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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Quote[/b] ]He's still a whining little cry baby though.

    Its people like you whos lives are not worth saving.

    If you dont care about other people, you dont deserve other people caring about you.

    I care very much about other people. Just not whining bairns that blame others for their own problems and think that sueing is the only solution to their problems.

    I'm by no means saying what the other kids did was right, or OK. They should be punished. But he needs to grow a pair.

    And if he can talk to some random reporter about it, its obviously not that bad.

  2. He's a whining baby.  Kids are cruel, have always been cruel and will continue to be cruel.  I've seen kids at school when I was there get humiliated far worse than that.

    He made an idiot out of himself and tried to blame someone else for his own faults.  Instead of whining about it he should accept that he made a mistake and learn from it. Or better still, laugh it up and forget about it like any other person does.

    The other kids do need punished for releasing it on the net, but the main problem, people taking the piss out of him for being a buffoon, is his own fault.  

    I'm sick of this attitude of 'wahh I did something stupid, sue someone else'

    You spilled coffee on yourself and got burnt while driving? If I was the judge I would have said

    'Approach the bench.'


    'I order you to pay 2000 dollars in fines for wasting my time with your damn stupidity.'

  3. Quote[/b] ]You know, Africa is a continent and South Africa a country. It's the same as saying "Luxemburg is one of the most wealthy European states".

    State is actually a correct term in the english language for describing a solidarity of people under one government with defined physical boundaries. Bush knows that Africa is not a "country" quit being assholes.

    Its not a solidarity of people, it has more than once government, and some of the physical boundaries are in question. Could it be any more wrong?

  4. Just done pro 3. Pro 1 is the only one I cant do. Its that last jump - the down facing platform you have to jump from to the horizontal platform above it. How in the hell can you do that? Do you go slowly and jump off the back wheel at the lower end of the slope, or what? I think I *MIGHT* be able to do it if the respawn started you further up the slope. But you can't even roll back up it.

  5. The poll question was 'do you think the US govt could have ordered the 11/9* attacks' - not 'Do you think they did order the attacks.'

    Half the problem in interpreting statistics is people not reading the answers properly smile_o.gif

    *we put the day first and the month second.

  6. Quote[/b] ]rock.gif You mean, by having the CD in the drive? Which is what you didn't want in the first place?

    Only needing the CD in the drive to patch is a thousand times better than having to take the CD out and put it in again 5 or 6 times a day.

    A cracked CD key is one that is distributed along with illegal copies. This means lots of people using the same CD key. Sometimes key generators are created, but usually its just a few different CD keys for cracked games. So if there's more than, say, 2 identical CD keys online, the master server should count that as a cracked key.

    There is no system of any kind anywhere that works 100%. Whats your solution thats better than this?

    Quote[/b] ]Plus this also arrogantly assumes that everyone who buys the game will have a net connection, thereby reducing sales

    No, it doesn't. That was the whole point of doing the checking in the patch. If you don't have a net connection, you'll get the patch from a coverdisc or something. The patch then checks your cd key to see if it's legit and uncopied or not. No net connection nessesary.

  7. It would be nice to have a lot more functions able to be bound to keys. I'd also like (pipe dream) to be able to hold or press a button for 'hold position' which would allow you to lie in one position and move your arms/ head etc round a bit. This would eliminate a great number of clipping problems with edges of buildings.

    EG, as it is now, if you go prone at the edge of a building, then look round the corner towards the building, your body is pushed about a foot (33cm) sideways by the collision detection on the building, because now as you move your aim while prone your entire body pivots round your groin.

  8. No, I don't expect them to compromise the security of their game at all. There is no real need to have the CD in the drive, you can stop multiple users using the same CD by not allowing patches to work without the CD in. Cracked CD keys should also be detected by any patches.

    Checking CD keys etc is best done online. There are many ways to do it, just because one program / way of doing it was fraught with problems doesn't mean they all will be/ are.

  9. The problem with fade is that people like me who own legal copies of the game, but don't like switching CDs every time they want to play a different game, will get a no CD patch, just so we can play without having to put in the CD. Also so that I can listen to a CD while playing/ editing / testing etc.

    You might not think its a hassle, but it is really annoying having to dig out the OFP cd from a pile every time I want to play. Now I don't know if I have FADE happening or not. Because I *DO* have a legal version, CD key, etc, but I don't like swapping CDs all the time, am I going to get fade? Do I have it already? These are all problems which IMO should be solved for OFP2.

    Also, one time my flatmate (who also has a legal copy of flashpoint but who also used a nocd patch, and is even more untidy with discs than me) reformatted his hard drive, then went to reinstall OFP. He couldn't find his disc, only the box with the manual, so I let him install from mine, but he used his own cd key. But then when we played online we both had the same user id? And we got that 'legal copies don't fade' message.... when both CD keys were legit.

    Seems odd to me. I'd like the rules to be a little clearer. If we *have* to keep the stupid CD in the drive for OFP2, it should be mentioned. If we *have to* install from our own disc, it should say so.

    (I play online with a nocd but I don't get the fade message)
