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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    OFP videography

    nice video, could have done well wihtouth the live action part then it been kick ass the politcal crap at the end ruins it. Which folks keep their agendas out of the forums.
  2. Bobcatt666

    First imported model from pc halo

    I would think of a better ideal keep quiet don't piss MC off and wait till he gets the mod started spamming the thread _is not_ going to speed up the release.. Want if faster, get off yer duff and help him.. =P
  3. Bobcatt666

    Air Craft Model requests

    Well they also do good work, let them do that one and switch to stuff not being done over and over again? That way you don't screw eachother on the same project.. =P Get me blueprints might crap out the model you need or make arangments for you to obtain one if you really got a stiffy for the other heli.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Mi-24 New Model

    Well one all the mods you mentioned usualy have four to ten if not more people involved in them. In some cases some of thoses mods ganged up on one project, vs one guy. And addon there with amod went in stages opposed to being worked on by a single guy, if you never worked on an addon kinda you really can't talk. "The AV8B was nice I found Vit made other than it being too large I just scaled it down and shortend the nose section slightly. Is take on the AH1W, was ok, think its a conflict with the one I have modified made by NZXSHADOWS cause it never looks like the screen shot. Considering that RHS has the same model had me working on it for almost 2 years and its never got released for several other versions Even if I had to redo half the model work on it to make it look correct. The tweak on the copper OH58 was the balls its now my favorite civi helo next to the original Bell 206.
  5. Bobcatt666

    M557 or M1068

    There isn't a lot inside of the M557, its often an overgorifoed office on tracks, with a briefing room and radio array, ther eis commonly more stuff in the Stryker and M1A1 than in the M557 which isn't really used all in that great of an amount due to it being based on the M113 chassis. What is in the M557 is dependent on what unit is usuaing and what their degsingation is. Uisualy a raid of radios, a table which folds down on one sid eof the vehicle place where laptops are setup as its becomes a mobile commmand center with the M2A3 and Stryker doubt the M557 is really seeing much use other than in the HHC HQ postions.
  6. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    Lets put this in addonmakers terms, adding more crap to the unit, another three five month delay on addon release cause of the modling scripting and crap needed to make everything work. Inability to operate in MP once again due to too many scripts. Sure bring it on...
  7. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    due to how OFP works using such a systems is a waste the hit detection systems sucks, it still be destroyed the same way anoyther tank would be. It only be eye candy... Thats a lot of work to make it look like that. Rather wasted time to be honest.
  8. Several of the choppers complete soon to be released on a number of sites. Concentrate on one project please don't let folks start asking for other junk.
  9. Bobcatt666


    Well most of the other too many humvee packs had door that opened and closed and were taken out due to people bitching about the cluttered action menu. and the heavy scripts implimented in the units to simulate a correct M1114 and M1116.
  10. Bobcatt666

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    Change the M16 and other weapons yourself, pleanty of configs around that do that already, just this weaponn was often overlooked repeatedly.
  11. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    The repelling script is pretty easy to just do by the player, don't bother adding it to the bird, they just have to int it in the mission editor. They can even pick which version for the mission and how many ropes drop. Do not fall for doing something for over _lazy_ players cause you'll never pick the right script for their demands seeing there are about six currently popular repelling scripts. I use them in flashFX so all the FX capabilities are aviable like smoke tail roter failure dust scripts. As far as the AIs ability to use the helo better, do what said you'll get the better results than search and destroy. Having dug into the config other than resetting some of the sounds to play only in the cockpit and the textures and lod issues. Leave the major scripting to Marshal, he will do it As far as the M2 sound , it would be mouted by the sound of the huey's engines and rotorblade noise. They are still so loud you can hear them a mile away.. AI gunners are fine experimenting they gunner is quite capable of picking a man off with the M134/M2 at almost 500 meters when using guard vs search and destroy. The retarded AI pilot does not under stand the gun is mounted on the side so turns the chopper to face front to attack asuming it has forward mounted guns. With guard it will make attack runs over the pistion. Also cuts down midair crashes scary it holds its own vs the KA60 beta in heli vs heli. People are sniviling about the M2 you can dig out the old one or get the one from the combat_misc make sure all sounds are converted to a less lag inducing format. I have a converter program if you need it.
  12. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    Search and destroy is for ground units. Its useless on air units, drawback is now the helios will kill everything in the area nnot on their side three 134 w ffar and one M2 vs a company of RF motorized infantry with support. They lasted about ten minutes tops. The first verssion of the bird usualy got hosed by trigger happy PK gunners and R PG nuts. Usualy only one bird lost. I have their fly in height set as low as possable to lessen MG effectiveness just skiming tree & roof tops. These puppies imspired me to finish the leather neck chopper jockies.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Pave Low III

    Well opening a thread and spamming for one isn't going to speed things up, only delay em further. I sugest if your too impatent to wait for the six or more in the works, make it yourself. Or quit moaning and help those stuck to maybe complete it faster. Now you got a damn thread people are going to get confused on cause they are going to think your making one now.. The Marine mod is making a CH53 not MH53 which is somewhat different. MH53 is used primarilly by the Airforce.. MH35J is in the SOAR network of helos.
  14. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    The more I hear Marines in OFP the less respect I have for them some folks seem to honestly give them a bad name they don't deserve. The people moaning for spec oops forces for every era, are no better. =P Be nice if Laser could finish what he is currently working on than be pestered to make something new. Hell his units are nice, but most of them are currently 'broken' now do the upteen updates, never see them used in MP missiosn due to that cause nobody even has the correct verssions, and still ends up using BAS. Some compatabliity thing be nice so the weapons packs don't break the soldier units.
  15. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    But this isn't the ABCD or H the N was its own degisignation from the 70s. Â The Army heuys were too whimpy for the abuse the Marines imposed on them why most of their choppers were twin engined. Â Including the Early AH1J Cobra. Â Further testing with the AI had little trouble peppering me on the ground urban areas with the weapons, noticied they commonly save rockets for higher value targets like soft skined vehicles and armor. Â The gunner can engage very well, its the moron pilot turning the chopper away from targets each pass, common problem on most choppers with gunners int he doors, should beable to find the things needed to add to inti field to stop the pilot from going beserk. Try charging at one on the ground bet you the gunner will stitch you with the M134 in two bursts. Think its kinda funny RPGs get vectered off by the flares. Best to use Guard over search and destroy for choppers against ground units.
  16. Bobcatt666

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

  17. Bobcatt666

    Terminator MOD?

    So what, he got other things working on it that were not working like the hud and gun.. Even I could make a useable model of a skined T800 the hard part is implimenting the model to work, hell be you could convert one of the SW driod bots into a terminator.
  18. Bobcatt666

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    One he didn't make the addons two never seen anyone blacken their sights on a combat rifle in 13 + years in the military other than military rifle compition shooters. Usualy the solvents used to clean them would strip blackout off them easilly. Especialy BREAK CLEAN or GUMOUT
  19. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    Both tracer scripts had issues when the lists of scripts came out, most of the time they don't even work if you don't have the correct spec machine. Just took them into an area with four squads of enemy infnatry running around, the gunner had little problem mowing down a fair number of them with the M134 and M2, the BAS config for their stuff was far more tweaked than these guys the BAS helo is a special operations bird after all they are going to have better targeting capabilty thatn standard infantry..
  20. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    They still look like Army or Airforce Security Units. Marines often are easy to spot due to they wear their uniforms and gear differently blouse even their boots in a certain way, and often don't wear helmet bands on their fritz. Googles are often secured by dummy-cords. Wearing standaard PASGT vests with the MOLL-type assualt vest the Army was trying out before switching to the current system. Stand a Such Marine next to a HYK guy and just look em up and down a little closely. First your notice they have their pants bloused lower than most of the other forces. Like those NUTS in the failed Urban combat cammo. Funny was only used once in the MOUNT training area when it failed to impress the brass and was dropped. Look at the 203 gunner hes got alice gear still with the ammo vest. The Buttpack is kinda tell tell they went cammo in the mid to late 90s. OD green ones were still the more common, but it was something commonly sold in most of the PXes on post.
  21. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    The new versions tend to drop the texture in the distance past 300 meters and look like the UH1H with white doors. Need to check the lods in O2 Mostly the M134 version with FFARs
  22. how about finishing the model he had started then make a new carrier? Â put all that work into it already why waste it? Â Just give it a different name West side has almost ten carriers now form ww2 to modern day..
  23. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    Bah, come on a mod group that does army addons and demand them to make MArine units, now with three Marine Mods making them now already. Â Why don't you make em yourself seeing your how snobby you sound wanting things made your way.. Â I highly doubt any game model be to your liking no mater how hard anyone tried to do them.. What rock this this guy come out from under? And as far as the ranger units they been made to death by both HYK LASER BAS. Think that image is really funny seeing they are wearing M17 Pro masks and other crap standard troops carry or wear. The so called Marine print is also incorrect. The artist didn't do his research. Didn't anyone else notice they are wearong tri color desert DCUs when they switched out to MARPAT three years ago including their own versions of the combat boots. Only Marines in that gear now are reservist who didn't buy their new uniforms. you buy your gear in the Marines now..
  24. Bobcatt666

    Mi-24 New Model

    Looks good, still long way to go, I literly had to sink hours into that model to correct it for the game I should have sent you the flight model to let you do that instead.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    good work, made sure to delete my versions of this bird but the Y model got tons of work in that.. Can easilly swap out fuselages to correct it and make it up to date with the current birds.