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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. I cannot get it to work satisfactorily. I don't want unlimited respawn, but I don't really want the players who are dead(out of respawns) to be stuck on some island. It was almost working then I found the AI were messing it up... I decided to give it up and just have no respawn and use kegetys spectator.

  2. Hi. I'm making a coop mission for WGL. I don't usually put respawn into my missions, but this one could be a bit too hard, so I've given the option of 0,1,2 or 3 respawns by teammates reviving others.

    I'm using doolittle's revive respawn script for this... but the thing is, once the respawn amount is reached, the player still respawns, they just don't get moved from the respawn marker to where they died. (revive script requires respawn set to marker)

    Apparently there is no way to 'stop' respawning once it's in the description.ext, although feel free to contradict me.

    The other idea I'm playing with is having the player go into Kegetys spectator script once they have used up their total amount of respawns... but I don't know how. Anyone know how to lock them into it without them actually being dead?

  3. To any of the WGL guys:

    I'm in the process of converting the 1985 CWC campaign to WGL, and I am running into problems (timing, placement, etc.) caused by the heli startup script. The tech manual doesn't mention a way to disable them, so does one exist?

    I'm not on the team so there may be a proper way to do this I don't know, but you could just start the choppers as flying.

    You could even start them as flying, setpos them to 0.2metres off the ground, remove the fuel, then add fuel 4 or 5 seconds later.

    Would look odd but it'd mean the ability for almost instant takeoff.

  4. Well you wouldn't necessarily have to be pro or anti either to appreciate that the gameplay is entirely different. As it happens (:) ) I'm very anti-MOHAA. Red Orchestra is produced to be realistic first. MOHAA is produced to be ....whatever the hell it is.

  5. Where can a description of the markers be found? It's not in the manual.

    Are you looking to have hidden markers that you change to visible WGL ones during the mission?

    If so, you can find the correct name for the marker you want by opening the mission.sqm and finding the name for it.

  6. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

    JIP is difficult to do; the FIRST time. If it's already done: which is is for OFP Xbox - it is not that hard to add at all - especially since an XBox is basically a standardised PC.

    In the interim between now and OFP2 releasing an upgrade to OFP - OFP 1.5 - with just the same upgrades as OFP Xbox would be a good money maker and would not, from a programming point of view, be very hard.

  7. I would pay for such an update for OFP1.

    MfG Lee

    Same here. In fact I am seriously considering buying VBS1 - only twice the cost of a conventional game.

    PS the sub title says 550$ - on the link it says 140$ for just the VBS minus addons

  8. I would pay for such an update for OFP1.

    MfG Lee

    Same here. In fact I am seriously considering buying VBS1 - only twice the cost of a conventional game.

    PS the sub title says 550$ - on the link it says 140$ for just the VBS minus addons

  9. I am not suggesting you would use the 3D functions of the controller to issue orders, and am not saying that soldiers are given 3D orders. However, although largely constrained to the surface of the earth, you move around in a 3D way, crouching, going prone, leaning, crawling. Also, would it not be fairly difficult if in a real battle situation you could only shoot in the direction you were moving?

    You can shoot in a different direction than you are moving in 99% of FPS games..... and we can already control the 3d movements quickly, accurately and intuituively without a 3d controller.

    Quote[/b] ]what I am arguing is that a 3D controller could allow more intuitive control of the 3D environment

    How, exactly?

  10. The upcoming game based on the Band of Brothers series/ book -Brothers in Arms- looks to have a very good command and control system (looks to - at the moment.)

    I really don't see how a 3d controller would change AI or controlling AI at all. Especially not in a infantry/ land warfare based game; *Maybe* it would help in games like homeworld. But when you are in a game like flashpoint 3d controllers seem useless.

    We don't use 3d controllers to give orders in the military: its either direct indication or using a map, both of which are essentially 2d orders in a 3d world.

  11. Why do I have to scroll through a bunch of actions to get to the eject action when I could just press one button on the board?

    Wrong. A specialised OFP board would not allow you to do actions without the menu in OFP1. If it was possible, you could do it on a standard keyboard. All those ones are doing is using binds and macros - something that is not really possible in OFP anyway, and certainly would not require a special keyboard in any case.
