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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    just farting around with misc addons I found in my folder. islands Ocean City and Nagova BMW R75 ? DSA US Navy UDT pack unreleased werewolfaddon
  2. Bobcatt666

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    GL launchers are greatly enhanced by MCAR giving them more realistic balistics and operation. Than it being a machine gun that fires explosive rounds.
  3. Bobcatt666

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Yeah DPV is still in dev but a planned release once I get feedback on the betta testing its getting. Had a few issues with MCAR scripts for the GL launcher and TOW missile launcher. with MP use which delayed the prototypes. Mostly new job stealing time from OFP projects and other long term proects being undermined and forced to be canceled.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Need Extreme Help

    Dude your wasting time farting around with a non-english speaking person, get back to work you lazy addon maker... =P Enough spamming the thread take your argument to PM.. Now back to topic what ever it was like five pages back.
  5. Bobcatt666

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    Well you should bitch to all the people that demanded that HYK units be default crews in the HUMMVEEs. Because the M2 and M113 pack had HYK crews reworked by COMBAT mod. At this point they are nearly standard units over BAS and SUChy's troops. Waste all that time making top notch vehicles only to put the old units in them is rather defeating the purpose? Not surprized that folks are not demand the newest units popular units of the week floating around are not made default crews. ACUs, digital Marpat or the units OFFTime has been making. Give us a break, Rude didn't have to bother updating the trucks could have left you with the old ones. And just kept to working on VBS1 period, they at lewast get paid for the work and don't have to listen to people bitching about something they didn't even pay for. =P Even more so somebody own special application of an addon. Hell most of the HYK units are pushing 2 and 3 years old now, anyone that is playing this game now don't got them already. must be living under a rock and should consider another game platform.
  6. Bobcatt666

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Unreleased beta Desert Island
  7. Bobcatt666

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    I've seen the the Stryker with the 105mm fire off the sides, luckilly the tires soak up a lot of the recoil. Most of the problems keeping this vehicle from being released has been engine limitations and abusive end users. the eletronics suite is impossiable to emulate in the game. Remote firing turret and gun sighting system in a wheeled vehicle class. 80% of the inside of a Stryker is literly classified. The armor protection systems, are unable to be made in game as well, so it mostly be eye candy. The vehicle is still being testsed for dev, just got its funding hacked with a number of other high dollar military projects, Only one unit has them at this time, same goes for the M8 Buford. Mostly the problem with the Stryker is its costs. It is currently one of the most expensive vehicles in the US Army invintory. The cost could buy several M1A2 Seps for the price the Stryker is alone. The addistion of the field added RPG gaes also makes the vehicle very top heavy and degrades the driving performance significantly. Now they roll over very easilly like most SUVs. The sofisticated eletrocnics are another problem all th einformation the vehicle is capable of gathering, is not being filtered out to other units do the rest of the Army is not using the level of equipment the stryker was outfitted. The infany that crew and ride in the strykers are also specially outfitted with gear and equipment solely attached to the stryker. Intergrated helments uplinks to the and from the vehicle, as learned in the current combat situation the Stryker is unable to share intel with other units because the lack the systems used and it must be relayed by other sources to the front line units. Mice vhiel but itss fallen prey to the being overly sofisticated for combat use. literly a rolling AWACs system for ground forces. Than an actual combat unit. At least they are smater than with the M2A2 and keep it back form main line use. Leave it to real Armor and Combained arms sections. RPG cages offer zero protection to insergents on rooftops that attack from above which is the current focus of attack on Stykers. Hitting in the rear and front sections. and IED attacks . The old molitove cocktails are the most effective weapon against Strykers. Insudgents ambush the unit and snipers pick off the crews trying to put out the fires. Army fears loosing one of new toys falling into enemy hands so they are not allowed to go too far without ample protection. And are offen destroyed by crews or air strikes when disabled in the field to keep the tech from being exsamined by hostiles. US Army is still unable to equip the full force with the gear needed. The Stryker combat system is _not_ in every unit. Would require lots of lag causing code in order to work remotely close to its reallife counter part. Thus why most addons makers didn't bother wasting time making them at least in VBS1 they work better not having as many limitations. Mainly people spouting for these addons forgetting nomatter how simple an addon even now takes months to make anything work correctly in ofp. Already about six Strykers out in game already you got such a hardon should seak em out and obtain them rather than moan or snivel for new ones. Already see even having the FLT model will cause problems cause everyone will cry about it not having a interior when also asked the person who made the model they said no to placing it in ofp.. It was for their aplication, and was in compitation with OFP and VBS. I just obtailed Sigmas LavIII and replaced the turret with thw m2hba2 mount.
  8. Bobcatt666

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    more pics of wips. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231....MG] odd mp game mechs with cops vs other mechs. edit mechinic vehicles and JMG police units. On Nogova Veritech and Vilas V100 APC.
  9. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    Nice vehicles but too clean for a service used desert vehicle. No fuel stains or oil stains. That tank is a demo tank as the prototype M1A2 SEP note the stupid logo on the track skirt. "Its was extra well taken care of being placed in display for Penetagon brass.
  10. Bobcatt666

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons BCt Crownvic Scud P38 BCTB17g addon Star light Island
  11. Bobcatt666

    Tank battles...

    FFUR impliments a number of said scripts for amor gaming. Due to most moderen tanks having computerized balistic target computers most armoed vehicles have one shot one kill on the move capablity. Wanting a long drawn out armor mission is a kinda diffcult. Stright on armor fiun best achived with Keycatt's and KillK scripts on tanks, the K-kill don't wortk in mp though.
  12. Bobcatt666

    Vice City

    I had a side project for udated westeern modern day units. They got sheveled but I still mess with em every now and them as I relearn O2. <a href="http://img239.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bctumkcv017sp.jpg" target="_blank"><img http</a> http://img239.imageshack.us/img239....MG] Mainly a much needed suppliment to the JMG cruisers they mostly outer model replacement on the old crownvics and modified some of Mechinics vehicles into police units for a mp session I often take part in.
  13. Bobcatt666

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Been able to play this a few times even more so in MP. too early to report more other than the already reported issues. Note the exploding aarmored vehicle scripts, the desing of most western made tanks keeps the turret on when destroyed. They are often bolted down oposed to eatern bloc tanks that the turrent is just kept held down by the weight of the turret. The Abrams MBT has a mmor magazine storage system that deflects the explossion of the main cannon ammo out the top of the turret away from the crews postion protecting them from the explossions. You ned an explossion on the magatude of a 500 lb bomb or direct hit from 155 mm he howizer to cause enough damage to the hull to break the turret ring/cage assembly. In sort west tanks launch turret scripts is unrealistic, and more arcadey, should have consulted KingHomer on the Abrams first. M60 and M48 also retain turrets when destroyed having used lots of them for target practice to demil them.. Seem M2A2s pop the turrets a few times, due to cook off ort AT weapons in the hull, and it being a thin skined APc.
  14. Bobcatt666

    BRDM-2 with ATGM.

    There is a salgorythim bug in that at brdm1 so make sure you have the lastest verssion of the Mcar setup otherwise you have a firey explossion durring launch.
  15. Bobcatt666

    Ka-50 Blackshark

    I find making the texture a bit longer on the edges cuts down on the stretching. Better make the texture larger than the area it going to cover whay it doesn't need it won't use, if too little you get stretching.
  16. Bobcatt666

    ACU soldiers

    Base model should be updated major flaws in it that nobody ever corrects which why I hate the last two versions of ACU units. I cal em stumpy cause the arms are too short making the hands detach in most of the aminations made for units. Pretty much they look like Nuts ACU guys now, need to be better..
  17. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    Best to say closed dev, as most of the mod makers are busy with realife, or paying game projects.
  18. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    Mine plow, Realisticly they seldom see use on armor much Shorly after the first gulf war new class of EOD systems made the mine plow osolete. The Army having gotten in trouble for using mine plows against dug in enemy troops in the first gulf war durring the first ground assault.
  19. Bobcatt666

    UH-1N in Police Version

    police depts usualy dip into military/goverment surplus aircraft to keep costs down. Usually if relesed from servce have been fully rebuilt to like new condition before turn in. Tons of UH!H and N models were litetyr given away to law enforcement and border patrol after 911.
  20. Bobcatt666

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    yeah with a pack of them perhapes, still really not happy with em.. They get better textres at least for driving around.
  21. Bobcatt666

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    still beta but a long sleepless night and got em in game for a session of law and order very severly beta thats for sure. Offtimes police units JMG Police Swat Van, Unknown Starlight island Unreleased Crown Vic pack.
  22. Bobcatt666

    GAZ 3937 Vodnik

    naw in fact you should have the old thread locked, not going to waste any more time on duplicate addons.. Tons of other unreleased unmade things I rather waste time on..
  23. Bobcatt666

    Searching texturer

    forced to learn skinning cause had hundreds of addons wasting on the hd now make my own even if it sucks still.
  24. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    well now that my job situation is a bit more stable I can and have been getting time to work on addons. New job is a bit more time demanding though as they try to keep me there seven days a week. =P And enough units in the military have done their rotations now so I'm free from taking care of that.
  25. Bobcatt666


    well having taken over the mod some time back its being reworked, and updated. pushing for a more historical aspect of the operation. That and having to had to form a new team as all the orginal guys are unable to do a lot. At least progress is being made.