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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Quote[/b] ]I must also say that I haven't played the latest games because my computer is rather old (it can't run OFP, I played it at my friends' sad_o.gif, but I try to keep in touch with the gaming scene.

    How do you know games you haven't played?

    Quote[/b] ]So, here's our first anwser: you can't turn a real war into fun or you won't sell anything

    Ohhh yes you can.  Simulated war can be fun, no matter how realistic it is, because its simulated.

    A lot of people who play flashpoint either have military experience (Seriously.  I do.  I know at least 3 other people who play regularly on the server I play on who do as well.) or know a fair bit about it, because of the type of people it tends to appeal to.  True, very few have actually been in a real blood and guts firefight, but that doesn't mean noone has.  And the tactics and methods we have been trained in are the same as they would be in combat.  (Although we might not play like we were in real combat, thats because OFP isn't realistic enough - covering fire doesnt work, etc.)

    Quote[/b] ]You can't do things so fast on your keyboard as in real life, and so many thing all at once

    I have to disagree again.  In OFP you can perform many simultaneous manouvres that would be extremely hard to do IRL, with a few simple keystrokes.  Reloading a mag while issuing orders while looking around while checking your map.

    Mouse and keyboard is one of the best, most flexible control systems possible.  Every couple of months a 'new solution for gamers' comes out, and it always flops miserably because it does not have the same abilities as a simple keyboard and mouse.  If you look at the younger generation of gamers, they take to mouse and keyboard naturally and intuatively in almost any game (the ones that aren't smacktards, that is).  Perhaps the problem lies in what is attached to the keyboard via your fingertips?


    I didn't understand the hardware part.

    180 degree view would be nice, but there are some considerations.

    1) most solutions to this make the perspective horribly distorted, like in AVP or HL (half life) with the fov set to 180.

    2)  Having a bigger field of view that is double the old field of view means rendering twice as many polys as before.  So basically you need double the machine to get the same visual quality. At least.

    Quote[/b] ]And when there's a massive blow beside your ear (a bomb for example), shouldn't be there ringing in our head, or even deafness for a few moments?
    Thats easy enough to do, some games have that already.  Its a fairly simple programming issue.

    Its possible to use doppler and audio engineering to make sounds appear to be coming from above or below, again, its a programming thing but entirely possible.  To get the feeling of sound from your feet, you need a big bass speaker.  In OFP I can tell when an AFV is coming before most other people because I feel the rumbling in my feet from my bass speaker.

    Emotions:  The voices in OFP are pretty bad, but this is because they were going to be totally robot like until the last moment when they decided to make them more human.

  2. So if I spy a chopper flyig overhead and put 1 round from my silenced glock into it, and it crashes 5 minutes later, I'd get the points? No thank you.

    Score it by % damage done. If 90% of the damage was caused by an AA missile, then the chopper crashed, give the credit to the shooter of the AA. If 0.0001% of the damage was caused by 1 subsonic 9mm round and the rest by collision, give no credit.

  3. No, you still get quite a big flash off a military rifle with a flash suppressor. All a flash suppressor in its common form is for is stopping the flash from blinding the shooter at night, really. You can still see the flash if the weapon is pointing vaguely towards you. Especially on full auto.

  4. One thing I keep forgetting to post until now was that

    the disconnect button in MP games should not move to where the 'ready' button was! SO MANY people disconnect from servers because of it I kept forgetting because I don't ever press ready unless I'm admin, but it catches a lot of people. Also pressing enter (as in when you are chatting) can sometimes disconnect you from MP games when loading maps / in briefing

  5. If the site has seen heavy fighting in the recent past, (in your scenario), put in vehicle wrecks etc.

    Only really badly trained armies light fires at night. Its one thing that really annoys me in missions. Just because you see americans doing it in baghdad doesn't mean professional soldiers do it. Its a bad idea because

    a) destroys your night vision

    b) gives away your position

    c) leaves sign on the ground.

  6. no, that is a programming issue as well as an animation issue. Would be nice. As was said in another thread, an ability like in Day of Defeat (HL mod) to rest weapons on objects would work similarly but be much easier to implement.

  7. 1) Admin needs to be able to disable individuals ability to do so

    2) Each players contribution should be 'muteable' like with voice comms - so you can't see what they are drawing.

    Immature kiddies drawing naughty pictures is a fact of life online sad_o.gif have to do somethign to get round it.

  8. I've seen the STAR lift in a book.  They stay on the ground until the plane grabs the balloon's wire in a hook thing.  

    That video didnt seem to have STAR in it.  Its a one man lift thing, the bit in the video with all the team on one line was STABO-ish, but not the way I've seen it.  I'll try to find the book and scan in pictures.
