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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Bell-206 Police1.1

    Your loss, this chopper is pretty neat update to the old 206 bell. Nice of Vit to release it. Includes custom sounds in the chopper for radio chatter. Was missing the vibration script the original bell had. Not flashFx compatable nore was the original addon.
  2. Bobcatt666

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    Old bug is back power slinging MiG-29s on the ground, cause impossable to taxi again. =P
  3. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    Big differance between the M1A1 and M1A2 fire control system the tank in SteelBeast is a 105MM equiped M1A1 and shares the same balistals targing comuter system the last verssion of the M60 used just with an improved gyrostabliazation system for the main gun.
  4. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    Somebody wasn't paying attention there are crews and pilots made by the MUSC mods I sugest you go back and find the screens for them rather than bother HYK about em.
  5. Well I maned it with Flankers, Forgers, KA50s, KA52s, and Mi28s. At least the VOTL planes I can land on the flightdeck without destroying the carrier.
  6. Bobcatt666


    I'm hoping both mods have some compatability I use this one still mainly having done missions already and having units not available to the public yet due to them in q with the many mods I work with. I hope this is at least not allowed to go down. Yeah noticing some lag in a few places I was thinking its the video card. Planes and choppers parked on carrier flight decks generate FX still even while the engines are shut down was another thing. Most of martains helos seem to not generate most of the effects other than explssions when they crash land/sea.
  7. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    eh, leave Lupus to recover and quit harrasing him the man is sick enough that he's in bed then not well enough to screwing with an addon ya gonna rush him on and maybe screw up something..
  8. cool too bad can't land a plane on the deck on one peice to save my life, keep exploding after catching the arrestor cable number one. Might be slamming into the con tower of the other SU25 on deck.
  9. Ok my big question is how come everyone elses ship is completely assembled and the one I got has to be peiced together, does it have a spot in the editor where it comes assembled?
  10. cool, ship always seems broken into many parts I can never asemble right.. Usualy just lay down the deck and land chopers on it
  11. Bobcatt666

    True Fighting Warship Project

    Seems you not payed any attention to why no ships around having been a long time problem with making large scale ships operate in the game since day one. =(
  12. Bobcatt666

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    I love it now every mission I made with em is now playable. Not noticed the skidding bug on the ground they used t have..
  13. Bobcatt666

    special ops pack?

    My question is why you of all people started another thread about this, need a mod to come lock this or its gonna screw up the real thread.
  14. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    If you didn't notice they are making sure he tank is balanced often going against RHS betas of the T55 T64 T72 and 80 series tanks. The T90 is still a major threat to the M1A2 Sep in game, the T80 fairly closely. The AT-11 sniper usualy will knock one out.. Even the DKM T12s Blackeagle are not as volerable usualy its bad AI commanding or driving which causes them to be easily defeated.
  15. Bobcatt666


    nothings changed in that agreement, I'm just slow due to RL and lots of other projects. Its more than one varient due to the modular system of this unit, can't make just one of them. And all the other stuff I'm working on. The scriping tends to bottle neck things as well. =P Now gonna drop off the thread its stealing addon making time from me.
  16. Bobcatt666

    Helmets fly off when shot

    NVGs were used in the later part of Nam. Most of that equipment is still in use to this day.
  17. Bobcatt666

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    Would think its pretty easy to put texture over that puppy. if nobody better comes along I'l give it a try, I managed to skin a few Ma Deuces without making them look completely like crap.
  18. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    Shouldn't make a snow verrions its wrong, where you got snow should be mud. If its wamr enough to have snow a 70 ton vehicle is goig to dig up the soft mud under the wet snow more that collect snow on the sides. Having operated an M1 in crappy winter condtions would things snow better sitting on the horizonal hull postions inad inbetween panels and hatches. Everyone forgets how how an M1 gets when running.. Snow melts preatty quicky on em.
  19. Bobcatt666


    Vilas released a Tall VIP and a fat guy for the east side I use a lot.
  20. Bobcatt666


    I'm still working on it thas for sure, just I learned to not post any progress images due to dozens of people with spam the forum and steal precious time away from anndon making to answer questsions over and over again. Even more so having to self teach myself the things that hindered completetion of the addon. I'm lucky I can get help sometimes.. Mostly the research involved in making a decent addon, I like how its coming out so far.. Too bad some of the folks I usualy team up with are Reallifed or gone away to VBS..
  21. Bobcatt666

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    Funny don't recall this being navy version of the aircraft only army and airforce.
  22. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Well got some of the stuff from there still, that I don't think survived the great HD crash. I redid Riflemans Quakegamer, and Galcom's (sp) humvee pack with Faber and Blackdeath its close to being released, now got MCAR working correctly. Updated the to be correct for the time line was sending them back to OGWC to be used..
  23. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Well got some of the stuff from there still, that I don't think survived the great HD crash. I redid Riflemans Quakegamer, and Galcom's (sp) humvee pack with Faber and Blackdeath its close to being released, now got MCAR working correctly. Updated the to be correct for the time line was sending them back to OGWC to be used..
  24. Bobcatt666


    Nope not dead had no noteworthy news to post, I got busy with a new job but still working on her, drawback was the vodnik having well over a dozen varients. I'm on it.. Should look kick ass with textures onit. Don't bug me about screens I'm too busy
  25. Bobcatt666

    Silver Kelpie Studios

    Vilas addons has modern day Grom units in desert uniforms.