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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. But as in the case of my XO and many soldiers, he would have died had he not gotten to a hospital. But thats irrelevant to OFP and OFP2. If a soldier under fire can occassionally survive a direct hit and still walk or fight, it's cool with me. Granted his moments would be ticking away in real life, which is why I think it would be cool to add bleeding to the game. A touch of realism and put some real drama and excitement into the game.

    Say you just so happen to be one of the really lucky adrenaline pumped bastards who survives a direct hit. You're pinned down in a hiding spot, bleeding. you've got 3-4 minutes tops. Lets hope you team and medic have the guts for the challenge.

    Yes, that's exactly my point.

    They might die eventually from blood loss, but shots to areas other than heart/ brain do not usually kill instantly, so the way it is in OFP is fine, and if in OFP2 thats extended to having blood loss over time leading to death that would be better biggrin_o.gif

  2. What helicopter are you hoping to be a door gunner on in the British Army/ military?

    AFAIK we don't have any with door guns... the PUMA mark one had one... but I'm fairly sure we don't use it.

  3. If you had read properly, you would have seen that I was NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR MOD.

    I was talking about how playing as US SF vs guerillas that are RELATIVELY badly trained, under-equipped, badly led, outgunned, etc.

    You seem also to have totally ignored the point that even if those estimates of the guerilla forces are too low by half (IE they have double what the estimates say) - that is FUCK ALL for a modern army. Its impressive for drugs dealers. For an army that'll be going against one of the most high tech AND well supplied armies in the world, it is absolutely nothing.

    Quote[/b] ]The VC defeated the US with bamboo sticks dipped in rat shit, despite all the technology of the US

    Wrong. The VC defeated the US because Giap was well aware of the wider picture and knew that the only way for his forces to beat the US was to give a higher priority to political issues than to military ones, making sure that his forces had resounding public support, and doing everything he could to destroy public support for the Americans. He knew that the americans could not stay in Vietnam for long; he also knew that in conventional warfare his forces would be annihilated (and on the very rare cases that they did fight conventionally they were). His policy was to erode US morale and keep the vietnamese on his side, he knew that even if the war lasted 20 years, provided he kept support for his side, the americans would have to withdraw and he would win. Although he made some major mistakes (the Tet offensive being one of them) - his entire policy hinged on sapping US morale (using tanks crewed by women was particulary good at this), destroying home support (Vietnam being one of the first televised conflicts) and motivating the civpop (his soldiers swore an oath never to harm civilian farms, to help them when they could, etc).

    Thus he defeated the US forces. But it was not without significant amounts of materiel and training from Russia and China, although this merely made the time taken for the war shorter.

    If you think the VC defeated the US in one on one fights , you are utterly wrong. Any time they fought conventionally, the VC were annihilated, but because of Giaps superior grasp of the bigger picture and tactics, the VC won their objectives eventually.

    Quote[/b] ]

    It doesn't matter if a 7.62 round is fired by a cheap, crappy rifle or an ultra-sophisticated wonder gun, it'll still kill you. In close range combat, having a rifle with 20 fancy attachments won't save you from someone with extensive experience in the jungle and a lot of backup.

    No, but if the high tech rifle is held by someone who also has a radio and access to thousands of bombers loaded with defoliants, napalm and other effective man-killers, that tends to make a bit of a dent in the low-tech side's numbers.

    The US strategy was to bring the VC to battle and destroy them with superior firepower. The VC knew this and usually (apart from the aforementioned mistakes) never fought this way.

    Now, apart from the fact that you are mistaken about the impact of high tech weapons on low tech enemies, you are also mistaken in thinking that any of this would be fun to play through, in game terms.

  4. Well considering you had secular leanings so i thought you would generally? smile_o.gif

    Yeah... obviously all people who do not beleive in the Quran beleive in something else, and they all believe in angels....... rock.gif

    Quote[/b] ]

    Dont you believe there could be life out there then?

    *could be* is not the same as *I believe in aliens.*

    Quote[/b] ]

    Excuse me there are lots claims in it that are true , read before you spout crap , The Quran tells about the Universes Expansion , it also tells about its contraction , it also supports the theory of evolution , it also predicts the end of the world and even said about the Plate movements 1400 year ago plus many more facts.

    I'll quote those to you if you want.

    No, it doesn't. There are some vague wooly ramblings that can be interpreted to mean something approximating real facts, IF you look at it with hindsight. Its like a horoscope: zero facts, vague statements that can be taken to mean anything.

    If you're going to quote something, it had better be on the lines of 'The speed of light in a vaccum is ....' not vague twaddle.

    Neither was the religion made up by old men (some were probbaly but not the divine ones) who wanted to see their societys changed no one goes through all that crap they did no one bears so much nonsense and hate for nothing.

    Yes they do. People are stupid and get brainwashed. Are you saying that because people suffered for their beliefs that makes them true? So every single religion in the world is true? Do you need the problem in that scenario explained for you? They cannot all be true - they contradict each other.

    Quote[/b] ]

    If you can come up with better ideals on how a society should work and how the world works plus how did the universe came in to being then show me the direction of your house i'll start worshipping you crazy_o.gif

    Do unto others as you would have done to you. *

    Do some research yourself. Don't worship anyone.

    Quote[/b] ]

    I'd rather believe in a GOD who created ths world rather then living a confused life wondering how did we materialse from ?

    Once again, what you want has ZERO to do with reality.

    I'm sure your little delusions feel nice right now, but that doesn't mean they are true; to use an often quoted phrase, 'Its no more relevant than the fact that a drunk man is happier than a sober man.'

    Quote[/b] ]

    Hes basing it on Quran and i explained why too read that ... but hes explaining things in a scientific manner and isnt saying this is true because i said so ... as you are.

    He isn't doing it in a scientific manner. At all. To you it might appear that it is, but if you had any education on the subject you would see the huge problems with this nonsense.

    I'm not saying anything is true because I say so. Research it yourself. Do not take my word for it. Learn.

    *don't even try to say this is a religious concept. Its not. It was in hammurabi's code of laws for goodness sake; it's a concept that is nessesary for human culture and society.

  5. @Baron: As denoir said that is th scientific way to prove a thing you assume its true and then go forward if you dont assume that its true then wtf are you moving forward with it? rock.gif

    Read my post. Again.

    you TEST if its true. You do NOT assume that it is true and refuse to consider that it might not be true.

    Quote[/b] ]

    As for the other comment of yours well whats wrong? Are the basic fundamentals of islamic ideology shiite looking to you or something?

    Umm... yes. Nice book, shame it was made up by old men looking to improve there own lot in life. There's nothing supernatural about it. None of the claims made about it predicting the future, or being full of scientific information are true (and neither are those same claims made of other vague, wooly books such as the Xian bible or Nostradamus' prophecies)

    Quote[/b] ]

    @Balshoiw: You can belive in aliens and not angels?

    Wow now thats controversy , if there can be another being besides us then why not angels? Are they related to religion so therefore they cant exist? rock.gif

    Sorry thats very lame.

    No, angels can't exist because they are impossible. Square circles cannot exist; they have self contradictory properties. So do angels.

    Quote[/b] ]

    But remember this:

    PS The ideas, opinions and theories expounded by the author in this article may be proven wrong in the light of new knowledge available in the future and the author takes full responsibility for it. There is nothing wrong in expounding one's ideas; today which may be proven inappropriate or obsolete in the future.

    Theres nothing wrong with expounding original, new ideas. Expounding ancient jibberish nonsense, on the other hand...

    We don't need to wait for the future, this crap is both inappropriate and obsolete today.

    He didnt base any of his assumptions strictly on what the Quran said either , he only followed a lead which is pretty much the only way to go in this research otherwise where else could he get information on angels? tounge_o.gif

    WHAT? Are you even reading the same thing as everyone else?

    The ONLY thing he is basing his nonsense on is the Quran!

  6. You simply cannot do scientific work by assuming that something is true and then trying to find ways to prove it.

    Hehe, I think you want to reconsider that statement. That is the way of the scientific method.

    You 1) Formulate a hypothesis

    2) Prove it

    The problem in the religious type crackpot "proofs" is that they make huge assumptions that they are not even trying to prove, that they take bits and pieces of existing science and put everything together in a nonsensical way. And for axioms they take interpretations of ancient religious texts which cannot by any standard be inserted as a reliable scientific reference.

    Correct. However, you don't assume that it is true and attempt to prove it; you postulate something that *might* be true and test it; if it's not true, you do not ignore the evidence and look for more.

    Example of creationist 'science'/ religious 'science' - 'God created the world, where is the evidence to support this. Ah, this evidence doesn't support this idea: the evidence is wrong.'

    Example of proper science investigating the same thing:

    'IF god created the world, then X Y and Z should be true: are they. No. What else could explain the evidence we have?'

    I should have said

    'You simply cannot do scientific work by assuming that something is true and then trying to find ways to prove it, and ignoring anything that contradicts it'

  7. Acecombat: That site is nonsense. Sorry.

    You simply cannot do scientific work by assuming that something is true and then trying to find ways to prove it.

    Quote[/b] ] In the Kalimah one has to bear/witness to the truth in the following words: "I bear witness that there is no god (deity) but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Servant and Apostle of Allah." By proclaiming this Kalimah one implicitly believes in the following Articles of Faith:


    2. Existence and Attributes of Allah Destiny or Measure (Taqdir)

    3. Angels

    4. Prophets

    5. Revealed Books

    6. The Hereafter

    Right, he sounds very unbiased and completely open minded. What a load of shite.

  8. Agree with M21man

    And i dont make things up, you obviously didnt take my advise and get your facts straight. You are bluffing 100% of the way.

    The following may help you in extracting your head from up your crack




    Quote[/b] ]Today, the war is being waged on an unprecedented scale. Conflict is endemic in eight of Colombia´s 32 departments, affecting 20 percent of the total population and claiming over 40,000 lives since 1990. Nearly half of Colombia's land area (excluding major cities) is currently controlled by the FARC or ELN. Within this vast area, many pockets of territory are held by the paramilitaries, most of whom are affiliated with the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).

    These are not some minor groups. If you are in doubt, just ask some colombians or people who know the country well.

    Poorly equipped?

    Quote[/b] ]The FARC is considered to be financially self-sufficient, raking in a staggering $600,000 million a year from kidnap ransoms, extortion payments and "taxes" levied on local drug production and trafficking. The group has an estimated 15-20,000 seasoned fighters, and possesses some 30,000 automatic weapons along with a small air force of planes and helicopters.

    Stop acting like US SF are invincible, and everyone else is crap. Its not true, and there are many real life examples to show it.

    If you dont like the idea, dont download it, but dont go making up stuff and trying to discredit others ideas.

    Don't change your story, and don't twiust what I said.

    I was talking about fighting 'terrorists' as US special forces (because that's who we'd probably be playing as)

    Playing as one of the drug factions or the columbian military vs the other one would be a LOT better than that, although the shitty equipment would still be a problem.

    The Farc has shitty equipment. They are well armed for drugs manufacturers NOT well armed for an army.

    If you think I think the US SF are invincible (or even good) then you are deeply mistaken. They do, however, uncontravertibly, have huge amounts of high tech, effective, extremely destructive kit. So much so that a game where you played as them vs a third world basically mercenary army would not be fun because it would be... too easy.

    Playing as a 3rd world mercenary army vs another equivalently trained / resourced army would be better.

    Playing as the US, or russians, or even British, french, german, whatver VS an equivalent or slightly better enemy would also be good.

    That's why resistance and CWC was good- you had enough equipment to get the job done but it wasn't a case of 'oh noes we are in the shit send in a wing of B2 bombers to level the jungle!' or 'Hooray we have thermal goggles, satellite imagery and lots of fire support and they have a couple of AKs and a pickup.'

    Once again - I'm not talking about your mod. I'm talking about OFP2, which is not as free to do cool stuff as a mod is. You don't have to worry about idiots in the high street stores not buying your mod because it doesn't appeal to them. OFP2 has to have some degree of mass market appeal, which means if the war on drugs is in it, you *will* be playing as the 'brave american soldiers who are wiping out this horrible disease' - note the quote marks - and it will not be fun.

    Your mod is fine with me. I'm sure it will be great. Its just not suitable for a game in itself, not because its a bad idea but because people are stupid, ignorant sheep who will not buy something that goes against their perceptions - which is why there aren't any games centering on playing as a german infantryman in WWII.

    Centering on - not featuring.

    Once again - thats quite well armed for a drugs ring, but not at all well armed for anything thats fighting a high tech, well supplied enemy like the US.

  9. Quote[/b] ]Fighting 'terrorists' in the 'war on drugs' is not a fun scenario. Accept it.

    You may accept that. We will not coerce you into downloading our mod. However, I'm sure other people will be entertained by jungle combat.

    I was not talking about your mod.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Ever play a mission in the Tonali jungles? Even ultra-low skill TRF forces can rip your squad of elites apart in seconds.

    Not often, because I *hate* HD weapons.

    But that situation might be to do with the unsuitability of the OFP1 engine to jungle warfare - it can make it look pretty good, but the AI has to 'cheat' to be effective in it - in other words, they can see through foliage (especially if another member of their squad can see you) and you can't really use the dense foliage for cover from sight, making it ... unrealistic. And not fun. In my opinion.

  10. I do respect anybody's religious belief, that's a fundamental Human right.

    No it isn't.

    Depending on what you mean by respect. If you mean 'allow them to do whatever the hell they say their religion says'* - then no it isn't. If you mean 'let them believe whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people' then yes, it is.

    *here I mean things like Branch Davidians (the Waco siege), other religious cults, mass suicides, etc as well as things like a single crazy person who thinks god is telling them to torture and kill other people.

    The amount of crazy beliefs that are tolerated depends on the society and how different those crazy beliefs are to the crazy beliefs of the society. Eg the literal changing of bread into human flesh.

  11. Where are these guerillas?

    South America? Ballocks.

    They have almost no training and zero assets (support, artillery, etc etc.)

    Infantry combat is a large part of OFP. The majority, however, like OFP the way it is, not completely changing the dynamic of the game and removing what are some of the greatest aspects of the game.... vehicles.

    99% of the missions I've played and are popular on the servers I play on involve vehicles.... fighting with them or not.

    Please, don't assume everyone else is stupid, and don't make up statistics.

    Fighting 'terrorists' in the 'war on drugs' is not a fun scenario. Accept it.

    Likewise, fighting as the forces of Giap vs the Americans in Vietnam wouldn't be that fun either, although they did win the war. Because although they acheived their objectives, they didn't do *that much* fighting- apart from the failed offensives- which also wouldn't be fun to play through as infantry because it was a massacre.

    I say again: fighting against enemies who are (relative to the forces you play as) untrained, badly equipped, poorly led and whose tactics are: avoid fighting


    human wave attack.

    is just not fun in a game. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Its too easy.

  12. I am a strong Bush supporter, but I DO NOT LIKE THE SOUND OF THIS.

    VERY unsettling if you ask me. I think we should stay put right here on earth.

    No need to waste time looking around space. What the hell is in space anyways? What's the point?

    Other than for military applications, I see no reason to be in space.

    Yea we should have all stayed in our caves and not bothered with this fire nonsense in the first place.

    People with this attitude make me sick.

  13. i guess there is a little confusion between acknowledging difference and discrimination.

    in case of driver's info, there are other infos regarding actuarial rate. however, on average it is said that women are safer drivers.

    a sexist would say, 'since they are women who are incapable of grand motor skills, they need to pay more'

    then why is different rate NOT a sexist? think conversely. should there be no distinction between both genders, women drivers will be subject to higher fees than they would have paid. is that justifiable? women drivers would be paying for something male drivers are doing.

    As opposed to male good drivers paying for both male bad drivers and female bad drivers?

    In either event, its discrimination based on over generalising. Which is what sexism is about, racism is about... etc. Which is bad.

    Quote[/b] ]

    white people on average are more educated....lol....then i guess Asians should be the only ones taking jobs in scientific field, blacks in entertainment and sports.... biggrin_o.gif

    education is also dependent upon parent's wealth and environment. unfortunately, here in US, a black kid grows up on less privieleged neighborhood, and has less access to better secondary education. and when they come out to society, do you think it is going to be a good comparison?

    I KNOW all that, thats WHY I posted the comparison.

    Its discrimination based on generalising. Its a bad thing. Hiring only white (or asian) people because they have more education is also a bad thing. Is this sinking in at all? Do you understand this point?

    Quote[/b] ]

    the difference is when you give same process, and yet the results are different depending on other factors. both genders take same driving lessons, same DMV tests. given that process, the arising difference in motor skills can be attributed to difference in biological/hormonal difference.


    Same driving tests? With the same instructors being completely unbiased? Ha! Apart from that, there is the fact (that I mentioned before but you seem to have ignored) that men drive more than women, hence are more likely to have an accident (even one that is not their fault) - and other similar factors. It is by no means only a biological difference, and even if it was, its STILL sexist.

    Try not hiring someone because of 'biological/hormonal problems with doing this job.' Try it. What will happen? You'll be sued for sexist hiring procedures.

    You could also try it with not hiring someone of a different 'race' (for all that that concept is a myth.)

    Discriminating against people, even when all other factors are the same (say adopted brothers, one black one white, same school, university, results, etc) - is illegal. You couldn't say 'I'm not hiring the black guy because he's biologically unsuited to this job' or 'because blacks are more prone to violence' or some other racist nonsense.

    You cannot do it, yet this blatant discrimination is fine?

  14. if you are wondering how actualrial insurance rate is caluclated, you look at empirical data of a group. this is not sexism, but a fact reflected by total number of claims(and cost of it) from both groups. unfortunately women get into less costly claims than men.

    And why is that not sexist?

    Referring to my earlier example of how only hiring white people since they are on average more educated?

    It is sexist. Not hiring women for a physical job is also sexist. That doesn't mean its not a good idea, it means people need to stop tip toeing around and just admit that its sexist.

  15. I think you should read it because

    a) its about the nightstalker mod, not OFP2

    b) it still only has infantry combat - which is not why a lot of people play OFP.


    Quote[/b] ](pathy) i hope BIS doesnt make a war on drugs campaign

  16. Sorry, but I don't want a 'game' of shooting ill-equipped, untrained, hopeless, cowardly 'enemies' who just cannot fight back effectively. It's not fun just to own the enemy with no chance of being defeated, as any kind of 'war on drugs' campaign would be.

    Unless of course we were fighting as the drug lords. That would be interesting, but not that much fun either.

    Besides, as already said, the vehicles would be:

    Very few jeeps.

    Extremely, extremely few hueys.

    VS: even less technicals. And some unarmed vans and boats.

    It would be boring ...and crap.


  17. Its called a microphone biggrin_o.gif

    Crystal (piezoelectric) mics are really cheap (roughly the same as an 'own brand' budget mouse) - but are not good enough for professional recording - they're fine for in game chat or whatever though.

    Next are dynamic mics* - moderately cheap, used for amateur voice recording, karaoke, etc. Not quite good enough for pro work but ok. Pay around the same as for a hard drive.

    Then theres top of the range condenser mics, cost ... lots. Easily over a grand for the best ones.

    Or did you mean software?

    Windows sound recorder? That can record stuff but its pretty bad.

    Your sound card probably came with some sort of recording software too. 99% of them do.

  18. The problem is over generalising. On average, women are less physically capable than men. That doesn't mean that a specific woman *cannot* be as capable as a man.

    Which is why everyone should do the same physical tests. If they can do it, they can do it, no matter what sex they are.

    That doesn't mean that mixed sex units are a good idea, though, for the reasons stated before.

    Actually "if they can do it, they can do it" is not quite the case. They might do the training, but it does not mean they will be as capable 3 years from now compared to an average male who did the same training... seriously, it's not as simple as passign the training, and you can't get around human anatomy. Sill, chances are they'll do just fine if they passed the training etc. tounge_o.gif

    Thats why we have CFTs and the like every year in the military....

  19. no, its like having three seperate screens.

    Each screen has its own resolution, its not like one stretched to fit 3.

    Of course, this means that the gfx card is throwing 3 times as many polys around... kind of..

  20. The problem is over generalising. On average, women are less physically capable than men. That doesn't mean that a specific woman *cannot* be as capable as a man.

    Which is why everyone should do the same physical tests. If they can do it, they can do it, no matter what sex they are.

    That doesn't mean that mixed sex units are a good idea, though, for the reasons stated before.

  21. Oh right, so its ok since companies are profiting from discriminating against sections of society....

    That makes sense.

    I'm pissed off about this because my car insurance went up so far I couldn't afford to own a car anymore (and no, I didn't cause any accidents.)

    While I get in a car with some women drivers that pay roughly a quarter of what I was paying and who have absolutely no control of their car at all. (note the some - I'm not saying all women are bad drivers - just that *a* bad female driver pays less than a *good* male driver - simply because they are female)
