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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    3D MAX

    Hey PaulHargreaves If you are serious about 3D modelling then I recommend you familiarize yourself with 3D navigation devices and purchase one. I've used such a device at work (Computer Aided Engineering) and now I can't even think of using a 3D modelling program without one. It really takes a lot of pain away from your mouse hand! I had pain in my mouse hand always in the end of a working day, but after I got a 3D navigation device it helped a lot in reducing the strain on my hand and also improved working speed. One manufacturer, which supports also 3DS Max, is http://www.3dconnexion.com/ A 3D navigation device is not at all a big investment if you are going to spend a lot of time doing 3D modelling. 3dconnexion gives away their Software Development Kit for free so even Bohemia Interactive Studio could integrate support for the 3D navigation devices into their own 3D modelling program. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  2. Hey, also one point you should consider is that creating content for Operation Flashpoint and for Armed Assault are close to each other; why put them far apart from each other in the forum? Best Wishes, Baddo.
  3. Yes it was a good idea. For me it is easier and faster to find to the ArmA Editing Board as it is now. If the ArmA Editing section is moved under the ArmA board as it is now, it would require one more click with a mouse to reach it from the frontpage. This is so high a price to pay that I'd rather not do it. The "Forum jump" menu gives access to Mission Editing board with 2 clicks though, which equals to the amount of clicks if the ArmA Editing board is like it is currently. But "Forum jump" is not visible on all sections of the forum for some odd reason. Also the Editing board is different in nature to the other boards. Other boards get a lot of bullshit posts and fighting but the Editing board is much cleaner. Best Regards, Baddo.
  4. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Yes very true. I've not been a victim, but I've seen many many people get treated badly by old (and young) members of this forum. In my eyes such blunt behaviour isn't justified in such situations. I'm not saying people shouldn't search, I'm saying when they don't you should still treat them nicely.
  5. That's not what we want. The problem is, when you look through weapon optics, then back to normal view again, the previous setting of the compass/GPS being on has been turned off. Now we need to turn it on again, and again and again... how convenient is that if you want for example the GPS to be on during the whole mission? Not convenient.
  6. The same is true for the GPS map. In certain type of missions it's good to have it on most of the time, but looking through a scope makes it go away which is annoying. I wouldn't say a fix should be 'modded' to ArmA, I would say this needs to get improved by BIS. Or have we missed something from the game that makes this problem disappear?
  7. baddo


    Well you 5133p39 are thinking the same about it as I do. I'd also like to know more of the distance parameter.
  8. baddo

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    It's quite funny that when I said some time ago 'you can do a lot with existing tools, you don't need the arma dev tools yet to get started' an old member of this community, a respected addon maker, jumped on my throat and ridiculed me like I didn't know what I was talking about What comes to the expansion pack and current state of ArmA. Sure ArmA could be more stable. 1.08 seems to not let me play multiplayer, I tried many times and it always either crashed and jammed the whole computer or just dropped the connection about 30 seconds into the missions. So ArmA is not quite stable yet (I have a slow computer too so that could add to the problems, but doesn't explain the crashes in my opinion). I'm looking forward for this expansion pack, it's only positive that we get content created by professionals and don't have to rely on non-professionally made content which often lacks in terms of quality. My best wishes to BIS, have strength to withstand all the complaints, go outside once in a while and don't read too much from the forums during your working day as that is quaranteed to distract your work. Best Wishes, Baddo.
  9. baddo

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Hey friend I think you took your statement too far. Some people expect a game in a box that is said to contain one, not just a game engine. I definitely would not rely on the 'community' to create content for a game I have paid for. I am happy for what is created by the community, but in my humble opinion it's not a realistic solution to expect that the 'community' can create the content needed to make a game enjoyable. If you look back at what kind of content there is for OFP, you must admit that most of the addons created for OFP are not even near the quality that the original content in OFP has. It's not going to happen for ArmA either. There are of course exceptions which I very much praise, but it's just not enough to say we don't need BIS to create high-quality content. And I'm not talking about very very small errors in the content, which are even highly debatable if they are errors at all. Like having a wrong kind of button in some sleeve etc. I have to add that one of the biggest problems with user-created content is that it often doesn't match well visually or configuration-wise with existing original content or content made by other users. That's one significant problem and organisations such as BIS can hold it somehow together inside their walls but some random hobbyist addon creators scattered all over the world are highly unlikely to achieve it. As proof for this claim, there's just too many addons for OFP that clearly do not fit into the game at all, and look very much out-of-place. Many soldier addons cannot be used against each other as configs are too different, creating totally unbalanced firefights where other side is always deemed to lose. As an example of an exception to this is FDF Mod's addons for OFP which fits well with the original content in my humble opinion. So, to sum up my words, I very much welcome the existing high-quality content and any new high-quality content made by professionals. I also welcome high-quality community created content, which I already enjoyed to great extent with OFP, but as I said I rather rely on a professional well-organized team to create the content for a game I paid for instead of hoping someone in the community will some day release some nice high-quality addons.
  10. baddo

    The Middle East part 2

    What Jonny_2LI wrote deserves a permanent ban for him, no matter where he comes from. It's all too easy to come up with comments like that, or with comments like 'nuke the whole place' when you really have absolutely no idea what you are really saying, who deserves what kind of punishment and who doesn't. We are, after all, living under the same sun. I'm trying to live my life here. Some idiots are trying to prevent me from doing it. Most of the people over in Middle East are trying to do exactly the same, to live their life, and they have their own idiots over there. It's the relatively small number of religious and ideologist fanatics (includes Americans) and other lunatics who have turned the place into what it is today.
  11. baddo

    Spyware from here??

    Remember that the anti-spyware programs can also give alerts for something that is not at all spyware. It's not uncommon. For example in Linux chkrootkit and rkhunter both give false alerts, depending on what is installed on the system being checked. It's also true for Windows. An anti-spyware program has a hard time figuring out what is actually meant as spyware and what is not (if detection is based on some common characteristics of spyware and not detecting exact file fingerprints).
  12. baddo

    Spyware from here??

    First make sure your computer is clean. Use anti-spyware programs to check your computer, format hard disk drive, reinstall operating system etc. the usual procedures with MS Windows. Then check if you still get the same error. If yes then contact BIS support and ask them what is going on. [rant] Those firewall / anti-spyware programs can't really prevent a user from going to the wrong websites and clicking the wrong 'OK' buttons... ...it helps a lot already when you consider carefully where you go in the cyberspace and what you download. If you keep doing the wrong things yourself then no firewall or anti-spyware program is going to save you. I've cleaned other peoples' computers too (including the computer of my boss), and I don't like such a job one bit, I think I let them suffer from now on if they do same mistakes over and over again without listening to advice. [/rant]
  13. baddo

    Atari & the truth..

    It very much looks to me that this Armchair General Magazine is not Atari, thus what is in the document is not Atari's marketing tactic.
  14. baddo

    Atari & the truth..

    Hehe... Isn't it always so that the salesmen are trying to fool you into buying something? That's what I have experienced no matter what I am looking at. Go look at a car which is for sale (new or used), it is guaranteed that the seller is either trying to hide something or simply talks bullshit, trying to make the car look better than it is. Best what you can do in these cases in my opinion is to let the seller think they are fooling you. Do not show right away that you have better knowledge than they think you have, just let them talk bullshit as much as they want. That way you'll gain better understanding of the sellers' honesty and know how to deal with them. You can always drop a bomb at them in the end of course. In this specific case it looks to me like it is not Atari which gives an impression of something that is not true. In the bottom of the document's pages it says: When Atari links to such document, they should say they do not have anything to do with the content and will not promise the content is true. Actually, Atari does not say the content of the document presents accurately what ArmA has: To my eyes there is no promise in that quote that the content in the document matches ArmA's features. It can be misleading, yes. That's why Atari should've checked it better and make a statement that they take no responsibility for possible errors and misleading information in the document. Best Regards, Baddo.
  15. baddo

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    Send a report directly to Chris. He's the one behind this tool and there is absolutely no guarantee that he'll ever see your message here.
  16. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    It's Alizée, that's why.
  17. baddo

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

  18. baddo

    save tool

    Indeed the savegame cheat seems to be broken. I tested it in 1.05.5136 in both cadet and veteran modes and in both of them I get the message 'Activated savegame' but it doesn't save. But I am sure I already used this in ArmA... it must have become broken as a result of the patches.
  19. baddo


    I think he just found something better to do.
  20. baddo

    _this select 1

    Note to people asking this kind of questions: always show how you start the script! You need to show the whole path how the arguments to the script are formed. Otherwise it's hard to point to you where the error happens. Pillage's script is asking for 4 arguments to be passed for it in an array. Make sure you actually do just that. The comment in the start of the script: is talking about only 1 argument but the script itself: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_object = _this select 0 _delay = _this select 1 _lifeTime = _this select 2 _vel = _this select 3 wants 4 arguments! So if you pass only 1 argument <object> to the script, _this select 1, _this select 2 and _this select 3 will give you an error as the array that was passed to the script doesn't contain that many values. Should it not be: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[Object,Delay,Lifetime,Velocity] exec "\bas_o\s\bas_mist.sqs" like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this,.7,500,1] exec "\bas_o\s\mist.sqs" ? (Quickly looked from http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....;70484)
  21. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Calling someone a criminal in public can get you into court here in Finland. In court you would then have to explain how much truth there is in your words. If court finds out that your words were not true, usual punishment seen here is a public apology and fines. Even if your words were true, you could still get punished for your words.
  22. baddo

    Military Humor

    Now that is stupid. Great job everyone, that's the way a team works... It's not funny at all.
  23. baddo

    Multi Core CPU and GPU

    When you say "leaving the impression" you are talking about what you imagine to be true. As such it is not factual information. We would need a news update about Game2. I've expressed the wish of getting an update about it in another thread recently. But that doesn't have to go much into the details how BIS works, just an update of their estimate when it will be released, what features can be expected and what it looks like visually now would be sufficient for me. No need to see project management documents. For me Game2 need not be released soon. I am not even nearly finished with ArmA yet. In reply to the disappointment with ArmA. I think a game should have absolutely no bugs and should require no patching at all. Also it would be great if ArmA would perform well on every new hardware combination you can assemble. How possible that is to achieve in practice is another thing. Console game development doesn't look like a bad idea at all when looking at all the troubleshooting threads here. Has BIS given the explanation of being a small company by themselfs? I have seen that explanation used by community members several times.
  24. baddo

    Multi Core CPU and GPU

    Thanks, I had a good laugh that's exactly what I needed now. All we outsiders can do is trust BIS. Alternatively we could start our own game development studio and do a better job. I don't see that happening any time soon for myself so I just rely on these professionals. It is 'kind of' hard to see inside BIS without being a member of them, so speculation about what they are able to do and what they have planned to do is very much pointless. We'll see in the future how they managed to do. I wish them strength to withstand all this. In my opinion there is no reason to think that BIS wouldn't do their best and develop their skills to the best possible level - INNOCENT&CLUELESS makes it sound like BIS is not doing that... It is obvious for everyone by now that multi-threading is a must in future games, it doesn't need to be pointed out for BIS. I think this question you made is a pretty dumb - what kind of answer are you expecting? You will not get the answer that you have implied to be true. I mean, if you have a company of any kind, and a customer asks you "Do you have the skills? Are you able to do your own job?" what kind of answer can you give then, to a paying customer? The community wants stable, bug-free ArmA and stable, bug-free Game2. No further research necessary. I'll put a here so you'll get my mood. Thanks again for delighting my day.