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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Yeah I wasn't really saying that 'thats already in the game, shut up' so much as 'It shouldn't be too hard to implement this for OFP2' (/patch for OFP! smile_o.gif )

    FDF mod also has 'medic' screams for each side that can be heard by everyone around them in 3d sound.

    So it's all possible to do, the only constraint is if the programmers want to do it.

  2. Lets incorporate unlimited ammo and wallhacks in the game too, those who don't like it don't have to use it!!!!


    No. If the facility is there, it will get used and abused. You have to learn how to play properly to be a good player.

  3. Hey, what do you think? I'm not stupid, I'm simply unexperienced... I didn't try OFP MP, because playing MP in other games was too frustrating for me. I don't like playing with 12year old boys, which play Counterstrike from their 8th liveyear on and which give you a headshot with a desert eagle from 200m...

    So I first tried the Singleplayer Missions and the Campaign.

    Additionaly it has more sense for me playing a game with a story than playing with others on a map... I don't like this too much... but that's taste...

    OK, so far...

    The point is not 'omg you are a noob' - nobody is saying that; the point is, if you haven't played MP< don't know anything about MP, WHY do you feel qualified to discuss it and tell others how it should be?

  4. Stop stop stop stop.

    The sony statement about the next playstation 'lasting' 10 years is because people still have the original playstation... about 10 years after it was released.

    There is no WAY a console could be released that stays at the cutting edge of hardware for 10 MONTHS, let alone 10 years. PCs make consoles obsolete almost before they are released.

    You can buy a gaming PC for roughly double or 3 times the price of a brand new console that will last 3 times as long without becoming obsolete (and even then its cheaper to upgrade it than to buy a whole new console.)

  5. The future idea is to have a 3 step space plane, or a two step long distance plane. Take off with jets bringing the craft up to the speeds where scram will work. Scram needs an initial high speed being able to compress oxygen, scram takes over and will bring the craft up to or close to orbit speed while still in the atmosphere. the last stage, if space is the goal, is handled by a rocket engine.

    From ground to orbit using a lot less fuel a rocket would require.

    Or even using a carrier type plane as the launch vehicle (Eg an Antonov 124 could lift one easily - it was designed to move the russian shuttle about before launches on it's back.)

  6. The appearing on the beach thing is to stop the AI drowning. They used to do that, now they don't - improvement.

    I think you are having selective memory, because IMO the AI got cleverer as patches went on.

    The clincher is that you refer to Medal of Honour as having AI; moreover, GOOD AI!?

    Umm. No.

    Medal of honour games are 99% scripted. That means that there is VERY little actual AI in the game. I would hate for OFP2 to go down the same route. Medal of honour games are universally crap, IMO - the AI does exactly the same thing every time when you stand in the little trigger zones for them.

    BIS have nothing to learn from EA.

    I do think that dumbing down the game for arcade players is a very bad idea, but I don't think it has happened and hopefully will not happen (Xbox OFP notwithstanding; it'll have to be dumbed down for a console release)

  7. THe best selling game overall in the last year or so was the Sims.

    THE. SIMS.

    The people who bought that 'game' (dolls house simulator) and its thousands of spawn (sims hot date etc) are the reason for the lack of originality in games recently. Publishers go with what is popular. IF the market buys unoriginal, shitty games, they will finance unoriginal, shitty games.

    It is still possible for two people to make a game nowadays: it will just look/play/sound the same as it did back when it was customary for two people to make a game.

  8. OK - that would make sense, coop mission against bots. biggrin_o.gif Does exist such a thing somewhere? Maybe I should try out a MP-game in OFP...

    If you don't know anything about the game, why the hell are you posting stuff about it?

    Ever think about that?

  9. that's not fair to people who can't make it to highschool because they're not smart enough, but do want to. It's a nice thought but where will it end, hellfish? How long will it take untill you need a degree to be able to vote or stuff like that. That's like going back 100 years into our democtratic history. The basic rule in democracy is tha teveryone has a vote. Taking away that rule would ultimately result in a very bad system.

    ...As opposed to now, when every total moron can vote? Personally I don't think it would be worse.

    "The problem with democracy is that every damn fool gets a vote" - some famous guy.

  10. What about just having 2 saves but you can save again overwriting the first save (mama's boy setting). This means if the mission is way longer than anticipated you don't cringe at the fact you wasted it early on, nor do you save too rampantly.

    Being able to overwrite a save is exactly the same as unlimited saves.

  11. Isn't an armybase part of the territory of the owner of the base instead of the country it is placed in? That way, it would be pretty logic the guy wasn't allowed to drink; US territory, US rules...

    An Official armybase placed with the consent of the host country, yes. A bit of land an invading army has decided to put a temporary base on, no.

  12. I think people are losing sight of the real issue here: that these soldiers are being forced to adhere to the standards of the americans as opposed to their own. Its not about allowing soldiers to *get drunk* - its about the rules of their own country vs the somewhat uptight rules of america.

    I don't think any soldiers should be getting drunk when on deployment...but having one beer after a hard day *is* currently allowed- so stop argueing about that.

  13. Not sure I understand where you're coming from here as 'good' is a very personal definition. If I don't like something I tend not to class it as 'good'.

    'Good' media, be they games, movies, or books, are almost universally agreed upon. George Orwell's 1984 is, no matter how much you like or dislike the book, a good book. And so with movies and games.

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    It would seem that they ARE they way to make money, and I'm sure anyone currently playing something like UT2004 would question the 'lower quality for everyone' part.

    The same way as talentless eye candy like boy/ girl pop bands are the way to make money; however they are NOT good. They appeal to the lowest common denominator; they are technically not very talented, and they are... shite.

    UT2004 .. not a good game either. It has a nice engine, but the gameplay is not very good.

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    Now you see you can't patch terrible gameplay,

    No shit sherlock! Thanks for telling me that, I wasn't being ironic or anything.
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    as that once again is a matter of opinion. I quite like the way it plays, you obviously don't.

    So attempting to tell me that it is a good game is not going to work
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    Anyway, like I said comparing the two is entirely pointless.

    I'm not, and not many other people are, comparing the two. We are simply saying that BF1942 and BFV are NOT good games.
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    . However the attitude adopted by most that dislike the game seems to be somewhat like: "I don't like oranges, therefore all oranges are crap"

    Missed the whole point. Didnt understand my last post, evidently. Read it again.

    'This orange is rotten and full of maggots. Therefore I do not like it.'

  14. Yeah but then you have to get into defining what makes a 'good' movie / game. It's different for everyone.

    Depends how you define it. However, like movies, some games are *good* regardless of how much you like them or not.

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    If you don't like the style of play that something like BF1942 offers, don't play it. Similarly with movies, don't like the look of it? Don't watch it. Nobody forces you to participate in these things.

    Did anyone say they were? What are you talking about? The problem is the same as with pop music: it pollutes the environment of the rest of the games. Companies start thinking that brainless no skill deathmatchathons are how to make money, and make their games more like that, resulting in lower quality games for everyone.

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    Oh, and most of the stuff I see being levelled at BF1942 were patched out of existence a number of revisions ago.

    Such as? The terrible gameplay? The inconsistencies? The huge historical inaccuracies? The entire style of play?

  15. It's not a game with much realism. It's a game that should be fun to play. I am pretty sure that Dice wanted to make a fun game and not a realistic one. Infact they never meansion the word realism at their site.

    So take the game for what it is.. A game that's fun to play.

    1)Realism and fun are not mutually exclusive things.

    2) The problem with BF 1942 and BFV is the total lack of consistency. A sub machine gun can take down a fighter but cannot kill another human in less than 5 or six shots.... what the hell is that? This is usually complained as 'lack of realism' but in actuality its that the game world is inconsistent.

    3) Make an 'arcadey' 'fun' (I don't think its fun, at all, so I question that use of the word) game with lots of pretty lights and you will get a crap community. It's pop gaming for the pre-teens and teens-- the same people that keep crap music popular. And the same people who act like total twats in game.

  16. Easier to fly planes in BF1942? You must not fly then...they are touchy and require practice to fly.The planes in OFP are much nicer and easier to fly I think.

    I disagree. You only think they are harder to fly because you have only a few KM to fly in, so you have to turn harder and fly lower, not to mention that a couple of rounds from an infantryman can destroy your plane in BF1942 (yet it takes hundreds of rounds from a heavy MG to kill someone....)

  17. Anthropologists are not required to believe in any theory.

    NOBODY is required to believe in ANY theories.

    Isn't this sinking in yet?

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    We get educated in theory and we choose to accept it or reject it and if we publish papers on the topic, we must defend our beliefs in an academic manner. However cultural anthropologists generally do not concentrate on evolution. We study modern human societies and cultures.

    Your view that theory must be accepted as ABSOLUTE TRUTH until disproven is a very narrow minded attitude.

    Your lack of basic reading skills is getting annoying.

    Evolution is a FACT. The FACT of evolution is different from the theory of how it happens. The FACT of gravity is different from the THEORY of gravitation.

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    For me evolutionary theory is a good theory, but it only provides one small glimpse of the incredible complexities of biological entities that science is only just beginning to understand.

    So I don't reject it.

    Or even understand it.
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    Yes I know, you don't need to lecture me on all the processes of evolutionary theory.

    Apparently I do, because you just ignored (or didn't understand) what I said.
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    But the incredible number of variables and probablities of, for example, a species of flowering plant to mutate its flowers to mimic a particular species of wasp are truly mindboggling especially when such processes happen over a relatively short period of time (relative to many evolutionary processes) and when similar species evolve seperately around the world.

    Not if you actually understand how evolution works (hint: its NOT RANDOM)
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    What originally caused life to occur and to have that self-sustaining drive to survive and adapt to the enviornment by transforming itself into new species. What created that magnificent genetic code?

    Something that will only be discovered by science, not by books written by old men thousands of years ago, and certainly not by invisible sky fairies.
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    Ok... then I'll just call myself a believer if I don't fit the definition of agnostic.

    What gave you the idea to call yourself an agnostic if you don't actually know what one is? Spend a lot of time bandying words around that you don't understand, don't you.

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    I like fuzzy thinkers. smile_o.gif Strict adherence to any theory religious or scientific limits ones perceptions.

    How did I guess rock.gif .

    There is no such thing as a religious theory (theories *about* religions, yes)

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    While it may create a fullfilling well-ordered world for some, it also puts blinders on the mind to reality as experienced by others and to alternate hypothesis that fall outside the boundaries of a particular belief system.

    Did you, a religious peon, just accuse *anyone else* of being blinded to reality? Ironic :P

    Supernatural nonsense blinds people to reality. Science is all about reality, not nonsense supernatural crap.

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    And so is your vision of reality.

    ...because I'm the one who believes in things that don't exist.... right.

    Quote[/b] ]We are all limited by the filters of our own mind and abilities of perception. Some more then others.

    At least you admit it. As soon as you start acting on your problem, you'll be better.
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    I am always skeptical of anyone who claims they know the perfect truth, secular or religious. For them it may be perfect but rarely is any one "truth" perfect for all.

    There is NO such thing as two different truths. Something either happened or it did not (apart from quantum).

    There are no faeries at the bottom of the garden, period.

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    Sarcastic comments like that are exactly what I find insulting.

    It belittles my human experience. Trivializes it. Certainly to you it may mean nothing. But to me it is everything.

    Diddums. The word 'tough' spring to mind. It is still all in your head. YOU MADE IT UP. Deal with it.
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    My spiritual experiences and beliefs are what give richness and joy in my life. They are the coping mechanisms with which I handle adversity in life and through which I struggle to become a better person.

    I pity you if you have not found something in life that gives you that kind of intense joy and fullfillment.

    I pity those who need to make invisible friends for themselves and invent distorted views of reality to deal with real life. And I also pity those who think that you need all of those things to experience joy or fulfilment.
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    Because of my life experiences, that you know nothing about, my standard of validity and truthfulness has been more then surpassed when it comes to whether there is or isn't some kind of higher power in the universe that created it and that guides it.

    Great, you have low standards. Wow. I'm sure none of the chaps who believe they are napoleon in the old funny farms had any of their standards surpassed :P.





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    You may attack me and say that I have low standards then, but blah blah

    It simple. Your brain can make things up. So you need E V I D E N C E. Things that your brain could have made up are not evidence.

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    What you mistakenly assume is that I am trying to prove God exists. What I am saying is that I believe God does exist but that I am perfectly content if you want to believe God does not exist as long as you and people like yourselves do not try to force those beliefs upon me.

    Thats great. Please refrain from interjecting in any and all science discussions, work, research, etc.

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    We all have our biases sir. I do my best to make my biases very clear. There is no such thing as a human being without sciences. Since you seem to believe you know alot about science then you above all people should know that experimenter bias is a big factor in many types of scientific research.

    ...and yes I do believe in fairies. smile_o.gif'

    Fairies or similar entities are actually quite common in religions and folk beliefs around the world.

    ...and you seem to think that that makes it more likely... what is WRONG with you?
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    Again you belittle and insult people's religious beliefs by equating religion with mental illness. It's a very poor and transparent attempt at delegitmizing one's arguement, but I think most psychologists would conclude that the majority of people who believe in God are generally not characterized as having hallucinations and other forms of mental illness.

    .....you are insane.

    What is the difference between believing in one kind of invisible fairy and another?

  18. I'm an anthropologist myself and I do believe in the theory of evolution, however as an agnostic who believes in a higher divine power, I also believe that something other then random chance created this marvelous system of evolution and all the incredible logical systems that our sciences have measured and examined and developed theories and models upon.

    Who on earth gave you a job as an anthropologist if you don't even understand the basic idea of evolution?

    1) it is not something to be believed in.

    Evolution happened. The theory of how it happened is called the theory of evolution. It may or may not be correct, if not another theory of evolution will arise which will be more correct, and so on until it is correct.


    I'm really fed up of people who do not understand (have not bothered to research) evolution coming up with this 'random chance' bullshit. Mutations are (semi*) random, selection is NOT.

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    To me it is a miracle that we as the human species are even able to sit here and have this debate about whether or not we have a creator.

    One thing I do NOT like about this thread is the lumping of atheists and agnostics together. They are two VERY VERY VERY different things.

    No, they aren't.

    Someone who does not believe in something, through lack of knowledge of it (babies, remote hilltop tribes) is atheistic towards it.

    Someone who does not believe in something because they are not sure whether it exists or not, is atheistic towards it.

    Agnosticism in most cases is simply 'soft' atheism - I don't know whether or not this exists, therefore there is no reason to believe in it.

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    Also comparing God to a square circle shows a very poor conception of how most religions see God. The main monotheistic religions tend to believe that God can not be defined by any material qualities. Sure you can take religious texts literally but only poorly educated people of monotheistic religions or people who believe more in blind faith rather then in scholarly research and deeper philosophical debate on their own religions tend to do that.

    And the square circle argument applies to the fundamentalists who DO that. Who say that their book is absolutely literally true.

    And also to some extent to the fuzzy thinkers who claim that some parts of the book are true, but that not all of it is (despite claiming that it was inspired/ written by a perfect omniscient being)

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    Personally I feel very hurt when people make fun of my beliefs in God when they know nothing about me, and nothing about how I came to those beliefs and the very deep spiritual experiences I have had.

    Many of the people in insane asylums also feel that they had deep spiritual experiences with god (before he told them to kill their families) - ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD.
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    For example they do not know of my mother's many near death experiences, they do know of my own paranormal experiences, and they do not know of my own very very deep connection with animals and the natural world or my experiences with death or with deeply personal moments of incredible spirtual experiences that I will share with noone else as they are so sacred to me.

    NONE of which can be explained by the following :

    it is all in your head [/sarcasm]

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    However when some tells me I'm basically a backwards idiot for believing in such outdated notions as "God", then I feel very offended because they insult all that gives meaning to my life and they also sometimes lump me into the category of religious zealots.

    If the shoe fits....

    Regardless of how comforting and nice it might feel, that has no bearing on the validity or the truthfulness of your claims.

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    So despite Science's best efforts, science has not been able to refute the idea that there is a higher power that governs the universe we live in.

    In your own incredibly biased and blinkered opinion..... and not that it actually is the responsibilty of those who believe in the faeries to explain them, not those who do not

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    Any true religious scholar should always be questioning religious doctrine and should always be interested in the truth.

    Unfortunately as soon as it contradicts a certain level of things they feel comforted believing they ignore it and claim it isn't true, and isolate themselves from reality (re: you and your god belief)
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    That is why I believe it is a mistake for atheists to attack people with beliefs in god/s when instead they should be seeking to understand what drives these beliefs so as to share some common ground with these people because many of these religious beliefs are based on shared human experience regardless of whether you believe in God/s or not.

    I'm sure everyone in the loony bins have great shared experience with pixies, gnomes and other woodland creatures. Aye, right.

    BTW, agnosticism: The question of 'god' existing or not is said to be unanswerable in agnosticism. Which begs the question of how exactly you claim to be an agnostic yet believe in god.

    I think you are not an agnostic at all.

    *semi because they are more likely to occur in certain parts of the genome than others.

  19. Wrong. Stop asserting ridiculous fallacies.

    Being rational doesn't mean, at all, that you don't feel emotions, that you don't have compassion. And its pretty insulting to the billions of people worldwide who are rational that you think they are like insects.

  20. Its not BIS's fault if you aren't very good at games, or at figuring things out for yourself (

    Quote[/b] ]OK, that thing with respawn in the multiplayer-missions is a good training idea - but can I play botmatch in a multiplayer mission? Don't think so...


    Quote[/b] ]From which training missions are you talking of??? You don't want to describe the shooting range and this little missions before "After Montignac" as an adequate training for "After Montignac"

    EVERYONE else has managed fine. All it takes a little thinking instead of just charging in willy nilly; sometimes thinking of the best time to charge in is what is required :P
