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Everything posted by baddo

  1. It is great that you set the bugtracker, it is very much appreciated work. Thank You all who were related setting it all up. But don't you think you are complaining about a non-valid issue? A publisher gives a mission exclusively for its customers, that is something you can't complain about to BIS I think? It for sure is not a problem in Armed Assault that BIS should fix, if the mission exclusive to some publisher is not in the version you own... Edit: Maybe ask 505 games to give the mission for you? I think they are the only ones who can give it to you legally.
  2. baddo

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    That is what I thought, it for sure is not some arbitrary-chosen number (must be directly related to source code version in the repository or it doesn't make much sense).
  3. baddo


    Well then the abbreviation "OFP" should be removed from this forum's title...
  4. baddo

    New SP Mission

    Hey did you put this mission through the www.ofpec.com mission beta testing process? If not, then I really recommend it, you and your mission will benefit greatly. Thanks for the mission. Baddo
  5. Good to hear. Admin was definitely in bad mood, such rude and stupid the reply was. So, all good for now
  6. My guess is that this mission was made by the publisher. I don't know if that reply is from a BIS employee. If it is then only explanation can be that this mission really was made by the publisher and BIS wishes you contact them instead. If this scenario is true then it is still unforgivable from BIS in my honest opinion: the customer need not to know whom's fault a problem is. Just take the bug report and direct it to the publisher, no need to make your customers angry. If the reply is not from a BIS employee then it is not an excuse... ...and I really doubt this came from BIS. As this is the "ArmA Community BugTracker" there can be some volunteer admin speaking, or else this is very bad customer service from BIS: Should we really care about that? Is it our fault? For BIS customer service/volunteer bugtracker admins: do not tell us it is someone elses's fault. That looks very bad. Swallow your pride and just pass the complaint forward to the right place. We do not care whom's fault it is!
  7. baddo

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    ArmA took the Game2 engine? VR3 engine? Give me a break! So: Game2 has no engine. And it has a game engine called VR3. Nice guesses but I am sure BIS does have a game engine which they can use from now on, even though they put one engine into ArmA. And they can name their game engine how they wish, like "Sponge" or "Bohem" or "Neu-Engine". It isn't far-fetched to say that the game engine used in "Game2" is the version that happens to be ready at the time of release. On topic: I definitely hope Operation Flashpoint 2 will be a good game. If there are even more games coming that can compete with the games BIS is producing, then it is only good for all of us, even for BIS as they could have something decent to compare to, and maybe get working even harder One certain rule in product development is that if the competition is looking at your product and makes their product resemble your product and don't innovate something very good, they are always at least one step behind if you don't stop working.
  8. baddo

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    I will try to give a tip... let's see how it is taken... am I retarded or not... Instead of writing: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0 _type = _this select 1 ?(_type == "anaconda"): Goto "Anaconda" ?(_type == "glock17"): Goto "Glock17" ?(_type == "glock18"): Goto "Glock18" ?(_type == "50ae"): Goto "50Auto" ?(_type == "fn57"): Goto "FN57" ?(_type == "m16a2"): Goto "M16A2" ?(_type == "m4a1"): Goto "M4A1Cobra" ?(_type == "m16m203"): Goto "M16M203" ?(_type == "ump45"): Goto "UMP45" ?(_type == "sg552"): Goto "SG552" ?(_type == "p90"): Goto "P90" ?(_type == "g36"): Goto "G36" ?(_type == "ak-47"): Goto "AK-47" ?(_type == "m249"): Goto "SAW" ?(_type == "m82a1"): Goto "M82A1" ?(_type == "psg"): Goto "PSG-1" ?(_type == "rpg7"): Goto "RPG-7" ?(_type == "6 grenades"): Goto "6_Grenades" ?(_type == "3 grenades"): Goto "3_Grenades" ?(_type == "2 grenades"): Goto "2_Grenades" ?(_type == "1 grenade"): Goto "1_Grenade" ?(_type == "2 smokeshells"): Goto "2_SmokeShells" ?(_type == "1 smokeshell"): Goto "1_SmokeShell" ?(_type == "binoculars"): Goto "Binoculars" ?(_type == "nightvision"): Goto "NV" ; ... the rest of the script ... you can write: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0 goto (_this select 1) ; ... the rest of the script ... Makes the script a good bit shorter and also faster when all those condition checks are not present. About using removeAllWeapons: you should use it before you execute a script like this. Maybe the design of this system is not ideal as I see you would need to call the script many times if you want to give a soldier a weapon, binoculars and NV goggles... each would require one script call with this design. Maybe you should think first before insulting others. An apology towards karantan would not be a bad idea AgentJonathan he tells you a perfectly valid point and you call him retarded?
  9. It must be done by editing a mission. It is the decision of a mission designer if you are allowed to customize your equipment.
  10. baddo

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    to the PC and "major console formats."
  11. baddo

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    All the hardware and driver bugs/incompatibilities that have been complained about on these forums, makes me think it is not a bad idea at all to make games for consoles and forget the PC... might save a couple of a programmer's hairs.
  12. baddo

    US Demo Released

    Please try the demo first before commenting on it. I adjusted the mouse settings and the very weird aiming problem reduced significantly, I think it even vanished. Chopper is okay to fly with just a keyboard and a mouse. Gotta be careful not to make too drastic movements with the mouse and all is good. I believe that most people don't invest in proper controllers for the choppers and play with keyboard and mouse so this must be given some value in the BIS decision making process.
  13. baddo

    Will you still play ArmA?

    Somehow I feel that you are thinking this OFP2 from Codemasters has something to do with ArmA and Game2 by BIS? I don't think that's the case, mate. So, it is not odd at all if Codemasters brings their OFP2 into markets, no matter how short or long time after ArmA...
  14. baddo

    New incredible shots!!

    http://www.codemasters.com/flashpoint2/uk/operationflashpoint2.php ...and this thread belongs to offtopic I think... in that picture there is much detail in close distance yes, but it seems according to that picture that the detailed graphics stop quite quickly and it then changes into a dull background. So question is, how far is the practical fighting distance?
  15. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    No, that is not true. It is just common sense about what I think is safe and what is not. Being in a place full of loaded guns is not safe. I took the shooting range at the army as an example of a situation where there is a great danger to get hurt accidentally when there are a lot of loaded guns all over the place. Also if you did not read my previous post, I say again; there is already something seriously wrong with a person who thinks he needs to bring a gun with him to school. A rational person has no use for a gun in a school.
  16. baddo

    Explain this to me..

  17. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    I can only say that there is definitely something seriously wrong with a person who brings a gun into a school. There is no need for guns in schools. Why would a rational person bring a gun into school? What does a rational person do with a gun in a school? It doesn't make sense. That is why we don't allow it, as there is already something seriously wrong with someone who thinks he needs to bring a gun into a school. As that is true in my honest opinion, I would naturally be very worried if I knew that someone in the classroom has a gun with him on a daily basis. If you call that kind of worry ridiculous then well... I guess it is your problem not mine.
  18. baddo

    Too much CHEATS

    A solution to this problem is that you join a clan that you know plays fair game, or put up such clan by yourself. Then you play only with people who you know and trust. Otherwise you never have a chance to get completely rid of the cheaters or intentional team killers. People should notify server admins about cheating. If some server is frequently having cheaters and doesn't do anything about it, then don't go there and make sure your friends don't go their either. Let the cheaters play against each other.
  19. baddo

    Explain this to me..

    Hey people who noticed the same issue, go to the ArmA community bugtracker: 0002037: Soldiers sink into ground and leave your note that you get this problem too. Let BIS know that it is something they should care about at some point of their bug-fixing parade.
  20. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    So you think you know all the thousands of people in the university that well? Good for you then... Even if you knew all the people, there is still the possibility that a gun goes off accidentally and you are in the line of fire. Trusting that person won't help much.
  21. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    I would not go into a university where students are allowed to keep weapons with them for self-protection... that would be a totally insane place. Do you feel safe when you are surrounded by weapons? I don't. Even in the Finnish Defence Forces where everyone were supposed to be friendlies, I didn't like the idea at the shooting range that there were some 100+ people close to me with loaded assault rifles. It only needs one error from someone... I didn't feel exactly safe when there were lots of weapons and ammunition close to me. Actually during that year one person even got killed during a battle exercise. He got a bullet into the back of his head.
  22. baddo

    Explain this to me..

    It is not understandable The bug report I made shows what happened when editing a mission, surely it was not a multiplayer session. "Oh by the way, if you tune your settings down then soldiers will appear sinked into ground! But take it as normal!" Yeah right...
  23. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    All guns need not be banned. But some common sense may be applied, it is not forbidden in U.S. either, no matter how "the amendment" is interpreted. Concentrate on the guns that people can easily carry with them so that others don't notice it (handguns). Concentrate on the guns that are likely to cause significant damage if someone uses them against others in a crowded public place (semi-autom. and full autom. guns for starters). I have absolutely no problem with the hunting weapons. The guns in question are inappropriate for hunting.
  24. baddo

    Explain this to me..

    Hi I reported this into the ArmA Community BugTracker: 0002037: Soldiers sink into ground You could also make a comment into that same bug report that you get it too and post your system specs and ArmA settings there. Baddo
  25. baddo

    How about North Sahrani?

    I think he already has the full version and is not waiting for the U.S. release... he's not talking about what he wants into the demo. He's really talking about having the northern part of Sara in the full version. It just doesn't make any sense if the splitting is the only modification.