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Everything posted by Blanco

  1. I have this script, I only post a part of it cus the rest is irrelevant <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ... _alarmed=[] #check ?{behaviour _x != "SAFE"} count _newunits > 0 OR "!alive _x" count _newunits > 0 : goto "NEXT" ~1 goto "CHECK" #NEXT ... How can I seperate all the unit(s) who met the condition above and put them in the _alarmed array? I tried : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?{behaviour _x != "SAFE"} count _newunits > 0 OR "!alive _x" count _newunits > 0 :_alarmed = _alarmed + [_x]; goto "NEXT" hint format ["%1",_alarmed] It always return scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef Â
  2. Blanco

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    A few unedited pics from a specialops mission with the COCdiver I'm working on : All over 100kb and too lazy to convert them  http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/rechteroever.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/linkeroever.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/platform1.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/platform3.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/brug.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/objective2_2.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/objective2_3.jpg http://users.telenet.be/blanco/Scripts/DD/objective2.jpg Addons : COCdiver, Mapfact barracks 1.5, Jof_object1, Mapfact bauelementeV01, Mapfact Mil_objpack, Lesters reallights and dxdll
  3. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    True, I've noticed that too.
  4. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Is this just me or am I missing the sounds of the maingun & NSV of the East-Resistance T72's? Â I've used default installation (powerfull config) without the skypack. Nice mod & installer btw
  5. Blanco

    Lost Actions

    there's a ladder in the empty object menu, spawn one at the same spot. I know it's not a very proper solution...
  6. Blanco

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    I 'm...speechless, outstanding work! Bug report : USSR - NKVD men - Special investigator A starbatch with the Russian hammer and sickle is floating in front of my eyes.
  7. Hmmm, damn. Then I have to make 2 grouplink scripts with sdifferent global variables...like changing KEY_occupied into KEY_occupied2...etc... ..and hoping I don't run into the savegame bug, I suppose there are many global vars?
  8. None, it's a scripted searchlight based on the light of an M2 machinegun. It's hard work to simulate line of sight, but it's do-able because it's static and you can define the area with lots of repeatable triggers. (and it doesn't lag at all) There is searchlight addon but only for planes, that light is too big for watchtowers. I hope he will make a smaller one for watchtowers, meanwhile I use the M2 method. The mission is on Nogova in Davle, on each bank of the river a searchlight. One of the objectives : destroy one of the pillars of the bridge, playing a demolition diver. Since AI not very willing to cross the bridge I have to run Grouplink twice with different groups on each side of the river. I hope it will work that way, but right now I'm still testing the searchlights.
  9. Blanco

    DMA Animation Pack 1.0

    euh, my soldier reloads in a standing position.
  10. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hi, guys Is it possible to add a binoc with zoom in the next patch? I've heard it's just a small change in the config. (AFAIK wgl got one)
  11. Very impressive as usual, Keycat. Very unpredictable situations, i like it a lot. I'm using Grouplink in a BlackOps SPmission I'm working on and I have a guard in a tower with a searchlight who is able to detect the player as well as friendly bodies. The guard is not a part of a grouplink group. I read in the readme that it's possible to alert grouplink-groups by non-grouplink units via the reveal trick. Now my question... AFAIK the reveal trick make the group move to the targetgroup or better, search in the area the targetgroup was spotted) Is it possible to make a grouplink group move to the position of the body instead of the targetgroup? Will a domove command override the script?
  12. When I have an array with units and groups like : _units = [unit1,unit2,grp1,grp1,grp3] ...what is the fastest and easiest way to put every single unit in new array (_allunits =[]) ? So when grp1,grp2 and grp3 contains 4 units ,_allunits should store 14 units (4+4+4+2=14) I always do it with a cycle loop but is there a one or two line code with an if-then-else statement (probably with some _x stuff)? Â Â
  13. Blanco

    Quick array question

    AFAIK I can mix units & groups because every single unit is a group (it's just a group with 1 man)
  14. Blanco

    OFP engine clock capability

    Isn't there a reserved variable for that? time In a script, time returns the time elapsed since missionstart. For the record, _time returns the time elapsed since the script starts running. One downside, whenever a saved game is loaded, time resets back to zero. (I hate that) So... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?time + 3.65 : <code to play your sound> Not sure about that, though
  15. Blanco

    Creating Cutscene

    No, but it a good way I guess.
  16. Can you adjust your direction when a dialog is active?
  17. Blanco

    Character proportions and details :(

    Good job Marfy, I totally agree.
  18. Blanco

    Running Animation

    Yes,it is and you can even buy it.
  19. I knew about damage & getdammage, but the others are new to me!
  20. Are empty objects not catched by a Civilian activation trigger?
  21. True. Are all the objects the same type?
  22. Hmmm, not tested... First place a trigger activated by ANYBODY and name it, eg : allunits in the namefield. Below an example script that checks every unit on the map, when it's an "A10", the unit will be added to an array named _validtypes. When the loop stops all units in the array will be setposted. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _list = list allunits _i = 0 _validtypes = [] #cycle _unit = _list select _i ?typeof _unit == "A10" : _validtypes = _validtypes + [_unit] ~0.1 _i = _i + 1 ?_i < count _list : goto "cycle" _x setpos [getpos _x select 0, getpos _x select 1, (getpos _x select 2)-0.2] foreach _validtypes exit There should be a faster way via a if-then-else statement tho... If you mean a specific class like man,tank, plane, whatever...the method is similar. just use... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?"man" counttype [_unit] < 0 : _validtypes = _validtypes + [_unit] ...to determine the unit is a "man". Replace "man with "air" if you want all planes & heli's, "tanks" for all tanks, etc... Replace it with the typeof line in the script above.
  23. Blanco

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Use the -nomap command line in your shortcut.
  24. Blanco

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    I just want a collision detection fix, that really bothers me in OFP1.