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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. It does have good effects, sound and visual, apart from the low detail animations, so I think that is swaying a lot of reviewers. If you are used to bland featureless maps like CS ones, CoD could seem quite immersive.

  2. Is this for modern kit or 80s (or older) kit, and for a specific country or overall?

    EG modern british rigs are quite reliable but the older style ones used nylon brindle straps that were flat, a couple of centimetres wide- the airflow could pull on these and release the main chute prematurely, meaning it would get caught up in the vortex behind the jumper and tangle up behind the jumper.. all over the reserve as well.. which was a bit of a problem..

  3. SP is far too heavily scripted to be replayable at all

    I don't know. I would play it twice. biggrin_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]memorise where the mortars land and run inbetween them in order to survive?

    I did not encounter this problem unless I veered off the beaten path.

    Generally, if you stick near your buddies and hit the dirt when you're told to, I believe the scripting is designed to intentionally avoid killing you outright many times.

    Either that or my woman's intuition works well during mortar bombardments. crazy_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]Animations were kind of dodgy too - jerky and incorrect sometimes.  Watch the anim at the end.

    On my P4 2Ghz 512MB RAM machine. I experience the smallest amount of stutter on rare occasions. Gameplay was normally very smooth for me.

    Mortars - I wasn't off the beaten path, I was in the midst of all my comrades; the main problem was on the mission in the snow when you are back with the americans having played as the brits previously. I eventually figured out I was going too fast and should stick near Cpt Foley. Still, I had to reload the mission only around 30 times :rolleyes:

    The animations being jerky and wrong has nothing to do with my machine; it was smooth and playable, BUT the animations were jerky and incorrect. It looks like only a few frames of animation are playing, but it isn't stuttering - its just not detailled animation.

    Quote[/b] ]I can't say that the few glitches I saw were tremedously relevant. They're more apparent maybe if you play the game slow and keep retreating behind the last corner to slow the gameplay down.

    As opposed to playing it like it was quake?

    No thanks.

  4. Forgot to mention; I completed the game the other day. SP is far too heavily scripted to be replayable at all and is frustrating at the best of times (memorise where the mortars land and run inbetween them in order to survive? Piss off.)

    Animations were kind of dodgy too - jerky and incorrect sometimes. Watch the anim at the end.

  5. You might blast away at it but IRL you would not fire one round through it straight into the enemies head, as the unmodified AI do in OFP. Or start shooting from one side of a bush at someone approaching from the other side that is completely screened by the bush, as the AI also do occasionally.

  6. Thats fine.

    One question:

    IF the ECP succeeds in 'fixing' the AI - perhaps even having configurable accuracy - will JAM become purely about the Ammunition - as I hope?

    You see there would be a conflict if two things were both changing the accuracy - some mod, ECP or whatever, fixing the AI at the source, but the AI is using HD mags... they would never hit ANYTHING! smile_o.gif

    What then?

    Until then, of course, I'm sure HD is the best option in the absence of tweaked AI mods.

    Its not that I want JAM to be in charge of fixing the AI - its that I dont biggrin_o.gif

  7. In the same token, then, being shot in the arms or legs, no matter how many times, should not kill you instantaneously - maybe after a while through loss of blood, but not instantaneously...

    Actually that can easily happen; the bullet's kinetic force causing a system shock in your body, aka heart failure.

    there are some places in your arms and legs where are bigger amounts of blood and bleeding could cause fast blood loss when a bullet crushes its way through.

    a heart failure, could be possible but I expect it wouldn't happen if the soldier is in good physical condition. of course there's a possibility of air getting into the blood causing a blast in the heart but the chance must be 1/1000000.

    Even if an artery was hit, there is no way a small calibre round can kill instantaneously by a leg or arm hit. Death might be inevitable, even quite rapid, but NOT instantaneous.

  8. I don't mind picking up HD weapons from dead bodies. I think it simulates the poor maintenance of the weapon, or other variables like a different zero, dirty ammo, etc. I usually end up hitting my target, but it can be a bit scary using those mags at times.  crazy_o.gif

    Poor maintenance doesn't make weapons less accurate (unless the sights are falling off)

    Different zero means that the rounds will fall in a consistent pattern, just not under the crosshair/ dead centre of sights - they would not randomly spray all over

    Dirty ammo = jamming, not accuracy, and should be cleaned before loading mag anyway..

    Oh yeah, not everyone else likes HD mags.

  9. Preperation != planning

    preperation includes things like distributing ammo, checking and distributing equipment, test firing, liasing with attachments (eg MFCs, FOOs, FACs,) comms checks, etc etc.

    Planning is how you will tie all that together and where everyone should go, etc
