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Posts posted by BoweryBaker

  1. "Run tell pappy boyington that the neighbors german shepherd done bit Jason. GO!"

    Anyhow, running through walls is bad. Very bad. Got to fix that immediately. And the seeing through walls on the research lab. If not him plz someone else because PC just cranks out addons so fast that lately the fix ups have been ignored.

    Edit: Hey you know how i got members status. How do i get mission editors club status like you got mod maker status pappy? Tell us pappy, please?

  2. m21man, from what i heard, this is an assault weapons ban. That means fully auto guns, and three round burst guns like m16s and aks. I know you can get an ak single fire from the pawn shop but you can't get a fully auto one, because that is considered an assault weapon. Another point id like to make is on the news they say "certain weapons were banned under the law including" and they almost always said AK and M16. They didn't say nothing about glock. Nothing about springfield armory.

  3. Either way an assault weapons ban won't hurt much. Who needs an assault weapon in America anyways? Unless you're absolutely sure the local gang is targeting you, coming to kill you and police wont help you. If that is the case you should be okay with just a pistol and a sh*tload of clips. You don't need a thirty round mag and full auto fire. If your situation is that bad you really need a vest and a concealable firearm. Therefore this ban hurts nothing. That's how i'd choose if i was president. I'd reinvigorate the ban but make it for good. I do feel that in a controlled setting they should be allowed to be used. Gun demonstrations n stuff.

  4. Master Klink, is it possible you could do a meeting room where two leaders of two nations sit and talk in big elaborate chairs while photos shoot them. That'd be awesome for a cutscene i thought up. Here's how it goes:

    Two world leaders meet with each other. One is suspicious that the other has weapons of mass destruction prepped and aimed and ready to launch a nuclear strike within the next few weeks based on intelligence he's received. He tells that to the other world leader. The other world leader says to him "no" basically and that he's wrong. Also he says if I catch any of your people spying in my country, they will wish that they had never lived.

  5. Cuisine eh? I haven't eaten cuisine in a long time. I'm sure that since I'm an American you know all of our food already. When I eat out though, I usually go with some type of grilled meat with barbecue sauce on it, Korean cuisine or asian cuisine minus anything still in the shell, some wine of any type just so long as its sweet, basically anything sweet. I have a sweet tooth for food. I hate salty foods. If its vegetables its usually oriental for me, with some duck sauce or sweet and sour sauce on it. I think they're the same sauce. I'm not sure though lol. Since moving to Arizona however, i have began taking up eating certain burritos like Carne Asada which is a beef burrito. Right now since I''m on a diet i usually eat the refried bean burrito with cheese, guacamole, and sour cream inside. I like mexican noodles. I like Calzones which are also known as Strombolis a hell of alot more than pizza. I enjoy breaded shrimp. I also enjoy sweet and sour chicken. Anything sweet.

  6. Let me tell you guys something. Weed doesn't make you hallucinate. I know, ive smoked it. I was never a danger to anyone while....forget it, whole different topic. But I'll say it again and with emphasis this time:

    You TRUST people FIRST, THEEEN limit them as punishment. You don't LIMIT them first, THEN allow them freedom.

  7. I have been waiting SO FRIGGIN LONG for something like this. THANK HEAVENS THAT I DIDN'T UNINSTALL OFP AND LEAVE THE COMMUNITY. Finally the Deltas can go to work. The only problem will be perhaps finding a flat piece of land for this thingy to go on. I hope that i have the option of making the prison smaller. Hopefully its separated into each building. Excellent news. I also hope that the ai won't see through the walls. Hell yeah, a prison!!

  8. War isn't pretty and I for one believe that it should be communicated this truth. But hey, you tell people and they don't want to fight in wars so in this case the truth hurts people joining the military maybe. That's what the general belief is towards why mutilation n stuff shouldn't be shown.

    Edit: awaiting the over angry intellectual poster as usual....

  9. Quote[/b] ]I just get the feeling that if they're trying to sell the game because it's realistic, they don't need to do it by showing so many mutilated bodies.

    What really matters is I'm glad that I live in a free country like America where I can have the option of seeing a "gross" 3d model of a dead guy in a vietnam game if i want to.

    Edit: The way some of you are talking, I wouldn't be surprised if the future is like that movie Demolition Man to where even in your privacy you are under censorship. Creative freedom all the way! Not flaming or nothing. I mean all of you well. I just want people to think as a leader. I know you guys don't mind that stuff on movies n stuff. Otherwise you just watch cartoons and don't ever see the news or nothing if that sort of thing bugs you.

  10. Okay I was wrong. It is definitely smarter to go about things in terms of indeniable proof rather than just plain odds. You've changed a man today. Now tell me, am i to be condemned for being a flip flopper? Or no, that in fact all that matters is that I listened to open criticism and changed my mind for the better? Think of it this way, I'm running an airport. Now that I'm going to change policy do you still see me fit for the position. Quote me on this: What makes a better man, one who listens when he's wrong and changes, or one that listens to noone and carries on by doing what he thinks is right?

  11. What if there were a tv show, where two people with two textbook opposite attitudes toward life are put into a house to live together. Secretly they don't know that if they don't manage to get along for a straight month they will lose the rent money and be evicted and therefore lose the cash prize for lasting six months together. The tv show will be named "Can't we all just get along?" or "House alert" or maybe "Don't lose the rent".

  12. This is perhaps the greatest outpouring of love for an addon ive ever seen if this puppy can come with a host of missions people will definitely download this pack and if theres some good multiplayer missions in it, it may revive multiplayer again.

  13. Im sorry for like, posting double in this forum to all moderators, but i just finished the mission for your new pack laser. Now what do you want to do? Do you want me to send it to you so you can convert it later on with all your new rangers in it?

  14. what do ya'll think of people trying to let terrorists get away with this racial profiling crap. They're not being picked on for being of a certain race, theres no hidden agenda to wipe them all out, whats going on is, mostly all of the terrorists that want to hit us are arabic, so if there is a suspicious arab person, of course they're going to search him. We blacks had a problem with racial profiling when we were targeted for nothing. We weren't plotting nothing. We was just hated for our color. But these guys are acting like a bunch of arabs never crashed a plane into a building. Everyone knows better but they've managed to use our system against us. This isn't a racist rant. I'm not against arabs, so don't like, tell me not to be racist, im only defending the U.S. saying that I don't believe that checking a suspicious arab is not racial profiling in a bad way. In this case its needed. That's my idea on racial profiling. I don't hate arabs and used no arab slurs so i deserve not to be kicked from this forum. Now lets see how you misinterpret my words.

  15. if you read the presidential thread the creator of our constitution, thomas jefferson, never wanted us to attack countries and put american lives in danger under false pretenses. North Korea is only planning for the worst, and it'll be our own faults if we attack them and receive it. Just like Iraq. We can't be mad at them. For all they know, their people are dying basically over nothing. They feel bullied. They should have the right to rule their people any way they choose and if the people don't like it let them change their system. I have little say in the matter other than voting.
