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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. 'internal energy'?

    What is that, exactly?

    Of course some kinetic energy is converted into other forms, like heat, sound, etc, but there's no such thing as 'inaccessible' energy.

    Its probably just a problem of definitions though. Yes, it is a momentum problem - a small mass like a bullet needs to be going extremely fast in order to transfer enough kinetic energy to move a mass as large as a person. Faster than they do by a large amount.

  2. I'm sure many of you will have heard this story before but here goes:

    A few years back (about 10 iirc) the management of a Japanese shopping mall learned exactly how much we in the Western world spend on consumer goods at Christmas and decided to try and introduce it there.  They decided to do some research and have a big Christmas display in the centre of the mall with lights and music and all the rest of it.  Someone was hired to look into the trappings of this gaijin Christian tradition and co-ordinate the festive extravaganza.  Unfortunately this person got his wires crossed and misinterpreted some key elements of Christian belief.  Hence, when the shoppers duly arrived on the day this display was unveiled, they were confronted by the spectacle of a 25 foot tall Father Christmas ... nailed to a cross!

    There you go, the Japanese crucified Santa.

    Since christianity was introduced to Japan round about the 15th century (and then promptly removed again when they realised what a danger it was) I think this is an urban myth.

  3. Oh yeah, micro machines was good

    Worms (whatever) is good on a LAN - I should be getting that worms 3d soon to try)

    K98? Railgun! The garand is the professional's choice biggrin_o.gif

    Nothing better than buttsmacking the entire enemy team when you sneak round behind their defences

  4. If you watch the JFK movie at the end of the credits they state that some years ago (i cant recall which year off-hand) the US Gov't did acknowledge that there was some evidence to support a conspiracy but not to the level that the movie would lead you to believe.

    That was the House Select Committe on Assassinations.

    It ran from between 1976 and 1979.

    It had three directors (first two resigned) and the last director was only interested in brining out a politically correct report and keeping things within budget. The HSCA pretty much came to the same conclusion as the Warren Commission, Oswald killed the President from the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository, and the 'magic bullet' was truthful.

    It major veriation was stating that one shot was fired from in  front of the President's Limo from the Grassy Knoll.

    This was based on audio evidence.

    The audio evidence being that a police motorcyclist left his radio mic on and the three shots were heard from it. Then they calculated where they thought he was and thus where the sounds should have came from.

    Unfortunately, they did their calculations wrongly for where he was. He's on 2 different films several hundred metres from where they said he was = sounds all came from book depository.

    Also agree with Ralph that Oswald was actually a good shot.

    Disagree that it was in any way possible to edit all the movies (all owned by different people) in any way that would not be immediately obvious nowadays.

  5. And yes, lets do some counting: 5.56 mm bullet can have energy about 1700 J, and if all bullet's enegy would be given to body, it could make 80 kg man moving with speed about 6 m/s.


    You forgot to calculate the weight of the projectile.

    It won't move him an inch.

  6. Baron and others who doubt "stopping power" of bullets.

    Come on over to my place and I'll pop you in the balls with my .22, we'll see if it stops you.  biggrin_o.gif  (THATS A JOKE, DON'T FREAK OUT)

    As M21man said, the bullet itself may not knock you down. But the sound, the impact, and the feeling of the round entering/exiting is gonna be shitty to say the least.

    If you read reports from people who've been shot. Some say they felt nothing at all. But most, even seasoned combat vets, say that they felt a "Red Hot Poker" of pain, certainly enough to get your attention. Others describe it like "Getting hit with a roundhouse punch/ baseball bat."

    Summary: If you doubt a bullet will "Stop you", go get shot, then talk to me  wink_o.gif

    Look what the bullet did to the apple, that sure slowed it down!


    Merc and others who can't read posts:

    Don some level IV body armour. I shall then shoot you with a large calibre round while you run towards me.

    When the round strikes the trauma plate, almost all of the kinetic energy of the round will be transferred to you. (as opposed to when a round normally goes right through and transfers relatively little energy).

    You will NOT be knocked down.

    As I said in my post, which you obviously didn't read, the size of the round doesn't matter towards stopping someone nearly as much as terminal ballistic properties of the round (fragmentation, tumbling, etc.) and shot placement, which is the most crucial aspect.

    Summary: read others posts before talking BS.

    Its a M Y T H.

  7. The only thing britain needs the US for is logistics support. The US has huge capacity to move units and kit around. The UK (and most other countries) do not.

    I think that is what the officer was referring to.

  8. and since we're all at least an hour away from each other, it's a way for us to get together and talk while knifing each other in the back.  smile_o.gif

    Ingame right ?  crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

    Since dod 1.1 i havent been playing as much as i used to  sad_o.gif

    Why not?

    The game has gotten better in 1.1 compared to 1.0

    Although IMO the best games were in (beta)2.0 - when MGs were to be feared.

  9. There was a good documentary on this on discovery about a week ago. Look around, it should come on again.

    It used all the films available of the event (there were 25 cameras rolling that day) to create 3d models of the entire scene and animate it. (plus lots of other things)

    Conclusion: Yes, Oswald acted alone. The film JFK was a dramatisation- its not fact. For instance, the magic bullet thing which seems so convincing - the seats in the car aren't arranged like that - Kennedy was about a 20cm higher than the senator and further to the right.

  10. So you are saying that a bullet (meaning projectile fired from a infantry rifle, not an anti materiel rifle) has enough force behind it to knock a person down?

    Do the calculations.

    Then realise how silly you are.

    Larger calibre rounds don't nessesarily do more damage. The fragmentary properties and tumbling are more relevant.

  11. I play Day of Defeat online more than OFP now, if only because it's less hardware intensive than OFP. I never thought I'd play any of those CS spawned games, but DoD was $20 and all my friends have it, and since we're all at least an hour away from each other, it's a way for us to get together and talk while knifing each other in the back.  smile_o.gif

    Once I get an upgrade, I'll be playing OFP a lot more with all those sorry wanks over at MTCO.  tounge_o.gif

    As someone who has played DoD online since alpha, I haev to correct you there smile_o.gif

    CS had absolutely nothing to do with DoD. I know it says 'from the makers of CS' on the box, but that refers to Valve, who employed the DoD team to go retail with DoD v1.0

    Noone who worked on CS work(ed/s) on DoD.

    I also play DoD a lot but thats actually getting less now that I'm able to play OFP more, specifically FDFMOD.

    My list goes like this

    (total time played online)

    DoD (being overtaken slowly by OFP since last year but still more in total)


    CS Pre Beta 5.2 (stopped playing when they removed the need for skill or tactics - you used to have to cover each other and kneel to get accurate shots)

    Vampire Slayer (sadly it gets edged out by DoD or OFP- theres nothing wrong with it - I just like them better

    I've heard extremely good things about Red Orchestra, a WWII EASTERN FRONT mod for UT2003/4

    I'm going to get UT2004 and try it when UT2004 is out. If I had 2003 I'd play it now.

  12. Quote[/b] ]I don't really understand this whining about weapons not having enough 'stopping power.'  If you can aim, you'll hit them and they wil go down.  If you can't, a bigger round isn't going to help that.

    A larger round does have more stopping power and is more likely to knock an opponent down quickly.


    Stopping power is a myth.

    People go down when they are hurt. If the round goes though a non-vital area, they aren't 'hurt'

  13. IMO looks don't matter, as long as its reliable (first and foremost - which is why I dont like the SA80) and accurate (which is why I do like the SA80)

    Being light never hurt either. Especially when you are wandering around welsh mountains with it.

    I don't really understand this whining about weapons not having enough 'stopping power.' If you can aim, you'll hit them and they wil go down. If you can't, a bigger round isn't going to help that.

    Having said that, a round that isn't deflected by light brush or whatever would be nice too. The 6.8mm round in development looks quite good. (it uses the same size of cartridge with a larger round in it, so weapons can be converted to fire it with only a new barrel- if the weapon can do that )

    Pity the EM-2 project was shelved after the Americans made us use 5.56 - that would have been a good round.

  14. If you edit the stringtable.csv in excel, then its neatly laid out in columns and rows.

    I've edited mine to change the message.  I suppose if you deleted the whole line it wouldn't say anything, but only for the people that have edited it.

    Would it just not say anything or would an error occur because the string variable name is missing?

    Sorry I meant deleted the text line not the entire row. I don't know what would happen. I'll try it and see sometime.

  15. Where does Jesus teach me to kill? Church and religion are still sort of two different things. The church is run by humans, which we know are prone to mistakes. The pope ordered crusades to the Holy Land because he thought it belonged to christians. That's what he said anyways. It was more about keeping the catholic kings fighting each other. Better to have a common enemy than to kill your own. Jesus teaches us to be satisfied with what we have and not to reach for power and gold. What were the crusades mostly about? Money, lots of it.

    Christianity alone didn't cause deaths, it was the people abusing it.

    Discussions like these tend to end up in flamefests so let's try to keep this civil, shall we? smile_o.gif

    'I come not to bring peace, but a sword; to set brother against sister, father against son, mother against daughter' (or words to that effect)

    There are plenty of other quotes where Jesus either is blatantly racist (calling people of other races 'dogs') or condones violence.

    Religion is dying out in educated countries. That is a good thing.

  16. I think you are missing the point...  without a proper brain they won't be smart enough to travel the distance starting from a planet.  And anyway, BS is your asessment, since it is inevitable that animals who are smarter survive better, ebcause through the use of tools and passing of information a species can always survive better.

    I wasn't argueing that brains are unnessesary, I was argueing that not all planets that support life will necessarily have intelligent life.

    Its not inevitable that animals that are smarter survive better, because an animal that is 'stupid' but very fast and powerful can still defeat it. A big cat or two is more than a match for a few apes, especially apes who are not quite smart enough to work together or use tools.

    I was also calling the victorian assumption that humans are in some way at the top of a ladder that all other creatures aspire to BS, not anything else.

  17. Large brains and intelligence are not an inevitable outcome of evolution; thats tantamount to the victorian 'top of the ladder' BS. Large brains use an inordinate amount of energy; if there is no benefit to developing them, the creatures concerned won't. (or rather, the mutations with large brains will die out)
