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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP

    Well when I followed the M1A1 trhrough testing phase we used animals for the testing. Lab rabbits and Bodies turned over for research. Usualy stuck in the crew postions and a camara set to monitor the effects. Kinda intersting when something actually penitrated the hull and blew the crap out of the crew station.
  2. Bobcatt666


    I turned a lot of animal models and textures over to another modder recently well within the last ver months so wshould see something show up, seeing Mig did most of the hard part.
  3. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    I rather suggest it all go to another mod for completetion than just lots of crap dumped out on the community to never be proporly finished, then the borad spamed with every noob wining to have a mod complete em like the AN-12 foating around and a few other pain in the ass addons, god forbid all that crap released at one time would bite. I could even throw together a new mod team to further complete the work rather have someof the old guys keep their feet into it at that point because it was your baby, at least I can dig up people who really put a decent effort into things to keep the level of quality up.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    I rather suggest it all go to another mod for completetion than just lots of crap dumped out on the community to never be proporly finished, then the borad spamed with every noob wining to have a mod complete em like the AN-12 foating around and a few other pain in the ass addons, god forbid all that crap released at one time would bite. I could even throw together a new mod team to further complete the work rather have someof the old guys keep their feet into it at that point because it was your baby, at least I can dig up people who really put a decent effort into things to keep the level of quality up.
  5. Bobcatt666

    Looking for US ambulance

    well both of the trucks are late 90s and newer that show the blueprints of.
  6. Arms deform oddly, and a few other issues in the civi model I rather use the HYK or laser untis to mod on
  7. Bobcatt666

    Looking for US ambulance

    I got one on the slab not textured yet. should show up later, one as I am learning the texture magic now. Its an older us civi for racing objects mod .
  8. Bobcatt666

    Antonov 124 1.1

    Geeze, just add the int for the script in your way points no need to add it to the addon. Tons of template missions that show how it works. Shouldn't demand other addon makers to work on other mods addons its kinda rude besides the AN-12 was picked up by four other mods go find them about it.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Antonov 124 1.1

    The chopper cargo script won't work in fixed wings, they roll and move too quickly better to use the old parascripts for air dropping apcs, like on the dunebuggy addons.
  10. Bobcatt666

    Karillion's VTOL script

    I don't rember, think I found it here ina demo mission in the scripting forum or over at the depot. Was farting around with it in the editir cause I had Vits harriers that I overhaulld sometime back. I quick search I found it here too bad the link is pooched. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....70;st=0
  11. Bobcatt666

    Red Hammer Studios

    They had a pilot pack in the works forever byt like like the Pilot that coems with the latest verssion of the MI26 seeing RHs did have a hand in helping with it if I recall..
  12. Bobcatt666

    Air Craft Model requests

    Eh I'm enough of a tech head good pics of the offensive aircraft I can create my blueprints out of as well. any further output on making anything will have to be done of PM or instant missmessenger.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Karillion's VTOL script

    not sure, had a few issues trying it out on the Marine AV8B with AI on the TARAWA, the AI sometimes also launched nerby empty harriers off the flight deck. The AI can at least use it via ordering them usung the command key. One dislike was lack of movement while in hover mode. Tried it with the Yak-44 as well. Using modifed helio setup is still better. to script to switch flight modes than use the the script. Unless a way to make vehicle units able to move right to left while in hover mode so it can turn to engage enemy units proporly, it uslla i not loccked in postion will roll out of control.
  14. Bobcatt666

    face request

    in one of vilas mod packs there is a guy in clothing like that, think its a red sweatsuit he be prefect for moding to be that guy if memory serves me.
  15. Bobcatt666

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Sorry RAH66 in reallife cannot be ejected from, no US choppers can be ejected from only east verssions of the helos, some even having ejection seats like KA50, 52, and 60.
  16. Bobcatt666

    MGS3 Snake Eater 'mod'

    There is a setting in the ccp file that grantes a bit better stealth ability, one of the reasons most snipers are very hard to detect, I can crawl up to eneiys often as a sniper and shove the rifle in their ear and smoke em. Once your dected its pretty hard to not get shot.. The black Oops guys are more stealthy than the normal soldier, Lasers seals in the flightsuits are sneaky as well.
  17. I've done about a dozen heli borne missions using the Russain carrier now I know how it works. Nice platform to launch KA52s, Mi24s and Mi28s from. Even got AI to land back on the ship at the end of the mission thanks to PC commando's work. AI still have a problem touching down on the flightdeck sometimes not lowering the wheels. I could convert it to MP fiarly easilly, was studing the moving caarrier to see if I could make this one moveable, I've noticed it worked on another very huge ship I had kicking around, now seeinf if it can be used on a flat top.
  18. Bobcatt666

    MGS3 Snake Eater 'mod'

    Real easy use the Tony Ranger or Flash FK replacement guys using the CQB code on Tonal, or a good jungle map and never get anywhere cause they will zap your ass over and over again.. OR wait till JAson is out and leave him alone on the map. against 100 enemy.
  19. Bobcatt666

    1980's SEAL units

    It was common in the 80s to use the milspect black shells of the issued gloves, and chop off the fingeers making them fingerless, I must in hot areas where metal parts bake in the sun and literly burn you when you touch it, still have a branding from a belt of M60 amo that moved when I was running in the desert and did the Poncho via belt wearing till the CO told me I was dork. =p Later gave me a bunch of bandoleers I nearly got killed by later trippig over the straps while runing away from DHSK fire. =) Fix the guy with the weat band, it sits too high on his head. Tiger stripe was still issued in the 80s BTW, I still got mine from when I was a RECONDO. =P The Patern differs between NAVY/MArine and Army
  20. Bobcatt666

    Mi-24 New Model

    Well can see why is isn't a MOD anymore now.. =P Maye his actual imput can be proporly filtered to be useful, as for the hind I'm gonna wait on it Vit can texture way better than I could.
  21. Bobcatt666

    Mi-26 "Halo" and soviet pilot pack relased

    Sorry wrong thread go find it for the KA60 please get back to topic on Mi26 thank you?
  22. Bobcatt666

    Mi-26 "Halo" and soviet pilot pack relased

    Seek images of the betas in combt photos of the other kamov varianets choppers, including KA60 52 and 26 I posted. Â now lets see if this download works. Damn, rar is currupted as well, was new verssion of RAR released?
  23. Bobcatt666

    Mi-26 "Halo" and soviet pilot pack relased

    Sorry you remind you there are at least four nice detailed K60s floating around now on the verge of release. Â Most are held back to to not quite completed or due to player demands now all most share this level of quality. Â Thus further delay them being released. Â Rather most annoying when one tends to moan about stuff inother threads rather bother spending the time to mention in their correct threads. =P As for this, seems every d-load I tried is saying unexepected end of archive.. Is there and undamaged versionof the update?
  24. Bobcatt666

    Where in the config?

    Well if he was a bit more decriptive about the problem might help sounded like he had the floating drive problem, tow of combats trucks never display the driver postions correctly the tow mount and the MK9 the driver is one the wrong side Codriver doesn't even show asume merged with the driver in the other seat. Someof the bis jeeps cause a CTD as well, maybe should just reinstall OFP might be corrupted.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Where in the config?

    well your wasting your time in the config, having fought this in adozen vehicle packs already you need to look to O2 for the fix. You move the driver's trinagle proxy up or down till in the correct postion. Yes it requires loading and relaoding the pbo till your get it right due to buldozer will not display how the game sees it which is different.