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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Hi, just starting to work through the tutorials from Brsseb. I've a fair bit of experience with 3dsmax so I'm really just learning the differences between the programs. But when I try to map textures, I keep getting the same problem: when I load the external viewer the textures work for a short random time then all turn red, or sometimes start off red. The textures are appearing sometimes, and they do appear in O2, but not in the viewer.

    Also, no matter how many times I select the left face and perform the same actions as I did for the other 5 faces, I cannot get it to texture.

  2. I'm having the same problem.  I'm pretty sure my video card has all the drivers though.  Just to check, how would I find out if this was the problem?

    *edit* fixed it - was either because DLL folder wasn't set up properly or because the path to the textures was too long.

  3. Sleeping Soldiers:

    When I soldier is abruptly roused from sleep one way or the other without waking on his own, there should be a couple of minutes where the soldier is completely disoriented and confused.

    If he wakes on his own (that is, his body had slept enough), he should only be disoriented for about 5 seconds.

    This, of course, would necessitate soldiers who can sleep, which I think is absolutely necessary for realistic Spec Ops missions.

    Erratic fire:

    I think there should be a random pattern to fire.  "Bang...bang, bang...burst...bang...burrrrrrrst"  The more panicky the soldier the more times they will fire without taking careful aim.  The more panicky they are, the more they will hold down the trigger in full-auto, too.

    Quote[/b] ]When I soldier is abruptly roused from sleep one way or the other without waking on his own, there should be a couple of minutes where the soldier is completely disoriented and confused.

    Doesn't happen that way IRL. When you go to sleep you have your assigned shell scrape or fighting position, and when you wake up you go there. And you sleep near it so you can get to it easily.

    I've been bumped on exercise a few times while sleeping, and what you find is that you motivate yourself very quickly to where you should be.

  4. A SDK would be good, but I don't see open source as likely.

    Quote[/b] ]Originally posted by Kegetys I dont care if someone cheats in singleplayer, and in multiplayer its "easy" to cheat already even without the source. Its still stupid and I dont care that much if someone does it, I only play with mature people who dont want or need to do that :P

    Correct, and I only play coop OFP so it doesn't affect me either, but from other games I can see that sometimes you don't get an option - sometimes you don't know if someone is cheating, or do but cant do anything about it other than change server.

  5. Quote[/b] ]In my experience, you can rarely even see a muzzle flash unless it's night. Most flashes, especially daytime ones, are just quick little burps of translucent orange that are gone before you realize it

    Yes. Your eyes don't percieve them because they are too fast, but if they are captured on film they are exaggerated as the film is over exposed.

    The ones in OFP now are about right if they lasted about 1/100th of the time they do (impossible though)

  6. Quote[/b] ]In current opf when you free fall without open chute you can stand up, crouch and prone...hmm i wonder if you can put your gun on back and salute or sit down , im gonna try it just for the fun, could give a nice screenshot, i hope bis uses a cool animation for when we free fall in opf2.

    yes, you can. You can even plant satchels in mid air and detonate them.

  7. I've done it, but with modern British kit, so I'm not sure if it'd be the same in the OFP scenario.

    Basically, you patrol up to the water you want to cross, then stick out a few sentries, the rest of the section get naked, put on their waterproof gear only, put everything else back in the bergen, squeeze the bergen into their bivvy bag, then scouts/ sentries go across first. The bivvy bag will float (just) and you hold the rifle on it with one hand and swim with the other hand and legs. Then the rest come over the same way.

    But the kit the soldiers are wearing in ofp and therefore probably in OFP2 is only webbing, so they wouldn't have most of that equipment, so ignore me smile_o.gif

    With webbing and everything, I think swimming should be possible for about 5 / 10 minutes before death. If there was an option to dump kit when in water (which is why we don't tape up the front webbing straps - so you can just pull them right through and dump it in water) then swimming for longer would be possible.

    I say 5/ 10 minutes because the combat swimming test involves swimming for 2 minutes with all that kit on as you get in the water, so with additional motivation (fear of death) soldiers should be able to go longer.

  8. You can reload faster with a round still in the chamber, all you have to do is mag off, mag on, release cocking handle, {forward assist} - only on some rifles

    Instead of mag off, mag on, cock weapon, {forward assist}

    Personally I just count the rounds I've fired, also the round chambering sounds different as the magazine empties due to the difference in tension on the mag spring, hence I can tell when I'm almost empty on full auto. This would be harder to do in a firefight with big explosions etc though smile_o.gif

    On topic - tracers for all weapons is a bit silly. Although it is a server side variable which can be turned off.

  9. Joining groups etc is possible in game already with actions but each group has to be explicitly defined as well as who will be joining it. Very much a thing that people don't bother with. If it was implemented as a radio message type system it'd be better.

  10. On an ETR and an IBSR (yes, 'pop up' target ranges)

    I'm not really an 'average' soldier though - I've been in my units shooting team for four years and got the highest scores overall for my team at Bisley every time we went smile_o.gif

    The way I'd like to see the accuracy done though is to have the sights waver around (like the sniper rifle does currently) - not to make the actual rifle less accurate. Rounds go where the barrel is pointing, and the sights are attached to the barrel... This would have the effect of making all weapons less accurate while not being unrealistic like a huge dispersion.

  11. Uziyahu - at what range?

    Prone I expect to hit a man sized target at 400m at least 80% - more if I've zeroed recently

    (not with an M16 but apparently M16s are more accurate ... )

    @ harnu

    I don't understand. I can suppress an area in OFP, you just move the mouse around, like moving your point of aim in real life.

    The bad thing about CS is that it rewards luck.

  12. Quote[/b] ]

    Flak jackets do not provide any protection from small arms fire, they just hold you together a bit better till you can see a medic.

    Quote[/b] ]

    They're good for catching shrapnel from grenades and RPG's.

    ..Neither of which are small arms smile_o.gif

  13. You misunderstand scripting, I wasn't talking about scripted events like in HL, I was talking about using scripting to expand the ai. You can write missions where the enemy will surrender if badly injured, or outnumbered, or they are the last one alive.

  14. I'm not sure how things work in your countries military but over here we have both a basic fitness test and a combat fitness test, which all soldiers must complete every year. Part of it is running with someone on your shoulders.

    The rest checks that the soldier is fit enough to serve. We don't ride around in hummvees everywhere so we have to be fit.
