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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. 1) It is possible to take screenshots in any game

    2) AI could take pictures as I outlined earlier; you'd mostly get pictures of your own side shooting at things, some of which might be good. With a little additional AI added, you could make it quite good, I think, although not as good as a human

  2. I think ur a little confused about GTA3, u dont get a "prize" at the end of it,infact most of it is just doing  missions with u against other mobs with the end goal of settling t he score with one of ur doublecrossing partners.

    Well than you really havn't got to the end with enough score.

    But come one peoplr you can't even began to compare GTA3 to OFP. We need a better rateing system. The point isn't the games it's the system. I don't base entirely what kind of person you are on what you play or do. The point is the system, Now I think most would agree we can't be markting this to or allow children under atleas 15 to play this. Much less 8 years olds. it's time to upgrade the system not the games. They wouldn't make it if thier wasn't a market for it. But reallyis letitng any one under 15 play these types of game's "Smart" nex thing that will happen if we let this go uncheked is the rest of what you can do in GTA3. But it still brings us to the point. #1 Two wrongs don't mkae a right.

    #2 Is is really "OK" or "Normal" to steal cars shoot cops and play with hookers?  rock.gif  And as far as graphics go if OFP 2 has any form of disemberment that can't be turened off. (It would be nice if the gore level was the same as OFP 1.) It will not be finding it's way into DS house. Now we can go on and on and point at all the games but the whole thing is about three problems. #1 Children are not taught correct values. #2 Parrents need to crack down or pay up. (More laws will only make this worse.) #3 Who is stuped enough to think they can just go take some rifles walk off and discharge them at a public high way? It's time for the parnts to monitor the games. We arn't judgeing games we are judegeing society.

    That make it seem a little more clearer on where I stand?

    If you want to Play GTA3 fine it keeps you off the streats and makes you happy. but if you go outside and than start reinacting what you did in the game we have a problem.

    It's fine with me if thats how you pass your time BUT when you go breaking the law thats when I think we need to re think just what we play. So the point is we have people who can't tellthe difference between reality and play time.

    Not that you go love off some hooker in GTA3.

    As long as you keep the sound turned down and you act sane out in public I don't really have a problem with you playing GTA3. Ok?

    Is it really OK to mount an armed insurrection against a nominally legitimate government with weapons you looted from their own soldiers?

  3. $33ker @ Sep. 01 2003,10:40)]
    Could be very cool, especially if he could be scripted in a way that he acts as a photographer on his own, he attaches himself to a squad so that he gets into a vehicle when your squad gets in and suchlike, then when the action starts he's aware enough to get into various positions to take pictures smile_o.gif

    hehe if you just create a camera weapon with a built-in screenshot taker utility and give it to the current AI, you would get lots of pictures of the enemy and nothing else. biggrin_o.gif

    Maybe if you had an enemy 'spy' (the unit in editor that is east but looks like its west) - also able to be created by directly editing the mission.sqm - attached to a squad with setcaptive true on. He would 'shoot' the squad he was attached to with his harmless camera, making pictures smile_o.gif

  4. Sounds like you're having some trouble connecting there ;)

    Thats probably a server problem, restarting your pc or making a new user wouldn't help. Maybe there was some sort of local internet problem or whatever, just try again later.

  5. Scripting != AI.

    (!= means not equal to)

    I saw very very little AI in the demo.  I saw a lot of clever scripting and 'if player is at x location spawn enemies at y' type stuff, but woefully little AI.

    Its quite good. They've made the weapons a lot less nonsensical than MOH, which is good, although they aren't as good as DoD's by a long way. I don't like the MGs , although thats a limit of the Q3 engine. I didn't see that much AI, just some clever scripting, which is good in some ways but bad in others. It means that, like MOH, the level is exactly the same every time in terms of enemy locations and friendly locations, and that even if you do really well, you can't save your squadmates if they are designed to die. (this happened a lot in MOHAA - I'd kill all the enemy before they killed my moronic squadmates, then they wouldn't have scripts for the rest of the level so they'd just stand around stupidly (near explosives that were the point of the mission) and die.

    Not being able to give proper commands to the rest of your squad is terrible and potentially ruining, for the lack of AI reasons and simply if you want to eg snipe from a window the AI is in. Its nothing but pandering to those who can't understand complex ideas.

    Not sure, but there *seems* to be spawning enemies as well; I hope there isn't but if there is... grrrr.

    Far too many tracers as well IMO. Its like a big neon sign saying 'look noobs! The enemy is over there!'

    Weapons are nice but not very realistic; the garand/ carbine debacle especially (carbine has more recoil than garand)

    After playing it again, there really is very little AI in the game; its just scripted sequences depending on where the player is. Its so linear  

    I see this being extremely limited in replayability; all you have to do is memorise the enemy locations.

    Graphics = 7 (too many tracers, models and animations are wack, but the whole thing looks good)

    Playability = 8 (since theres so little depth and its so linear)

    Replayability = 1

    Difficulty = 4 (its not worth playing except on veteran and even then its not THAT hard.)

    Running = 10 (great job making the q3 engine run smooth and getting most of the kinks worked out; could be excellent platform for mods)

    Sound = 9 (very good)

    Skill level = 4 (seems to be very simple and straightforward)

    Now, this is all based on the demo. It could be that they do actually have AI code in the game, but that level is just really heavy on the scripting. It could be that not every level is a 'go here then here then here then here' linear no-brainer.

    If so I'll be very happy and will change my opinion, which at the moment is 'I might get it for the mods'

  6. yeah but  if had ur own program to make add-ons,i mean this  in general too  like  if it was  half life we`re   talkin about then they can go FOAD.

    I  mean  its not like u go  in  a store and every single  product has some stupid license with it saying what  u can  and can`t do with  it,like dismantle it for example rock.gif

    Now I admit I may be misunderstanding this semi-coherent post, but

    You can't *sell* addons to a game without permission from the game creators/ copyright holders, regardless of how you made them. The Gunman mod addon thing, CS and Day Of Defeat, all had to get permission and were in fact CS and DoD were bought over by valve prior to selling the game.

    And it IS exactly like you go into a store and every single item has a license with it stating EXACTLY what you can do and cannot do with it: that is what happens in reality. Especially for software.

  7. Hey, where I live (or used to live) there was NO bus OR rail services within 5 miles.  You simply had to have a car.  Of course, I do think that you should have to pass very stringent tests to be allowed on the roads.  More stringent than now, if possible, but with more emphasis on showing skill at driving, controlling the vehicle, etc.  Much like the advanced driving test.

    Taxis were about 40 quid for 7 miles, as well.

    *edit* the bus services 5 miles away weren't that great either, and took a long time to get to the major city nearby which is where most people worked, and the train station was.

  8. Speed = more accidents is nonsense.  

    Its inappropriate speed, for example in built up areas that causes accidents.  Raw speed alone has nothing to do with it; its driving too fast for the conditions.  Its safer to drive at 90MPH on a motorway* than 31 MPH in a street, disproving this 'all speed is bad' gibberish.

    *Obviously with light traffic.

  9. FPS games are inherently better when controlled by a mouse and keyboard; if console FPS's could be played with a mouse and keyboard they would be better than present, ALTHOUGH they would still be confined to the tiny resolution of TV screens. So they are not as good as when on PC.

  10. Theres nothing magical about console connections, they can suffer from lag just as much as PC ones; they use the same technology and same phone / cable lines.

    And FPSs are crap on consoles.
