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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    There isa sunglqasses pack made by one of the BAS guys I think floating around. Most of the the troops now wear and or issiued blastic eyewear protection, to save your eyes if your in a IED blast. Often made by Wiley X or as I call em Foklies. Boot leg counerfit Oxley X sunglasses. Commonly found in the bazars in the OEF Glasses on gruntboy. Big assed Image modem will die... Most units now when the MOB, get full issue, everything ACU. All my Woodland and Desert DUC gear was totally replaced by ACU, pattern gear. You end up having troops going on like their fourth or fith rotation that retain a lot of the old gear. I get bitched at cause I still have some OD green euqipment I keep using out here. The Post Sargeant Majors now are heavily enforcing uniform wear even out on the far distant FOBs like mine, fun coming back froma many day op, wearing half your humvee, and get bitched out cause your wearing the oil that blew out of the ending when the truck exploded hitting a IED, or your hair is too long. NOTE: the guy wearing the woodland cammo, is actualy in MOPP gear which is still, woodland cammo, he is wearing DCUs under that crap. Thus the desert cammo fritz. inintal invassion units had to wear MOPP gear due to there was a risk of chemical biologinal weapons in use, Also, the M35A2 2 1/2 truck in the background. And unarmoed HUMVEEs with soft doors. Morelikely early invassion pictures. CAuse they would have at least had the inprovised armor added or armored kits installed frag level 2
  2. Bobcatt666

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    The crewman wear also often still issued the M3A1 greese gun and M16A1, the A2 was coming out in 85 but like most new gear took 10 years for it to reach most units. The M1911A1 and M92F were joint issued till about 95 when they stopped suppling ammo for it and part to repair it and phased out for the M16A2 and M92F. M3A1 Grease gun was often drivers weapon system in most armored vehicles, while the M16 was the wheeled vehicles crew weapon, having more room. to store it. M1s still had the 105mm gun and often ran along side the M60A3 and M113A2, The big puish to get the M60A3 out didn't come till the first gulfwar when the addition of the upgunned 120mm cannon was in production and the Marines were taking the M1A1 in place of their M60s as well for the gulf war. Ase290406 That was the only conflict at the time that was were there was actualy combat, I was in the Army around that time. None of the islands used in OFP are western europe. So it makes sence to base off what was fielded int he Afgan war. T72s strickly were kept in Europe, the T64 was still rather good match to most western armor till the M1A1 came out with the 120mm. Peope forget the Russain arm at that time was massive,, and very hard to get equipment out to the far reaches. In the 80s a massive campain vs afgan still would have been waging, tus might have stopped the big coldwar in Eruope.
  3. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Got a BTR80A and BTR90 someplace unfinished, mainly texture person left for another game so never got compleated. Modern combat mod kinda peaked intrest in them cause they was making sure there was a counter vehicle for the Styker.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Look nice but too clean for infantrymen, were often dity from crawling ad or doing PMCS on vehicles and equipment. Often landry services are not an option seeing most combat units work int he field for weeks on end without showers of landry. A grunt often wears a single uniform from 3 days to a week or longer depending on the operation. Yeah literly took off uniforms and they still looked like I was still wearing them they were so filthy. Then literlly had to be beaten into the washing machine.. Should follow the code Blue tricks they did on their infantry units. Drit on the knees the knee pads skuffed up. Drit on the front of the IBA and TA 50. Same with the vehicles, dust mud and more scratches. Bobcatt gunning fool Hell lots of vehicles are not even fully painted. should have random groups that mix woodland with desert units. Just recent;y got everyone wearing ACUS at last. Looked more like the Bosnian Nationa guard than the US army with the company wearing DCUs, ACUS and BDUs early in the deployment.
  5. Bobcatt666

    BCC Central, Unit 43 is 22 at CP location

    No clue, I had to takea leave of absence on this for a deployment to Afghanistan, Delta was back int he states last I spoke to him. I gave him the information he needed to fix the cars, not heard anything so far. Kinda out of the loop other than keeping track of progress on the project for personal intrest, pretty much out of the mod effort on this to be honest. Best to cut down on too many hands in the pot, lessen chances of major bugs. SLX mod keeps the cars from getting all messed up when destroyed so you can play with them at least for now. Till they make the corrections..
  6. Bobcatt666

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    In 85 the UH1D, AH1S was still the main workhorse of the Army, UH60As were not in high enough numbers to replace them. THE OH6 was also still seeing heavy use, mainly scout choppers and often matched with AH1 Cobras as hunter killer teams till the OH58 replaced it. in the late 80s early 90s. I was riding in Hueys up till about a year ago, when the Army finally coughed up UH60Ls to the Army National Guard. Even seen a couple of UH1Ds and N models land here at the base I'm at in Afghnistan. Still get used due to thier smaller than UH60s, and can get into places the Blackhawk can't still. The 5 ton truck, 900 series 5 tons also were not in large numbers, the M35A2 2 1/2 tons duece and half was the master of the truck fleet, and the 800 series 5 ton Truck. The 900 was about it had same bias ply non directional tires the M35A2 used. Super singles didn't really catch on till the late 90s. I do have models of these vehicles if needed someplace on my hard drive. They were slated for the Gulf War mod.. But being deployed puts a crapper on getting any real work done on a mod. Russain vehicles of the time period be T55s, T64,s and some T72s, not seen any wreaks in Afhganistan mostly T55s and T64s. Most troops wore the tan uniforms summer and winter, with the KMLK one peice jumpsuit over that. Flora cammo was avible but in low numbers. Mostly motorized infantry, and naval infantry and some VDV units. T55/64 graveyard BRDM lot BMP2 T64 with RPG shield More BTRs and BRDMS BTR 152s were still used BRDM2s, BTR60s, BTR70s. BDMs a lot of the trucks, Zils, URALs, UAZ 469, 66s, in many varents. nice is the vehicle collection points show the how things were seeing mostof these vehicles were left where they sat 20 years ago. OFten in villages after the Russians abandoned them. I also have gear and equipment captured from troops durring the war. If you need it.
  7. Bobcatt666

    BCC Central, Unit 43 is 22 at CP location

    Hey, I have three problems 1) The sound of the engine crackles and pops when I'm driving the car Not had this issue, with the car sounds, but its a common bug in msot OFP vehicles even more so the URLs and jeeps. Avon Lady's FAQ had a few tricks to try to cure it. 2) The in-car first person camera is set a bit far back on the GPD and YCSD cars, as well as one of the DPS cars, it's set in the back of the guy's head That should be fixed with the update to fix the mass, and other LODs that need tweaking in the vehicle. 3) Some of the textures seem blurry/broken, such as the DPS shoulder patch, for instance Game engine blurs textures not a lot can really be done to combat it. they are at a very high resulation already any higher res on the skins will make the addon useless other than on super computers because of the lag they create. The image gets screwd when converted from TGA JPG to PAA, or PAC. Also the video card might fuzz em up often because its trying to render other stuff at once. DK OFP is a rather old game engin oriuialy made back when the PII 300 was a high end machine. And 16 to 32 meg video card was king. The car models themselves are rather detailed and high poly for a OFP addon. When I tried to first skin them I literyl had to rip the model apart in sections to just beable to get bulldozer to show the sections while appling textures.
  8. Bobcatt666

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    follow the first link on the first post, let it bomb, then do a search for SLX, it will give you the link there.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Nogova Crimes

    great job on the mission and addons, been tinkering with it in my free time, even got on the server for a game or two but got kicked due to high ping.. By one of the pubs. Oh well something to look foraed to once my deployment is over. Its a lot better than the old verssion I used to play last year thats for sure. Getting some of my friends from those games to give it a try.. Can always use more players who can RP. The missions without crap tunring into a lame DM mission cause all they wanna do is kill others.
  10. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Been playing it for a bit between missions, yeah love it, having to figure ways around the annoying windows vista to install it. Learing the features and other cool stuff implimented into this mod.. Wondered why the BMP and BMP2 were not scaled to ther correct sizes. They are as large as some main battle tanks in the game..
  11. Bobcatt666

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    well downloaded SLX1.7 the 1.1 link is bad, so just search for SLX replacement it will give the link to 1.7. Finally installed it even had a config for non whtl cards. It ran kinda choppy the first few times but playing with the settings it zoomed. Like the new features, this brings a whole new level to most of my CTI missions. And other things like the Serial Killer missions, and GTA style missions.
  12. Bobcatt666

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    There civ Kamaz in the afghan pack, both pashtu and the other big tribe here. was thinking abot recoloring them and updating the model but never headr back from Remo for the aprroval.
  13. Bobcatt666

    OFP Navy

    Well having asked the addonmaker not too long ago, about projects, he's gone off to ARMA and has stopped doing dev work for OFP..
  14. I'm hoping the old packs still ratin a lot of features they had that make them differnt, the Desert and 85 one east and west had different animations. Which makes sence seeing Russian and Us have reather different training doctrains. tht a loved the exploding aircraft and vehicle code. Was rather upset that had to be removed. More than a FEW time playing a mission and hoppe dout the humvee to get nailed by a tank and seint flying in the sky with burning parts.
  15. Bobcatt666

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Well her in Afgahnistan the civies uses Kamaza trucks as well as the Zils and URLs as everyday transport units, some can be be found in the afghanistan packs have to have the AVIA and NIVA trucks as well and Mercadies cargo trucks. Dispite the age of alot of the old milspec trucks many are still hauling stuff back and forth across the country. Often loaded down with twice its weight in cargo. I'm impressed by the performance of the old Russain army trucks.
  16. Well what ever it is, need an extra hand foot or whatever in the next pack, contact me, I'm deployed but still into working on OFP. Like it way better than ARMA still. Kinda really tweaked my new computer playes it at slideshow speed now dispite was supposed to run it fine.
  17. Bobcatt666

    Retextured BIS-Islands with more infra

    well from the screens they look great, gonna devote soe time to DLing em..
  18. Bobcatt666

    Vix Stryker

    Been using it a little bit myself and geting it implimente dintoa few modern timeline mods. Might need to pick your brain, to euqal out the BTR80A and BTR90 addon to counter it seeing their isa need to finsiht hem now the west counter measuer is around for it.
  19. Bobcatt666

    Russian jeep and bmp??

    Russain vehicles are in every big mod made BMPs are in CLSA mod, the UAZ469 came out in a few packs armed and unarmed. Sugest you place in a search for it. Or DL CLSA mod , Y2K mod, FFUR mod.. All have updated units.
  20. Bobcatt666

    OFP Modern Combat Mod

    Hehehe I get a laugh out of folks saying Oh noes OFP is dead. Pleanty of guys still working on it, and with arma out there are even more servers running OFP now..
  21. Bobcatt666

    Nogova Crimes

    Cool gonna DL tonight while I'm fixing addons..
  22. Bobcatt666

    Idea for cool MP map

    I thought the STunt Island map was made just for that. Of course you die when you land but them I was using one of the fastest cars in OFP the F1.. Bunch of racing maps around.. but no jumps.
  23. Bobcatt666

    Mercenaries 1

    Well they were ment for VBS1 she was cool to make em work in OFP and fix them so no issues from VBS1 were created via copyrite or what not. Pretty well compleate as addons go.. Seeing they are based off of actual people... Make it hard to do much with em thus they stopped there. Did make a Croft outfit on Jen's model just to screw with her.. If that counts
  24. Bobcatt666

    Jehran Debate - OFP Version

    Good to hear the OFP was not dumped for ARMA, I'm still making stuff for it myself. So even better.
  25. Bobcatt666

    How to make an addon

    well there should be no folders in the addon folder, except for island amination folders. All pbos are to be placed directly into the addon folder without folders in order for the game to load them.