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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Still should contact that jerk Bobcatt and join into helping with the mod. =P
  2. Bobcatt666

    Anyone ever have this problem?

    opgwcs stuff must got into its own mod folder period. It will screw up a lot of other stuff cause the config for them is hardwired to their mods. Servral of combats humvees and OWP's stuff have a problem with the seating proxies. So does the updated HTTV and a number of other vehicle addons including the BIS humvee and M151. Also using any of the animation mods will cause grate issues with all of those.
  3. Bobcatt666

    Will Anyone Fix the C17?

    Why is it anytime I point out something you say I'm ripping somebodies head off. 2 it wasn't specified as a suggestion, if he wanted to do there be a pack of em out now already. It is still somebodies elses addon and @ copyrighted material. It isn't even the correct size... Don't think but two airfields it cna land on and it couldn't be taxied cause the wings clip the buildings and trees on the outer perimieter on the airport.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Will Anyone Fix the C17?

    Anyone bother remebering maybe Footmunch is busy with his own stuff? There are other people around to texture stuff besides footmunch you know..
  5. Bobcatt666


    I suggest seeing Firefly (sp) he obtained said models to work more big cats in..
  6. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    Tarawa is a fuly capable carrier, to lauch a jjet would use the full flight deck to get the plane airborne, AV8B and FA18 and a few other jet airccraft can launch from the Tarawa in reallife.
  7. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    I rather much get this one back on track thank you, already trying tin intergrate the updated ground units into the config now..
  8. Or find the CTI verssions of the BAS blackhawk most of the special scripts were removed.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Looking for US ambulance

    That is the GMC chassis, the M880 verssion was ona Dodge power wagon chassis and replaced by that..
  10. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    Might wanna give it a ATC tag just to not overwrite the orginal pbo?
  11. wanring its outdated and need to get the more upto dat addons or keep having conflics. between the different verssions of the island and addons. All my missions with Vilas stuff got broken but new stuff to creat newer better ones.
  12. Bobcatt666

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    sorry its already kind advanced for most players. If they can use this proporly adding a trigger to activate is childsplay.. Besides MP is whole different problem.. I could see how it could be used to cheat. The N verients of most russain helos also has this capability.. You gotta do it for both sides.
  13. Bobcatt666

    2 seated planes for mp games

    should warn a modified addon will get you kicked from mp if the server sniffs it out due to tweaking the sounds would be considered a cheat altering addons tends to give players unfair davatages the server will kick players for sound mods or texture mods or anyhting that is not matching in the config. Jets are very loud. Very few things that fly that are large enough to carry more than one person and weapons. Jets are the loudests man made vehicle next to Space Capable Rockets. You can often hear them from several miles off before seeing a jet. Go stand near a national airport, if you don't believe me. Funny thing when a B17 flys over the city its actually louder than the F16s from the local airforce base. =p
  14. Bobcatt666

    Whaddup with all that fuel ?

    Most choppers have a longer than 30 min flying evelope mosts tanks have 300 mile range before refueling Including the fuel guzzling M1A1. Most of the missions I have you will run out of fuel long before the mission is completed. And require you to set up support elements to resupply and repair units in operation. Most wheeled vehicles run out of fuel in about a 30 minutes. Or less the KLR seems can only have a range of 10 miles. This stuff was built form combat and long range operation, even the worth less humvee, has a range of 270 miles on a full tank. Inf anything a lot of addons need to be corrected, most of the decent mods you have to refule fromanother unit to carry one and you start loosing vehicles the further you go till out, or steal from abandoned enemy units.. =p HAving base nearby with A10s on it and watching them and working on them sometimes, know they will spend most of the day on a single fueling on the tanks because they are slow turbojets without afterburner abilitiy.
  15. Bobcatt666

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    RAther see it a stand alone system that can be carried on a unit than dealing with another mods addons and going through the annoyance of messing with something that is still under developlemtn with said mods, now thats will another version of said unit requiring updates. All this chatter of doing work on the M557 is a waste, the M557 isn't even really used anymore other than in HHC units. In it hayday it _didnot_ use things of that tech level, due to the risk of it being caputered. "It was usualy fed to a high end command post far far far behind the rear end. Perfect example is BHD the airtraffic controler bird that orbited the area and gave feedback to the Command HQ. M667 was too slow for bing used in this capasity, It was mostly a Commpany TOC radio array and command post where field commanders would gather intel and orders It parked back with the supply, and maintaince units to support the line troops. People are getting irrtaing with outfititng such units with overly sofisticated hardwear. The stuff like this was usinaly in a specail 5 ton truck/van with mobile microwave and ssatalight uplinks, even humvees or CUCVs cause they could be deployed faster to keep up with the battle field movements.
  16. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    The Tarawa is sooooooooooo old most of the dl links are no goodI'll have to email her to you. PM me.. I sent her off right after I crawled home from work, think its both verssions so check them one should be rescaled to propor size. Didn't remember which was so sent both. =P
  17. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    You forgot the other many carriers floating around like TARAWA, Midawy the Kusonov...
  18. Bobcatt666

    New Mi-24 Pack

    I got a cool zebra patten I kill for to be made on a hide a friend of mine did.
  19. Bobcatt666

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    downside is all this work will kinda not be used, most do't even use the bas stuff correctly because too lazy to bother setting up missions with em correctly. for the community at large currently, it is a waste of time. So do not go on for a community based project. Most use the AH64 cause its armed better for missions. Even more so your screwed the minute another player gets hands on a SAM. Kiowa is seldom used other than in death match, never for its correct/intented use. I beg to differ on the locked-hover mode, main reason the fast rope has it is to control the postions in the repell animations The chopper, ropes and players with not mesh correctly if the bird is moving while dropping troops The base ingame hovermode is more than well enough choppers are not easy to fly be fairly silly to add more realisim to the bird then put training wheels on it because somebody can't control their aircraft. Not to mention howmany blackhawks I've seen downed while locking in hovermode and stuck while a MG riddles it cause the AI are not bright enough to avoid ground fore or even point the chopper correctly so the door gunner can protect the bird. The gunner controls that system it seeks about while moving while the pilot deals with avoiding trees hills and buildings while maintaining cover. I also would love to see scripting involved where the gunner has manual flight controls. much like the pilot has manual fire control in the event the gunner is killed.
  20. Bobcatt666

    OH-58 Concealed Gunner Optics Idea/Questions

    Well one the Kiowa warrior is around already think its originaly brewed up by BIS BAS only upgraded it with laser range finder scripts. Should be a bunch of models floating around online that can used as testbeds without the need of distrubing the BAS chopper. I rather have real time transmissions than a snap shot. Which is closer to the way the system really works, the Oh58 and Oh6 usualy scouted around and attracted fire for the cobras to pound it got a bit more sofisticated when the AH64 came out the dome is still and over gorified periscope for the chooper to hit and peak over the trees pr hills using them for cover. Just so you don't get blasted by enemy ground fire, Russain tank guns are very capable of swatting down helos.
  21. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    Bitching about the chopper size when everything else is off scale in the game perfect exapmle is the Us 5 ton, and east BMP. =P You never noticed that a defualt BIS human is nearly 7 ft tall.. Correction over 7 ft tall. Leave it alone or result having clipping issues again Missile rails were pulled, thats what the Marines have Cobras & Harriers for.
  22. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    The mod _is not dead_ mearly delayed due to RL it will be further worked on I have a lot of the missing or incompleted stuff for the mod. =9 The mod will be continued. =P
  23. Bobcatt666

    New Mi-24 Pack

    The canopy textures need work, there are actually doors on the cockpit bubbles on both the pilot and wso's postions for entering the aircraft.
  24. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    going into that level of detail would up the polygon count something jmajor making this bird less efficnent in game play. Its skirting the threshold now of optinazation. This addon has to also work on low spec hardhear and MP games, you gotta draw the line of details.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Usmc uh-1n

    somehow I don't think so.. One being Army the other being Marine. So far I've put this bird through the pacees with some real Marine pilots out of Yuma Air station seems to be holding really well.