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Everything posted by Blanco

  1. Blanco

    Huckins 78' WWII Patrol Boat

    Top addon with very nice textures & inniovative scripting, I love the details in all your addons Klink. But, Is it normal that the PTboat causes more lag then the Nasty class boat? Both have 4 gunners, so what's difference?
  2. Blanco

    Crew positions

    1- Hmmm try... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _Totalcrew = Count crew vehiclename ;debug hint format ["There are %1 men in this vehicle",_totalcrew] 2- Randomise crew positions? Yes, that's possible, but can you be more specific? What's the scenario?
  3. Codepad1.0Beta by Blanco Codepad1.0 demomission (editorupgrade required) Used programs. - Dialogmaker (great tool!) - Soundforge 5.0 - Photoshop 7.0 & illustrator 10 - Textview - Chris OFP script editor Features - Dialog with a numeric pad. - paper with code - Display and 2 leds (red & green). - Custom sounds For the demo mission (not really a part of the codepad script) - Scripted gates with custom sounds Parameters : - name of the object that represents the codepad (could be a laptop, a vehicle... whatever) - The code between quotes. Use "-1" when you want a random code at the start of your mission. Example : You already know the code from the beginning via the briefing or whatever : [laptop,â€123456â€] exec “pad\numpad.sqs†You have to find the code, a random code is generated from the beginning. [button,â€-1â€] exec “pad\numpad.sqs†Codekeeper You can give the code to the enemy with the randomassign script. When this script is running on an enemygroup, somebody randomly carries the code with him. When you kill him and search his body the code will be yours. You will see the code on a little piece of paper when you have to enter the code. The guy with the code is named codekeeper in the script, so you don't have to name him manually. You need one trigger for the "search his body" action <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ACTIVATION : none, repeatedly CONDITION : !codefound && alive player && !alive codekeeper && player distance codekeeper < 1.5 ONACTIVATION : Codeaction = codekeeper addaction ["Search his body","pad\code.sqs"] ONDEACTIVATION : codekeeper removeaction Codeaction Run the script on an enemygroup like this [name of the group] exec "pad\randomassign.sqs" example : [enemygrp1] exec "pad\randomassign.sqs" Codefound = true When somebody told you the code during the mission via an informant or whatever, use the bolean Codefound = true in a trigger or script. The code (the paper) will be shown aswell when you try to enter the code. MAXnr A code can only have numbers (0 to 9) and two special characters * and # A code has 6 digits default, but you can make the code longer if you want. Just open the codepad.init.sqs in the pad directory and change the MAXNR variable into an other value. 12 digits is the maximum! Applications : The codepad can be used in lots of scenario's (stealth missions I guess), just use your imagination... A code to open a door. A code for you car A code to launch a scud... ... So this script is a bit a do-it-yourself script. Doors In the demomission you need a code to open the gates of a garagebox and steal an ammotruck. (very easy) The doors are nothing more than 2 fences that slide in a certain direction via scripting (setpossing) (*) I've used code from another script that's not mine No author was mentioned in the script,  thanks to the guy/girl The parameters for that script are : [Name of the object that represent the codepad, name of the leftdoor, name of the rightdoor,direction the leftdoor should slide, direction the rightdoor should slide, slidedistance in Meters] exec "doors\open.sqs"  Example : Your doors are facing north : (azimuth 0) [button,GateL,GateR,275,85,2.3] exec "doors\open.sqs" The left door should slide to the WEST, so azimuth is 275 The right door should slide to the EAST, azimuth is 85 The slide over 2.3 meter, that depends on the fence you are using in the editor Use the "doors\open.sqs" to open the gates, and... "doors\close.sqs" to close them again. btw : This script is activated at the end of the codepadcrack script in the pad directory.  Should work in MP, but not recommended,, because this script uses a very fast loop when the gates open and close. Bugs : - You can use your numeric keypad on your keyboard to enter the code, but the script won't react then, you have to use the dialog buttons! - There can only be one codepad and code per mission. - When the codekeeper enters a vehicle and you shot him, the "search his body" action won't show up for some reason. - Not tested in MP Last minutes notes : - Some code from the ECLsafe addon was used. - The zip includes a Dutch readme, check this post for the euh... English instructions. I will update the file later with an English readme. - In the demomission the randomassign script is running on every member in the enemygroup, One unit in the group is enough tho.. I made a mistake there... I can't update the file now, I have to contact my host first.
  4. Blanco


    I dunno what a Blackberry is... When I freely translate it into Dutch it's a... zwarte bes... Hmmm... that's fruit.... Must be something else. Anyway, it would be nice if some addonmaker could make a codepad that looks like my dialog, so we don't have to use other objects that look like one (I've used a radio in my demomission... Â ) Just a little box with a texture of a numeric keypad, he can use my pics in the script... **edit** I've found someone
  5. Blanco


    It's not that innovating... LCD did it before with the ECLsafe from the Everon Cartel. DL : http://www.everoncartel.com/safe.zip I've used some code from that addon... without asking him permission (didn't read the disclamer, my fault) I mentioned it in the readme above... Anyway, I already spoke with LCD, I apolagise and he gave me permission. But it won't happen again... I just wanted to make a notepad without having any addons...
  6. Blanco


    I just saw this on OFPEC /pending... http://www.ofpec.com/editors/list.php?show=pending OFP Dialog Maker lets you EASILY and HASTILY build advanced dialogs (menus with controls, text and other cool stuff) in a WYSIWYGish manner, for inclusion in your Operation Flashpoint missions. This tool DOES NOT TOUCH your mission's DESCRIPTION.EXT file at all. Instead, you build your dialogs, and once you are satisfied "generate" them. The code to be included in the DESCRIPTION.EXT file for your dialogs will then pop up, and all you have to do is copy that code directly into said file as it best suits you. OFP Dialog Maker is still extremely powerful, and will let you do just about anything an advanced mission developer would do, but over ten times faster. Features - Visually create as many dialogs as you wish, with as many controls as you wish each. - Modify any property for any control just by double-clicking on it. - Save your work, load later. - Copy/Paste controls to relieve repetitive tasks. - Zorder organizer to keep your screen decluttered while working on complex dialogs with many invisible controls. - Readme includes a step-by-step quick start guide to have you making dialogs in no time. Notes - You must have some knowledge on scripting commands for dialogs in order to handle your creations from within your scripts. Basically, know what the controls' IDC is used for.
  7. Or use logiccam  http://www.ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=678
  8. Blanco

    DXDLL bug

    I have that too, but only when I ALT-TAB to desktop and back to OFP.
  9. Blanco

    Satellite V1.2Beta

    Parker, It won't be finished this weekend, I'm not in the mood right now, I just lost my job... This weekend I won't be in the mood for OFP brainstorming, I think gonna smoke hugh amounts of pot this weekend @djukel Search the net for coolspeech 5.0, and find a way to get the full version (kuchkuch) I've used Mary's voice. It's impossible with no sound, how are gonna hear the voices then?? (no chat is possible)
  10. Blanco

    Satellite V1.2Beta

    No problem, I have no plans to attach the actions to the laptop. When the satellite is running on the player and he activates it via the addaction, he will lie down and the laptop will appear (only when he's not in vehicle offcourse) in front of him. When he aborts the satellite he picks up the Oyman's laptop (read : deletevehicle) and stands up. So, when the action is attached to your BMW there is no laptop at all. Also , you can run the script without having the laptop addon, all you have to do is to set a SAT_laptop bolean to FALSE
  11. Blanco

    AI improvement script?

    I also like Skumball's latest AI script : Hunted I'm working on fixed positions script for cover in houses atm (only for SP tho). It's one of the applicationscripts I made with the ICPanims which can be found here
  12. Blanco


    I tried to solve that with setpossing an invisible target when the diver is in the water and that works, enemies fire in the water but you can't kill the diver... Try this : Place a satchel on of the banks of the river, take a dive and stay close to the shore. Detonate the satchel and you will see that it doesn't hurt at all.
  13. A wild guess... try to lock the plane...
  14. Blanco

    Gun Flashlights

    Great work, Master Chief This is something I always wanted from the beginning. Now my twenty million dollar question... I dunno shit about adonmaking but... Is it possible to make a functional searchlight addon with this? That would be fantastic! hmmm... a searchlight in a tower...
  15. How can prevent Ai friendlies firing at empty enemy static weapons.? When the crewmen of a static MG got killed, my friendlies next target is the empty MG, but it's harmless when it's empty. How can I prevent them doing that? -without blowing it up automatically when the crew's dead -
  16. Your theory is correct, general AI stays in "berzerk -mode" Â ... when they've started the attack. Can't fix that, unless you use the drastic way : emptygunfix.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;[name of gun] exec "emptygunfix.sqs" _gun = _this select 0 _guntype = typeof _gun _gundir = getdir _gun _gunposx = getpos _gun select 0 _gunposy = getpos _gun select 1 _gunposz= getpos _gun select 2 #checkcrew ?!alive _gun : exit ?((count crew _gun) == 0) :_gundam = getdammage _gun;goto "createnewgun" ~1 goto "checkcrew" #createnewgun _newgun = _guntype createvehicle [0,0,0] _newgun setpos [_gunposx,_gunposy,_gunposz] _newgun setdir _gundir _newgun setdammage _gundam ~0.5 exit With the script a new empty gun is created at the exact same spot as the original. Noone will attack that gun. Is't drastic but it works perfect.
  17. No, when the gun is empty ,it's side is civilian But the script doesn't work... Unbelieveable, they still think that empty gun as the most deadly threat around. How stupid can you be. I'v placed a manned machinegun in front of a house with a small enemy group patrolling about 50m away from it. my men killed the gunner, the gamelogic moves in (side is LOGIC atm), My men fired like lunatics at the empty machinegun, they even destroyed the house. They don't give a shit about the attacking groups, that's really really stupid AI. But I don't give up, there must be a way...goddammit
  18. Hmm... I don't think you can "join" empty weapons or vehicles... I never tried this, but this could work : -place a manned machinegun and run this script : [name of the gun] exec "emptygunfix.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _gun = _this select 0 #check ?((count crew _gun) == 0) : goto "createtmpgunner" ~1 goto "check" #createtmpgunner _gunny = "logic" createvehicle getpos _gun _gunny moveingunner _gun ~1 Capture_action = _gun addaction ["Capture weapon","Capture.sqs"] exit Then the capture script... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;;capture.sqs _gun = _this select 0 _user = _this select 1 _gun removeaction Capture_action _tmpgunner = gunner _gun (_tmpgunner) action ["eject",_gun] @side _gun != LOGIC _user assignasgunner _gun [_user] ordergetin true ~0.5 deletevehicle _tmpgunner exit I've noticed when you moveingunner' a gamelogic in a static weapon, the side of weapon changes to LOGIC. So I guess nobody will try to destroy the machinegun anymore. Nobody is able to board the gun anymore , that's why I'v added that capture_action. You can also order your men to capture the gun via the action menu (select a soldier and then 6- Capture weapon) Not tested, but I think this could work.
  19. Blanco

    Where Are You From

    Almost 32 years old, living in Belgium , aprox. 20 km from the capital Brussels. (Night)working as a dispatcher in a Transport compagny for 5 years now.
  20. Blanco

    Deployment Area Tents

    @philcommando Can you make a jail using the same principle? Btw: The actions "get in as driver",etc look a bit weird, but they can easily be removed in the editor when you lock the tent.
  21. Blanco

    Deployment Area Tents

    Very nice tents and a very good idea!
  22. Blanco

    Disembarking Groups

    leavevehicle is the command you are looking for. You can run it with a group or single unit eg : groupOne leaveVehicle jeepOne Units are automatically unassigned i think.
  23. Blanco

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    One word : WOW I love everything is this mod. I always play OFP with headphones and omg the sounds are so awsome and scary. One thing : I saw an error message (missing inventory pic I think) when I placed one of the static weapons on a map (I think it was the machinegun) Beside that, TOP NOTCH! Merveilleux!
  24. Blanco

    Advanced cutscene tutorial

    I wonder how I can make such a Dutch camera angle?
  25. Another ICP animations application is ready for DOWNLOAD. ICPguard, actually it's more ICPsentry because soldiers don't patrol... The sarge was telling us a bedtime story... :P This script is nothing big, but it can make your mission a bit different (cinematic) from the others. The script puts soldiers in a random ICPguard anim, when one of them got killed or spots an enemy they'll switch back ASAP(*)- to the default BIS anim and follow their waypoints. Check the readme for instructions. (*) As smooth as possible ;D