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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Infantry Request - Resident Evil (Cry for help)

    well I can't texure but can rig up models of the main characters, seen a script PC Command made that switches clothing. And have had experiance with the zombie mods.
  2. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    most of the good scripter already baile don OFP for ARma, so kinda don't hold your breath, mostly why none of TC gunnners scriptes were placed on the tanks. Got a few hours witht he victers they came out nice. still too early to really mentione anything I need to make sure the issues were not mod created first. but over all rather good so far.
  3. Bobcatt666

    Ka-50 Blackshark

    Sound slike the problem I had on the KA60 pack, of the rotors spining around the chopper. Yeah I'm kinda on deployment but if you need help ya got it here.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    yeah beating the crap out of it shortly, and will implimentit into a CTI setup I suppose. Kinda finishing off USMC vs PLA at the moment.
  5. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    Well you guys did a lot of work to make this addon operational, sadly most people are not going to appricate it, but having made a number of units in OFP even after all this time it still a pain..
  6. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    There isa system implemented called Mcar for adding missil systems to wheeled vehicles, now works perfect in MP and SP and the AI can use it with rather good ability. Its installed on most of hte high end addons like Combats HUMVE pack.
  7. Bobcatt666

    Nogova Crimes

    crash to desktop usualy means missing addon, ie weapon or player model. half the time OFP might bother giving a message after failure. If it caught it. easy way to check is to try different things in the mission editor from the pack alone, till you get the boom.. Used to play this a lot but hat cheaters show up and hack the game to ruin the playing. Hope that is corrected, had even made new addons for it..
  8. Bobcatt666

    One Question Regardind a mod

    I highly doubt much of anything if anything period was released..
  9. Bobcatt666

    UH-1N in Police Version

    Yeah the Tahos and blazers got sidlined for the P71 addon and Fordtrucks as well as deployment to Afghanistan. Now things are settling down I picked up on em again.. Kinda look like crap now, so going to redo the skins on the vehicles cause I am lightly better with photoshop than I was when i first started em.. That and other cars ended up in the pile, like Chevys, and Dodges.
  10. Bobcatt666

    BCC Central, Unit 43 is 22 at CP location

    There are a couple of WGL islands with very large cites on the and Ocean island is also fairly decent for modern nonmilitary missions. Nagova 1004 was another one it has a highway system, often confuses the AI.. But really really long from on end of the island to the airport.
  11. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    Need any help or anything just drop me PM, be more than happy to help out.. Bare in mind I'm on deployment so responce time varries depending on combat missions.
  12. Been trying out this mod recently seeing I'm currently in Afghsnistan in compbat ops RL, was kinda cool seeing they did spend time on research on some of the addons and things in it.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Any chances of multiplaying WITHOUT...

    Yes, Razors ran basic missions, but they made their own mod file for effects and realisim for a lot of their misisons, plus the BAS based missions and the ones from the LOL guys they play, usually metioning on TS on Razors your low on addons they will usually be cool and stick to maps the don't need lots of addons. LOl is another one that runs alot of missions that need no addons.. But its kinda rare due to a lot o f missions were made just to take advantage of certain addons..
  14. Bobcatt666

    How do i sucesfully install crime city?

    well I have copies of it but its on my machine at home and deployed in Afghsnistan, suggest you get hold of the ERT mod guys, they used to run it a lot, and should have copies of it also.. or at least know the links to download all the files. plus the other islands that is played on like Ocean island and SLC, and the other wired one I fergot its name. Make sure you run all anti hacking programs you can the game usualy draws in all the cheater type to pretty much mess up the game.. Mostly why the current crime city games are often playe don closed servers or they change the ports to not get pubs in..
  15. Bobcatt666

    BCC Central, Unit 43 is 22 at CP location

    Belive Delta made the semi tractor trailer. Most of the stuff is used by his group in mission sessions in OFP so usualy the traffic stop was a normal mission in the game.. Or just posed picture for the addon..
  16. Bobcatt666

    Body explosions

    I belive it was ORcs effect addon, that had exploding bodies and cars that left burnt hulks. and parts flew when destroyed like doors and tires. That got carried over onto mods but proved nasty in MP games.. and removed.. I liked it a lot.. it was as neat as K-kills tank turret scripts which I think they also had a verssion of thiers in the mod.
  17. Bobcatt666


    models where made and farmed out to other mods. only the camel model was seen in anything later one and think it became static. I dropped them to make mutants anyway.. I guess could restar em back up with ITwasa wolf code..
  18. Bobcatt666

    Best Soviet addons?

    RHS has Soviet era addons usualy mixed in with their regualr packsof there a few teskins around if you look for the Afghan mod there are Soviet era units in the Tan summer uniforms.. included isa decent island with it, I tend to use a lot because I currently stuck in Afghanistan..
  19. Bobcatt666

    BCC Central, Unit 43 is 22 at CP location

    The wall bug is a lod issue. kinda one o fthe diffcult bugs to repair, but them if the car is used proporly, will protect the person using it for cover. Unlike most cars the AI shoot through the lod hitting the target on the other side as if its not there. Its a problem with the OFP engine and its collssion detection system.. Its a police car the radio is constantly chattering.. It is realistic.. So are the lights and sirens as correct as can be made in OFP.. Most police addons have radio chatter the choppers the other cruisers and motorcycles. Other than the handhelds on the officer mocles which simliutate wearing ear peices. Sugestions, bump up the armor values slightly, shitty AI draving still kills the car in one hint often.. RAther annoying having a stop sign tank out the cruiser just driving along the road. There is a code string that set it so the radio i can only be heard on the inside as well as make the siren quieter on the inside and louder outside. The Error is cause by the missing weapons pack the officers use, it can be gotten on OFP info.. its about 50 megs. Most should already have this pack seeing lots of troop addons hav eto use them to work..
  20. Bobcatt666


    One big issue is that addons are amajor pain in the ass to create and make work realisticly. I worked for a number of mod teams over the last 6 years, still didn't get any easier. Big thing to remember addon makers usually have lives. This vehicle addon passed through my paws at least once, but getting deployed it got bounced to somebody else that wa avaible to work on it. I still try to help where I can on it but lack of net access is a ball buster. should lock this thread, and lurk on the actual addon one the new kid is making some headway. don't be too hard on him, try making an addon yourself find its no picnic. Catt Out..
  21. Bobcatt666

    Eurocopter Euricril A.K.A. "A-Star"

    there are three of theose birds floating around from french point and serval other addon makers in a 3 chopper pack stuck in with the puma addons. But most are in milspec colores, I did a base black skin on one but its all way in the US and on my home pc which is packed away while I'm on deployment.
  22. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    the formentioned scripts were made avialbe to the mod makers, some time ago even comes with tuts on how to install them on the vehicles, mainly have to comb the sites to get the files to make them work. and remember to credit them for using it.. Maybe OFP edit.. most of the DKM mod guys are long gone anyway and moved on to other projects.
  23. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    mostly I used the interior out of the North Star Candian LAV III seeing its the same damn vehicle just we added more electronics to it and the new gunners station.. Driver and troop area should be unchanged. Think I had animated the rear hatches on it as well, but I dropped the project when Vixer was working on it. And I was getting ready to deploy..
  24. Bobcatt666


    Fer got the dog addon made by T-cup I think but it tend to have issues with a fiar number of the new troop addons and cause the model to stretch very strangely.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Game logics tend to grant object or units different behavoiurs in game from normal OFP operation. Otherwise you ave zobies acating like normal east units and getting shot down at 300 meters witha an AK. more than likely grante any unit set to checck that to follow thescripts or animations imposed on said zombie units.