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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. as with the HLTV like feature. If your going to let people watch games, they should only be able to see certain players/ teams, and people playing the game should know who is looking at which team, after all, its not hard for someone to look at a teams position, then relay back to the other team where they all are using teamspeak.

    The playback should be delayed by at least 10 minutes, maybe to be controlled by server.

  2. The problem with enfocing laws is when there are stupid or outdated laws. For example, the UK still has blasphemy laws. There are still plenty of stupid laws in every country, ranging from the thousand dollar fine for possessing nuclear weapons in some state in the US to the statute stating all taxis in london must carry a bale of hay.*

    And, of course, the differences of opinion on many subjects... Personally I think all the speed cameras should be taken off the motorways and dual carriageways and put in the cities and towns- where the fatal accidents are far more likely and far more to do with speed. But others may think that they are far more important in generating revenue where they are.

    Or the laws on recreational drugs, or whatever. Or even imagine the government in some backward US state using CCTV to observe and incarcerate 'sex offenders' - that means anyone indulging in any form of sex apart from straightforward missionary. Not good, no?

    *it was for the horses

  3. Got bored and UnPBO'd it. Looks like the sniper position script and the other one didn't work. The sniper was still at the woods where he starts, but obviously I couldn't go through the end mission triggers to kill the smegger so I had to send AI by foot. For anyone else who has this problem, send your AI to the woods at grid CG56.

  4. Great addon! Been waiting for this for ages. But one problem: on the second mission of the campaign, I cannot find the sniper on the hill. I have cleared both villages, and the only thing remaining is finding the sniper. I'm on the hill marked on the map, and I've searched every square inch for the swine. Where is he? Don't make me UNPBO the campaign!

    He is not on the hill with the question mark. Maybe he ran away? Is the trigger for him dead or for him not present in area?

  5. "Vampir" ZG 1229 Infrared System

    "The Vampir system consisted of a "black" spot light, one component of its active infrared system, fixed atop the impressive StG-44 assault rifle. Below this infrared light was a range finder that could detect the light emitted by the IR lamp. Since this light was invisible to anyone not equipped with the system it gave a massive edge over relying on flashlights and flares for illumination. The system mounted on the gun was linked by insulated wire to a heavy battery pack and simple control box that the soldier wore in place of his normal gear. Think of it as a very crude analog to today's "OICW" system being developed by the United States. It could transform a normal soldier it one capable of fighting in complete darkness, be it a cave or a moonless night, without revealing his position. "

    German Panzer with topmounted IR


    Info on it here

    More info

    These are all WWII systems but IR was developed before then.

  6. Alot of the time, the weapon has alot to do with the dammage done. An example would be Ak47s and Submachine guns of the same caliber, or MMGs using cartridges like 7.62x51mm and 7.62x54R would probably do less dammage than sniper rifles of the same caliber.









    Submachine guns do NOT use the same rounds as an AK47.  Rounds are NOT drastically affected in killing power by different weapons (some differences do occur in range, accuracy etc due to length of barrel and how precision made the weapon is; but not major differences in killing power)

  7. IMHO getting rid of cigarettes wouldn't stop all cases of lung cancer, is it still a bad idea?

    Yes, because (as much as I think it is a disgusting and pointless habit) people have a right to smoke and poison their bodies if they want.

    Next thing you'll be telling me suicide should be illegal!  tounge_o.gif

    Maybe that was a bad example. I agree that people should be able to do pretty much what they like with their own bodies, but the problem lies with the health risks for others around the smoker; children being especially vulnerable. I should have said banning smoking in public places instead.

  8. Ok, but I was only using it as an example of how weird subatomic particles can be. I don't watch star trek, probably got hold of it from Red Dwarf or some sci fi book.

    Quote[/b] ]Time being the keyword here. Which kind of loses its meaning when space-time is compressed into a singular point.
    Time being irrelevant in that sentence and serving only to illustrate that such things happen. FFS, stop trying to nitpick.

  9. Balschiow, the origin of life on earth isn't covered by the big bang theory. It could be that life arose around the deep vents on the sea bed, after the planet formed according to Denoir's excellent description.

    If anyone wants more information on BOTH sides of the debate, check out Talk origins

    There are articles on averything from Abiogenesis (how life might have arisen) to how evolution works, to more pictures like Denoirs examples of intermediate species, to anything that has been seriously discussed about origins of life, matter and humans.

  10. Evolution works, yes.  But it's certainly not a reasonable theory for creation.  Considering it doesn't account for how we were created. smile_o.gif

    Good thing that it has absolutely nothing to do with 'creation', then. Read a book.

    Quote[/b] ]

    I don't think it explains how we got from whatever we were created as to what we are today.

    its not supposed to. Read a book.
    Quote[/b] ]

    I tend to believe that God uses what we see as science to his will. There was even a pretty good article published in Astronomy magazine detailing how the "big bang" theory essentially followed the Biblical account of creation.

    Minus the fact that its in the wrong order, wrong time scale (days, years, periods of time - the scale is wrong no matter which you say it is), run through with ambiguous language and incorrect, maybe.

  11. Religion is still a theory that explains metaphysical phenomenons like soul --it's on science's todo-list, but it'll be hard for science to score.

    How exactly does it 'explain' these things? All it does is postulate an invisible fairy that created these things. It does absolutely nothing to explain how.

    Quote[/b] ]

    But: Religion was, is and will be an ethical frame work providing rules for cooperation. E.g. thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill (although this was perverted by persons/churches who were greedy for power). There are dozens of different religions and all have one job: to organise the people's way of life. I do believe in God, because as a scientist I can't explain everything, especially regarding (artificial) intelligence, soul, awareness, death and beyond, coincidences... and because my moral philosophy is based on the commandments and Jesus' amendments.

    Morality doesn't come from religion. The commandments which aren't just 'my god has a bigger dick than your god' BS are basically copied from Hammurabi's code of laws. All societies have some sort of social agreement on morality - its nothing to do with religion, although religions do like to pretend it was their idea.

    Do you believe in invisible pink unicorns because you don't know if they exist or not?

    Quote[/b] ]

    Please do not assume state-of-the-art scientific facts to be determined. Science is fluent, new theories will replace old theories. Popular example: structure of matter. Old greeks invented the theorie of atomic structures. 19th/20th century: the components of the "indivisible" atom (according to the greek translation) were discovered. Second half of 20th century: the components of the components of the "indivisible" atom were discovered.

    As cand. mach. I can say that I can live with approximations if the error is small enough. wink_o.gif

    Nobody has said science has all the answers correct. It merely answers questions in some form or another, which is 100% more than religions do.

    P.S. I like this one (don't know iirc)

    Quote[/b] ]

    The succeeding statement is true.

    The preceding statement is wrong.

  12. A book called 'The Shooting Gallery' by Gaz Hunter- real life stories of his in the SAS and out of it. Best 'war' book I've ever read.

    Sven Hassel,

    I read a great one about Norwegian special forces in WWII, but I cant remember the title and I've loaned it to someone.

    Don't really like Chris Ryan's very much.

    Best Sci-Fi war book:

    'Use Of Weapons' - Iain M. Banks. I recommend any of his books for sheer reading pleasure (don't start with Feersum Enjin though)

  13. In other words you don't have any serious replies and are just running away with your tail between your legs?  Thats what it looks like from here.

    Lol yeah whatever you say. If anyone else has any problems with aspects of it I'll be happy to adress them. I'm through debating close minded zealots.
