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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Yes, but in OPF you can shoot an enemy straight in the chest and he will continue to actively run or fight.

    And the number of times you hit an enemy in the chest in that good general area greatly outnumbers the seldom occasions where you "graze" an enemy or have the bullet grazing his shirt.

    Why should they have a system that benefits these rare instances of grazing as opposed to what happens more often in most firefights?  Which is to shoot the enemy several times to kill them.

    The amount of times in OFP I have to hit an enemy twice in the chest to kill them are very, very, very small. You're probably hitting the arms.

  2. On an island? With soldiers that can't swim?

    The mission is over.

    At least in IRL you could improvise something, or call in support, or even swim.

    You can't do that in OFP = you need to have someone to get you out of there.

    At least the option - if you wanted to make a specific mission where one guy was the only pilot that'd be fine too - as long as it was an option and not always the case.

  3. Bad ideas based on MOVIES??

    How is dying if you get shot in the chest unrealistic??

    Believe it or not, if you get shot in the chest you will no longer be able to function at the very least.   Even if you survived you would not be able to function for a long time atleast.

    Your comparison of my system and movies are contradictory.

    In movies, the hero or villain generally takes several bulllets and still lives.  That is movie drama, ... the opposite of what I am suggesting.

    In real life if one is shot, they are either going to die, or will need to be immediately be sent to a hospital in order to save their lives.    

    I think YOU are the one who watches too many movies.    What's wrong with you?

    Believe it or not, not every single shot will go through the heart or lungs.

    Believe it or not, not every chest shot is fatal.

    Believe it or not, a shot that only just scrapes the surface of the skin, or even doesn't touch the skin, just through the clothes, will be counted as a 'chest shot' by a game.

    That doesn't mean that any soldier should *count on* surviving a chest shot - just that there could be a small chance of surviving it - like in OFP just now.

    Theres nothing wrong with how it is.

    It could be made more detailed in OFP2 - gradual loss of blood leading to death, etc - but as it is, with choices of injured or dead, its fine.

  4. Sure, they should be specialised.  But the thing I'm most worried about is in MP when that specialist either dies or gets disconnected before their chance to use their skill, leaving everyone else stranded.

    You know, on an island or in a mission where they have to be transported a long distance.

  5. On the other hand, just because someone is designated as a certain class, that doesn't mean they are *not* able to do the other classes role: special forces, for example, could easily have someone in the team who has at least rudimentary knowledge of how to fly a chopper.

    And although there are intricracies and tactics in higher levels, driving a tracked armoured vehicle is *not* that hard.

    So thats why I think that there should at least be some leeway and have the vehicles realistically difficult to operate - meaning that if the *player* doesn't know how to operate it, they won't be able to.

    There could even be an America's Army style setting where only those who have trained to operate vehicles could do so, no matter what 'class' they are playing as.

    As for AI - well, fine, they shoudn't be able to fly choppers or planes... unless specified... but I would let them drive things around.

  6. The way UT2003 works is very effective.

    (I got it just to play a mod, I'm not playing the actual game - which is shite)

    Install needs a CD key. Although keygens can get round that to some extent, in order to play online the key is checked on a master server when you try to play - so if its a generated key, the game stops after a few seconds - much more annoying for those who haven't bought it than simply not getting into a game.

  7. Hi everyone, I'm IceFire

    Ok, I have one major complaint about something in OPF.

    The damage system is too unrealistic.

    Come on.  We pride ourselves on this realistic game because of it's realism.

    But one of the most important things about the realism in the game is very unrealistic.

    No it isn't.

    From what experience do you speak?  Or have you just watched too many films?

    Quote[/b] ]

    I'm talking about the need to shoot an enemy soldier on some occasions several times in order to drop them.

    Have you ever aimed through the scope of a sniper rifle at a distant running enemy soldier, and then fire and hit him square in the chest only to see him continue running?

    I was once hiding around the corner of a building with my glock handgun.  A Russian soldier came running by.  I aimed, and fired.  Each shot connected with him.   It took about 5 bullets to kill him.   That is absolutely ridiquilous!

    Listen, I don't want to hear arguments on bullet calibers and whatnot.  In real life, you get shot square in the chest with a .45 or a .22 or an M-16 rifle round, eitherway you are gonna drop.

    No, you do not.  You are the one talking unrealistic stuff.
    Quote[/b] ]

    Remember, these soldiers don't wear any armor or vests except for their helmets.

    1) Yes they do, some of them

    2) Irregardless, not all shots to the chest are fatal -  given that a grazing shot in OFP will do the same damage as a shot going right through where the heart would be.

    Quote[/b] ]

    I have thought about this and have come up with a realistic damage system.

    Think some more.
    Quote[/b] ]

     Any shots to the HEAD = DEATH


     Any shots to the TORSO(chest, stomach, back) = DEATH

    TOTALLY unrealistic.
    Quote[/b] ]

     Any shots to the ARMS = Either DEATH or INJURY depending on severity/extent of damage.  If the result is injury, that would mean reduced accuracy, stability.

    Also totally unrealistic.  Read the earlier posts in this thread.
    Quote[/b] ]

      Any shots to the LEGS = Either DEATH or INJURY depending on severity of damage.  If the result is injury, the soldier would be forced to crawl.   Therefore any damage to the legs would AT LEAST drop the soldier to the ground if not kill him.

    Using these guidlines to design the damage model in OPF2 would greatly REDUCE the realism of the game.

    The player would not have to shoot the enemy so much to kill him.    This would mean much more realistic firefights.  And much greater care in avoiding getting shot.  

    That wouln't be bad at all.  I remember many, even most missions where I never took any shots.  

    One would be able to better use surprise, and much quicker overwhelm a vulnerable enemy or group of enemies.

    Think about this and tell me what you think.



    Bad, bad ideas based on nonsense from movies.  Not realistic at all.

  8. If it were my country I would want my government to do as much as it can to ease the situation, to me it shows they value the lives of their own people less than they value political/religious differences.

    Well, that's what happens when religion becomes involved (very heavily in Iran's case) in government.

    Reason and compassion go straight out the window.

  9. Such a shame. Iran is too poor to use modern construction methods to counter earthquakes - but they could use the same ones Japan has been using in it's pagodas for centuries - linking the floors to a (in building terms) flexible core and not anchoring them to the walls much (as far as I remember, thats how it works.. it does work, however it is)

  10. Neither do I, really, but I like having a transport with 20 odd players in it crashed into the ground by someone who cannot actually fly even less.

    I would like the vehicle handling to be mainly determinied by pkayer skill (realistically hard) mainly, but just with the ability to see how good the player is likely to be.

  11. Having something to allow other people to see what each person has trained as in MP is a good idea.

    I also like the server settings as options; that way everyone is happy.

    I suggest adding another category to the 'lock' menu - default, unlocked, locked and trained - this will allow simple scripts / options in setup screen to change the mission to allow everyone to use certain vehicles or only those 'qualified'

  12. Get a version of XP.  Very stable, fast and flexible.  About the only thing its not good at is DOS games.  (all relative to other windows versions, of course)

    But whatever you do, do NOT get ME.  Its terrible, even by normal MS standards.


    I use XP Pro, having used 2000 before. XP is 10x better for gaming. Very few problems with it, compared with loads for 2000 (XP has better/ newer driver support etc)

  13. Ahh I'm getting that Fighting Scared book for winter solstice, glad to hear it's good.  I had to get it when I was looking at the pictures and found that it was the crazy moustachioed Scottish guy I saw on TV a while ago talking about the Iranian Embassy siege.

    Another good book I have read was about a Norwegian special forces guy in WWII who did an amazing escape and evasion, although I can't remember the name of it. Anyone know?

  14. Ok, now that the M-16 is going out and the Xm-8 is a go, will all branches of the military switch to this rifle or just the army? Plan on going into the U.S.A.F., and hope to get to train on this thing!

    'The Army' will be using the L85a2.

    The US army will be mainly using M16s for at least a year or two yet.

    ('The Army'  means the British Army.  Its trademarked and all that stuff.)

  15. Fuck a duck!  crazy_o.gif

    Baron, you never mentioned body armor before. Look dude, bottom line. IF you think that you can be shot, and NOT affected beyond the wound, your fuckin crazy.


    Merc, you never read my posts before and you still haven't. I never said anyone could be shot and not affected by it. Please read things before opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble.

    Bottom line: I objected to this BS notion that some people have that bullets 'knock people down.' They dont.

    I also objected to the other bullshit notion that larger rounds are inherently more lethal - they aren't. A hollowpoint (or hollow core) round will do a LOT more damage than a FMJ round.
