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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    85 the M151A2 was still in service heavilly units had them in large numbers till about late 93 when the army tried to phase out all the gas powered tactical vehicles. HTTV was not devolped to 93 when the need for a small vehicle that could fit insie of the CH46 and 53. The Marines continued fielding M151A2s and FAV which were heavilly modded M151 till about 96 when enough HTTVs where avible. A mercedies truck was also used to try and repalce the old mutt, but most problems were keeping the more labor demanding vehicles running and their costs that allowed the mutt to linger on. A few M151A3s roam about with deisel powerplants and updates to prolong the service life, they have been returned to production recently but not for the us military use even if other government agencies draw em from the stock pile for use.
  2. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    CLSA models are updated and even proporly scaled to stand the height of people from those areas.
  3. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    A few. sucks a truck was here from 11 Cav that was still in that cammo, think my mech mule is painted that as well, but its faded there is a mutt were rebuilding but its been mostly repaited to desert tan like everything else getting brought through. Know a couple of trucks still in that commo seeing that not been used in 20 + years. Think got pics of my track and M151 and M880 in my unit someplace.
  4. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    eh I was a M113A2 track comander for 6 years, then a tracked vehicle mechanic. Wonder why you wasted time making a new model wne the combat ons could have been reskined and focused time on stuff not around.. I have access to tons of vehicles from that time area and older pre WWII stuff. I restore em for meusemes now and private collectors. And repair some for the local military instalations as well as caputered enemy vehicles.
  5. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    M113 has to be the M113A2 verssion which had NBC protection systems. And smoke mortors, and smoke generator system.
  6. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    cool can reskin my M151 reworks. I was usuing a real vehicle for the texures having a few on post that were still in the old cammo. Most of the others are OD gree CARC green and tan from desert storm..
  7. Bobcatt666

    USMC Drill Instructor

    why don't you find Drill Sergeant's DI soldier addon instead?
  8. Bobcatt666

    New T-72 released!

    looks nice but usual one of the exe install setups, eh, already got my PC hosed by one of those. Losing a ton of addons WIPs I'll pass on this one in hopes it will be a normal rar or zip format later.
  9. Bobcatt666

    Bell-206 - Israel Army

    Need to alter the skids for it they are the short skids like on the BAS Kiowa..
  10. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    M47 was the AT weapon for most outfits till about say 94 no M249s the M60 was in heavy use even main front line units. M151A2 was still in heavy use up to desert shield There are still a few units runnning them for special purpos use due to it can bbe shoved in most choppers bigger than the UH60. Its often used as a combat air traffic controller vehicle when the Toyota isn't aviable. shame never finished the M880 and M1009 trucks or the M35A2.
  11. Bobcatt666

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    been flying the jets lately and noticed some of the 23rd party planes get on the east side end up with west pilots or just east pilots carring XM177s.
  12. Bobcatt666

    LSR Addons

    suggest you look to CLSA mod for the updated resistsnace units before making yourself feel silly, same thing MAPFAC mod reqworked the restiance units as well making them very very danagerous.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Bell Police Pack

    Hopefully you fixed the starup problem you can hear them cranking up the turbine miles awy on the other side of the map, there are FBI units floating around already best leave with the base pilots a user can and will add his own units in the editr easily enough. Be nice if you got the Euro chopper and gave it police and black no descript skins as well. And the UH1H made by select this that modifaction was allowed on it was often aquired by law enforcement units as military surplus. US BORDER PATROL also be a nice thing to skin em as.
  14. Bobcatt666

    Bell Police Pack

    Simple find the other doorless verssions of the chopper and put black textures on them there is a doorless with a M4 gunner on the door. 95% of the time the FBI is using us Military surplus OH-58As and OH-6s but there are black ones in the Air wolf mod, they also gave permission to retexture them. "Like to see the 500 D c with more skins like Magnum PI skins.
  15. Bobcatt666

    Project '85

    Not really seeing in 89 the M1 still mostly had a 105 rifled barrel main gun and often was a longside the M60A3. There are 3 M551A1/a2 Sherridains addons out floating around one from Combat OPGWC and another used Vilas mod. At that time only 11 cav and 82nd still had em now only 11 cav as VISMODS. All other armoed units where pushing M48s and M60s in replacement of the M114A1 and M551 due to problems bothj systems had.
  16. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

  17. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    You know he hate being asked the question why ask it?
  18. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    well good news things are starting to calm down enough that I'm not going to scream anymore and getting O2 going again to reengage projects in modeling.
  19. Bobcatt666

    mod help - tank destruction

    Goto FAB's site a full tut on making the textures show damage on a armored vehicle
  20. Bobcatt666

    Making keys (as objects) for opening vehicles

    Well one major problem is most military vehicles do not use keys they are commonly locked with chains and padlocks. Be awful stupid to not beable to leave cause somebody lost the keys or your driver was hit and killed and left behind while dismounted. Tactical vehicles are normal only secureed for long time storage. A week or more.. CUCV and the old M880 where civilian trucks converted for tactical use and had keys, but one fit all of them.
  21. Bobcatt666

    VME's AI

    why does it have to be added to ECP when you can simaply run them with ecp in a mod folder?
  22. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    Yes HD fail, I lost a lot of stuff. then my job thanks to back stabbing mismanagement. At least got an old one I had before baack so getting back on my feet slowly.
  23. Bobcatt666

    Us colonial marines

    It will be done when its done, so stop asking for release dates.
  24. Bobcatt666

    Franze & NodUnit Present...

    The sharkteeth are not painted on its drawn with white chalk. =P DOD is not really open to having a many million dollar aircraft with grafitti on it, one nude females is a no no on most military base due to being coed operation. There are a few Apaches sneaking a round with noseart.
  25. Bobcatt666


    Us Navy uses them of course the marines get their from the Navy