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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    all I want are retextured soliers!

    Make sure you also try FDF Mod 1.4. You can get it and some other addons from http://www.fdfmod.org/
  2. baddo

    Anonymous vs Scientology

    It's yet another nutcase religious group. Maybe this clarifies my previous post.
  3. baddo

    GOTY issue

    Did you look at the Start menu... you should have "Classic Flashpoint". It starts OperationFlashpoint.exe and not FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE. If you don't have that shortcut, then you should find the OperationFlashpoint.exe from the OFP installation folder and start it from there. It's hard to imagine why you would want to use it though.
  4. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    They are not moderately priced. I think the return on investment is not good enough with these kinds of products (computer parts). Computer parts keep their value very very badly, thus you will lose a lot of money in a short time if you buy the newest products. Also consider energy consumption. The cost of running your computer can be double or triple or even more compared to a moderately priced system which doesn't push the limits of the technology (by using more energy to get more performance). It's of course just my opinion, but I'd steer clear from the "latest and shiniest" products and take something which doesn't cost so much. I have nothing against the particular products you mentioned, I just think their cost is unacceptable when we take into notice they are just parts of a computer, and that their value will depreciate very quickly.
  5. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Bad news: it won't pay itself off. I'd drop the quad core CPU and look for something which is moderately priced. I'd also drop the 8800 ultra graphics card and look for something which is moderately priced. I'd also drop the amount of RAM from 8 GB to 4 GB. You fool yourself quite badly if you think you need 8 GB of RAM. Yes it's "better" but you won't get enough return on investment to justify it. This is a desktop computer right? It doesn't look like a server or heavy duty workstation which needs lots of memory. You can also bring the PSU power down if you follow my advice regarding the CPU and graphics card.
  6. baddo

    Patching and Performance

    Using 32-bit addressing, you can not address more than the 4 GB of memory. It would be totally useless to add more physical RAM to your computer. You will need to change your operating system into a 64-bit system, it will allow you to use all of your 4GB of physical RAM. But even then it depends on the application (ArmA in this case) if it is actually useful or not. Theoretical memory address space calculation: A bit is either on or it is off, so it has two possible states. How many numbers can we represent with the bits we have and which each have two possible modes: 2^32 = 4,294,967,296 bits = 4 gigabytes 2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bits = 2,147,483,648 gigabytes kilo = 1024 and so on. The full range of the 64-bits is not utilized in practice I have understood. It is so huge it is not needed, and I think with current hardware technology there are reasons making it impractical to try and use the full range.
  7. baddo

    Anonymous vs Scientology

    Those nutcases are better than these nutcases? Â
  8. baddo

    Patching and Performance

    4 GB, not 3 GB. The 'addressable' amount of RAM drops because hardware components which need memory addresses take their share of the whole virtual address space. There's info available from Microsoft: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/aa366778.aspx Hopefully clarifies it.
  9. baddo

    Tutorials for starters

    Be sure to read everything about mission editing at http://www.ofpec.com/ it has more than enough information for you to get going. Check the Editors Depot and the forum. First go through everything OFPEC's Editors Depot has about mission editing, then ask in the forums if you still have questions! Happy editing Â
  10. baddo

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    Let me say one thing Balschoiw there is not much intelligence involved if a unit follows a precise route set by you. What I'm saying is if you have had problems with not having enough control over the AI units in ArmA, how well does it correlate to real-life? Have you tried to control real-life soldiers precisely? Can you control exactly where they walk? Well you can say to your soldiers: don't go behind that building but instead walk the other way. But even then your men will occasionally walk where they want and go to the wrong side of the building, because they have their "own will" even if you as a commander try to suppress it. It can definitely be argued that having some "own will" in the AI brain can be a deliberately chosen feature and not a "bug" or a "problem". It can be a problem indeed for you, if your scenario demands more precise control, but it has nothing to do with AI then at that point, I think. It would be more like controlling a robot then wouldn't it. Anyway, it's a subject for another discussion.
  11. The "donate if you want" approach would be more okay. And at least some community website has received donations, so it is definitely not true that no-one ever donates money for community projects. For example, I could consider donating for the FDF Mod project. It is something I would very much like to have in ArmA and also in ArmA 2. If it is at least the quality (relative to the game itself) like it was for OFP. I don't write this idea completely off. It just raises eyebrows doesn't it. People question your motives and your honesty. And rightfully so. People are naturally afraid that you would take something from others and benefit from it commercially, without giving them any credits. Certainly, if the "community" provides most of what you need to start creating addons, then it's at least a bit questionable if it is right to "milk it". You would have to make truly outstanding addons or not many people give you money. If you get permission from BIS to do it and you work your a** off and not take others work and sell it, then I wouldn't have any hard feelings towards you. But I am not interested in ordering anything from you. If I ever feel a burning desire to get some specific thing (which isn't already worked on by other people) into a game, I'd rather make it myself than expect anyone else do it.
  12. baddo

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    Controlling a game character in ArmA is, I think not suitable for close-combat battle. It's just too clumsy and difficult to position a character accurately. How would you be able to hit someone with a knife if you can't even place your own character accurately. And actually these kind of requests don't belong into this thread. Maybe make a new suggestion list thread for the game which possibly comes from BIS after ArmA 2. Â
  13. Imagine a scenario where you are a game developer, and the game you are developing is already over 50 % done and that you must work hard to keep in the planned schedual. Now, imagine that a random bunch of people from the Internet comes to you and demands that you must add this and this and this and you know what, even that! Into the game. Or you totally suck and you will be burned and your head will be put to display on the city gates. Now, what kind of reply can you give to those kinds of people? Would you be so calm that you could be as polite as Suma was, or would your response perhaps be much more rude? Judging from the behaviour you have recently shown on this forum, I bet that your response to such requests would be much, much more uglier than Suma's.
  14. baddo

    game engine concerns

    OFP should run fine on your computer. I have 1.4 GHz, 768 MB RAM and nvidia 6600 GT and in general OFP runs fine. There are some "choking points" for my computer though, but most of the time no problems when playing original missions. Remember the nature of the beast: people can create missions and addons which choke even the fastest computer so you will have to put things into perspective when you look at the performance you get. What I'm saying is you will definitely be able to make your computer crawl by using OFP but it's going to need you to do something. Like using too high viewdistance value, or playing unofficial missions which require more powerful computers to be enjoyable.
  15. Only thing I wanted to point out is that local legislation comes first. Nothing more, nothing less.
  16. baddo

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    Thank You Suma. It was very interesting to hear your comments. I did not notice any typical marketing speech in your replies and as such the interview was very good. It sounded like you were saying things exactly as they are and did not try to sugar coat anything. Thank You Jerry Hopper for doing the work to arrange these kinds of interviews. I appreciate this kind of work very much. Keep it up!
  17. One thing to notice about "reverse engineering" is that it can be possible that it is allowed in your legislative area with certain conditions. For example a condition could be that you could do it as long as you don't distribute anything that comes as a result of the reverse engineering. It is always the local legislation which you must follow and "reverse engineering" alone is not always illegal. The point of not allowed to distribute of course is the difficult one here. Your local legislation is what you need to follow first, then after that the EULA from BIS. This comes as a direct result of a basic principle that any agreement you make must not conflict with your local legislation. If you make an agreement which is in conflict with your local legislation, then that agreement is invalid in your legislative area. A very simple principle: you can not make legally binding agreements which are breaking the laws under which you are governed. Many software EULA's I think are in conflict with the legislation of my country. Some people who write EULA's are knowledgeable enough to understand this and write a note into their EULA like "...or according to your local legislation." or something like that. Which means that either you follow the EULA or your local legislation if the EULA conflicts with your local legislation. You can see an extreme case of local legislation allowing people to do more than the legislation of the country where the products are coming from, in China where they have not implemented (sufficient) laws against piracy even though officials and businesses for example from USA are very much wanting them to have better laws to combat piracy. And the Chinese people who make products don't need to care as long as they are not breaking their local legislation. I'm not giving you professional legal advice so don't accuse me if you get sued.
  18. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    The unfriendly and arrogant tone is not needed, and not in this particular case either.
  19. baddo

    Political Change

    I do not agree with you on the way you use the words "slavery" and "slave". You can walk out of your job (if you have one, that is). No-one is holding you back. No-one was holding me back to walk out of a job on the exact moment I wanted to. Slaves are held back, they can't walk out. I can. You can. Stop using those words and maybe this discussion could have more sense then. It actually makes no sense for me to continue having this discussion with you if you continue to use the words "slavery" and "slave". It is one of the big WTF's I mentioned in my previous post. I have considered what Lenin and Marx have offered to me, and I said no thanks! It has been an easy decision to say no. Comments like the ones you have been saying here further strengthen the feeling that my decision to reject their ideologies has been right.
  20. baddo

    Political Change

    So a person who creates new jobs is okay on the moment the person created the new jobs, but if the company starts to get a positive cash flow and the owner starts to benefit from it, then the person who created the jobs is not okay anymore? Yeah that is what you are actually saying! Â And what the hell do you mean with the "they don't work" You have to be completely detached from what happens in business life to state things like that. It sounds very much like you think that business owners are parasites until proven otherwise. Â Actually it sounds like it can't be proven to you that business owners are not parasites. How much have you familiarized yourself with taxation? Have it gone completely unnoticed by you that there are progressive taxation systems, for example in my country (it's what I can talk about reliably, I'm sure many other countries have similar taxation models too). A person who gets more income (succesful business owner for example) pays more taxes! A parasite is someone who contributes more to the society than others?! Â Creates lots of new jobs, then pays all the various taxes and other mandatory costs a business must pay, then pays a bigger percentage personal taxes than the workers do, and that kind of person is a parasite?! You have a high education? Well as I have noticed, you have kept as a secret where do you come from, and also questions which attempt to find out what kind of work experience you have are going completely ignored by you. You refuse to give information on what kind of experiences you base your opinions. I base my opinions on my personal experiences and on observations of what has happened close to me. That is only natural and logical to me, as what I have been through in life is what I know well and can talk about without making things up or relying on purely academical, theoretical sources. It is still a mystery what experiences you use as a basis for your opinions. As you constantly avoid giving information about your experiences, and what I have seen you write here, I must make a conclusion that you have no work experiences which you could mention here and you also seem to totally lack understanding of what the business owners, the "evil" capitalists have to go through to become succesful business owners. Your opinions are so big WTF's to me that it is probably better that I really stop discussing this with you now.
  21. baddo

    Bug tracker down?

    Edit: ---> Sorry I used wrong link. <---
  22. baddo

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    It's not made with a friendly tone, and as such I find it not good when people behave like that. Makes for a very unwelcome feeling for a new member. I was amazed with the unfriendly tone people very often use here when I started to browse this forum more actively, compared to some other places like ofpec it's very very different. Even some moderators usually act like total jerks towards people, completely unnecessarily keeping up an unfriendly tone towards anyone and anything. Maybe it's the way they always are also outside this forum, I can't know that. Yes moderators are volunteers, but does that give them the right to act like jerks no matter what is being discussed. I don't think so. If you scroll back some pages of this thread, you will notice I have made suggestions before to try and change the tone people use here, by adjusting the tone of the forum rules into a more welcoming tone. The rules currently sound like we are almost criminals already when nothing happened. The rules can be rewritten to emphasize a positive atmosphere instead of a negative one which they are now doing, and still say practically the same things. It doesn't benefit this forum or this community if a hostile atmosphere is even encouraged by moderators.
  23. baddo

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    I second that motion! Please, Jerry give it to us without forcing us to register... Â
  24. baddo

    Political Change

    You call people who create new jobs parasites? You are totally missing something... I suggest you educate yourself with how one becomes a business owner. How one gathers the required knowledge and skills to run a succesful business. It's a long and expensive process and doesn't come for free unlike you seem to believe. You think the business owners got what they have for free? You have definitely proved now that you seriously lack information about what it is to build up a company and to run it. You are totally ignoring the fact that someone had to create your job. You didn't create it by yourself that is now very clear. It didn't just pop out of nowhere, someone had to work very hard to give you the opportunity to have a job. You got a chance to benefit from it by getting money. Not enough? You sound like you want all, also the share of the profit which is meant to cover the costs of founding the business in the first place! As I said it is not free to gather the knowledge to run a business and then start it and keep it running. You sound like you have absolutely no idea what kind of knowledge and skills the business owners have to develop for themselves before they even can start their business! I'm not talking about small one-man businesses (require lots of studying and hard work too to get one started) but about bigger businesses, like factories. Go start a factory and we'll see how well you do with your, as it sounds, non-existant education and experience. Yes I accept that the business owner gets more money than I do, as I understand (unlike you) that they have done a lot more studying and working than I have to get where they are. And it definitely isn't charity from my part. They deserve to get more. You definitely sound like you don't deserve to get more. You try to justify deserving all by whining about evil capitalists on an Internet forum... think about it, seriously. What did you do to deserve more? Discussing with you is a total waste of time. End of discussion from my part.
  25. baddo

    Political Change

    I told earlier that this is not right. And I gave 100 % true real-life examples how it isn't right. You just keep repeating it over and over again though. You sound like you have never worked, and you sound even more that you have never known any business owners and their working history. How they got where they are now. What did they go through to become a boss. You really do sound like it. It is a serious insult towards all the business owners when you claim that they are parasites. It pretty much proves that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. If I'm wrong and you actually are working, and if you know business owners and know how they are like and how they ended where they are, then let me suggest something: walk out of your job if you don't like it. Do something else. Why? Because you can! And don't come here whining how capitalists are ripping us all off. It is so far away from my personal experiences which I have gathered during my working career that I have started to think that you completely lack the same experiences of actually working somewhere and getting paid.