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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    Dual core, Quad Core and SLI...

    Ach but diesel is actually better! ArmA may not take advantage of multi-threading (use more than one of the cores in a multi-core processor), of course it would have been desirable if it did and there is no reason to assume BIS doesn't want to take full advantage of modern technology. So. It just didn't make into this version of BIS' game engine. If multi-threading is not present in the next game title coming from BIS, then I start to think what they have been taking...
  2. baddo

    Is 1.05 worth downloading

    That happened with a computer that is under minimum system requirements.
  3. baddo


    Virtual disk? Never has been necessary on my computer. Let me check how my BIS toolset is configured currently... ...okay. This works for me, and no virtual disks: - Oxygen 2 Light is in: \mdl\o2light - Oxygen Viewer 2 is in: \mdl\o2_viewer2 - Visitor 2 Light is in: \mdl\visitor2light Oxygen 2 Light - File - Options: External Viewer: \mdl\o2_viewer2\buldozer.exe -dx -window DLL Folder: \mdl\o2light For Visitor 2 Light also set up the preferences accordingly. Viewer works for both Oxygen 2 Light and Visitor 2 Light.
  4. Looks good... ...does it work in Linux?
  5. baddo

    BWMod Discussion Thread

    TeRpEnTiN, oh no Is it not possible to make the configuration files so that you achieve the same result but with independent addon files? I am quite sure that both FDF Mod (huge success in OFP) and BW-MOD will achieve great popularity in Armed Assault too. It is not good if they can't be used together as that excludes a lot of interesting mission and campaign setups. If you do the total conversion mod with main config changes, as you have planned, could you then also consider creating independent addons out of the stuff you put into the total conversion mod? I think different mod teams could cooperate on this issue. Would it not be possible to create core configuration files that somehow fit into both, FDF and BW mods? As in, for FDF Mod addons use these core settings and for BW-MOD addons use these other core settings, from the same file? Or just use the same settings for both? I am just worried that I can't play my two favourite mods together, like I could do in OFP. I think many many other people too are worried of this very same issue. BR, Baddo.
  6. baddo

    I'm having a retarded problem!

    Compare the addon file on the CD to a fresh, for sure well-working copy of the same addon. Use some file compare tool; every byte in the files must match exactly if you compare same versions. You could have a problem with your CD drive or CD's.
  7. baddo

    High ping, why?

    Yup you have some problem, I have 8 Mbit/s down connection and slower computer than you have, my ping to Central European servers is usually around 40-60 ms from Finland. Are you sure the internet connection is not shared with other apartments in the same building/building complex? That's for sure one way to get higher ping when others are taking their share of the bandwidth.
  8. baddo

    New Mission Makers.

    Yup. I have even seen a mission editing competition where scripts were a requirement, can you imagine that? I have also seen scripts as one important factor in guidelines how to give a user-submitted mission a score, on some website... I don't know what that has got to do with a good mission... when I am playing an OFP/ArmA mission I don't care if it has zero or 1000 scripts, it is the experience that I get from playing the mission that matters and not what is under the hood. But. If you think about it. Is it easier to use the mission editor to insert all the details of your mission instead of writing a script? I find it is both easier and faster to write a script than to insert a couple of triggers, waypoints and put some code into them. But this varies from person to person I am sure of that. I just find the mission editor slow to use compared to writing a script file. (Point-and-click, then type code) * 10 is slow compared to just typing code into a file.
  9. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Letting users upload avatars is a way to speed up the operation of the forums - you download only from one server and not from hundreds of different servers, which cost you time as your computer must establish a connection to all of the places where you want to download files from. So there is some reasoning behind the decision to allow it.
  10. Hey, trying to protect your PBO files or mission files by modifying them in a hex editor won't work as long as there are people who know the file formats. So I wouldn't really bother with that... some programmer in some far-away tiny island is going to come and see "A-ha! You flipped that byte over there, and this one over here! I'll just flip them back and that's it!" ...and there you have it, your protection wen't down the toilet faster than you can say "cat". Don't bother trying to "encrypt" your mission PBO's by editing it in a hex editor, it's not going to be a working solution. If someone really rips complete missions or addons without giving any credit to original authors then that is quite bad... even worse if for commercial use of course. Make sure you state the license clearly. It doesn't have to be a long text as long as you state clearly what is allowed and what is not. I'd say, if you are too worried that someone opens your PBO and looks how you did what you did, then don't release anything as you will only be disappointed when you find out that your protection didn't work. Hmm friend I really doubt that is the case... there are a lot of original scripts and functions written for OFP and now for ArmA. How you can say 99 % is modified from existing works or derived from original game content is kind of odd in my opinion... we have documentation for the scripting language if you didn't notice yet Best Regards, Baddo.
  11. baddo

    BWMod Discussion Thread

    Hey, thanks for the great job you have done this far. I hope you can keep working on BW-MOD as I really enjoyed your addons in OFP and would love to enjoy your "fullmod" with ArmA. I have one wish for you. I am naturally a big fan of FDF Mod. For OFP I created a mission (not released to public consumption) using FDF Mod 1.4 and some BW-MOD addons. It would be very important that I could keep on using BW-MOD addons together with FDF Mod. Do you have any plans to cooperate with other mods like the FDF Mod to ensure that your addons can be used at the same time? It would also be great if your addons would fit configuration-wise to the Russian/Finnish units that FDF Mod is supposedly working on to release for ArmA, to ensure balanced gameplay. Thanks, Baddo.
  12. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Hmmm... but what does it change? People can use an avatar of their choice even when no upload functionality is provided? In both cases the moderators need to moderate the avatars too. Of course, you can just disable avatars completely so that solves it
  13. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason. I can deal with such situations without a gun. Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place. karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed. Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours. In my opinion it is not an appropriate action to use a weapon to stop a burglar who is just stealing stuff from my house. In such situation I see it is just better to contact the police (who are not lazy and slow around here, I can tell you that is certain). That is why I wanted to ask the citizens of U.S. a question: Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you? I ask those questions because I would like to know how "real" the threat to get attacked with a gun is for the citizens of the U.S. I feel that for me such threat is close to non-existant. I am more concerned of threats coming from outside my country. And then it is our military that acts, and I am not going to just stand by and watch but instead fulfill the oath I have given.
  14. baddo

    GAME 2 high level design

    I'd first need to get an update from BIS as to how Game2 is progressing, what kind of features it has and what features do they plan to do for it. And hey, don't say "demand" if you don't mean it
  15. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    karantan. Using a gun against a burglar is not what I would do. And that does not make me a coward, or a "whinie". If you didn't notice, this discussion is about firearms. Using a firearm against a burglar who is just trying to take my stereos will likely result me ending up in prison. That is why I say I leave the job for the police. karantan. You need not to use insulting words towards people who refuse to have a gun at home just in case a burglar comes. The last two paragraphs of your post are just insulting bullshit towards me and I leave them as such. If you were the burglar, and if I knew that, I'd for sure give you a hard kick where you need it the most. But I would not shoot you with a firearm, as that would only cause myself ending up in prison. Read the text in bold several times and maybe then you could understand what my previous, and this post is about.
  16. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Yup, yup... Take my car. Take my wallet. Take my furniture. I am not going to own a gun because of them... I won't bother fighting against a burglar, I let the police do that. And yes, we have insurance. Armed robberies are very, very rare here where I live. That explains a part of my opinions as I already expressed in my previous post. I have a very small probability to face a threat which could get me seriously hurt or even killed. If I am ever going to get seriously hurt (hopefully not), that would most likely happen in a road accident. Questions to the citizens of the U.S. Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?
  17. baddo

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    You can put my suggestion also to a single script file... The two methods you described both require that you execute a script or scripts many times for one unit if you want to give more equipment to that unit (not just one weapon+mags). Makes it quite messy in my opinion. Also, why would you separate the removeAllWeapons command from the script? Not organized... it is required but you put it somewhere else than into the script.
  18. Hi Flaws that I have found in the latest publicly released version of Chris' OFP Script Editor: - no code folding - no line numbering - syntax highlighting doesn't work correctly: - if the comment character ; is not the first item in a line then that comment is not coloured as it should be - SQF syntax highlighting is not working as it should, impossible to fix without source code to the program - program is very slow when opening a file, probably related to the syntax highlighting... - if a line exceeds the width of the text box, when writing more characters to the end of the line there is something wicked going on; I assume that it is the cursor that jumps back and forth between the start of the line and the end of the line, causing the view changing quite disturbingly. This is very uncomfortable and annoying and alone is a reason not to use this program for editing files. Yes I've sent these comments to Chris also a good time ago, so he should be aware of my complaints I read from another thread a comment from someone that a new version of this program is on the works so maybe these issues will go away with a next version of the program if it comes out. Positive thing in this program is that it is customized for use in OFP editing (this is a flaw too at the same time). So what do I recommend, then? As I write scripts/other code files on Linux most of the time, I use Kate which is more than adequate for the task of writing source code. On Windows I have used Chris' OFP Script Editor up to the point where I couldn't stand its flaws anymore, and then I've used a couple of other programs too, most of which has been mentioned in this thread already. UltraEdit is good too, but I think Kate beats it up as it has a cleaner user interface (not so many unnecessary features). Best Regards, Baddo.
  19. baddo

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    Yes that is what I meant. You then have to execute the script only once for each soldier. Also use the removeAllWeapons.
  20. baddo

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    As I see you did not listen to a previous tip I gave, I will give it to you for a second time. Think about this for a couple of minutes at least: Instead rather than craploads of scripts, you can just do this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this,"Anaconda"] exec "guns.sqs"; [this,"P90"] exec "guns.sqs"; [this,"Binoculars"] exec "guns.sqs" The two methods you described are equally flawed. I recommend you switch your design into loadouts tailored for unit types. In your script you would give all equipment at one go for each unit, for example: SpecOp loadout: - give silenced weapon + magazines - give satchel charges - give binoculars - give nvgoggles Antitank soldier loadout: - give normal assault rifle + magazines - give antitank rocket launcher + rockets - give pistol + magazines etc...
  21. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Hi The feeling I had after watching Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine was that the citizens of the U.S. have in general a lower trust towards their police and military than we do here in Europe. By the way I think the "document films" he makes are neither good journalism or good documentaries, but are just good for entertainment purposes. As I previously told you, I trust the police to help me when needed, and they have not let me down yet. Also I have great trust towards our military. I belong to it myself as a reservist and as a fact is that most Finnish people are quite patriotic, there is not much reason to be afraid of a revolution of any sort. Also even if our military is small, I still think we can seriously kick ass in a battlefield if needed (this has been proven and I have absolutely no doubt we couldn't repeat it). Also a majority of us have been born in this very same country, number of immigrants is quite low. Also the number of criminal acts that I see is very low. I have yet to witness a gun-related crime. I have never seen a civilian carry a gun in a public place. Gang crime and violence is not visible in my daily life (it exists at some level but stays away from my eyes thankfully). The neighbourhood I live in is very clean and neat, I have no complaints (well except one nearby car scapyard which should clean up its places, but that is a small problem). So maybe all this affects how we see this gun control issue; I see much less reason to have firearms at home than the people do at the United States. Of course I can only assume how things are in the U.S., based on the information I have received through medias like internet, newspapers and TV. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  22. baddo

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Many people might not need a mission editor, they might instead need a game that works well and is fun to play. So what I am saying is, you can't say if this OFP2 by Codemasters is going to fail or succeed if it has a mission editor or not. I bet most people who play computer games won't bother with a mission editor (you belong to a small minority if you do).
  23. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Dallas. Middle road has already been found, just look at the many European nations that allow people to hunt with firearms, after they have gone through appropriate tests, and that restrict possession of firearms that are clearly not appropriate for hunting (semi-autom. etc). Also a nation-wide registry of firearms is held, so we have, at some level, some kind of possibility to know who owns which legally-acquired firearm. If U.S. would adopt such similar practices then this would be true: - The rights from the 2nd Amendment would not have been taken away nor modified. And notice that, for simplicity's sake, we now ignore the disputed talk in the amendment about a "militia", which can not mean every citizen of U.S. - Availability of the firearms that clearly do not fit into hunting would be drastically limited. - The semi-automatic and automatic firearms would not be allowed for civilians throughout the whole country. The 2nd amendment can be kept unmodified. As I see it, it does not say what kind of firearms you are allowed to have. I think many U.S. citizens who argue against stricter gun control do not see this fact at all and thus put up a fight over a non-issue. They have no case if we allow hunting rifles and take other weapons away, they still have the right as expressed in the 2nd amendment. Or else, show me the text from the U.S. constitution where it says what kind of weapons U.S. citizens are allowed to have. Also. Many people in this thread seem to have read from our posts something we did not write into them; we do not ask for all guns to be banned, we just ask common sense to be applied in the U.S. too (that is already been done elsewhere). Best Regards, Baddo.
  24. baddo

    Anti-Virus n AntiHack - Gamer Friendly ?

    For single player I just unplug the network cable and turn off the anti-virus and firewall software...
  25. baddo

    Map Reading

    Hey, this can be a problem for a beginner. To make this problem go away I suggest you start the mission editor of ArmA and put a unit for yourself into the map along with some vehicles and spend a couple of hours going through the whole island, and memorize the locations and reduce gradually your need to look at the map. The aim is to get rid of the map completely, you should know the place well-enough so you don't need a map. Do it again everyday until you feel comfortable with the island. I think you should be able to navigate in the islands without even looking at the map. Use the compass and landmarks, that should be enough. In intense fights it is better not to look at maps or you lose because the other guys probably know the island without looking at the map.