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Everything posted by baddo

  1. Well I brought it up only because it happened at the same time as a character got stuck into its position, first as an AI and later it was still stuck when I took control of that character (I could fire the gun in the back and turn around, but not change location).
  2. Nice idea, bardosy. Some feedback after evaluation: - The program requires Java Runtime Environment. You should mention this in the documentation and in the forum post you make. - Change the program so that it doesn't write files that need not to be modified. Currently it seems to write all files it processes, even if there is nothing to modify. This is definitely not good as it changes the "Modified" date of the files for no reason (the program also inserts a newline into the end of files that didn't have a newline at the end already). Writing the files shouldn't happen as there is no need for your program to do anything other than reading for a file that doesn't have localizable strings in it. - At least one file that this program should, but does not process is mission.sqm which can also include a lot of localizable strings. Be sure to make the program go through all files where localizable strings might have been put. - The program does not process all script statements that can output text to the screen (as you mentioned, only titleText and sideChat are supported). This is a major drawback and should definitely be fixed. Anyways, nice idea. I see this kind of program can be very useful, but you would first need to change it to cover all files where localizable strings might have been put, and also change it to process also the rest of the string output commands in addition to titleText and sideChat. Baddo
  3. baddo

    AI won't cross bridge

    One quite certain way is to take full control of the movement of the tanks with setPos and maybe with some other commands too. Not a good solution but, it's a solution.
  4. baddo

    NearestObject Vs ObjectId

    Aha, so the static machine guns are to be dynamically created. That changes the situation. You also seem to want to control the locations where the static mg's are created by putting game logics into the desired positions. An alternative to this would be, if the static mg positions itself can be fixed, to store the [x,z,y] positions into a script/function file. This would be mission-specific of course. You wouldn't need to use a global variable for the position list, you could have them in a local variable of some function and get that list only when you need it. You could store the heading of the object in the same list too, and other info if needed. Updating such position list could get wearisome though, if you want to change static mg positions often when editing your mission. This could very well be a big-enough drawback to not use such fixed-positions list at all (for me probably would).
  5. Please make sure you have read everything available at http://www.ofpec.com/ that's a good start.
  6. Please make sure you have read everything available at http://www.ofpec.com/ that's a good start.
  7. baddo

    NearestObject Vs ObjectId

    If you insert objects like static machine guns using the in-game editor's menus, there is no need to use nearestObject or game logics to get a reference to your objects. Just give your objects a name, preferably with a unique tag prefix (see www.ofpec.com for more info), and use those names then to access your objects. You could even create a list of all your static machine guns during mission start; like put them all into a global array variable. From there on it would be easy to check each mg's status and adjust if needed. I bet you can even do what you are trying to do without object names; Into init.sqs file (in your specific mission folder): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BDO_staticMgs = [] Into the initialization field of the static mg object (in mission editor): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BDO_staticMgs = BDO_staticMgs + [this] (BDO_ is my unique, reserved tag prefix which I use for all global symbols. Go to www.ofpec.com and reserve a tag for yourself, you need it trust me.) If you do that for all of your static mg's, you should then have them accessible through the variable BDO_staticMgs. This example is untested but I have a strong feeling it should work.
  8. baddo

    Where's OFPEC?

    It's better now. Frontpage template seems to be a good amount of kilobytes smaller than the old design, which I think is a Good Thing. And you even fixed a problem already with the login box overflowing into the main content area on at least Iceape, Epiphany and Konqueror browsers.
  9. baddo

    Change DoF with Camera.sqs?

    I am quite sure you must use the available scripting commands in your cutscene script, instead of thinking you could achieve it using the camera.sqs script. As I am aware, camera.sqs is only useful in mission editing for getting all the different camera positions which you can then insert into your cutscene script, and make your camera go to those positions. Correct me if I am wrong.
  10. baddo

    Change DoF with Camera.sqs?

    I bet the script can be found from some PBO. I was thinking maybe you can have a look at it and see if you can modify it to achieve what you want. ...or on the other hand... what are you doing? Are you talking about making a cutscene into your mission? You would then only use the camera.sqs to get the camera locations, which you then use in your cutscene script? If that is the case then my tip doesn't help. Maybe don't talk about camera.sqs next time if that is not what you mean
  11. baddo


    Sorry, just couldn't resist, as you put a + / - into your text... saying that the problem could be fixed by either plus or minus 12 hours from the time you made your post... that made me think maybe you are one of the crazy scientists who know how to make a leap through time, backwards or forwards. That could be very cool by the way.
  12. Well... ...I had doubts about this when I was editing a mission and I noticed that the friendly groups that I had put to patrol around a town did not behave the way I would have liked them to behave. Mainly the problem was that the groups were so stupid that when enemy attacked the town, especially this one group just laid down on a road and stayed there for the whole duration of the mission. They were on "safe" at the start but of course they shot back if enemy came close. Weird thing to me was that they really seemed to stay where they were on the moment of noticing the approaching enemy. I didn't go deeper into solving that problem but I recall that in OFP this didn't happen. Also some words about ArmA non-US demo: I played the coop mission alone with AI units as team mates. A serious problem was, at least on some version of that demo, that the AI units got stuck not long after the mission had started. I had ordered them to lay down in line formation and assigned targets to them, on "hold fire" mode right from the start of the mission. When I ordered them to start shooting all seemed to go well, enemies got taken out. But then when I wanted to advance with the whole group to the town, some AI units just refused to move anymore. They just stood there and ignored all my commands. Then, when my unit died and I took control of such stuck AI unit, I couldn't move that character either. In one case I had a pistol in hand, the rifle in the back, and when I fired, it was the rifle at the back of the unit that fired... not the pistol in the hand. This was very serious problem and I think it went away with some patch to the demo but can't be completely sure. I am quite sure that last time I play-tested the mission I am making, the AI groups behaved quite "dumb" and didn't do much after switching from "safe" to "combat", they were all in prone position like you mentioned. They took enemy out if the enemy came close but very rarely advanced to kill the enemy. This looked quite bad but as I said, I didn't yet go deeper into the problem - maybe it is a question of how the waypoints are set up. But I am sure it was not like this in OFP, there the AI groups were more active in this kind of situation as I recall (when using only "move" waypoints). On the other hand I have also seen quite good behaviour of AI in ArmA this far; I have been flanked and been in serious survival problems because of enemy AI approaching from unexpected direction. This has improved over OFP.
  13. baddo

    Change DoF with Camera.sqs?

    Modify camera.sqs?
  14. baddo


    Sir, you have a time machine?
  15. Well at least with using a trigger should work I think. I haven't tested this but I think it should work. You set some global boolean variable to true, publicVariable it, then check it in your trigger. Then your trigger checks if server machine, if yes then executes the script. Then the script sets the same boolean variable to false and publicVariables it. Wouldn't it work like that? Another question is, what happens if multiple clients do the same thing at the same time?
  16. baddo


    That is what I suspected. The guide is old and should be updated to reflect how things are today.
  17. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    If people don't agree that it is both easier and faster to kill people with a firearm than with bottles, knives, axes... then I think this conversation really is completely useless.
  18. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    No that's not what I said. We have a serious problem in this thread. I guess both sides are reading something from others' posts that just wasn't written into them. The example of the boy killed because of walking on the man's lawn: the man had a shotgun. On the moment when he pulled the trigger it was all over. Even if he could have had a second chance of thinking what he is going to do, it was over after he pulled the trigger. If you have a beer bottle, axe, knife, or any other object that requires a lot more work to kill someone with, then you also have more time to consider what you are doing. That is my reasoning in the "boy killed" example. Sorry if I wrote the message so that this intention isn't clear. To me it is quite obvious, if you have a loaded gun you just pull the trigger and that's it. If you have to use some "blunt object" to beat someone to death, it's going to get a lot more time and energy to do it, thus your conscience has more time to stop you. Also the victim has much better chance to get away, as the victim can start running and won't have to fear of a bullet hitting into the back of the head (yes, a beer bottle will hurt too). With a beer bottle you maybe hit twice in the head of someone, then remorse and stop doing it. If you pulled a trigger then having remorse after a couple of seconds won't help.
  19. Well I remember the OFP coops I played. Being a part of a well-organized team which planned beforehand what to do helped tremendeously to boost the gaming experience. I hated it when the team was just a bunch of monkeys going all over the place. I loved it when the team was strictly commanded and good orders were given. People were assigned roles and tasks and sticked to them, just like in real life army training we had to do, or we got quite harsh punishments. Best gaming experiences I have ever had in my life.
  20. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Well there is an example of how having a gun is not necessarily a good thing. Maybe it is also an example of why many people think civilians should not be allowed to have so easy access to guns. A boy is shot because of a lawn. Extreme example, but still an example. The boy would not have been shot if the man would not have owned a gun. Instead, he would have maybe chased the boy with an axe, and the boy would have had much greater chances of survival.
  21. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    From CBS News: Blood Spilled Over Man's Perfect Lawn It is so great to be able to protect your property with a gun!
  22. baddo

    Pbo tools

    Hi Mikero's website: http://andrew.nf/ you can find his tools there, and some other 'stuff' too. What do you mean you can't get Kegetys' cpbo to run? If you don't get an option to the right-click context menu then I think that can be fixed as mentioned already.
  23. baddo

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    From cnn.com: Student arrested for essay's imaginary violence
  24. baddo

    Kegetys ArmA Launcher Help

    I've no personal experience with this launcher or trying to use mod folders with a space in their name, but let me guess: try using a folder name that doesn't have a space in it. Instead of: MultiCam Mod try: MultiCamMod\ Edit: It seems that you have at least two threads for this same problem?