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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. I dont want to download a mod just to use crew served weapons baron. I also as an individual dont want to sit around carrying a tripod and not getting any action. Just imagine carrying a tripod for a complete noob. perhaps if you could still use a weapon while carrying a tripod that would be good but apart from that no

    You can still use your personal weapon while carrying a tripod.

  2. Quote[/b] ]Nobody is saying that every second word should be fuck, or that normal voice procedure should be changed (which is about the only time soldiers don't swear) - just the chatter, the stuff in cutscenes, possibly the section talking if that is changed in OFP2.

    As in: soldiers swear when they are talking to each other, NOT on the radio.

  3. If anyone of my soldiers uses swearwords in real missions while facing locals he´s punished. If anyone of my soldiers at camp uses swearwords while talking to other soldiers or officers he gets punished.

    Soldiers have a code of honor and ROE´s. Swearing is not included there. For sure you say "Fu**!" by surprise sometimes but intentional swearing is very rare during combat. You just have no time to do it and it disturbes in-team communication.

    Sorry but I just do not agree. Every single soldier, be they Jock, NCO or Officer, swears. A lot. Swearing *at* people is completely different from just swearing as we all do in normal speech.

    Nobody is saying that every second word should be fuck, or that normal voice procedure should be changed (which is about the only time soldiers don't swear) - just the chatter, the stuff in cutscenes, possibly the section talking if that is changed in OFP2.

    In my experience, the people who complain about swearing are the immature ones. As someone else said, it's fine to shoot people in the head but you can't say naughty words?

    Grow up, anyone who can't stand normal everyday language.

    They are ONLY WORDS.

  4. come to it you could have crew served weapons like that. You run around with your normal rifle SMG etc. but when your still you have an option in action menu that says "deploy Milan GPMG etc" then you would have a 10-20 second pause perhaps with animation then your weapon is deployed. You could only be able to move it in a fairly small arc without redeploying it to stop people just setting up and killing everything within two miles. this would also reward people for setting up at good bottlenecks these weapons could be very powerful against tanks or have a high rate of fire and range but can only be moved in a limited arc of fire

    I know people will whinge about how you need two people for a Milan etc but who in a MP game for example wants to be stuck carrying a tripod around?

    ......Exactly how it works in FDF mod, you mean???

    And plenty of people carry tripods in multiplayer.

    *edit* -and in DoD, only the MGs are allowed to deploy, but if the team changed it anything could deploy.

  5. When the Scots Guards were attacking Tumbledown, the Argentines attempted to taunt them, but none were responded to (the battle went on for hours) - until one Argentine soldier shouted ''Go home you English bastards!" - at which point a jock stood up and yelled 'Ah'm no fuckin' English! You'se are gettin' it!"

  6. Look at these claims carefully, the sooner you are able to convince yourself they are absolutely made up the better you are at detecting lies and pure imagined BS. A skill worth having these days. tounge_o.gif

    -But then who would employ the millions of unemployed priests, bishops, medicine men, tv psychics and general frauds?

  7. This must be the third time this bullshit has turned up.

    1) hes not from the future. He's a fraud.

    2) Anyone can claim vague predictions about what might happen in the future, thats how horoscopes and other bullshit are done.

    Its nonsense and I'm tired of it.

  8. A MiG-23UB Flogger C has two seats and can go mach 2.35

    (For some reason, Mig23 + mig27 are both called flogger?)

    Anyway, most military aircraft have two seat variants for training.

  9. a thread on jumping? rock.gif

    I dont quite remember..was it global operations... might have been but anyway there they solved the bunnyjumping thing in a pretty good manner. It only allows such a jump ever 3 seconds.

    Day of Defeat also has severe restrictions on jumping while allowing you to go over obstacles you need to - with a stamina system. Also allows sprinting with stamina system.

    CoD is crap, IMO. I completed it, but I felt dirty doing so.

  10. Jump over ditches. Jump over mines. Jump over low objects.

    Its' applicable but the game engine has to be changed to inhibit woohoo-woohoo jumping mode.

    So you're telling me if a soldier sees a mine he'll jump over it instead of walking around it? Or jump a ditch rather than find a safer route to cross it, what if he falls in the ditch and breaks his ankle? His whole squad is messed up from one moment of stupidity. Not to mention the fact that I can't imagine any soldier carrying a full pack plus weapon and ammo etc. can jump very high?

    Although games over exaggerate it, a fit soldier can easily jump over a ditch/ stream/ whatever with all his kit on - and in most games they're only wearing webbing, not full bergans. When I was doing Cambrian Patrol we jumped over plenty of streams (and waded the rivers)
