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Everything posted by Blanco

  1. Blanco

    ORCS machine gun pack

    Great work as usual! Always nice to have a mounted MG (without a light) Btw, is it possible to make the gun with an inbuild script so enemies won't attack it after the gunner was killed?
  2. Why don't you use the speed command? Something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(alive player && player == vehicle player && speed player < 7) : hint "player is running, alive and not in a vehicle" Dunno if 7 is the right speed, but I think you got the point.
  3. Blanco

    OFP videography

    A short movie I've made back in 2002 from a mini campaign with the COC diver. Releasedate : probably never. http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/SEARCHLIGHTS2.avi
  4. Just for the record... You can use the weapons command aswell which returns the weapons of the unit in an array. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?count weapons _unit == 0 : hint "unit has no weapons"
  5. Blanco

    Nearest Enemy (detect)

    Well, AFIAK a Guard waypoint would work for any range, but it doesn't mean they will move to closest threat. Things that could help : - Improved AI_script from Bremmer - Grouplink II from Keycat (U don't need a link I guess) - Findunits.sqf function from General Barron.
  6. Blanco

    Nearest Enemy (detect)

    use a GUARD waypoint...
  7. Ever wanted to become the leader of your group during a mission, even when your rank is the lowest in the group? I wrote this because I needed it for a mission. run it with : [group player] exec "become_leader.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _grp = _this select 0 ?leader _grp == player :exit enableradio false [player] join grpnull (units _grp) join group player ~4 enableradio true exit Easy huh?
  8. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hi Thunderbird, I love your mod because of the great replacements and effects, and most of all I can play missions made without addons and they will work with your mod. Almost Now I'm working on mission (without addons) and I'm testing it with your mod and I"ve found a problem with A10 (with mavericks, not the LGB version)... In my intro script I have : I debugged it with a hint format ["%1",weapons this] in the init of the A10. This works with the original OFP but the same line doesn't work in the mod. The classname for the machinegun in your mod is : "MachineGun30A10" This causes problems in my intro. Am I doing something wrong or is this a configbug? Keep up the good work!
  9. Blanco

    Russian HMGs

    Try this for SP, I warn you, they are pure evil! http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....amazing Keycat has an alternative script (based on this) for MP (less CPU intensive) , You'll need Lesters invisible targets. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....5;st=15 It's there but the link is down...Ask Keycat
  10. Blanco

    How do i....

    I'v wrote this some time ago: [unitname] exec "randomspeak.sqs" The soundlist array included all soundfiles,those are strings! You can put as many strings as you need in the array **edit** Three answers in a few minutes. Hardrock's script is better I think.
  11. When you are the only one left in your group during a battle, this simple script will check the other groups in the field and when they have less then 11 members, you will join them automatically. When that specific group is completely defeated, it will pick the next group in the array. Syntax :  [[group array]] exec "regroup.sqs"  Example  [[group player, westgrp1, westgrp2,westgrp3]] exec "regroup.sqs" Testmission
  12. Blanco

    Sleeping script

    Hi, To stop an animation use unitname switchmove "" The transition between sleeping and waking up would be very abrupt, ...maybe "sitdowntostand" could look better.
  13. Blanco


    Same here, Brussels, Belgium. Actually I live in Ternat, but who knows Ternat... It's pretty close to Brussels. Good idea btw
  14. Blanco

    Is this misson too hard?

    I gave it a quick try but it was a bit too laggy for my PC. Not really your fault,Tonal is a laggy island for most people... But... - you can't see far in the jungle, lag can be reduced by using a spawn script to create the tango's only when they are needed. - Maybe delete the mist logics depending on your benchmark. I don't think it's too hard, I was killed during the second objective (and I was the first casualty, bad bad commander ) and I gave it only one try. PS : I checked the mission in the editor and I couldn't find any units that use the ICPguard script??
  15. Blanco

    Is this misson too hard?

    I 've downloaded it, but had no time yet to try it.
  16. It's an addon, don't worry it's a tiny one Download it HERE
  17. No, Ai can't fire gamelogics, it needs a real target. With "fire" he will shoot up in the air, even combined with a dowatch command. I'm afraid the only solution is an invisible target.
  18. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    That new planecrash effect is great, but I hear no sound during the explosion...I hear the explosion before she occurs. (I don't think it was a dopller effect or something) New anims are cool. There still a glitch between the crouch and standup & run anim, but it doesn't bother me. You have to watch out while you are running and shooting because you can hit yourself in the leg! Great work and sweet dreams.
  19. Blanco

    Detect unit stance

    I wonder how it's done in Tactevents (from Marineassaultpack) , how can they create smoke at the barrel when they don't know the unit's stance? Or is the smoke attached to the bullet?
  20. Blanco

    Jump/leap script

    there's still a _vehicle setdammage 0 line in your code, 2th line under the #jump label  Oh , I see, ok, it doesn't matter, it's for safety... I should also add a line (just before #jump) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? not canstand _vehicle : _vehicle removeaction A2;exit If seen a jump animation once in an animpack, but I can't remember which one. (it wasn't static, so you can use it for this) Meanwhile you can use : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vehicle switchmove "CombatRunF" when he's in the air and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> @getpos _vehicle select 2 < 0.1 _vehicle switchmove "putdown" ...when he touches the ground again and to prevent bunnyhopping. Maybe a loop is better here because when the player stays in the air (dunno why, but you'll never know ) the script will never exit.
  21. Blanco


    Yummy, yummy Splendid.
  22. Blanco

    Jump/leap script

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vehicle setdammage 0 So when you're hit, just jump and you're allright? Â I should : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dam = getdammage _vehicle ; at the beginning and... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vehicle setdammage _dam at the end.
  23. Blanco


    Another downside I see: The tiger will be slower.
  24. Blanco


    Man, I love these! Best I've seen so far, they realy fit well with the enviroment. These will work well with my trench & fixedpos script I think the PK is very usefull, actually he's very deadly... only... - tThe getin action only shows up when you are in front of it. - The PK has a light, can you remove it? - When somebody boards the PK, animation is wrong. I really hope you will make more of these, I've been waiting since day one for some good fightpositions. Great job! Any tips?...hmmm maybe a little wooden roof i(f it doesn't block the units' view)