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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Because it's discriminating against one sex?


    They aren't more prone to get into accidents per mile driven than women.

    Is it suddenly not racist to only employ white people because they are more educated in general than black people?*

    *which is not a good thing

  2. Quote[/b] ]they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.

    insurance rate is set on empirical data, and women tend to get into smaller accidents, while men tend to get into bigger ones. that's why there is a difference in rate.

    ...which is extremely sexist.

    Discriminating against one sex = sexist

    The empirical data also shows than men drive a hell of a lot more than women.

  3. It happens to me so often that I have even considered keeping a pen and pad of paper in the shower to write down ideas. Only if there was a way to get past the whole "wetness" factor.

    War on Drugs idea doesn't sound like much fun TBH, but:

    Get a chinagraph pencil and a waterproof notebook if you want to write in the shower.

  4. I liked it. Not as good as the Lone Wolf and Cub series, but the influence they undoubtadly made on the Kill Bill made it very good.

    And it's not a kung fu movie.

  5. The bit that got me was where they landed a lear jet on a bridge (hmm, wouldnt be *any* crosswinds there then rock.gif ) then took off in the opposite direction.... yeah.. I can see that working.

  6. Some countries also place raised studs, often with reflectors, to enhance the lines. These make a distinct rumbling noise when you drive over them. They are never used in countries where snow is common, as the snow ploughs destroy them.

    In countries where snow is common, there are usually poles, sticks or posts every 50-100 m along the edge of the road. These are there to increase visibility when the road markings are covered by snow and ice, but also to make it possible for the snow ploughs to see where the road is.

    Agree apart from this bit:

    We have quite a lot of snow but still have reflectors on our roads. Even highland (mountain) passes which have the snow sticks all the way along them have reflectors up the middle; the snow ploughs just drive up one lane and don't scrape the middle line


  7. sorry but in my part of the world that just isn't true.

    They aren't significantly higher than the surrounding area - usually just level with it - but here roads are not trenches in the ground.

    There is cover at a road - the ditches by the side of it - but the roads are NOT lower than the rest of the landscape.

  8. I know, I know. It's not the penetration or that per se; its more that the shermans seem to acquire targets faster and fire quicker than my tanks. Which are not always tigers. Even at long range, when the sherman optics are very poor in comparison to most german tanks or assault guns, they still seem to hit very well.

    Meh. Probably just me.

    I'll probably find the opposite if I play american tank battles more.

    I just expect a dug in panzer IV with covered arcs to beat a sherman one on one .. which it doesn't do enough IMO (usually it does... but it should be almost definite IMO)

  9. The thing that annoys me about tanks is that the shermans seem to be far too good for what they are- infantry support tanks. They weren't good at killing other tanks, but in game I've seen a tiger disabled by one (albeit at long range) repeatedly.

    I don't think that's unrealistic. I mean, the Sherman didn't kill the Tiger, but I think a 75mm shell into the road wheels would disable just about anything.

    I've had Shermans take out Tigers before, but only with rear or lucky flank shots, and only with the loss of many Shermans in the process. Panthers are, IMHO, the deadliest things on the battlefield in any of the CM games. Even IS-2 and IS-3s could get their clocks cleaned by a regular or veteran Panther crew, while a Tiger would have only about a 25% chance of a victory.

    sorry, not immobile - disabled by minor penetration or whatever.

    I've also seen too many 'veteran' tank crews panic when faced with shermans even though they are in a better tank and, with the enemy only a few metres away, just not fire. All they had to do was fire the damn gun and the sherman would be wasted, but ..... they just looked at it while the sherman fired. This has happened too many times for my liking.

  10. What the hell is this game? I don't get away from flashpoint too often wink_o.gif

    Theres a demo available on www.battlefront.com if you want to see what all the fuss is about.

    The thing that annoys me about tanks is that the shermans seem to be far too good for what they are- infantry support tanks. They weren't good at killing other tanks, but in game I've seen a tiger disabled by one (albeit at long range) repeatedly.

  11. Umm, where I live roads are almost always higher than the surrounding area, and they usually look like a slight mound of tarmac on top of the ground (they aren't - they need gravel etc under the ground to support them - but thats what they look like)

    But ditches by the side of the road do offer good cover from fire

  12. Why didn't CNN have pictures from Edinburgh, the largest hogmanay party in the world?

    It got cancelled. The weather was not too good last night. Many events in the North of the country were cancelled due to high winds and rain.

    oh yeah! lol. Still pished biggrin_o.gif

    Forgot about that

    PS Edinburgh is south from where I live and we still went to the shops in T shirts

  13. I thought that you are Pope for life and that not a single pope has ever abdicated?

    severall also were killed by the spouses of their mistresess, and at least one died of a heart attack while sodomising an altar boy. (this was a good while ago though)

    They have also been overthrown in the past.

    Why didn't CNN have pictures from Edinburgh, the largest hogmanay party in the world?

  14. Red faction used a boolean operation to create the holes. Soldier of fortune had the models with preset holes already on them covered by other polys that got removed when the area was shot.

    Although it would be great to see it, I really don't see OFP2 (or any other new game) using boolean style terrain deformation because it is hugely processor intensive.

    HL2 doesn't use it either.

  15. America != The whole world

    And its not even always true in the American military. If the costs in retrieving them will be too big, then the soldier(s) will be left.

    Different countries vary on what cost is too big (most countries apart from America making it 'If substantially more people would be lost rescueing them than saved by rescueing them'

  16. And if it is then I won't have a problem with it.

    However, if it was made so that that wasn't fixed BUT only designated drivers or pilots etc could use a perfectly servicable vehicle - then we'd have a problem, wouldn't we.

    I still think the best solution is just having a rating system and the possibility of locking certain vehicles/ certain missions rather than having it enforced on all missions.

    If you're stuck behind enemy lines, with a perfectly servicable aircraft, wouldn't you at least try it? I would.
