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Everything posted by baddo

  1. QG comes with version 1.08 of the game. I wouldn't say that is evidence. I wouldn't even be sure of the version number in the Queen's Gambit patch. I think you shouldn't be sure about that either.
  2. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    What I want from the Americans? Let's get one thing straight, in my eyes America consists of a much larger area than just the United States of America. I am unwilling to drag all Americans (Brazilians, Peruvians etc.) into this argument about what George W. Bush and his administration have done. First of all what I want to hear from G.W.B. and his administration: an apology to the whole World. They have insulted so many nations and individuals during the process of going to Iraq and being there, that an apology is the first thing that I expect them to do. As long as no admittance of their mistakes and an apology are not heard by me, no support to G.W.B. and his administration can be expected from me. If the U.S. wants to get the international community to work with them in good spirit again, an apology is a must. Sometimes a man must admit his mistakes, and ask for an apology. Is George W. Bush a man? Honestly, at the moment I don't know. G.W.B. and his administration started a big mess. It would have to be completely their job to clean it up. It should not have to be the job of the United Nations for example. It makes me angry that already in 2003 the U.S. was trying to get the U.N. to participate more in Iraq, as they saw soon that they were unable to get Iraq under their control. And this happened soon after the U.S. had sidestepped the U.N. in deciding whether to start the war or not. If that alone is not insulting and stupid then what is. I am afraid that in the end the U.N. will need to take control of the situation from G.W.B. and his administration, but it has to happen on one condition: U.S. shall not have anything to say, except through normal U.N. procedures, what will happen in Iraq. It is possible to stabilize Iraq, but as long as the U.S. military is there, it's not going to happen. There are just too many people there who want to shed exactly U.S. blood, and who want to make the life of exactly the U.S. politicians much, much harder.
  3. It wont. Don't buy it if you already hate ArmA. Queen's Gambint will mostly add new campaigns, new island and new addons to the gameplay you already know. I wouldn't buy QG if I didn't like ArmA already, infact I wouldn't even be wasting my own or other's time by posting here. Maybe you have actual evidence to show? If not, then your claim is only speculation. I am not expecting new animations, but I am not either saying there won't be any, as in fact I don't know. How could I know this?
  4. Well in my opinion it is clear that the animations in ArmA are not perfect. Are they good, I refuse to answer. What I do know is that having precise control of a character is quite difficult. For example when trying to get into a good spot on some ruined building, where parts of the building are missing and I am in the second floor, I try to move only a little bit but often the result is that I either expose myself too much to the enemy, or even fall down from the building. If I try to take one step back, it's too much. I can try to reduce this problem by only tipping the keys for very short time, but that doesn't work well. I think a solution to this could be to just cut the playing of the animation on the moment when the key is released, and let the character stop right there. When moving slowly I can definitely do that in real life, why not in ArmA. Like when I am on my way taking one step forward, I can't cancel the step and pull my leg back?
  5. baddo

    Learning Missions

    I had this problem too. I recall I needed to walk to a certain spot on the ground to get the instructor to come to the chopper with me, or something like that. These kinds of things are so annoying and ArmA is not one bit better game when I run into these kinds of problems. I'd say it is the mission designer's fault. Even if the player is doing everything as instructed, the mission goes wrong. Not good BIS. Might have to file a bug report to the bugtracker if someone didn't already do it for this mission.
  6. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Chipper, you can "print" the thread in question and then use your browser's search to find the words you want, as then the whole thread is displayed as one page.
  7. baddo

    Scripting Rant

    Out of curiosity, which do you think would be easier to learn for someone who has never done any programing before. C++ or the Arma\OFP script language? P.S You would'nt by any chance, have been previously banned from these forums? It is certainly the BIS programmers he means who should have put more functionality directly into the game engine itself, rather than left implemented in the scripting side. So this means, user scripters would not need to know anything about C++. He is saying things that need to be done by the mission designers, could have been implemented directly into the game engine. I am neither against or for his opinion. This is a flexibility versus ease-of-use question. As it is now, we have more freedom. But it is harder to use for the basic stuff, especially as the documentation given to us by BIS is appalling, as I see it. Maybe one way to tackle the locality problem could be to put the scripting engine do things by default more like what xx-Cougar-xx is saying. In my mind this could mean that for example all vehicle creation would have to be done from the server and the client would not have a word in that. The clients could not create anything by default. Then a mission designer could change this behaviour if he wants by setting a server-side variable like allowCreateFromClient = true; in a mission initialization file. Then a createVehicle command would work from any computer in the session, but not before. This could even have some effect into the 'cheats' in which some very stupid and immature people spawn vehicles as they wish into multiplayer sessions. I think what we would need from BIS regarding documentation, would be a scripting reference and a manual. But not in the Wiki! In a Wiki there are always people who are going to "fix what are errors in their opinion", and the trustfulness of the information is thus compromised. I would gladly take a scripting reference and a manual, two separate documents, from BIS, in for example Portable Document Format (PDF). The task of making a scripting reference and a manual has been left to the community by BIS, which is a disappointing move from BIS in my opinion. I hope it changes some day.
  8. baddo

    convert rar file to pbo

    Well some games use ZIP files to store data (maybe drop file extension to fool you). So the idea of using ZIP'd addons could work for some game, but not for ArmA Â
  9. baddo

    Map Editing?

    Well I recommend starting with making an island for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. It's not complicated and for example the Visitor for OFP came with a good tutorial by Kegetys, which already gives you a very good idea what you need to do in order to create islands. Then, when the Visitor for ArmA is released, you are much better armed if you have done even a simple island for OFP and gone through the whole process of getting it in-game. For OFP:R you can use the existing 3D-models and textures from the game in your own custom island, so you don't need to do anything else but create the terrain heightfield, cover it with textures and put the cream, the objects (3D-models) on top. Then write a configuration file (examples and tutorials easy to find), pack your island as a PBO file and that's about it. So it's quite a fast process to create a simple island for OFP:R and I recommend you start from that as there are the tools and the documentation for it.
  10. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    I think one of the biggest problems, maybe even the biggest problem, of the Middle East is that some countries, which are from outside the Middle East, are trying to change the Middle East to their liking. It isn't helping that the "bad things" which "need to be changed", might have been the "good things", which "has to be maintained", not long ago.
  11. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    After I complained about the difficultiness of finding the forum rules, they added a link pointing to the forum rules to the 'Help' page of the forum. You can find the 'Help' button from the top of the page. I have to disagree with your idea of putting the rules under each individual subcategory. Think about the maintenance hell it creates. You only want to have one single place for the rules. It is both easier for the people who want to read the rules, and for the people who want to modify them. I think even putting just a link to the forum rules page under each subcategory is not worth it. What could be done to further improve the visibility of the forum rules compared to how they are now, could be to put a button with big red letters to the top of the page, saying "FORUM RULES", so it would become much faster for us to know where the forum rules are. The button would be in a "base-class" of the forum template so that it would appear in every forum page you can possibly go to, and you would always have a link to the forum rules within one mouse click. About the difficultiness of finding what you want to read from long threads. Yes I agree, the way it has to be done in this forum is far from ideal. For sure reading through tens of pages just to find the one single post with the information you want, from the middle of the 200-page thread, is a very daunting task. The "Print, then search with browser" is best at the moment for long threads but not ideal. I think the forum software would be better if it had an option in the search options to show each of the individual posts where the searched keyword is. A link which takes you right to the post in the actual thread is needed also. To go even further, you could select the specific thread from search results, or have a "quick search from this thread" button in thread view pages, which would allow you to show the individual posts where the keyword is in specific thread(s).
  12. baddo

    Downloading VIA Server

    For small addons maybe could work, for addons with big filesize not a good idea... better not come to a multiplayer lobby to download some addons weighing a couple of ten megabytes or more, I think. If a multiplayer mission has a filesize of 1 MB, that already can take a frustratingly long time to download (happened to me a couple of times that it even looked like the downloading had stopped completely, but no it was just so damn slow, and it's not my internet connection which slows it down).
  13. baddo

    ArmA Extended Dll

    Does the source code of this application have anything to do with Kegetys' fwatch? If it is based on fwatch then this should be open-source like fwatch. Looks very similar to fwatch...
  14. baddo

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Yes. I have refused to buy a new computer, ArmA is actually the only software product I have which would require a better computer. I can play ArmA, in some spots not enjoyably, but it works and if I can avoid buying new hardware I will do it. I will buy Queen's Gambit. I must have the whole collection of OFP and ArmA.
  15. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    Indeed, that's why I just said 'live by the gun, die by the gun' is the way USA is going and 'start to show what freedom and democracy were meant to mean, inside your own borders'. At some point in my life I have even considered working in the USA, so I don't consider it bad in everything. During the recent years what I have seen USA do, both inside and outside its borders, my view has changed and now I think maybe I won't bother visiting USA even as a tourist. That means no money from me to USA. Your economy will suffer in the long run as more and more people start to have doubts like I have. You can say I am only an individual with doubts, but individuals run corporations and countries, thus the effect can get huge, if it isn't already. One person once said to me that the USA is the most fascistist country in the World nowadays. Maybe an exaggeration but there has to be some truth in it, I am sure of that. The people of the USA should really become worried of what their admininstration is doing when people have this kind of view of their country. It's nowhere near 'freedom' and 'democracy', the idealistic values your country has tried to imply are its greatest values. The damage GWB and his administration have done to you and your country is so big that you should have thrown them out of the White House already. There is a quote, maybe I learned it from Operation Flashpoint, which goes something like this 'for evil people to win, it only needs the good people to remain silent' and that's I believe what has happened in the USA. The good people see what is truly going on, but they don't act for whatever reasons. I believe it's what happened in the 1930's Germany, and you all know what was the result. With power comes responsibility. As USA is clearly the greatest 'superpower' in the World today, the power is huge, but so is the responsibility. I believe I am not the only one in the World who thinks that the USA has not acted in a responsible way, compared to what kind of power it has. It makes me sad that such a big and powerful gun like the USA has the kind of leaders pulling the trigger as there has been in the recent years. Again I must say, I am a friend of the USA. That's why it makes me very sad to see what has happened to your country during the recent years.
  16. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    0311, with all respect yes I believe what you say about what you saw and what you experienced. I don't question your experience from the field. Sorry I should've made that clear in my previous post. But I stand behind my words, the real problems with Iraq war are not seen like that. The basic story still is, USA invaded Iraq. It is quite offending for the local people in my opinion. I would want foreign troops out of my country. So would you want foreign troops out of your country. It doesn't matter now that there was a dictator in Iraq. Are things better now in Iraq compared to Saddam Hussein -era? I don't think so. What the Iraqi people see is that their country is in chaos and USA started it, right? Might be simplified but that's how it goes in my opinion. It all comes down to the basics as with everything in life, when things get difficult. There must be a very good reason why there are so many attacks against the US troops in Iraq. The reason definitely is not that the Iraqi people think USA has done a good job by invading their country. It's something else. Note that I still say I believe in your experience from Iraq. I trust you when you say you saw how the Iraqi soldiers behaved. Just that I don't think the reasons why USA faces strong resistance in Iraq can be seen from that. I must say again, I really hope that the USA would start spending its money differently. Divert your money into something else than into your military and into pointless wars. Maybe the military is the wrong institution to be in Iraq. Military is designed to be effective in killing, not in reconstruction or in peace-making. Military is destructive, not constructive by nature. As such, pouring all that money into it will not make Iraq (or USA) any good in my opinion.
  17. baddo

    New ArmA player

    Yes yes I believe you You can point your weapon towards enemy when moving, I understand that. I can do it too. But I was talking more of getting a good shot at them. That's something which requires you to stop and aim properly. You can do a quick shot yes, but the chances of hitting your target are so much lower than when you stop, take good position, support yourself, then shoot. You know, a tactic the Red Army used against Finland in the Winter War (look from Wikipedia for it) was to use large groups of men assaulting directly against our men. Result was quite big piles of dead Soviet soldiers in the Russo-Finnish border and around. And they repeated this many times probably somewhat because their leaders were afraid of breaking their old-fashioned, WW I era 'doctrine' and just told their men to repeat it again and again, resulting in massive losses to the Red Army. Sometimes their tactic worked, sometimes not. A fact is they suffered heavy losses in the process of making such assaults.
  18. baddo

    New ArmA player

    It's really quite an unrealistic expectation that you could hold your rifle towards your enemy and effectively get a good shot when assaulting an enemy, which means you would be running doing it. Try it in real life wearing full infantry gear and you'll quickly understand why I say it's an unrealistic expectation. Walking slowly is another matter. But I think in a battlefield facing enemies directly in front of me I will not walk slowly for good reasons. Yes I can see why advice is given to point rifles towards enemy. It is another matter how accurately you are pointing the rifle. The general direction is towards the enemy, but if you are running towards the enemy then it is practically impossible to aim with your rifle towards the enemy so that you could get a fast and accurate shot. You still have to stop and aim if you want to get a good shot. Aiming and shooting when moving fast means that you have very low chance of getting a good shot. Welcome to ArmA community by the way.
  19. baddo

    The Iraq thread 4

    0311, you are blaming Iraqi troops of not behaving like you'd want to see them behave. That's really not the problem in my opinion. The problem is that some country decided to start a war (with no acceptance from United Nations and from many independent countries, thus even many US citizens say the whole war is illegal and totally unjustified) against Iraq and decided to put Iraq into a chaos. A solution to this problem in my opinion is not to get the Iraqi troops to behave like you want to see them behave. There is some good reason behind their behaviour. In my opinion that reason is not lazyness or cowardness of the Iraqi people, but it is mostly unwillingness to cooperate with US military and government. There is little reason for an Iraqi citizen to feel good about US military or government. If they don't feel good about you being there, can you realistically expect them to work with you with good motivation? Do they see that the current-day Iraq, where USA tries to control the country, is something the Iraqi people want to be part of, want to protect it? Want to protect US interests in the Middle East? That's what you are basically asking from the Iraqi people. What reason they have to do that? I am sure many people around the World would try to drive invaders out of their country, no matter the reason the invasion happened in the first place. You would do it too if it happened in your country, no matter if your previous President was a cruel dictator. First step of the solution is that USA apologizes the Iraqi people, and the whole World, its mistake of starting the war. That in my opinion is the first step of healing the situation. People are angry at USA and for a damn good reason. I am definitely a friend of the USA. Friends can criticize each other and still be friends. I would be very very happy if the USA would start spending the huge amount of money that goes into keeping its military at the pointless war in Iraq into something else than a military. Like really helping the Iraqi people, not by pointing a gun at them but asking them, what do they want? How can you help them? For sure you wouldn't feel like you were helped if some foreign people walk past your house, holding an assault rifle and a couple of hand grenades, plus a knife in between your teeth. That's only going to get you offended I am sure. That's how I would feel if it happened here. I would feel offended and I would want the foreign troops out of my country as soon as possible. It wouldn't help if the foreign troops gave me candy and smiled at me. I would still tell them to get the hell out of here. This is my country, we take care of our business and you take care of your business, but in your own country thank you very much for doing that. Don't you think the Iraqi people think the same? Even if they are in some Iraqi military, that's in my opinion the basic feeling they have in the deepest of their hearts. They don't want you to be there. Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money into an illegal and totally pointless war, why not spend the same amount of money in the American continent? Why not truly make the USA the greatest country of the World by improving its infrastructure with all that money? Improving health care? Making sure people in the USA have jobs, other than in the military or in businesses that benefit from USA being in a war? Starting to show the World what the ideologies of freedom and democracy were really meant to be, inside your own borders? I so much would like to see a President in the USA who turns your country around and stops going on rampage around the World and starts to concentrate on making USA itself a better place to live in. I think there is just too many things not right inside your borders that you really couldn't afford to throw all that money into something that really wasn't your business in the first place. I really don't believe USA is a safer place now after the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. It's the opposite. The more you point people with your weapons and kill them and the more aggressive and bully behaviour you use in your foreign politics, the more fire you draw into your own country. It's as simple as that, someone said in another thread that if you live by the gun, you die by the gun and I think it is totally true also for a nation, not just for individuals. I'm sorry to say this but the USA is living by the gun and its going to die by the gun, if someone isn't going to step up and put a stop to it.
  20. baddo

    DDR vs. DDR2?

    I'm sure the Lindenmayer system has no part in ArmA runtime. It is an 'offline' development system primarily as I have understood. In theory you could use it in runtime but I bet the performance hit would be too great.
  21. baddo

    Meeting of the Mods

    I know who you are talking about. You are talking about the mascot of #ofpec You can always put him on ignore if you don't like what he writes. oh yeah hi wippie Many people got lots of OFP mission editing help from #ofpec @QuakeNet. Okay most of the talk isn't about mission editing, but come as a friendly person there, ask a question and you'll get advice. It happened before and it happens again if needed, I have no doubt about that. The friendly people are there too, you just need to ask your question and ignore the people who try to get you to show the little devil in you by spamming like there is no tomorrow. Hey I think a voice recording is better, but maybe a written transcript could be made? I'm sure not everything is easy to figure out what was said, especially if the speakers are a random bunch of people all around the World English as their n-th language. Jerryhopper speaks English with a Dutch accent, I understand him well, I already did business meetings with Dutch people so I recognize the accent from there. But a transcript wouldn't be bad.
  22. baddo

    DDR vs. DDR2?

  23. baddo

    minor hot fix for 1.08

    Well it's nice to get a Hotfix Release Candidate. Thank You BIS. I don't get what is wrong with the people who complain about getting only a small Hotfix? And that you got it now but not on day one? Do you want a huge multi-gigabyte patch instead? This Hotfix, it was fast to download and fast to install. Probably the people who have had some Securom problems are very happy now. I am happy for them if this Hotfix fixes their problem. I can take this Hotfix too, as I see it should fix the 'stuck on ladders' bug which I encountered a couple of times. Anyways, happy Monday evening for all of you, sun is shining here and I hope it shines for you too.
  24. baddo

    Understanding arma.RPT

    Especially when using some 3rd party addons I have found that quite a lot of warning/error messages get generated into this file. A sign of not properly made addons, as the BIS units do not generate the same warning/error messages. But as there is so little official documentation and official tools for ArmA addon making published to date, it's no wonder.