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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666


    a quick fix was made but the DL area timeout in hours of it being released nobody mirrored it. All it did is remove the blood and flahsram part.
  2. Bobcatt666

    AH-64 Pack Release

    Why use this addon period if you wanna remove all the scripting?
  3. Bobcatt666

    retextured retextured HTTV

    Think it needs the addition of the shell casing script, and suspenssion script to make her complete so you can really drive her hard over rough terrian. : got most of those if you need em.. Left over from the HUMVEE and MUTT PACK..
  4. Bobcatt666

    Vilas Mod Vietnam Weapons pack

    M551A1 was in the invintory up to 93, and now only used as OPFOR VISMODS at the NTC due to them being small as most Solveit tanks, it was to be replaced by the M8 Buford.
  5. Bobcatt666

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    Well having spent a few hours with these puppies, took a couple of platoons in a large scale mission. going against some od Sigmas armored unots out a 2000 meters was an intersting battle to say the last, notiticed the AI again bail out the minute the track is hit. Even if there are support units nearby for repairs. gunners are able to achive better ability of hitting thier targets now at range. But chicken AI you end up becoming dissmounted infantry farily quickly in a armored battle. I think the armored velues are a little too low still, on frontal shot from a M84 shouldn't smoke the tank.
  6. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    Durring start up I get "addon 'ATC_AEC' requires addon 'aec' " Everyting seems to work but the traffic verssions which bomb, even after getting the floating civiy plane.
  7. Bobcatt666

    HVAM v1.50a & v1.50b

    should be set to run all times for element leaders in game if installed. I get pissed not beinable to use it in mp game when its really needed. AI should beable to use it as well only when in Danger combat or Aware mode.
  8. Bobcatt666

    Police cars?

    well can't say I didn't offer.. Back ot updating other stuff.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Police cars?

    Sure I got texurters someplace that fit perfectly, evcen have the auth to use em in OFP. Might try a swing at it at least for a base skin or know where I can go to get it done if its that bad.
  10. Bobcatt666

    retextured retextured HTTV

    Most military vehicles after 1989 came with seatbelts. The cover was commonly hat ever could be fashtioned to protect the driver from the sun. The poncho was often used for this as well as making hooches by ground troops when in the field. The six color was used being in the PX lots as well as the tri color patern that later replaced it much like other gear covers it often was a civilian made item stocked in the PX due to its being in high demand. by troops.
  11. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Thanks beat me to it, back to work on updating..
  12. Bobcatt666

    retextured retextured HTTV

    Naw the animations been around longer than that, uness the animation pack was made back like when ver 1.40 something came out, Wanted to use Wilcos animations but never got around to asking sometimes the RMt does use Wilcos animations due to a config error now, like how Dreamy knights anim.pbo hoses a number of jeep classed units co driver animations.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Nope got my own cammo textures made from my uniforms I wore durring that war, thank you... Why does everything have to be HYK?
  14. Bobcatt666

    Special Forces Vehicles

    should warn flks it will overwrite the old pbo verssion of the unit and break miisions created with the old verssion. The infantry are from VBS1 can't have em in ofp1..
  15. Bobcatt666


    Well was going to post something of a progress report on the pack, but somebody is getting pushy and moaning in other unrelated threads about these units. I Having followed the hyper link back to here about it.. I honestly am highly torqued about it that maybe spending all this time on this is becoming a waste. Even more so on a modular combat system with like 20 + variations on it..
  16. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    Well adding more realistic situations to helio units is kinda a waste of time, I will mention I bitched to get better helo support under the FlashFX mod so just run that when using the ATC mods and keep them compatable FlashFX mods with handle things like engine fires tail rotor failure and pretty well covers most addons, only units noticed had problem were martains Bel206s which, There was an airtraffic control system imposed byt Takeoff Tim you should try to intergrate as well. Been told it was pretty neat, I myself never got it operational on my system. there is also a beta autopilot system slated for choppers, never really understood it by the demo made a AH64 fly low-level altitude over Nagova without running into buildings trees and such.. Other big drawback is making it better but simple enough players will use it. Otherwize it will go nowhere. Face it most players that use addons pretty much just collect em play with em for a few hours in the editor and run off to get the next thing. FlashFX mods will handle most of the FX and scripts on fixed and rotory winged aircraft for you.. Follow suit make a config to handle the aircraft rather than redoing, then editing the original units. then you just update the config instead of trying to maintain a addon DB of modified units. In flash FX mods the pilot AI works better in fixed winged lessens midair colssions enabling better dogfighting abilities. Get the choppers to inherte this and should make choppers a bit more usable.
  17. Bobcatt666

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    AI have a diffcult time, I suggests checking the nimitz released under the ATC with AI support.. for landings and take off.
  18. Bobcatt666

    AI Runways

    In my chopper units the UH1s OH6 and OH58s still taxied out on the flightline in colum formation . Saving the ground crews the noise and propblast of birds taking off near the repair areas causing fod danager. The UH60s, and AH64s litlerly roll out on the runway on their tires and take off.
  19. Bobcatt666

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Thank you Evil Overlord Leone, got some progress in on the ground units for the mod. The mod is underway phase one of reconstructing the missing elementes and reintergration into the mod and addition of the units that were missing. Also added the updat to the spashscreen and map screen int he editor. Converssion of fixing the known bugs now. Soon reskining and graphics..
  20. Bobcatt666

    retextured retextured HTTV

    the vehicles caro load should be left empty annd all those weapons will cause addon depencey to the weapon packs, lessen its flexabilty durring mission making. Weapons can be stowed in units via editor or player loading them ingame from an ammo point. In real combat you wouldn't be sitting in the open under fire make it really easy for the enemy to draw a bead on your nose. The vehicles is very under powered being a diesel engine they don't really load a lot of stuff one them. Usualy only the gunner and driver are operating them, too easy to be thrown off if em. It was a stop gap when the M151A2 FAV was removed from invintory and the M998A1 didn't fit in the cargo bays of most Marine choppers. HTTVs have fallen to low use as the Marines just sling load in better armored humvees for most missions. lessens ligistal problems with support maintance not having to make sure parts are aviable for it. Suspession scripts be great, spent casing scripts also great. avoid fire scritps, its mostly eye candy. AI driving never got improved bursting into flames after bumping into a building is not a good way to die in mp missions. Or small arms fire hits. I got mod verssion with cargo laoding abilities for a CH6 not released yet if I find it can send the bits to update yours seeing the other isn't being released.
  21. Bobcatt666

    REsident evil characters.

    the STARS guys did get released, never DLed em check the zombie mods threads for links.
  22. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    Tracking missiles are dueable, some SU25 addon that got air to air missiles that seek and chase you very hard to shake em.
  23. Bobcatt666

    REsident evil characters.

    Well STARS units are out, and floating around, did a Merl for MGS that kinda didn't come out half bad. Had to rework the female models I was using guess could try a stab at one of her.
  24. Bobcatt666

    Destroyer Project for the WEST

    You know you really should bother using search functions here threre was a thread about making whole naval fleets and you start this thread. Bet you feel silly now..