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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. you are mixing up church and belief here. There are indeed certain aspects that cannot be proven nowadays.

    Why do humans have the sense of "me"?

    Why do humans have the feeling called "sympathy"

    How come humans have a sense of "justice"

    How come humans have a sense of creativity, of beauty?

    There are many facets about humans that science if far from being able to proof. And the big bang theory is logical indeed, but what was before the big bang? Where does the universe come from.

    Someone who is purely an atheist just because religion doesnt match science is heartless to me. And you will see one day that even genetics cant proof certain facts about us humanbeings, the more it advances the more it finds irregularities. Not that I want to say science is on the way to proof itself wrong. But there will always be the x factor that cannot be proven.

    ...because we evolved the capacity to understand our own situation, uniquely (probably) amongst all animals since we as a species had selective pressure to evolve larger brains.

    Please do some studying before asking questions such as these which can, actually, be proven.

    Regardless of what happened before the big bang, the FACT remains that a god had nothing to do with any of it.

  2. I cannot get the hellfires to target anything at all, either in direct or indirect fire mode.

    Anyone know what is wrong here? Have I missed something?

    EG in those missions posted earlier, the mission with the apache is almost impossible because you have to fight shilkas without missiles.

  3. Have to agree with Kuja here.

    Also, I'd like to point out that there is nothing special about religion that means it should be immune from criticism.

    We can criticise other political parties, socialists can criticise capitalists and vice versa, but religion is somehow 'special' and any disparagement of it is called 'bashing.' its a useful feature for religion, however there is no reason for it beyond protecting an idea that cannot stand up on its own. Its part of the religion 'meme' - censor any opposing viewpoints and claim special immunity.

  4. Good thing the numbers in this name aren't roman numerals then.

    On topic:

    Why do you insist ridiculous things exist when there is absolutely no reason to do so? Why? Because you're scared of reality. Because you want there to be something more. Face it, there is not.

    Your entire argument falls to pieces when looked at with rationality.

    'just because there is no evidence for something doesn't mean it doesn't exist' - well, it does if there would be evidence if it did exist. For example, if it worked, it could be used to influence people, elections,lotteries etc etc. It isn't. It doesn't exist. Get used to it.

  5. Well does it even work or is it always bullshit? rock.gif

    I mean why do people use it ? Plus why do spirits only respond to a stupid square board with alphabets and numbers on it? What is the reason given for this ?

    Can a keyboard work tounge_o.gif , its the same thing after all just electronic , maybe i could summon a e-ghost ghostface.gif

    No, it is always bullshit

    People use it because they are stupid, gullible and credulous (people in general)

  6. I am affraid that nice idea with grass that bends and leaves trails by broken bushes etc is now rather too hard even for nowadays hardware. Imagine mplayer game and then amount of info needed to be sent to every player on the map.

    No it is not. H&D2 does it.

    OFP already damages bushes etc when they are run over, its a small step, given well enough optimised models.

  7. ...or we could have crew served weapons that need a crew to use them... ever think of that?


    You seem to think that because in one case a RPG22 just managed to disable an M1A1 from the rear in a lucky shot, that means that all RPG22s are capable of disabling all kinds of armour? err... no.

  8. There is nothing more boring than someone nickpicking you on your knowledge of programming.

    No, theres nothing more annoying that someone speaking nonsense and claiming to know more than they do.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Actually I could argue that EA at last have their weapon specifications historically accurate.

    You *could*, but you'd be completely full of shite.

  9. Just tried it.

    Not impressed.

    Vehicle physics: terrible. Just... wrong. Far too simplified, far too basic, far too arcadey. Boats bounce off the beach from about 3 metres away instead of sliding up them. Jeeps bounce off trees.

    Weapons... ok. No sway, no aiming really required, just spray and pray. Hit reg seems dodgy (even on bots)

    Graphics: looks like someone spilled some cartoon colours over everything.

  10. OK, first post here

    Don't be mean smile_o.gif


    My base camp from when I was helping with an irrigation scheme in Malawi


    The truck that crashed with all us Mazungu (white people, slightly derogatory) in it - thats a very steep hill just through the grass leading to a river + cliff... if it had gone through the ditch there would have been trouble wow_o.gif

    - the gears and brakes failed going up a steep hill, and it rolled backwards down it


    Pretty pic in droidsville, back in Scotland


    Me in catalogue pose for a photography students pics a few years ago


    Drunk in the bar - pretty much what I was seeing


    Me and the S.O. at some scenery near my house. Nice warm scottish weather biggrin_o.gif


    I thought this was cool so I took a pic of it

  11. More and more people are losing sight of the rising gap between the poor, the middle class, and the rich. It's growing bigger and bigger very fast in the global economy in the "Developed" and "Advanced" nations, without much people recognizing it.

    Another myth. You think people are worse off than feudal serfs?

    Maybe the gap is getting bigger in the US but not in developed or advanced nations.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Trust me, when the economics and finance teachers have a little free time to talk about it in lecture at the university I'm at, they frequently stress about the illusion people are getting that the economic status of the majority of society is improving.

    Sorry, every time someone says 'trust me' like that, I think 'This person has no evidence so just wants me to believe whatever they say.'

    Again, maybe in the US. Not everywhere. Thats what happens.

  12. By the way - there is still no game where you cannot fight with long gun like m21 (or minigun in more hardcore games) in small rooms - I mean in every game the long barrel never hits the wall or pole or chair or even other soldier. It is funny standing with 1m long gun face to face with wall that is 20cm far.

    Trespasser, circa 6 years ago, does that biggrin_o.gif

    There is a mod for UT2K3 that also does it I think.

    Hitman and some other games kind of do it but not really.

  13. Everyone knows when it comes to recent technology, especially entertainment related, 96% of the time it is the kids doing to teaching and the parents doing the listening. (I know, sad but true.)

    If you want someone or something to blame, blame the notion of adults being forced to work 10 to 14 hours a day to make ends meet. (That doesn't include the vain morons trying to keep up with the Jones's.)

    Especially in the U.S., society is replacing the benifits of a longer, healthier life thru current technology by giving people exponential amounts of stress and work.

    Thus, we actually are no better off in our personal lives than the lives peasants lived in the Middle Ages. wow_o.gif

    It's true, we've accepted new age, speed, hype and immediate pleasure in turn for our sacrifice of our precious time.

    Popular myth but simply not true.

    We currently have more free time, more things to do in it, and more money proportionally (as in, food is cheaper based on how much you earn, etc) than at any point before.

    Work hours are longer? Nonsense. At the start of the industrial revolution people worked from first light to last light, EVERY day of the week. It was only once one company owner started being nice to his workers and allowing them a half day saturday the notion of 'time off' ever materialised.
