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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. @ Feb. 25 2004,12:25)]
    could you please reduce the roll rate on the mig a tad its a bit of twichy bird to fly with a joystick compared to all the other ofp planes

    I think this was discussed a while back, and the author of the individual addon (Kegetys) said that he makes his stuff from how he uses it. Wich is without a joystick. But I hope that he can work something out for you.

    No. No. Not this discussion again...

    Most of people still play OFP with keyboard and mouse. Therefore those planes have to be configured for kbd+mouse controllers. The way Kege has configured them for kbd+mouse in earlier versions of FDFMOD is good. Same (or atleast very similar) method will be used in future releases too. Good point and suggestion anyway, thanks.

    I really hope that everyone would be happy with current settings.

    Just to stick my oar in; I use a joystick to fly (usually, although I use a mouse sometimes) and don't have any problems with the FDF planes ; they are twitchy but after a little practice you can fly them fine.

    I like it how it is


  2. On a sidenote, I would love to be involved in something like this as well. No chance of this happening anywhere in Europe though sad_o.gif

    Eh? There's airsoft sites all over the place, at least in the UK. (which is a part of Europe, Americans)

    I'm not talking about that.

    I am talking about using choppers, playing for over 36 hrs on a field that is sufficiently large for such an event.

    Most sites in the UK are tiny. Too small fro something like that.

    There are thousands of places in the highlands that would be suitable for such an event if someone were to organise it. All it would need in another area would be the support of a local landowner (admittedly a big landowner.)

    I'd see such an event happening on the same land that the owner would use for shooting the rest of the time (game shooting) - but off season.

    I've been to (game) shoots that cover vast areas, easily large enough for a combined arms exercise.

    As a last resort, MOD owned land that doesn't get much use might be allowed to be used for such a task (As long as it gets publicity, the KAPE policy of the MOD should support such a thing) - although they don't like soldiers playing airsoft or paintball because we realise how easy it is to get shot biggrin_o.gif

  3. On a sidenote, I would love to be involved in something like this as well. No chance of this happening anywhere in Europe though sad_o.gif

    Eh? There's airsoft sites all over the place, at least in the UK. (which is a part of Europe, Americans)

  4. Like others here I don't see much use for this technology as simply an aid to infantrymen carrying 'heavy' loads - as walker said - US troops just need to get fitter.

    What I do see is potential to scale this up to make the sci-fi 'Heavy Gears' or even 'Mechwarriors' - or the 'loader' type of thing from 'Aliens.'

    Once you have this type of technology working, you can adapt it to make better walking robots, etc. Walking machines are better in rough terrain than wheeled/ tracked machines, as long as the sense of balance is good.

  5. Matt 24:

    3-31 explains what will happen.

    32-36 expains witch generation he means.

    ...by saying '

    Quote[/b] ]This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

    What part of that is too hard to understand?

    He also says that he will return before they can "go over the cities of Israel." Later (24:14) he says he will not come until the gospel is preached throughout the world. Well, his disciples went over the cities of Israel and then died waiting for the "return of the Lord." Now, nearly 2000 years later, and long after the gospel had been preached throughout the world, his followers still wait.

    Just face it.

    Quote[/b] ]
    Quote[/b] ]no matter what the bible OT says

    Well, what does it say?


    Isaiah 11:12

    And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

    Isaiah 40:22

    It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in

    Ezekiel 7:2

    Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.

    Matthew 4:8

    Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (only possible if the earth is flat)

    Revelation 7:1

    And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

  6. Nonsense well thats another perspective thing ....

    What are you trying to say here that respect the person but dont respect his belief as it is bullshit to you?

    Thank you for re-instating my point wink_o.gif

    No, its not a perspective thing.

    Its not a perspective thing that the world is not flat: it simply isn't. (no matter what the bible OT says)

    Its not a perspective thing that gravity is not the result of gravity fairies.

    Its not a perspective thing that the sun does not go round the earth.

    Anyone saying those things is speaking bullshit.

    End of line.

    It's not bullshit 'to me' - its just bullshit.

  7. Hi! Interesting discussion! Okay, i'll add some stuff, just for the record wink_o.gif
    Quote[/b] ]Matthew 24:34

    Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all

    these things have taken place.

    Im afraid you forgot to write the verses before 34.

    Quote[/b] ]Matthew 24:

    32) Now learn this parable from the fig tree:

    When it's branch has already become tender

    and puts forth leaves, you know that summer

    is near.

    33) So you also, when you see all these things,

    know that it is near - at the doors.

    The fig tree symbolizes the state of Israel. And "When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves" symbolizes Its (Israel) restoration (1948)


    As for the "bible code" Well i haven't read it, and cant comment on that. But im a bit sceptic smile_o.gif

    I'm sorry but I don't see the relevance of this as 'out of context' at all.

    The whole chapter goes on and on about all these things that will happen, he gives an example of a fig tree being a symbol of things being about to happen, then continues on and says the rest of the things he claimed will happen will happen before the generation he is talking to has gone.

    Not out of context at all.

  8. That would not explain why you take things out of context (from the bible) and make something of it that it isn't.

    Post something I've taken out of context that is not espoused by at least one religious group around the world.

    Go on.

    Different religious groups/ individuals like to interpret their books differently (because they are so vague and wooly) - just because your group has a different interpretation doesn't mean I'm taking it out of context.

  9. There's no reason to spend hours bringing you up to the standard of high school students because you won't listen anyway; far better to have you do some work yourself.

    And I understand god/ faith fine, thank you very much; I am an Ordained Reverend licenced to conduct services; I've done a LOT of research on the topics and I've learned a lot more than most 'believers' do.

  10. You seem to be confusing a disinterest in teaching basic high school science to someone who won't listen anyway with an inability to produce facts.

    I'll say it again. Just because you can't /won't understand science, doesn't mean its not true.

    A good place to start might be talkorigins or, as I said, a simple google search.

    And Science has NO religion 'part' at all.

    Since you don't see why the sequence is in the wrong order, I am totally justified in not bothering to attempt to teach you science as you clearly have not the slightest grasp of any of the basic principles.

  11. Its not my job to educate you. If you aren't aware of the many different ways there are of finding out information on events such as the big bang, I'd have to teach you basic high school science.

    Rest assured, the grown ups know how this works. I'm not going to write a two page essay for you to say 'I can't believe that.'

    A simple google search will give you plenty of information on both of these subjects.

    Just to show you that I am not simply saying this, however: the Genesis account gives the order of creation like this :

    the earth is created, then light and stars, then birds and whales, then reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals.

    This is almost exactly the wrong order.

  12. Just because you don't/ cant understand something doesn't mean noone else does. I'd advise you to do some learning on what the words 'prove' 'theory' 'accepted' and 'science' mean before posting such nonsense.

    Science is not a belief or a faith. Accept it. You are wrong.

    Quote[/b] ]About god and time: God created us in his image, so I would assume he looks somewhat like us. With or withour beard

    In the bible it says that for god a day is like a thousand years and thousand years is like a day (or something). I think that simply means time doesnt matter to god. In other words, the 7 days of the creation could just be a way of describing how he created things in a specified sequence.

    the sequence is in the wrong order no matter what the period of time is changed to mean. As I already said.

  13. where in the bible does it say a bearded man made the earth and when in the bible did it say that one day was 24 hours? Hmmmm.... nowhere. You can believe what you want and you have no place telling somone its not true in any way. That may be your belief, good for you, this is mine. I respect your idea and maybe your right, but dont spit words out before you can back it up. Tell me where in the bible it says a day consisted of 24 hours and that god was a bearded man. Also theres even theories suggesting a greater power had to initiate the "big bang" that created us, so whos to say "god" didnt make that happen. See man your too over spoken sit back and learn something it might do you some good, and for pete's sake learn some manners and respect. You know no better than me and I no better than you, i repect that how bout you.

    The bible is demonstrably wrong. No matter what the period of time is 'reinterpreted'* to mean, the sequence of events is in completely the wrong order. There are thousands if not millions of contradictions in a book supposedly written by or inspired by a perfect omniscient god. Do you not see the problem there?

    There are no theories suggesting (a) god made the big bang.

    To be a theory, something needs to be

    Quote[/b] ]A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted
    . Its not a theory.

    I don't 'believe' anything the way you are using the word.

    There is no reason to give ludicrous nonsense respect it does not deserve. That includes such ideas as the moon being made of green cheese, the earth being flat, gravity fairies and divine creation.

    *changed once the church elders figure out it is wrong

  14. shhh..... It is what you want to believe, right or wrong. Do not tell some one NO if you believe they are wrong!!! it is rude unkind and unperfessional. Any ways the author over looked the fact that the bible was written buy hundreds of people.

    1) I don't believe.

    2) The two options are not equally likely. The earth is not flat, no matter what some nutjobs think. The earth was not created in days by an invisible bearded fairy, no matter what some other nutjobs think.

    I don't think you get the point. The bible is not true. It is a mythical story, like all the other mythical stories you don't believe in: Roman, Greek, Norse, Hindu stories of creation/ gods/ etc.

  15. the author of the bible code just wants to sell paper. his theories are not credible. he mentions every other character of history - even hitler, clinton, etc. - but never the central one of the bible: Jesus Christ. what does the bible code say about him? I for one wouldn't mind knowing.

    I agree.

    Quote[/b] ]

    the bible code attempts to read between the lines.

    why not just read the book as is? rock.gif

    ...Because its nonsense, because it's incredibly vague, contradictory and wooly, because there is no consensus on what it means, because it 'needs interpretation' by others (read: have a good spin put on it), because it plain lies on occasion. For starters.

    Quote[/b] ]

    the first three chapters of genesis don't discuss the scientific ramifications of creation in detail, because this would be beside the point.

    They don't discuss the scientific anything at all, because it is a creation myth written by a nomadic tribe several thousand years ago.
    Quote[/b] ]

    biblical christianity deals with these points:

    God made man good.

    man has fallen by his own choice and became bad.

    God desired to restore man.

    to this end God became man in Jesus.

    see Jesus - see God; hear Jesus - hear God; Jesus' acts are God's.

    on the cross Jesus took the sin of man upon himself.

    the cross was an altar.

    Jesus hanging there was a sacrifice.

    Jesus died and suffered in the place of sinners.

    on the third day Jesus rose phyically from the dead.

    everybody who believes this and calls on God to save him receives new life.

    the believer is now spiritually born again and God lives in his heart.

    when he dies he goes to live with God.

    go tell this to all nations.

    that in a nutshell is biblical christianity, that's what the book is about.

    No, this is biblical christianity in a nutshell:

    All seeing, all powerful, perfect god creates imperfect humans (!) with his omniscience already knowing what they will do.

    Is surprised when they do what he knew they would do. Punishes humans for doing exactly what he knew they would do.

    Creates son to solve problem he foresaw already and created in the first place. Kills own son (quite cruelly). Decides problem is now solved. Spends rest of his time manifesting in bakery products in mexico and ignoring prayers for help. Also likes creating tornados and making miracles happen by killing thousands but leaving one human alive, so that rednecks can scream 'ITS A MIRACLE! GAWD SAVED OUR BABY!'

    Quote[/b] ]

    as to creation:

    I believe the world is much older than 6000 years. but I believe God spoke it into existence like he said he did. a major refurbishing happened there several thousand years ago, and as a consequence the globe became hospitable to man.

    Which is demonstrably utterly wrong.
    Quote[/b] ]

    then man was instituted as the "god" of this world, fell, and since the fall the devil runs the show. ( 2 corinthians 4, 4 ) . until Adam's lease runs out and the outfit defaults back to its original owner: God.

    as to dinosaurs:

    did men and dinos live side by side? unlikely. but read Job 41. God describes an animal in that chapter which - to me - looks an awful lot like a dinosaur.


  16. Jesus is coming back soon, and sooner then we think! It is true we don't know when and we will never know. It is meant for us not to know. Now the 2012 thing that probaly isn't true. But let me tell you all, Jesus is coming, and the question is are you prepared? If not you should prepere for him. He wants you to accept him in your heart, will you? rock.gif

    Jesus tells his disciples that he will return before they can "go over the cities of Israel." Later (24:14) he says he will not come until the gospel is preached throughout the world. Well, his disciples went over the cities of Israel and then died waiting for the "return of the Lord." Now, nearly 2000 years later, and long after the gospel had been preached throughout the world, his followers still wait (matthew 10:23)

    Jesus mistakenly tells his followers that he will return and establish his kingdom within their lifetime. 16:28

    Jesus predicts the end of the world within the lifetime of his listeners. (matt23:36) (Mark 9:1)

    Jesus says that all that he describes (his return, signs in the sun, moon, and stars, etc.) will occur within the within the lifetime of his listeners. (luke 21:32)

    Cut the bible bullshit please, its a load of nonsense.
