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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Bushranger BETA release

    The relepping setup is easy, but not required cause it will spam up the action menu. Any user can setup it up vie the mission editor, do not be tricked by lazy addon users to do something they can do in like one minute. I can help if needed seeing I geared up a bunch of choppers you also gotta pick the repelling config best for the chopper and won't Bot seldom use it without being forced they rather land the bird.
  2. Bobcatt666

    CIA Operator Teaser Pack

    Ya outta know better than to asume that the folks here think RL has priority over addon making.. =P You only mentione dif already a few times, they can't read its their own fault..
  3. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    DUH! Its a not even an alpha of course your going to have crashes. Whats so frigging diffcult on installing the mod? carefuly read the intstructions here or get help on AvonLady's FAQ
  4. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    DUH! Its a not even an alpha of course your going to have crashes. Whats so frigging diffcult on installing the mod? carefuly read the intstructions here or get help on AvonLady's FAQ
  5. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    The Marine and Navy piltos missed the rerelease but will be coming down the pipe soon.. Just upguned the video card on my system so I can fix the model flaws at last..
  6. did it same carrier in the intro missions do I need to add the texture to the pbo? All the file sizes are the same even has the new readme file not sure whats wrong now.
  7. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    If you were not paying attention I said I was forming a group to complete the mod, I managed to save a fair number of stuff that was missing after the major HD crash.. No reason the mod couldn't be completed, DS isn't around anymore but they did teach me to better model. I had a big enough nose in it helping QuakeGamer, most of the missing or imcompleted stuff, I have on my HD still just requires a lot of work to finish..
  8. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    If you were not paying attention I said I was forming a group to complete the mod, I managed to save a fair number of stuff that was missing after the major HD crash.. No reason the mod couldn't be completed, DS isn't around anymore but they did teach me to better model. I had a big enough nose in it helping QuakeGamer, most of the missing or imcompleted stuff, I have on my HD still just requires a lot of work to finish..
  9. Bobcatt666

    AH-64 Pack Release

    Got more time on on the chopper jockies. Now with a better video card can see if they are actually bad or not.
  10. Bobcatt666


    Sorry this mod started long before most of the others were created or even thought about starting.
  11. Bobcatt666

    How to make custom units?

    check the texture paths in )2 bet they are still looking at the old ones.
  12. The sad part of it is people move on.. Or get swallowed up by mods.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    A boat-load of stuff missing luckilly I retianed most of the missing stuff that was dotated to the mod over the time between DS and me, I'm considering continuing the mod, just cause I was in the army at the time of the war. And already had been helping with it..
  14. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    A boat-load of stuff missing luckilly I retianed most of the missing stuff that was dotated to the mod over the time between DS and me, I'm considering continuing the mod, just cause I was in the army at the time of the war. And already had been helping with it..
  15. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Like any large scal mods the main config drives everything in the mod very little is stand alone if at all. Custom sounds, scripts,a dn models going to requier a full rework to make them work outside the mod folder.
  16. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Like any large scal mods the main config drives everything in the mod very little is stand alone if at all. Custom sounds, scripts,a dn models going to requier a full rework to make them work outside the mod folder.
  17. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    The CH53 and 64 was doatated and the original file is a big fiurther head than the mods got.. They are out getting skins for NAVY AIRFORCE AND MARINES currently.
  18. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    The CH53 and 64 was doatated and the original file is a big fiurther head than the mods got.. They are out getting skins for NAVY AIRFORCE AND MARINES currently.
  19. DLed this boat four times its still is the way it was before, something I'm doing wrong?
  20. Bobcatt666

    Antonov 124 1.1

    Holy Sheepshit! LP4life stop doing that you'll give people the impression your actualy an ok guy deep down.. I'll end up being the asshat on the boards again we can't have that. =P
  21. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Damn didn't get to redo the pbos of most of DS's models we sent to OGWC, luckilly I had back ups. We updated everything a ton over just got the dampn thing skined and flying right with all the scripts. =P
  22. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Damn didn't get to redo the pbos of most of DS's models we sent to OGWC, luckilly I had back ups. We updated everything a ton over just got the dampn thing skined and flying right with all the scripts. =P
  23. Bobcatt666


    Never heard or saw one in the makes, or any other Austrian military vehicle.
  24. first damn site nearly made me backflip out of my chair cause of the spinning insterments, nearly soild my shorts. Thanks got a few projects that was stuck on cause no panels.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Looking for US ambulance

    "I did models that better fit the CWC timeline with the age and types, Vilas mods has pleanty of euor vehicles than most can use but needed US style amulance, I was helping on other projects and sidelinded due to it being a civi unit.