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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Two questions: 1. Why do you want to disable everything on this forum? 2. Why do you hate freedom? Hey 1) I don't want to disable everything on this forum. Do not read from my posts something I did not write into them. 2) I definitely don't hate freedom. Do not read from my posts something I did not write into them. 3) Freedom, in my way of thinking, includes the freedom of giving suggestions here about how to get the actual valuable content, the discussions, have more weight in proportion to the non-valuable content like for example post count, member titles and signatures. From a moderating point-of-view, signatures are a major headache. Just think about it for a moment please. Moderators must constantly view what kind of signatures people have. They must look if a signature follows some rules. Often the signatures do not follow the rules and moderators need to react, which then prompts angry responses from the people in question, possibly leading to a long-lasting unjustified hatred towards moderators. Great way to spend an evening right? I don't think so... The suggestion to disable signatures is certainly aimed to help moderators do their job. By disabling signatures they can direct their efforts into monitoring the significantly more valuable content on these forums, the discussions. I see moderating signatures as a giant waste of time. Some other people might see differently and I give them that right (as I appreciate freedom very much). For me the signatures are not a problem as I can log in, select not to view signatures and thus get rid of all the crap in signatures. It is a much more pleasant experience to read the discussions that way, try it some time if you haven't already. The suggestion to disable the signatures is meant for the administrators/moderators of this website to reduce their workload in maintaining the website, direct their efforts into something much more valuable and at the same time make the forums a much much tidier place for visitors to take a look at. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  2. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    "Your Control Panel" --> "Account Options" --> "Do you wish to view members signatures when reading threads?" --> "No" = Another happy person I did that already a long time ago, thank you anyways. I meant, disable signatures COMPLETELY, so there is less crap visible when not logged in, and ESPECIALLY less crap for the moderators to moderate. I guess they can't make that change as then they would have seriously less work for them and would that be good? It is not difficult to do so, it is just a question of do the administrators want to do it; you would only need to delete code from template files, this does not do anything to what is in the database, only affects what is shown. Of course that's the way to do it if this forum software doesn't have a button for the admins to disable it, which I assumed to be the case as I can't remember if there is that button and am not going to check now...
  3. baddo

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Well yes if we aim for high realism then we would need to be able to switch our weapons "off". Another question is how practical it is in a computer game.
  4. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Just disable the signatures altogether, that's a solution and a good one indeed. No signature problems anymore.
  5. baddo

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed. There could be a bit of realism in there too? For example the main assault rifle used by the Finnish Defence Forces, RK-62, works so that if you want full fire mode, you must first switch the weapon to single fire mode and then back up one notch to full fire mode. So that when you prepare the weapon for firing, you can't avoid switching first to the single fire mode. I don't know about other rifles but that's how it is for RK-62. Maybe we could imagine that in-game, if you switch away from your weapon to some other item, your character automagically switches the weapon to a safer mode...? Imagine now, real hard well of course we could say that BIS should let us be completely in charge of when the fire mode is changed. So that you could leave your weapon into a very dangerous mode and shoot yourself in the leg or something while looking through your binoculars, holding your weapon on your lap. Best Regards, Baddo.
  6. The problem is how do you verify where the problem is? ArmA bug? ATI driver bug? Some other driver bug? Operating system bug? A faulty hardware component? Multiple hardware components faulty? Etc... How can ATI say something else than update your drivers, or check your hardware, when the problem is that your PC restarts? That's the info you give to them and to BIS? How can they know what is causing it? How can you help them to know? Do they look from a crystal ball?
  7. baddo

    Where to Put Scripts

    Don't save the files with a .txt extension.
  8. baddo

    Stuck on Delivery Boy Mission.

    Well I played this mission on probably the 1.04.something version and it annoyed me like nothing else... it was in that version for sure a bugged mission, no matter what I did the mission failed, and no not because I didn't make it back in time but because the waypoints and the objectives didn't seem to work right. I got objectives marked "Done" which for certainty I had not done yet! And that was enough to make the mission impossible to complete. Possibly this is fixed in the latest version but I think I am not trying it again, just to not lose my temper as it is otherwise a beautiful, windy day.
  9. You could contact the person I gave you info about if you didn't do it already. You could all team up so we could see something usable someday. As far as I know there was certainly quite a lot of thinking done in that project (even a prototype of some sort was produced, as a proof-of-concept) and it would not be good if it is all left unused.
  10. For OFP there is fwatch done by kegetys which allows you to save variables to a file on a Windows operating system. fwatch comes with source code. Maybe you could try if it works for ArmA out-of-the-box and if not then have a look if you can make it work
  11. Hi Thumbs up for this idea! I happen to know that some people over at www.ofpec.com were working on the idea of writing a syntax-checker program for OFP scripts. That is quite the same as what you have in mind. I have no knowledge how far that project realized in practice. I will send you a private message in which I tell who you should contact if you want to know more about this project. The person has not been active for some time now but it is worth a shot. Best Regards, Baddo.
  12. baddo

    lethal bikes

    Yup me too very disappointed with the motorcycles in ArmA. One of the first things I had to play with when I got the game but oh boys was I disappointed... waiting for FDF Mod ArmA version to fix it, hopefully *crosses fingers* if BIS doesn't have the motivation to do any better with the motorcycles that is.
  13. Can you try a different network card? Your ArmA only crashes when trying to play online, maybe the crash has something to do with the hardware providing the network connection. Or if possible, update network card driver. I think it is your hardware or its drivers, not ArmA causing this problem.
  14. baddo


    Use cpbo to open the PBO file and unRap to unbin the config.bin file into a config.cpp, which you can view in a text editor. Get "ArmA Tools" from http://www.kegetys.net/arma/
  15. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    /me applauds JdB's words, if there were a ranking system on this forum you would have received some positive karma points now, friend.
  16. baddo

    ARMA DVD wont work on the xbox 360

    Let them whine, it is not your problem if others can't read or understand system requirements and recommendations.
  17. baddo

    connection failed?

    If you are running a firewall application then disable it temporarily and try connecting into an ArmA server again. If that fixes your problem then you know where to look for the solution.
  18. baddo

    Will It Run?

    Hello Ecko, yes it will very likely run on your computer. Try the demo so you get some idea how it runs: http://www.armedassault.com/dwnl_demo.html Be aware though that the demo and the latest version of the full version are quite different versions and thus the performance you get can't be directly compared between them. But it gives you some kind of an idea. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  19. baddo


    Instructions for doing this are in the readme file of dxdll... does this ChernMod give you no dxdll readme? Just move the file away from that location if you want to just disable it temporarily.
  20. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Hi all, I have to say I completely agree with karantan about the post counts etc. garbage. I have a distant memory that I brought this up here some time ago by the way... One good article directly related to this subject: Setting Up Useful Forums I will quote the article here in its entirety so it will stay readable over time on this forum. I think this article hit the nail in the head multiple times. Administrators of this forum could use the measures mentioned in this article to improve this forum, but of course, only if they want to do so. Best Regards, Baddo.
  21. baddo

    some sample cpp/bin

    As a starting point you could read through the configuration files written by Bohemia Interactive Studio. Goto http://www.kegetys.net/arma/ and download "ArmA Tools" package. Inside that package are two tools that can help you: cpbo and unRap. You can then take an original PBO file from Armed Assault, unpbo it with cpbo and unrap the config.bin file found from the PBO to make the config.bin become a config.cpp which you can read with any text editor.
  22. baddo

    LOD Bug

    Hi big boy Ah... I should've known that there comes someone who doesn't understand that I was joking... I am sorry if I wrote my post so that it isn't clear that the nuclear warhead attack was a joke. I will never ever joke again here if I sense that you might be around. And if you had taken the time needed to read and understand my post in whole, you could have noticed that I did not say that the visual problem visible in the screenshot I posted is a bug, as I said for two times in my post that the hardware I am using has insufficient performance for ArmA (and thus I can't say it is a bug). The screenshot is a good demonstration of what can happen if the performance of the hardware and ArmA's requirements don't match and that is the reason for the whole post, I wanted to show how ugly it can get when the computer is unable to provide the needed performance. Also I think it was a scene looking like it had been attacked by some big missile, which lead to the joke. Armed Assault is a computer game, I am sure you noticed that...? If you look closely at the front page of these forums, you will find text: ArmA is not professional software like for example Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, which can be quite big and complex monsters to use and to maintain, not even very experienced people can master those programs completely. If you are trying to say that Armed Assault is such a piece of software that it is only meant for some... hmm... big boy? user group then I think you are quite lost somewhere... as Armed Assault is, after all, a computer game only. You must not have been talking about me when you talk about whining people, as I did not do so in my post and I tried to clearly indicate that my post is not a bug report and not whining, just a post about my experiences directly related to the topic. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  23. baddo

    Config in missionfile

    Could you please explain what you are trying to achieve by putting a config file into a mission PBO? Edit: A-ha. That does not make sense if you don't have the whole addon in the mission PBO, right?
  24. baddo


    I for sure eat the chocolate Easter eggs given for me. But Easter is not an important celebration for me as I would need to see some serious proof about the resurrection of Jesus until I believe it. If it's just written in some book is really not proof, many kinds of fairy tales have been written. Instead of the resurrection of Jesus, I am much more keen to believe that if Jesus was a real person, and was put into a "grave" of some sort, he then was moved elsewhere from the "grave" and the people who went to look for him came up with a fairy tale of resurrection when they did not find him anymore. That sounds a whole lot more likely to me.
  25. baddo

    LOD Bug

    I can understand very well why people are frustrated and angry about not getting Arma to run well on their new computers. If I had spent large amounts of money into new hardware I would have gone mad if the only reason for buying the new hardware, ArmA would then not have worked! Thank God I did not buy new hardware because ArmA would have been the only reason why I would have done that, as I don't play games that much... only these BIS products have somehow managed to keep me as a computer game player. Maybe it happens so that I lose interest in even BIS products and stop playing games altogether, then what would I do with the new hardware? As I have old hardware, I have no problem seeing ArmA not work well and I can live with it, as my expectations were quite low and ArmA actually surprised me positively that I could even get it running on my computer.