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Everything posted by Blechreiz

  1. Blechreiz


    same here on armed-assault.de waiting for new link
  2. Blechreiz

    Nuky nuke

    added a news for you at armed-assault.de
  3. Blechreiz


    vo.2 made it to open other not yet known parts of the sound config. there will be a totaly new balance when you are in vehicles. I guess its the best solution yet avaible until arma2 will be released. I dont know If he has an account for the new forum, but I hope hes able to release these new version after some tweak- and testing :)
  4. Blechreiz

    Avgani 1.5 & Afghan village 1.0

    nice one. maybe the best custom islands for armed-assault so far www.armed-assault.de link will follow soon
  5. Blechreiz


    Any ideas? vo.2 and me (vo.1) are discussing almost every sound. its very hard to make it fit for everybody. we also had a long sessions to set the volumes for our vopsound config. it would not be a that hard to increase the weapon sound volume but maybe other people may got disturbed by these changes. the other option would be to release different configs, for everybodies taste. I guess vo.2 and me will find a good solution to make you guys have the most possible fun and athmosphere ingame. greets vo.1
  6. Blechreiz

    Armaprofiles - Vehicle Crosshair

    but its easy to disable them even if a server has activated them. i like it more that way =)
  7. Blechreiz


    I guess that will be changed soon! When vo.2 tests the sounds with me we always discuss the sounds and tweak them a lot. Its never easy to find a solution that everybody would like.
  8. i love that vopsound_ace apache sound =) smooth and heavy baby
  9. Blechreiz

    A.C.E. Coops

    Lo all! I converted some oldschool Arma maps to the A.C.E. mod for your public server or private sessions! Two Missions are nice "instant action" missions with A.C.E. weapons and A.C.E.-weaponboxes avaible nearby (perfect to try out the new armory and equipment). - ACE_co_10_back_to_everon.Sara - ACE_co_08_LostSquad.Sara - ACE_co_20_SeizeTheCity.Sara - ACE_co_50_SandHill.Sara As I played those missions very often I tweaked a few things for a better gameplay (for example in LostSquad you will have a little more time to setup your ambushes). --------------- ---> DL coop-pack for ACE 1.01 on rapidshare <--- ---> DL updated coop pack2 for ACE 1.03 on rapidshare  <--- Click the link, select FREE / Kostenlos. Then enter the password, shown in coloured letters. Click on the "Download"-button to save it! Please contact me if there is a link problem. --------------- !Only A.C.E.-mod required! --------------- If anyone else updated any other old missions to A.C.E. mod feel free to host them in this thread!!
  10. Blechreiz


    why do you want to extract it? Oo
  11. Blechreiz

    A.C.E. Coops

    Found an ACE Evo on a server today. I dont know who created it. Anyway you can load it here. Same procedure as for my other downloads.
  12. Blechreiz

    A.C.E. Coops

    Ill take a look for it. I cant promise you anything as my script knowledge is pretty low.
  13. Blechreiz

    A.C.E. Coops

    MAPPACK UPDATED FOR ACE 1.03: Since A.C.E. 1.01 there were many changes that made some of the maps unplayable or very hard to complete them. (AI skill was increased heavy. I decided to add group respawn to the two smal maps and permanent respawn (with a longer delay) to the big missions as you may die faster in the new A.C.E. version. ===[ WORKS FINE WITH 1.04 ! ! !]=== ***changelog*** ACE_co_10_back_to_everon.Sara - increased avaible playerslots from 6 to 10 - AI may be activated - group respawn added - There is a rucksack crate, as players do not have rucksacks any longer if they spawn. - ACE_co_08_LostSquad.Sara - group respawn added - some smaler fixes - ACE_co_20_SeizeTheCity.Sara - respawn added with 150 secs delay - ACE_co_50_SandHill.Sara - more ammo crates + HuntIR crate inserted - respawn added with 120 secs delay - Artillery Point (D30 position) removed as there was an error message since 1.03. I even thought it raises the gameplay because of the large range and firepower - Some smal fixes --------------- ---> DL updated coop pack2 for ACE 1.03 on rapidshare  <--- Click the link, select FREE / Kostenlos. Then enter the password, shown in coloured letters. Click on the "Download"-button to save it! Please contact me if there is a link problem. --------------- !Only A.C.E.-mod required! --------------- If there are any bugs or problems in these missions please contact me or reply in this thread!
  14. same here. maybe 50% are ok, but this reminds me to the anoying arma animations...
  15. Same here with SPR SD from a range like 100 meters
  16. vo.2 [Loctite] has completed a soundmod for ACE //NOT released yet // (changing sounds for almost every weapon in ACE). And I tested it - its great. Even vehicles sounds, impact sounds, terrain sounds, volume balance and so on. Who used Vopsound knows that its great, the version made for ACE is even bettter. Currently he is waiting for a permission from ACE, as he had to use one of their configs. Vopsound thread
  17. As your are a BIS developer, Shadow (your signature say so) Ive got to say your BIS A10 is worse and flying like a brick. The ACE A10 feels much better, even sometimes easier to fly and speed up! ArmA 1.0 + ArmA 1.5 without mods is even worse and f.king gameplay and fun. As you work for BIS you shouldnt criticize a Mod (that makes a beta game starting to make fun) is my personal opinion. Im pretty much happy that theses ACE guys start to fix the mistakes that BIS made with ArmA! Imagine BIS without this community...
  18. Blechreiz


    As far as I know vo.2 is working on a special version that replaces all ACE sounds, but it may take some time.
  19. Blechreiz


    its halle44, not me <- vo.1
  20. Blechreiz

    Extended Voice Addon. v0.9.1 WIP

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVCZfhLGFLE Adds much more atmosphere to the game, I love it. PS: Standard version doesn't work for me.
  21. Blechreiz

    Arma:2 Operation Flashwave

    I really do not want to believe in a joke! As you can see here http://stats.swec.se/server/data/44036 there was something related to morphicon called teasertest_morphicon.SampleMap. As far as I know the german publisher of ArmA is Morphicon. I don't know why Suma and Placebo should play on german servers, but 'just a joke' sounds a bit weird to me! I want to have submarines and so on
  22. Blechreiz

    Arma:2 Operation Flashwave

    Lets ask BIS if they know anything about it
  23. Blechreiz

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Releasing static ships would be a big advance for all ArmA-Players. They may be used as heliports and bases in the water.
  24. Blechreiz

    Visitor 3!

    Alex.Sworn released a first small german tutorial: Small tutorial in german
  25. Blechreiz

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    Alex.Sworn released a first small german tutorial: Small tutorial in german