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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Everything posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    ability to destroy firearms

    Great test. Try not using createvehicle and see if it lags then. Thats because YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND FUCK ALL ABOUT COLLISION DETECTION. GO AND LEARN. No. You're the one who knows nothing about it, YOU go learn.
  2. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    ability to destroy firearms

    Would you PLEASE go and find out how collision detection works? Create your 1000 soldiers THEN GET THEM ALL TO FIRE, and see what happens.
  3. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    International Politics Thread

    Let me guess... you read the sun. Do you know why it's illegal? Because tobacco and alcohol companies persuaded the government to make it illegal around the turn of the century. It was legal before that. Thats the worst excuse I've ever heard 'its already illegal.' That would work really well as a defence for slavery: its already legal, we don't need reasons to make it illegal.
  4. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Recommended Requirements

    DO NOT buy dell stuff unless you like getting ripped off and talked down to like youre some sort of moron. Dell - good for people buying their first PC. Bad for value for money. Bad for customer support with anything more advanced than 'check the monitor is plugged in.'
  5. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

    No, you said the Xbox version looks better. Which was, basically, talking out of your hoop. Some games work better on consoles. Games like capcom vs SNK, soulcalibur (II), streetfighter series etc all work perfectly well on console and wouldn't suit a PC conversion. FPS games, on the other hand, are just better on PC. And pointing that out to deluded console fanboys isn't 'getting upset' - its pointing out a basic fact.
  6. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    ability to destroy firearms

    I thought it was pretty simple. 1) the RPG would not blow up 2) IF it did, which it wouldn't, it still wouldn't kill 3 other guys in the squad. I didn't say it would 'lagg like hell' (sic) I said it was too much work for the engine. Then I suggested you learn a little about how collision detection works in games, which you obviously have not done. GO AND LEARN NOW, before you post more nonsense. Let me make this clear: It COULD be done. It WOULD put a lot more strain on the engine, having to do loads of extra collision detection, which is the MOST intensive thing in the engine in terms of CPU time. And I've yet to see a decent reason for wanting it in; something that will add much to the game. It would be nice.... but it's not needed, and it 'costs' too much.
  7. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    International Politics Thread

    So from what I understand of yours you don't think this is a good idea? Name a reason weed should be illegal. One that does not apply more so to alcohol or tobacco.
  8. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

    Sir, Are you blind? That might look better in braile but in everyone elses vision the XBox one does not look as good.
  9. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Have you tried ofp on tv?

    Played on a projection screen before - life sized soldiers
  10. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

    Consoles are never as good as PCs for FPS. The analog sticks on PS2, and equivalent on other consoles, are simply not as fast or accurate as a mouse. Fact.
  11. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    There was another first person game before either, but it wasn't a shooter, it was some sort of D&D game IIRC
  12. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Around the corner gun

    I think it's been shown a bit earlier than last years Eurosatory, on this forum at leats. Well, it's beem shown before, and it's almost completely useless. Thats the main thing.
  13. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The truth about Canadian peacekeepers.

    erm ... you want to pee after a while if you drink a certain quantity of it ? ok, ok, I get out Well, its very rare, but some people are actually allergic to water. There's also a condition where water can cause an allergic reaction to their own sweat. There was also an episode of Penn and Teller's Bullshit where they listed the 'adverse effects' of Dihydogen Monoxide (water) Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death: 1. cause excessive sweating and vomiting; 2. it is a major component in acid rain; 3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state; 4. accidental inhalation can kill you; 5. it contributes to erosion; 6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes; 7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients.
  14. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    ability to destroy firearms

    What calculations? Gun is hit, gun is broken, poor CPU! If you don't know how these things are calculated, don't jump in with a load of crap. Do you know how the engine determines if things are hit? Hit detection is one of the most engine intensive things in the game. Especially if the object is an irregular shape (like a weapon.) Go find out how its done, then come back and tell me if you still think its a great idea. In principle, yes, it'd be cool. In practice, its far too much work for the server/ PC. The rocket would NOT blow up. The rest of the squad would not be close enough to the RPG soldier to be killed by it, unless they were badly trained *cough* not mentioning any nationalities here *cough* 1) yes, they could 2) it'd be as if EVERY SOLDIER was the equivalent of 2 soldiers (or up to 4 if he also had a handgun and an RPG) Would be nice if we all drove around in gold plated rolls royces. Isn't going to happen though.
  15. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The Iraq thread 3

    They opposed the candidacy of Guy Verhofstadt, our prime minister, because "He is too anti Iraq". Well what the hell does the Iraq Issue have to do with the EU governement? Aha..haha... Delicious irony. Either he's a christian (what's he doing in the Iraq governement then? Interim, schminterim btw, even the interim governement should represent Iraq to a degree. ) or he said Allah, and it's been translated as God for some odd reason. (yeah, I acknowledge that I should know if this Allawi person is a n Iraqi or an American before blurting stuff like this out, but i couldn't resist. ) Allah means God. The word 'God' is not the sole preserve of christians. Any deluded people can use it. The worst thing about that statement is that it means he's religious in some way, which is bad for government.
  16. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The truth about Canadian peacekeepers.

    I took it when I went to Malawi for 5 weeks to help build an irrigation scheme, and to teach the locals to teach others how to do the same. The area we were going to was mainly the type of malaria (B?) that larium is most effective against, and we took it for a few weeks before we went to check for ill effects (and continued it for about a month after). AFAIR nobody had anything more than weird dreams out of a group of about 50. I'm sure there are side effects. I'm also sure that there are very very few substances on Earth that don't induce side effects in some people (Water, for example, clean pure unpolluted water causes 'side effects' in some people.) I'm also sure that in many cases grieving relatives confuse cause, incidental things, and effect. In the case of the guy who shot himself: I'm sure he's not the only person who ever commited suicide. It *may* just be incidental that he was taking Larium. It could be because he ate toast that morning contaminated with something else. It could have any number of causes and to automatically assume Larium caused him to commit suicide is foolish, IMO. Look at the rates of suicide and violent crime amongst those who aren't taking larium and who are. Are they higher, or is this just blown completely out of proportion?
  17. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    The point is, BF was ALREADY so simplified in all of its controls that simplifying it even more means its going to be like a train in the sky. PUSH UP BUTTON TO GO FORWARD. PRESS SPACE TO FIRE ALL GUNS. AUTOAIM ENABLED.
  18. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Ask a mod

    The problem is that a series of pictures meant to be viewed as a series becomes a slideshow of click, go back, click, go back, click, go back, and that people aren't making decent sized images because of this link thing, they'd rather have a picture viewable in the thread than a linked image. Some do have high res versions but not many.
  19. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Translation - we have dumbed down the game so much that any idiot can win fights by randomly mashing their keyboard. Sounds terrible.
  20. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The truth about Canadian peacekeepers.

  21. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, have you ever played the original Doom? Comparing the two in terms of gameplay is laughable. Original Doom - VERY fast paced, very hard, lots of weapons, HUGE amounts of enemies. Doom 3 - ITS DARK! And there MIGHT be two enemies on screen at one time!!!!!!!!!
  22. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

  23. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Part of the reason I'm not excited is that this is fuck all like doom. Its resident evil, not doom. Sneaking around in the shadows being all horror? Doom was about gibbing piles of imps and steam demons with the BFG, not this ... stuff. Wow. It looks pretty. Meh.
  24. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The truth about Canadian peacekeepers.

    Larium? Brutal psychizophrenic behaviour? Nobody mentioned that when I was taking it, and when 50 of my peers were taking it... worst thing that happened was some people had some weird dreams. (which I was looking forward to and didn't get )
  25. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX


    Settled: A rifle zeroed to one person is not zeroed to another, but will be fairly close given that they are doing all drills and skills properly; enough to hit the target, but probably not exactly where they are aiming. ok. *edit* and not hitting the bull doesn't mean someone is a bad shooter, neccesarily.. when we're picking potentials for the team its usually on how good their group is, not where it is.