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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Um... yeah.. I am dyscalculic (dyslexic with numbers), so I'm not too good at the whole programming thing, or understanding what you guys are talking about, but...

    This sounds bad. Very bad.

    I'm more worried about the potential for abuse by 'well meaning' governments, pressure groups, or whatever in censoring things.... if this goes ahead, say goodbye to free speech. Say goodbye to even mildy deprecating Microsoft (eventually). This is 1984-style shit.

    Say goodbye to porn. Goodbye to open forums. Goodbye to 'naughty' language. Shit, say goodbye everything that christians don't like if Ashcroft, Bush and the rest of the US fundamentalist assholes get a hold of this.

  2. Quote[/b] ]Or a mentally unstable Homeguard Reservist getting his gun out of the gun-locker and killing his family, which has happened quite a few times over the last few years.

    In relation to the amount of overall crimes, its nothing. Its just reported more because its 'good' news. (for the media outlets)

    Its a statistical abberance, not a pandemic result of firearm ownership.

  3. I live in the UK and IMO the best solution is tough background checks on gun owners: one thing people forget (or ignore in their desperate claims that 'teh guns are badd!!!11!') is that the firearms used in crimes (shootings, drive-bys) are not legal weapons - they are not legally owned - they are black market imported guns

    Stopping responsible citizens owning weapons will not influence this at all. Not that I think legal gun ownership for more people is a solution - I certainly don't think everyone wandering round with a concealed pistol will help.

  4. In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

    Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

    Not in your arms or legs it can't.

    Not 'small' (IE less than .50 cal or 12.7mm) calibre rifle rounds.

  5. The Zubrin converter is a good example of technology Nasa ignored (although it seems to have been noticed a little now, a couple of decades after it was proposed)

    Basically it was a way to do a fast, cheap, safe manned mission to mars.

  6. Show me a video.

    You don't lie down with no cover, you go to cover or you get it from the suppressing fire of the rest of your squad.

    OFP2 is a game. If something is possible in a game, it gets done. If this 'feature' is put in, it will be abused.

    It does not need to be in the game.

    If your father wants to argue military tactics with a decorated falklands veteran (who taught me)....

  7. Why would you be running around with a mag in your hand? You just don't do that.

    Taking the new mag out (without accidentally dropping the other mag(s) in the pouch) is probably the hardest part.

    You are WRONG. If you have an empty weapon, you dont 'slow down and reload' - you sprint to some cover, get DOWN and reload. Even in a grass field there will be humps or hillocks, or even bushes. Even if there isn't any of those things, you still go prone and reload while you get covering fire from those who have rounds left.

    There is no situation when you need to make yourself a big defenceless target, which is what you are if you are trying to run/sprint and reload.

    While walking - possible; stupid, but possible, so should be in game

    while running -IMpossible, very very stupid, and shouldn't be in game.

  8. Hehe...Seems like you may be suffering from a classic case of OFPitis to me...

    Max Payne,Mafia or GTA3 wouldn't be the same if they were in 1st person.You get way more atmosphere and feel more immersed in the environment with 3rd person, not that I don't think much of 1st person, it's more realistic and has some benefits, but 3rd person is geared more towards the fun factor than the realism factor, and as such, I like it smile_o.gif

    Rubbish, games are far more immersive in first person. The only reason 3rd person is any good is to see the characters from behind.

    I did play max payne in first person - it was far, far, far better.

  9. Quote[/b] ]You can reload at a sprint. Of course it's going to take a while because the gun and mag will be somewhat 'bobbling'. However, "...if you're running, you're running for a reason". And if you need to reload, you're going to reload.

    No you cannot. Post a video of you or someone reloading at a SPRINT, in full gear, not looking at the weapon, on rough terrain. Not. Possible.

    If you need to reload, you GET UNDER COVER and do it, you do NOT expose yourself by moving slowly, you do not do it while running because you won't have any situational awareness.

  10. Yes, I do want a bet. Did he just throw his mag away or what? I want to see video of someone RUNNING while changing mags before I believe you. I'm not talking a fast walk, I mean a sprint or run like in OFP - and I want to see them NOT looking at the rifle.

    It is not done IRL because you should always be under cover when reloading.

    It should not be possible while running in a GAME because it will be exploited and over-used.

    If jumping is made realistic (more than CS) then it will be fine in game.
