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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. My only problem with JAM is the HD weapons.  I hate them.  

    I hate not being able to take the enemies weapons when I'm out of ammo for mine, or when I prefer them (EG I prefer AK74SU to M16 in-game)

    I wish the AI were given the same weapons as everyone else and the AI accuracy tweaked, as in FDF mod.  MUCH better solution IMO.  

    Even if this means making the thing a mod, I'd rather have that.  Anyone who will download JAM and addons using it has no reason not to download a tiny mod to fix the AI.

  2. Bed Ridden?  Even that doesn't matter; I've seen 'Crip-Fu' (actual name of film) where a guy with no legs and a guy with no arms went around kicking the shit out of 'normal' well muscled guys.

    I agree with everything Denoir has said so far (I also own firearms, in 'gun free' Britain)

    Quote[/b] ]MSMS_KDXer

    That is exactly what I was talking about when I said it was sad.  You have convinced yourself that the values of Christianity are harmful to your society, and as such have discarded many of them.  Those values did not cause anyone to kill.  Poor interpretations combined with seperate motives led people to kill.  Sure, some were misled into killing in the name of those values, but people have been misled into any number of activities for any number of reasons.

    The progress you speak of may have benefits to your society, but Christian morality is not preventing social development or benefits.  It just guides it.  And unfortunately, that guiding force has been disregarded by many, because it no longer fit their way of seeing the world.  The same Christian values that guided us before are still valid.  Maybe they don't seem to work in a world governed by Realpolitik, but those who practice them can lead a much more filling life

    Please learn about your own country.

    The US was not founded on Christian morality.  Most of the founding fathers were Deists (not christians) and founded the nation on the SEPERATION of Church(es) and State.

    I think there are a few people who would disagree that Christian values don't cause people to kill:

    Anyone born in the Dark Ages with

    extra toes

    extra nipples

    who someone else didn't like and called a 'witch'

    Anyone who wasn't a christian throughout most of history (CE)

    Jews, gypsies, atheists and disabled in Nazi Germany*


    *Although Hitler was only debatably a christian, he certainly claimed to be one

    Now please keep your religious arguments out of this thread.

  3. Three levels of medical help would be enough:

    - first aid (stops most of haemorrhagies but leaves the subject with reduced movement ability and inaccurate)

     any soldier can attempt one

    - battlefield medical care (restores movement but not accuracy etc...)

     only medic can do one

    - full medical recover -if possible- (restores whole capabilities)

     only in hospital/surgical units (means you have to extract the subject from the battle field)

    Only a suggestion.

    That would be great!

    I would like, though, the basic medical help to restore the ability to at least jog (not sprint) - perhaps with a limp or whatever- just for those long MP games where one guy has broken legs and is trying to keep up with the rest of the squad.

  4. I support the ownership of weapons by responsible people (which means I support testing and registrations etc), but I don't agree with this strange notion of having a firearm in your house just to defend it, or carrying one around all day.

  5. I vote AK47

    The only firearm to be depicted on a national flag (Mozambique)

    The most prolific weapon.

    And it was not based on the MP44. The closest link is 'Oh the germans have made a rifle using intermediate cartridges with large magazines, lets make one too.'

  6. Quote[/b] ]THe L85 has good balance and is now very reliable. The new magazines are heavier now because the metal is thicker so they dont bend and become unusable when dropped

    Is now MORE reliable, not VERY reliable. I know why the mags are heavier. However, that is not the point; they are heavy.

    Quote[/b] ]the 7.62 round is more lethal indeed but the point of the 5.56 is to maim enemys and not always kill them. This is because you tie up about 4-10 troops looking after a wounded man whereas a dead man can be left.


    Quote[/b] ]The L85A1 is known for unreliability so the Mod got heckler and koch to fix it and came out with the L85A2 this is very reliable and the times ive used it (although with blanks ill admit apart from on Shooting range) its has been very reliable as long as you clean it once a day.

    Its only more reliable in relation to the A1, not in relation to other weapons. It is now roughly on par with most other weapons in reliability, although it still has other problems.

    How many rounds do you put through it in a day on the ranges? Not that many, I'll bet- the rest of your Coy has to go through. Unless you're on the shooting team... like me.

    Now compare this to being in a defensive position, holding against an enemy advance.... blatting off hundreds of rounds, constantly bombing up....

    Ever done a SAT range? The defence scenario?

    Wouldn't like to be using an L85 in real life for that one...

    Quote[/b] ]

    Just remember that these are all very modern weapons all designed within the last 5 years (although i dont know about steyr aug)

    Thats just STUNNINGLY wrong. Totally, utterly, wrong. And irrelevant: It doesn't matter how old or new the designs are, we are comparing the weight, not how heavy they are.

  7. Quote[/b] ]Abraham predicted the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament, maybe we could listen to him?

    Where, exactly, is this 'prediction?' and how closely does it mirror the stories of jesus

    (rhetorical question; it doesn't)

    But anyway, did you just not admit to believing in something you don't believe in?

    IE you don't believe in fate.... but you believe that prophecies come true...

  8. Make anything vague enough and you can translate it to mean anything.

    Hence all the different religious sects with different interpretations of the same book; its really vague.

  9. Agree in general - however the L85AI is almost the heaviest or the heaviest assault rifle in use by a modern military... Its not that much of a problem, but it's not 'light' compared to other weapons.

    (Steyr Aug= 3.8 kg unloaded

    AK 4,3 kg; AKM 3,14 kg unloaded

    C7/8 (Canadian M16 style thing) 3.3 kg unloaded

    G36 3.6 kg (3.3 kg G36E) G36K 3.3 kg (3.0 kg G36KE) G35C 2.8 kg

    SA80 4.13 kg Empty 5 kg with SUSAT and loaded with magazine with 30 rounds of ammunition (and the new mags for the A2 are even heavier)

    M16A2 = 3.77 kg empty)

    On reliablility - the argument isn't that you should be able to use the rifle as a spade, its that it should still bloody work when you are 'in the shit'- when you have just fired a couple of hundred rounds through it at the enemy advance, you shouldn't have to stop to clean it, because the enemy will not wait!  Thats why the reliability is paramount.

  10. THe only kalasnikov i would use is the one that comes under the name Groza the one with the two round burst. quite frankly im not dumb enough to use my rifle as a spade so i still prefer any weapon apart from kalashnikov

    Groza is the bullpub, the one with the 2 round burst at 1800 RPM is the An-94 Abakan.

  11. Quote[/b] ]I'm very seriously condiering starting an online petition for gamers who have never committed a violent crime to sign...maybe if we show these idiots just how many STABLE gamers there are out there compared to the tiny number of nutjobs, they might start to open their eyes to the true facts. Lets face it, if you believed these tossers, you would assume there was an army of thousands of gun toting psychotic teen video game addicts out there, plotting to murder half the world's population...

    There are about 10 such petitions already. They do little, the flids that think games cause violence don't listen to reason. Emotional Appeals only.

  12. Space, or at least some portion of it, needs to be opened up to commercial concerns if we want to see colonies, space vehicles, etc.

    Gates could finance about 47 manned missions to mars with current technology: the price would drop VERY rapidly with corporate research.
