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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    Since when is a terrorist attack NOT news?

    Oh yes I noticed that change. Hypocrisy might be a good word to describe the phenomenom. But I think this Musharraf guy is playing with a double-edged sword, on the other side are the people who support Taleban, Osama and others, who knows what else. So he must choose his words and actions very carefully, not to push either side over the edge. On one hand he makes it look like he helps USA catch some people which the USA calls "terrorists", but on the other hand the people they are supposed to be catching can cause Musharraf lose his power in Pakistan. So it isn't a wonder to me that Pakistan has done, as I see it, very little to actually help USA to reach its goals.
  2. baddo

    ArmA 2 on Xbox 360

    Well I am willing to try a console version if it hasn't any major drawbacks feature-wise compared to the PC version. All the problems with PC hardware and software are driving lots of people in this forum mad, and personally, I've almost had enough of using sophisticated but unreliable and unnecessarily complex to setup technology, such as a PC, for playing games. Becoming a troubleshooter computer mechanic & system administrator is one thing, playing games for entertainment should be another thing.
  3. baddo

    James Gastovski Blog

    Is jerryhopper bringing a campaign to us.
  4. baddo

    James Gastovski Blog

    Great! Would be even greater if the link worked.
  5. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    I read from somewhere that spammers use humans too to do the spamming work for them, in addition to using bots. That would mean asking a simple calculus question would not work (if the person got through 1st grade). One solution could be to ask questions which only a person who played through Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis could answer! "Who is Angelina?" Et cetera.
  6. baddo

    ArmA2 Discount

    At time of purchase you had information available to you about what features the product contains. ArmA has been a slight disappointment for me too, but mainly because I find it not good that a game needs hundreds of megabytes of patching, not because of the features in the game, or because of features not in the game.
  7. baddo

    ArmA 2

    Incompetence? Hehe, nice one! How about a decision based on technical facts, instead of incompetence? I wouldn't worry too much about dynamic destruction. It either is in the game or it isn't, but no one should go crazy over it. A game is never going to be able to simulate the world exactly how it is... I mean if you are doing dynamic destruction then I demand you start doing Strength of Materials Finite Element Method calculations for all objects in the game, to know how much they deform and what kind of stress is in each point of the objects with given loads and supports. Otherwise how are you going to accurately simulate destruction? By the way that kind of calculation is not going to happen in computer games any time soon. Just a joke, don't take this FEM talk seriously
  8. If we do not look back into what happened in the history then we are big fools I definitely hope no new world wars will be started. I wish everyone thinks the same, but unfortunately the big egos of some countries do not allow us to think there would be no new world wars coming. I said earlier I am more worried of what the USA does than what Russia does. I see what Russia has been doing recently as a direct consequence of what USA has done. Is it a neverending game, going in circles? Someone with the big egos should step forward and say, this is it, we've had enough of this money-wasting, we are now going to drop doing this and go home once and for all. But I doubt that will ever happen. I can't seriously say that it would be the Americans who would do that, their ego is just too inflated. Russia is on the way inflating their ego again by showing that they have a military too, so no luck with them either... Honestly, I don't want either of them to rule the World. Some kind of balance must exist. So it can even be a good thing if the Russians "show off" a little bit to the Americans, to remind them not to expand too much. Or hell will break loose, I have no doubt that wouldn't happen if USA expands its military to the world too much. So, as I said, it's about what the USA does and that's why I think the US Presidential elections are very important for all of us. Get a President for them who is not so expansionist but concentrates on what happens inside their borders. It's about pride. Someone should just swallow it and go home Â
  9. Maybe it is true that U.S. didn't do much. For example, they did not attack Finland, like the U.S.S.R. did in 1939, after faking an artillery strike against themselfs. You can write all day long how the Soviets helped to put a stop to the crazy, insane plans of Hitler. I agree on that, it needed to be done. But what gave you the right to attack my land? What gave you the right to annex the Baltic states and thus hinder their development for so many tens of years? Nothing gave you that right. So stop pretending that the U.S.S.R. was all good in the WW II, as a lot of people know the opposite is true. In my eyes Stalin is not any better than Hitler.
  10. baddo

    Script Release Protocol

    Use http://www.ofpec.com/ and its beta testing forum boards, to get all your scripts eventually into its Editors Depot. If there has to be a one place for scripts and such, it's OFPEC.
  11. baddo

    How will it do?

    My old and slow computer running XP didn't seem to lose much in terms of performance when comparing to a friend's faster computer running Vista. I was amazed to notice that he didn't get much better performance even when his hardware was clearly better, I blame it on Vista. So there is a performance drop if you use Vista over XP. BUT does it matter if you have as fast a computer as you wrote, a drop in performance maybe with Vista but it could still be acceptable to you.
  12. Try unit playMove ""; or unit switchmove ""; I don't know if it works, you try what it does, if anything basically the idea is to give the game a non-existing animation to play. I recall in OFP it worked, although this memory comes from a long time ago.
  13. baddo

    unbombed Kolgujev

    Try http://www.kegetys.net/ofp/ the links there work.
  14. baddo

    Script Release Protocol

    Submit scripts for beta testing at the OFPEC beta testing forum boards. Then once your script has been proven to work and you decide it is ready, it will find its way to the Editors Depot. That way you will get more ArmA scripts to the Editors Depot at OFPEC. Notice that you should check the OFPEC forum if you want to see how many ArmA scripts there are at OFPEC. Just looking at the ED is not enough, as there is a mandatory beta testing phase.
  15. baddo

    Military Humor

    Maybe he was just joking. It's possible.
  16. Yep Kooky When Finland was joining the European Union in the 1990's, I thought it was a great idea, I was a youngster at the time, and I still think it was a great idea after thinking about it as an adult for some years. The biggest benefit for Europe from the Union is that The Countries who have been choking each other every now and then throughout history could live together in a more peaceful way, as they would have a clear place, a forum, to meet regularly and discuss about what disturbs them, what is good what is bad, throw words around and not bombs and let the heat out that way. In my opinion that alone was a good-enough reason for Finland to also join the EU, to be part of that forum where disputes can be solved without using mass-murder like in WW I & WW II. It's the small countries like this I'm living in, which also get dragged into the mass-murder events even if they have absolutely nothing to do with why the whole event got started. As an example look at WW II, we did not want to fight but we had no choice in practice but to use weapons. So we benefit greatly too if the bigger countries can live in peace with each other. A problem I see is that the USA can get too much involved in Europe. I won't thank them if they cause unrest in Europe by expanding their area of influence. It has already happened in some scale, and as far as I can see, the situation is not going to get any better if they keep on doing what they have been doing recently. To make myself more clear, I am not that much afraid of what Russia does, I am much more afraid of what the USA does.
  17. Good post Iron+Cross. But. I agree there is a lot of hypocrisy in the World. But hasn't there always been, and I must say in both sides. I at first wrote here some long examples of hypocrisy from both sides, but decided to delete them as it went too much into the direction of an emotional rant. I'll settle for saying that there was lots of hypocrisy from Western countries and USSR/Russia when it comes to what happened in WW II. Both sides give a picture of themselfs as being good, but at the same time there are crimes committed by both. I see this has unfortunately not changed since WW II. I guess that's just the way human nature is.
  18. baddo

    uppcoming patch?

    Hehe well I think the next patch for ArmA should really be only fixing bugs and not adding new content or features. It doesn't help if one bug gets fixed but ten gets added. Edit: oh well, if something gets added then that would be anti-cheat, -hack and -piracy features.
  19. baddo

    unitPos as condition

    Are you doing that for AI units or to player units? For AI units one solution could be to force them kneel / prone everytime they are not moving for a long enough time and set a global variable to indicate their stance. I've used a trigger to make AI units automatically kneel when not moving. I check the speed and if the unit is not wounded too much, and then set the unit to kneel. There is a small delay before kneeling. Into that trigger could as well go a global variable which you would set true/false. Of course this could be done in a script too. If it's for player units then this won't work.
  20. It's a DVD drive for sure, not just a CD drive?
  21. Check: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....rom_DVD that.
  22. baddo

    Another "FRIENDLY" fire incident

    It hasn't been tested after WW II. Japan and Germany was a real test for the U.S. military, but after that... well Vietnam was a loss for you... even if it wasn't even nearly as bad as Germany for example... also Iraq doesn't seem to go too well, except that G.W.B., oddly enough, already declared victory... and shouted "We got him!" yeah, sure you did... okay it's politics which can make even a strong army not succeed, that's what is going wrong in Iraq, I think the U.S. military is really not the right tool to rebuild Iraq. It is doomed to fail and that's not the fault of the U.S. military, it's the fault of your country's leaders.
  23. baddo

    map shape

    Sure. I suggest you try not to create the terrain heightfield in Visitor but in some other program which is more suited for the task. You could maybe import heighfield data into Visitor. The heightfield data could have been generated from real terrain (google for DEM for starters). There are programs which can be used to generate a heightfield. Or you could have drawn a heightfield bitmap in an image editing program and create the terrain heightfield from that. Go to http://www.ofpec.com/ and read all tutorials from that website related to island creation. There is a lot of information. OFPEC also has some tools related to heightfields. Basically ofpec.com has the information you need to get started. Also read the Visitor 2 tutorial from the BIS Breathe website. Oh, one more thing. WrpTool from the Operation Flashpoint section of http://tactical.nekromantix.com/ comes with a manual you want to read. It has information which can help you understand the terrain creation process. It has for example a "HOW TO CREATE TERRAIN" section which mentions some tools. Read that.
  24. baddo


    Oh yes I forgot that, OFP is a DirectX 8 game.
  25. baddo

    Securom Rootkit Installed With Arma?

    Yes you have a right to ask, but consider this too, what harm does the possible rootkit do for you? That's a key question I think.