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Posts posted by buliwyf

  1. [/color]Hi Buliwyf, of course it's possible to use the original Arma 3 objects. The best way is to clear the whole X-Cam object library first.

    So, please delete all files within this folder (but don't delete the folder): @inidbi\db\xCam\Library_Obj

    After this action u will see again the very first dialog, after u restart the X-Cam. Then double-left-click all object classes u want to use with the X-Cam,

    but don't select the xcam_* classes ... and press the [start] button to create the new library.

    Thanks for your answer... but this is not what i mentioned. I have a lot of original BIS stuff available but no rocks or trees. Only if i use your xCam objects, but therefor i need your xCam addon which i don`t want to use.

  2. Sorry, my english is not the best...

    If i try to enter the bunker with a standard A3 soldier, the hole to the right side was hard to get through. It looks like that the hole is not high enough to get through. I needed several attempts to enter it.

    And if i stand in the center of the bunker i`m not able to shot over the wall. So i have the feeling these bunkers are not very useful...


  3. I made an addon some time ago, which is running on server only. It forces infantry units to 1st person view. If you use a vehicle, you are able to switch in 3rd person view for better vehicle handling.

    The main part:

    if (isServer) then {
    _init = '
    	if (!isDedicated) then {
    		GDT_1stPersonView = this;
    		[] spawn {
    			waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
    			diag_log ''launching no 3rd PoV loop'';
    			_code = {if (((cameraView isEqualTo ''EXTERNAL'' && vehicle player isEqualTo player) || cameraView isEqualTo ''GROUP'') && alive player) then {(vehicle player) switchCamera ''Internal'';};};
    			[''GDT_onEachFrame'', ''onEachFrame'', _code] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
    _center = createCenter sideLogic;
    _group = createGroup _center;
    _size = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "MapSize");
    "LOGIC" createUnit [[_size/2,_size/2,0], _group, _init, 0.2, "PRIVATE"];
