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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666


    Had time to sit and play with JAM3 and some of the jam3 vehicle units. Any chance of the PIVADS M163A2 otherwise known as Vulcan SPAA unit of that getting the correct gun sound? The beast is using effectively the same gataling cannon the A10 is using. Its very noisy, and would seem a simple fix by changing the sound to a vulcan cannon. Most ground troop fear cause you can hear one firing several miles away, the high pitch whine before the growl. Able to slice vehicles in half with it when demiling enemy capatured vehicles after the war to deny them being recovered.
  2. Bobcatt666


    thanks for the clarifcation.
  3. Bobcatt666


    most of the formentined posts give the impression you _must_ join the USMC squad inorder to play USMC cti games. Or is it just me?
  4. Bobcatt666

    ADF mod needs help

    Thats ia a bit high for texture res might lag like hell in game thought 1024 x 1024 was the max to keep dencet performance, its why so many other addons lately are unsieable in mp cause they are needlessly high res textures on them.
  5. Bobcatt666


    Maybe public verssion of a marine cti is in order for those who don't wanna get pened up in a clan situation.
  6. Bobcatt666

    Star Light Island

    played Crime in the city on this island a few times. Even got me to make a few more civil cars. Noticed a few building can be entered like the police station. Nice is the AI can usualy navigate the whole island in most of the vehicles. And a few hostage rescue missions in it. nice favorite with Ocean Island now. Made or scrounge dup other police units to use for this island. and make some cars I've wanted in ofp for some time.
  7. Bobcatt666

    Racing civilian cars

    AI only used to keep the numbers filled durring races, they sometimes win racing motorcycles on road courses over the more established islands. Nagova seems to have he better raod network. once you tweak the cars handling and other problems so minor fender benders are not so much of an issue. then the application of suspenssion scripting. Makes the vehicles roll and sway better Now if only could texture a number fo the cars over a few times so there be more than one color of it.
  8. Bobcatt666

    Marine Assault Pack Missions

    mostly ended up with the on the server after a number of years collecting. should contact the LOL guys they seem to have the most. Missions having more of the better missions makers on their squad. Oter sugestsing would be there is a cognfg file floatig aroudn that replaces all the units with such marines, allowing you to play the regular game as USMC. Seems to rather stable on MP as well it was called @MAP. Sancuary seemed to be the one behind it. "Nice running that with flashfx mod and its almost as good as ffur. Still end up with army vehicles but the USMC tends to draw out what ever is aviable for the mission. and used simular vehicles for combat action. Other than the M113 and AH1S cobra.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Be a hero...

    actualy you can have cargo fire from a bike if placed as a gunner proxy. bunch of motor cuycles with mounted cannons and MGs on them.. Had even had the rear rider on the klr shooting . drawback the AI usualy hosed the driver of the bike cause I didn't set the rotation corectly and AI are stupid with auto targeting but was decent for players. was plotting to make an all new dirtbike for this due never got the approval to release altered sstklr. A few problems arise getting shot while in this mode, keeping trigger happy ai from killing everyone being cRRIED OR doing the dragging. a good example to the man porteable arty sytsem tat is floating around, has a guy dragging a heavy weapon about by hand. dragger driver, draggee gunner. should get rid of a ton of problems. Otyhher that a script to incompasitate your draggee. Well this be used on a live player that got no legs and not sobody who is actually wasted.
  10. Bobcatt666

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    the Lluma heads are nice but dude loose the face textures everybody is using them, and the vacant 1000 yard stare they have has gotta go. He made em as a demmo but damn almost more of theres creepy guys arem the the regular bis guys now.
  11. Bobcatt666

    Ka-50 Blackshark

    look at hawks cti verssion even blows te rotor blade s off in flight when ejection seat is used.
  12. Bobcatt666

    Racing civilian cars

    main problem was getting AI to drive the courses, think got it cured for now.
  13. Bobcatt666

    MCAR Engine released...

    Cool, seeing if this makes any help implimenting mcar to a dozen or so addons in hiberation.
  14. Bobcatt666

    Be a hero...

    yes combat drag, enables one man to move another wounded person from danager this also works regardless of if the injured is on his back or front. using the load bearing gear as a handle also lessens the risk of causing further injury to the wounded. Even can drag wounded this way in the prone to lessen risk of behing hit while recovering a wounded person. If the wounded is not incompasitaed he is still able to protect the rescuer with his weapon. This drill is praticed a lot so the wounded knows what to do the minute they are down and unable to move, somebody will get to them if able. LBE is very useful when moving injured personal. Even more so when extraction from a disabled vehicle is needed under a combat situation and the victim isn't pinned. Firemans carry (across the shoulders) is another common movement of wounded but usualy the injured if has internal or back injuries can be hurt worse moving them. This tends to be if its the last option due to injured may bleed out if carried too long cause the carrier is uable to watch the wounded. two man carry is another as the wounded is carried in a sitting postion. then the more common soft stretcher and stiff stretcher liter removal, but usualy only after being stablized. Having been trained and used theses in the real military and after one chopper crash being moved to safety is imparitive due to the risk of fire and or explossion. There are pictures of said movements being done under combat but are rather grusome to be posting here due to the soldiers trying to save the wounded were also shot trying to save their buddies. Or aftermath of terrorist attacks on convoys and security forces.
  15. Bobcatt666

    addaction commands as shouted commands?!

    not putting guns back on the shoulders after telling them to stand up is usualy caused by them being still in combat mode or aware. AI will only place weapons in safe mode when told condition safe. Main proble is making usable commands for units because the wording is commonly unit SOP level type things and vary between units and even service branches. Even in the us military the gargon is different between braches you sometimes need translaters between Army and Marines and Air force. Shoulder arms and ready arms are commonly used in formation slated use with units usualy drill and ceremony or firing squad. If you degsiganate these to only appear durring safe mode should correct most of the problems. But we know OFP AI think for themselfve 90 % of the time which makes things diffcult to setup.
  16. Bobcatt666

    Be a hero...

    most cases the upper most cross strap of the LBE is used for dragging wounded, leaving one arm free to carry weapon and provied protection. Should be a script around so you can at least have the man being dragged closer to the ground and following the terrain instead of hovering. I suggest you see Sancuary (sp) for help with the animation, seems to be the best guy to help with such things. Most of your mp problems are going to be uncurable. Somebody shows up in game with a ping over 200 will instantly decync even the best of coding like this and you have the bungy effect.
  17. Bobcatt666

    Racing civilian cars

    yeah I tend to run a number of races on the team-set server durring off times. lot of the addons requiered heavy modfication to make them usable for racing others are rally races with buggys I've impoerted on a fair number of maps to make them fun. usually race against clan mebers due to pups tend to be lazy and not have any addons for the missions.. Intrested parties can pm about em sometime or catch me online..
  18. Bobcatt666

    Formula one car

    there are about six island made exclusively for racing with a number of courses I used to mp races on the clan server durring down times. There is a racing car pilot as well that is perfect for the car in a suit and helmet.
  19. Bobcatt666

    Combat! M977 HEMMTs

    had simulare problems with SF mods brdms vanishing at about 100 yards mostly driver issues with card updatd drivers and that happened some sort of bug played with my setting it went away. The mod literly ran all the addons in sp and mp for months to make sure they were good. Can't find anything wrong with the model, in o2 can recreate the problem. They did have an issue where glass had a bug but Rude fixed that a long time ago. even tried then on several differnet pcs no issues..
  20. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    "Big reason one must use tatics, been able to take out Sep platoons with T55AMs using the terrain for masking our tanks from direct hit, till somebody wizes up and uses top attack weapons on us. A also suggest you start amored battle engagements a lot farther off. Even more so when using AI crews also even if unrealistic Keycats armor warfare scripts 'Armor mp fix' would be highly suggested. Even if most modern tanks usally have one shot one kill capable targeting and weapons systems. A good missions with armo would be on a fairly large low lag island east usualy 4 to 1 advantage. Usualy you have to move to a area to engage so you do not get hammered as soon as te game starts. Both sides have ample support that are in degisnated ares and hold so they return to safety zone once done supporting friendly elements. unmaned support stations in some of the villages that one can run to if they are koed. But survive usually with trasport vehices like UAZ or humvees. install k-kill on east block armored vehicles. place the other scrpt on all units nice run max units with ground inf and some air and mcar units on tonal in mp and barely any lag . Only got lag making a motor pool where folks could choose sigs armor or inq/homers sep. usualy four to 12 players a few hours to comepleate the mission. Resulting in a ratter intince armored battle like the ones durring the first gulfwar, the dunes add a bit more work as enemy have ways of masking their vehicle in hull. down positions to engage. A lot of times a shot will peneytrate the ground and hit the target behind. Relly cool seeing a T72/80 lauch the turret after a direct hit in the early eveing durring a really major tank battle. I can loan you the base mission to try it out..
  21. Bobcatt666

    UAZ 3741

    eh its a low end use unit not worth time messing with, make something else instead. You over tax yourself with repeated stuff.. Such waste of good model maker..
  22. Bobcatt666

    Pleas fix Antonov-124

    To be honest, not really had any excuse to give it a tray after a number of revissions of it. It so big only can realistily be used on a few islands. And only if the airport has been redone them too laggy to be used due to the objects on the map, asumed that was mostlikely the source of the lag due to it being that on most other cagro scripted units.
  23. Bobcatt666

    Pleas fix Antonov-124

    Maybe adress this to the correct thread on this addon to tell the team that was working on tis addon. People demanded all the dargo scrtping and featers in addon, thus the all create lag. Cannot have your cake and eat it. Other wise go back to the first verssion of plane minus he cargo scritps.
  24. Bobcatt666

    Combat! M977 HEMMTs

    hrm not sure what to tell you I'll research it more see if anything comes of it andd makre mention to Rudedog, not seen himm about in a month now, so might just fix it myself but nobody ealse as had this problem, could also be one of the T &L issues that is coming up with the new gen cards. might be corrupted as well seeing how manytimes things have crashed.
  25. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    Its nice and realistic but 90 % of the players would moan cause they are already snivvling about making the SEP use a single player. One problem is that a tank platoon is four tanks with four crewmembers per each tank. Ofp will only assing 12 members per squad. So you have to operate three tanks in order to run with all stations. Having listend to the bitches moans and gripes when the M2 Bradley from Combat were given correct realistic tow launch setups for the 901-ITV and M2 was a lot of crying and whining. It be nice but again most players in ofp wouldn't appriciate such things. Tanks are seldom used correctly in games drive in and try engaging danger close in an attempt to leave scortch marks on enemy armor from the muzzle blast, or get surrounded by a dozen hostile inf with at weapons and end up getting destroyed. Even impossable with most clans to operate armor correctly due to lack of discpline among players, sometimes I catch a closed game with realy miltary players, then oh yeah tanks will ROCK. Rather a large amount of work for so few that would use it right.. Might as well go all the way and lock in the driver so stations can't be changed unless the turret is fcing the direction the cage door is lined up to allow moving people. between the turret and gunners position. and kill anyoine tyring to stich posiotions while tank it in operation. just like the real thing or the engine catching gfire suddenly without warning. Or shattering the gearbox on hard accerlation leaving a trail of hydro fluids and EPA guys came and beat you up and make you clean up the mess. Above all not MP compatable due to the inertaction issues, and everyone would hack the tank to get around the setup you suggest. The real tank crews go through the motions anyway regardless code or no code, You not be able to realistly carry out the actions while playing at proporspeed, bad enough the gunner lags in game let alone anyone eles. in the time you push pull click cliick a T80 has buried about three penetrator rounds into your tank. Good idead but tried it on the bis tanks, it fails miserbly. mainly timing and lag issues, that and the the firing more than one shell bug in mp. OFP proves to mangle more of the cooler stuff tried cause its an evil engine that refuses to be tamed. Rather see operational loader and TC guns instead than that then the loader have something to do, or the other loaders jobs like the radio operation, maitance, anti infantry, anti air protection..