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Posts posted by BoweryBaker

  1. With Avon Lady being in Israel, If Iran does strike she will be decimated first, before Iran gets decimated, so she figures either way if they have nukes she'll lose.  We as other countries are more relaxed in thinking and are like, "Let Iran strike first" but for people like Avon Lady, that first strike will be the end of it all.  Being able to think the clearest and most calmest since I am most out of harms way, I believe that Iran won't do it out of Israels religious value to the islamic world and that we must have faith in that Iran is only talking big, and truly does have no bad intentions for the land of Israel.  In the bible it says he who controls Israel controls the world.  That's God.  Even God knows the value of Israel.  Iranians, though not christian or jewish do believe in God just the same, and the Palestinians want Israel to live in.  I think everyone needs to cool down, and look at Israels value as a bargaining chip.  That ought to keep things cool on both sides, and under the table you can do anything you want.  Now lets all think here. If I were your president, I'd send over the new laser beam 747 and any necessary defence shields to detect and disable a nuke over to Israel, though with NORAD its already in place, and while thats happening go into diplomatic talks to quell iran. They haven't necessarily declared war, and a nuclear attack would be an act of war. It's funny though, nations like that don't even do like America and give them a warning that they're coming. Those jerks. I'm sure that through talks and communication taps there would be some clear way to tell something is close to happening.

  2. *cue the supervillian laugh*  Now for a refresher course for you mission makers to get the mission objectives right.

    Rangers; a light mobile force capable of deploying on a moments notice.  

    The Regiment specializes in direct action or raids (raid: An attack or invasion for

    the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering; as, a raid of

    the police upon a gambling house; a raid of contractors on the public treasury.)

    on enemy airfields, bridges, and other key facilities.  Basically surprise attack, go in there, and snatch it up fast type of soldier. To take without destroying unless the rules of engagement call for it.  Requires very vigorous training for stamina in such an operation also very little collateral damage.  Therefore they're special operators.    

    Special Forces units perform five doctrinal missions:

    Foreign Internal Defense,

    Unconventional Warfare,

    Special Reconnaissance,

    Direct Action (raids)

    and Counter-Terrorism.

  3. I'm not worried that iran has nukes, I'm worried that the next U.S. leader is going to attack Iran for having nukes.  Hell, the U.S. isn't even in range, I say let Israel or whoever defend themselves, and if they can't handle it we jump in.  That's how it works in the streets, your friend gets beat down we jump in to save him.  Do we really know for sure that Iran is at war with any other country right now or has declared war?  I presume the answer to be no.  The United States should wait this time.  No country attacks another just out of the blue with a nuke, thats a last resort weapon.  If we push them to that last resort we could end up regretting it.  I say don't fuck with them until the nukes become a problem or a threat.  Defining something like a country having nukes as a threat, means your enemies can define the same for you, and attack you under the same grounds.  It goes back to the golden rule in the bible.  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  We're fine now, but if we attack a country for having nukes, such as Iran, who's going to help us when another country considers us viable to be taken out just for owning nukes?  I have faith for the middle east.  If I can live side by side with my islamic and arabic americans here in the United States, then surely we can all live in peace here on earth. This has been your President speaking, good night and God Bless.

  4. Okay now we're getting into how to act as a leader.  I usually let people rebel on me, I'm the type of leader who will tell you what to do so that you may live, kinda like a buddy.  I'll say, "we need to get out of here" and if you stay and die, its because you disobeyed.  I might say "if we attack those people we lose the mission" so if they attack ill be like "are you stupid?"  its that simple.  I don't just give blind orders or really any orders because all the orders are in the briefing. When it comes to tactics, I'll say if we attack from this side, we face this, whatever, and what im going to do so that such and such will take place and be like "stay with me if you want to live" on some Micheal Biehn sh*t.  When its time to fight, i make sure im doing the fighting with everyone else.  I never send someone from the group to do something alone, we all do it at the same time as a unit.  I don't want people thinking im a p*ssy and that everyone else is expendable because im not a p*ssy and everyone is not expendable.  I hate it when leaders give blind orders for one lone man to do something, thats when if im the lone soldier i rebel, so, i try to provide an environment where we all are together by stating the science of the battle to my team so that they know what will happen, and can agree on how they're going to help the team, which usually falls in line with the mission objective.  Then we all fight together.  I like to get a response from my soldiers too.  I'll say, "you guys cool with this plan?" and usually they feel really good that im actually asking if they are okay with the plan, they feel a part of whats going on.

  5. Okay now we're getting into how to act as a leader.  I usually let people rebel on me, I'm the type of leader who will tell you what to do so that you may live, kinda like a buddy.  I'll say, "we need to get out of here" and if you stay and die, its because you disobeyed.  I might say "if we attack those people we lose the mission" so if they attack ill be like "are you stupid?"  its that simple.  I don't just give blind orders or really any orders because all the orders are in the briefing. When it comes to tactics, I'll say if we attack from this side, we face this, whatever, and what im going to do so that such and such will take place and be like "stay with me if you want to live" on some Micheal Biehn sh*t.  When its time to fight, i make sure im doing the fighting with everyone else.  I never send someone from the group to do something alone, we all do it at the same time as a unit.  I don't want people thinking im a p*ssy and that everyone else is expendable because im not a p*ssy and everyone is not expendable.  I hate it when leaders give blind orders for one lone man to do something, thats when if im the lone soldier i rebel, so, i try to provide an environment where we all are together by stating the science of the battle to my team so that they know what will happen, and can agree on how they're going to help the team, which usually falls in line with the mission objective.  Then we all fight together.  I like to get a response from my soldiers too.  I'll say, "you guys cool with this plan?" and usually they feel really good that im actually asking if they are okay with the plan, they feel a part of whats going on.

  6. i for one believe that we do need lasers rangers and hopefully his upcoming delta update. The BAS one when you compare the two, just wasn't as good as this one. Granted the BAS one had the most kick ass original weapons package to first come out that really got everyones fire started, this new rangers from laser has really hit hard with its awesome clean textures, excellent models, and thoughtfullness. I for one know that Laser could have done better, but I am comforted to know that this is THEE best ranger addon to date. I stand by my word on that one. Only negative side is that, some of the sounds and textures could have been better in only two or three instances.

  7. if they were winter units, they'd look way more different than a simple reskin. It'd take a whole new model, because realistically winter U.S. soldiers, wear huge parkas with hoods, they got skis, all kinds of gear. I can't believe none of you noticed those gold m4s on the desert covert squad. I didn't like that.

  8. Now I'm the kind of person who is really competitive in a team environment to be leader.  I am also the type who will gladly step down to let someone who is better than me lead if i am sure without a shadow of a doubt that he can help me where i cannot help myself.  Most of the time if I am not confident in my leader, I will rebel, or lead myself elsewhere.  In real life and in clans I see alot of occassions where people don't just choose a leader because of their applicable skill but for other reasons that have nothing at all to do with the situation, and you can't do that in a combat environment or any other environment so I make sure that if I'm going to lead, I have high confidence in myself. Not over confident, but confident. Over confident would be the absence of the confidence you think you have. Now, this all goes into multiplayer games. Especially co op. That's where i get to shine. I like to show off and be all badass on the net, especially when im doing a good job you can tell because of the way that ill be talking to everyone, but if i'm not doing so good you can also tell by the attitude I show. I hate when my attitude clearly shows that I am unconfident in myself at the moment, but then all of a sudden people are asking me to lead, it sux, but in that case you may just go with it at times and you may surprise yourself, when you can afford to gamble.

  9. Now I'm the kind of person who is really competitive in a team environment to be leader.  I am also the type who will gladly step down to let someone who is better than me lead if i am sure without a shadow of a doubt that he can help me where i cannot help myself.  Most of the time if I am not confident in my leader, I will rebel, or lead myself elsewhere.  In real life and in clans I see alot of occassions where people don't just choose a leader because of their applicable skill but for other reasons that have nothing at all to do with the situation, and you can't do that in a combat environment or any other environment so I make sure that if I'm going to lead, I have high confidence in myself. Not over confident, but confident. Over confident would be the absence of the confidence you think you have. Now, this all goes into multiplayer games. Especially co op. That's where i get to shine. I like to show off and be all badass on the net, especially when im doing a good job you can tell because of the way that ill be talking to everyone, but if i'm not doing so good you can also tell by the attitude I show. I hate when my attitude clearly shows that I am unconfident in myself at the moment, but then all of a sudden people are asking me to lead, it sux, but in that case you may just go with it at times and you may surprise yourself, when you can afford to gamble.

  10. I just tried it out and the best part was the sound on the m249.  It almost brought a tear to my eye.  One of the downsides was the color of the desert m4s on the covert desert units.  It looked like goldmember got ahold of it.  The m4 sounded too strong too, like a cannon. The textures and the models i can deal with for right now, but it'll all look better once i get some better animations. Overall the m249 made it all worth it and it was one of the best rangers addons that ive seen so good job. Let's see what happens when i make a mission.

  11. lol. I wish the guys who are making this would hear it. I bet that they kiss so much butt to the kids who test their games that the kids are too scared to tell the truth about the game. They be like "man that game was dope" and thats it. At least its not a finished product, but honestly, i don't see how these game studios make these games and think they're so good. They're jerks for releasing half made games and fake cgi commercials that don't even come close to what you get in the box.
