tools are not equal in terms of usability, intuitive workflow, interface, speed of development and functionalities. Actually we can't compare Oxygen 2 Light to the professional modeling tools at all, O2L is not anywhere near the same level as the other tools are. It's not meant to be, it's not, it will never be. I didn't mean to insult O2L users here, I just expressed my opinion that it is far from a good 3D modeling tool and one should use better tools if one has such tools available. Edit: typos fixed
  7. baddo

    process of 3d modeling for OFP+ArmA

    Oh yes, nephilim... oh yes... thank you very much. There are many kinds of tools, right? Some tools are much better than the other tools meant for the same job. If you ignore this fact then what can I say...
  8. baddo

    process of 3d modeling for OFP+ArmA

    Sorry if I hurt your feelings towards Oxygen 2 Light, AtStWalker. If you argue against my honest opinion about O2L then you have not even seen the other programs I am talking about. And stop editing your post towards even more stupid content, please. No need to make personal attacks. Maybe you could now give us some useful information instead of spamming.
  9. baddo

    process of 3d modeling for OFP+ArmA

    Hi Having used state-of-the-art CAD software, I know how hard it can be to adjust to the principle of creating models in a program like Oxygen 2 Light. It is far, far from intuitive workflow or ease of use compared to for example Catia V5 or other such solid modeling programs with intuitive methods to create models. For character modeling, one program I came across some time ago is makehuman, read about it at http://www.dedalo-3d.com/. It's not ideal for game model development, I think it creates too detailed models which must be tuned down to be usable in a game. But it's worth checking out, it is definitely a program to create character models fast. During a practice run in OFP modeling I found it quite convenient and fast to make a model in my favourite modeling program and then importing the model into Oxygen. There is the necessary tweaking left in Oxygen but it's a good start if you get the model built up rapidly in some other program with more intuitive interface and functionalities. I'm not an expert on modeling for OFP, those people will surely come soon to give their advices. Baddo
  10. baddo

    Physics Chip !!

    AGEIA PhysX Software Development Kit is free for non-commercial and commercial development starting from version 2.6.
  11. baddo

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    Luciano, why don't they just boost the version number up to 25.78, would that be professional in your opinion? The bigger the number the better? People, stop guessing version numbers that's just a complete waste of time.
  12. baddo

    Version compatability

    It's totally worthless to guess version numbers, stop that nonsense please Edit:...and this reply is better suited into ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher but it'll do as well here
  13. Hmm... Count how many magazines, then remove the magazines, then give the unit the same number of same kind of magazines back, then get the weapon loaded with a magazine (possibly requires removing the weapon at the start and giving it back after full mags have been given, or with selectWeapon). Oh yes this won't be realistic because the mag with the one round inside will be filled. By the way, I think 35 seconds to fill a magazine with 30 rounds is pretty fast action
  14. baddo


    I agree that this should be dealt somewhere else than these forums. Best advice is, keep on trying to contact the person in charge directly, there you have his contact information. No need to bring all this into these forums. If you can't get through to the person, you could take the case to the German police to sort it out, I am sure some friendly German people from these forums can help you do that. Maybe there is just a misunderstanding from either side.
  15. baddo


    If an ammo box which does not contain ammo gets stopped in the border of your country then what is happening to this World? I mean, a box containing a computer game can't be a threat to national safety or can it? Not that I could say that is the case now, just wondering how the system works.
  16. baddo

    Polygon limit?

    Hi Well I think none of us can tell what primitive types all games in the World use... but what are the hardware manufacturers recommending, that we can discuss more reliably. The http://developer.nvidia.com/ and http://ati.amd.com/developer/ websites offer good articles about how to get the best performance out of their graphics cards. It seems to me that triangle strips are favoured. Also the Microsoft DirectX Software Development Kit is, if I recall correctly, pointing out that games should use triangles for best performance. Check those references out, they contain a whole lot of interesting information. Best Regards, Baddo.
  17. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Hi, since the Commodore 64 days I have been using AMD processors on my home computers. If I'd buy a computer today, I would put a Intel Core 2 Duo processor into it. I'm restraining myself from buying anything though. There are rumours that new processors are coming out from AMD later this year and we should see what we can get then and at what price, also in the graphics card department. An Athlon XP 1.4 GHz + 768 MB RAM + Nvidia 6600 GT 128 MB VRAM on a 4xAGP bus plays the ArmA demo sufficiently for now. It goes quite well, I did not expect to get the demo running playably at all. On the first go it seemed like it can't be played at all (all objects crumpled into very weird shape) but after tweaking the graphic settings the demo looks OK to my eyes and has sufficient performance at least in the coop mission. So maybe the full version can be played with this hardware too. Best Regards, Baddo.
  18. baddo

    official complaint to BIS

    Hi Although I think this thread is in some parts quite amusing and even entertaining to a level where my stomach hurts from laughing so hard, I must say there are some very good points brought up. 1) Request for better documentation. This is as I recall one of the things I asked for in the past in some thread dedicated to OFP2/Game2 wishes and that wish of mine has not gone anywhere. Bohemia Interactive Studio could raise the quality of their products significantly just by documenting their work properly (I seriously doubt that is happening currently but I apologize if I am wrong) and giving a simplified documentation in an easy to print format along with the game on the DVD. That's an undeniable fact. Doing that could increase the cost to make the products in short-term but in long-term doing that would also improve the internal workings of BIS, thus reducing the cost to make future products and make it easier for BIS to get new workers up to speed (not depending on one or two programmers who know the game engine). An important matter to discuss internally at BIS would be, what information really belongs into a publicly released documentation? Every possible parameter and possible values of the configuration files (config.cpp) exhaustively explained? If BIS chooses to give all that information then fine, but I think it is naive to demand to get that much public documentation from their side. The mission editor and the scripting language should have proper documentation on the DVD including a command reference and a how-to guide, because there is an in-game mission editor where that information is invaluable, and can be rightfully demanded by customers who buy the game and find the mission editor not by reverse engineering (like it is for config.cpp files) but by going through the in-game menus. The Biki is mostly a good thing to have but I think there are some problems with such a system, like for example many people messing around in there and giving misleading/inaccurate/false information with practically no person in place who would or could observe and fix it all on a regular basis. Takes much of the reliability away, people will still be forced to do their own experiments to find out how things really work. Maybe that's just unavoidable. As a counter-argument for a counter-argument of saying that it is not common for entertainment software developers or publishers to give better documentation with their products I say that someone has to show the light for the industry. Aiming for a better overall package through better documentation should not be avoided just because no one else is doing it. 2) Bug tracking system. Yes I think there could be a better system than the Biki to report bugs. At first when I heard that we could report bugs into the Biki I thought "Yuck! No way I'm going to touch that! It's just too messy and cumbersome!" In my honest opinion it would be best for Bohemia Interactive Studio to implement a proper public bug and wish reporting interface, and integrate that into their internal system somehow so that the people at BIS could with less trouble and hassle have a look at what people are saying about their products, without the need to go into any other place than their own internal bug tracking system. Best Regards, Baddo.
  19. baddo

    Are the bot's hacking?

    Hi, if you want to tune down the skill of enemy AI soldiers or tune up the skill of friendly AI soldiers then read The Demo Co-Op Whats your casualty rate?, there is a tip in the second post which can help you. I have played the demo with no other players in the session, leading a group of AI soldiers in the coop mission. Adjusting the values mentioned in the other thread will definitely have an impact on the gameplay. I don't know how it behaves if there is more than one player in the session and if all of them have different values for the AI skill. Maybe the host computer decideds the values, but that's just a guess. Best Regards, Baddo
  20. Hi ZIP: Official command reference for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance version 1.85. Online: Official command reference for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance version 1.85. Find more resources from http://www.flashpoint1985.com/ Unfortunately the official command reference is quite browser-specific (in fact it is written in a non-standard compliant way), I hope that's corrected in future versions of this downloadable official command reference, it is very annoying not to be able to use an official command reference because of not using some particular browser. Baddo
  21. baddo

    Over sea?

    Oh yes Seems like I somehow missed the gamelogic in your script while reading through it, and I didn't realize it is the solution.
  22. baddo

    Over sea?

    Maybe build up a lookup table for different islands; depending on date&time, where is sea level. Lots of work no doubt about that, might need quite big arrays depending on how much the tide varies between dates. Also how could you get the current date into your script? Does date affect tide or just time of day? I recall date too affects tide but I could be wrong. Maybe some easier solution can be found. Edit: Hey can you put some object floating into the water and check its height position, couldn't that be used? Boat? An invisible, small boat? Or better to use existing OFP boat, create it into corner of map, get its position, work out the difference to actual sea level for that boat type.
  23. Don't assume I have not done this in practice but I think you could come up with a solution where you use nearestObject instead of nearestBuilding to do your checks. There is a problem of not knowing the size of the existing objects; how can you know how far you must move your new object so it doesn't collide with the existing object? Some compromise must be done for that.
  24. Is getting current viewdistance setting possible via scripting in OFP:R version 1.96? A way around this is to use setViewDistance and then the value is known, at least as long as the player doesn't change it from options menu. Does anyone know any methods to find out current viewdistance setting?
  25. baddo


    I was asking if anyone knows a method to get the viewdistance, not set. Thanks anyway At this time I wrote my script so that there is setViewDistance in the start so I get the value from there, but I'd like to know if it is possible to avoid doing that because I'd rather not touch the viewdistance setting, just ask what it happens to be. One more function for BIS to add into the scripting language.